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Hi all,

Recently myself and a friend have started a new podcast devoted to Warhammer 40k/Fantasy/Age of
Sigmar where the focus is news, lore, discussion topics and the latest miniature releases.

Our initial "episode 0" was purely us discussing our Warhammer background but it had some really great
feedback which we are grateful for smile.png

In this 1st main episode we discuss -

* Our latest hobby updates

* Adeptus Mechanicus video game

* Wrath & Glory

* The new Daughters of Khaine miniatures

* Malign Portents review

* Deathwatch - should/could they have Primaris marines?

We would love it if you give it a listen and any future topic ideas will always be welcome smile.png


CaptainMarsh, Ullanor Wolf, Brother Lunkhead and 2 others like this Like This

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#2 Realm & Ruin - a new Warhammer 40k Podcast: post #2 ShadowSwordmasterPosted 08 March 2018 -
10:17 PM



250 posts

Location:Boise, Idaho

Will do.

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Report is to research stuff! This is something that has been driving me up the wall lately with 40K /
Fantasy podcasts. One guy was trying to tell people about Man'O'War and claimed "bizarrely,
Bretonnians were more technologically advanced than Empire!" which was totally wrong, and another
was talking about BFG and saying "Armada added rules for alien races, although I don't understand how
Tau got to the Gothic sector..."

It really annoys me when people make podcasts and start spouting drivel without a cursory "I don't
actually know if this is right or not" prefix.
Felix Antipodes, Bishoujo, Hollenweger and 7 others like this Like This

"Taekar!" - Supernovan motto, battle cry, insult and general-purpose word.

gallery_48988_11572_4635.png gallery_77459_13226_2824.png

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#4 Realm & Ruin - a new Warhammer 40k Podcast: post #4 PanzerPosted 09 March 2018 - 08:51 AM



21,076 posts


Faction: Order of Baal, Dal'yth Sept

Wargamer, on 08 Mar 2018 - 10:37 PM, said:

General advice I'd give is to research stuff! This is something that has been driving me up the wall lately
with 40K / Fantasy podcasts. One guy was trying to tell people about Man'O'War and claimed "bizarrely,
Bretonnians were more technologically advanced than Empire!" which was totally wrong, and another
was talking about BFG and saying "Armada added rules for alien races, although I don't understand how
Tau got to the Gothic sector..."

It really annoys me when people make podcasts and start spouting drivel without a cursory "I don't
actually know if this is right or not" prefix.

One of the reasons why I stopped listening to podcasts lol

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#5 Realm & Ruin - a new Warhammer 40k Podcast: post #5 NinjaBadger7Posted 09 March 2018 - 12:34


95 posts

Wargamer, on 08 Mar 2018 - 10:37 PM, said:

General advice I'd give is to research stuff! This is something that has been driving me up the wall lately
with 40K / Fantasy podcasts. One guy was trying to tell people about Man'O'War and claimed "bizarrely,
Bretonnians were more technologically advanced than Empire!" which was totally wrong, and another
was talking about BFG and saying "Armada added rules for alien races, although I don't understand how
Tau got to the Gothic sector..."

It really annoys me when people make podcasts and start spouting drivel without a cursory "I don't
actually know if this is right or not" prefix.

Yeah that's a fair point. We are making sure that when we talk about any lore that we are confident of it
being correct by doing our research. If we aren't sure/or its our opinion, we will always try to make that
apparent biggrin.png

And if we notice anything wrong in a previous episode we will always try to correct it in the next one.

We want it to be a fun show ultimately where we talk about cool miniatures, fun ideas and have a good
time going through the lore biggrin.png

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#6 Realm & Ruin - a new Warhammer 40k Podcast: post #6 IshaguPosted 09 March 2018 - 01:54 PM



17,660 posts

Location:Britannia, Holy Terra

Faction: Ultramarine

Our latest episode is now out and thank you for the support we've received so far - we are so grateful :)

In this episode we discuss the latest Warhammer news and lore including the new Forgebane starter set
on the horizon.

Also on the show:-

* Hobby updates

* Warhammer 40k Kill Team, Necromunda Underhive Wars and other news

* Daughters of Khaine Battletome review & lore

* Discussion topic - Daughters of Khaine - Should they be part of the Order Grand Alliance?

If you have any ideas for future topics, feel free to let us know :)
Matt and Cameron

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#8 Realm & Ruin - a new Warhammer 40k Podcast: post #8 NinjaBadger7Posted 01 April 2018 - 06:59



95 posts

Hi everyone,

Our latest episode is now out and we had plenty to talk about! Thank you again for all your support, it's
been fantastic :)

In this episode we discuss the latest Warhammer news including Plastic Sisters of Battle and the
incoming Idoneth Deepkin!

Also on the show:-

* Hobby updates
* Imperial Knights Codex, AoS Champions, 40k Combat Roster, Warhammer Legends and other news

* Age of the Dark Imperium lore overview

* Discussion topic - Thousand Sons - Were they actually traitors?

If you have any ideas for future topics, we would love to hear them :)

Matt and Cameron

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Enjoying it so far :-)

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#3 Realm & Ruin - a new Warhammer 40k Podcast: post #3 WargamerPosted 08 March 2018 - 10:37 PM



1,155 posts

General advice I'd give is to research stuff! This

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