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MLA formatting: is not end all be all of formatting, but might be used most during college.

There are more than one way, be sure to realize there are other formats

Step 4 in quoting: Connect the quote to your papers project.

Know what your papers project IS

Next assignment: write your own prompts for your essay.

Places, trends, things, technology, people, controversies, history, jobs, habits, passions, personal
history, friends, family, and hobbies

Subject vs. Theme:

 Subject: Be specific
 Theme: Use archtypes

Personal history, habits, family:

 Born to drug addicted parents

 Premature, unhealthy
 Grew up around oxymoronic beliefs (get good grades, be smart/school is pointless; the
police help you/the police are your enemy; drugs are bad/”when you’re old enough we
can get high together”)
 Brother was born
 Taken away from parents 3 times, in foster homes and with great grandparents
 Brother turned all the frustration inwards towards violence
 Manifestations of my depression from as young of an age as I can remember
 Surrounded by physical violence from witnessing spousal abuse, altercations between
other adults, and abuse of myself and my brother.
 Hunger. Constant gnawing hunger with very few exceptions when I was living with my
 Moving constantly, having no real roots or ability to make lasting friendships
 I feel I was told too young of my intelligence, leading to a “I am too smart to have to
worry about this stuff” mentality. Intelligence does nothing without direction.
 Stunted knowledge of real relationships.
1. What questions might the course authors help to answer about this?
a. At this point, I am unsure, but the thought of Wallace’s insight on this intrigues me.
2. Is there something that I have always wanted to know about this?
a. What difference might a different childhood have made on my development
3. Why is this interesting to me?
a. It is about myself, my childhood
4. Is this relevant to me in any way? Why?
a. Deeply. It may help me understand myself better, help to get a handle on my own
mental issues.

1. How old were you when you can remember having a happy thought about your childhood?
2. What is your first memory?
3. What memories do you have of money issues affecting your life?
4. What did you witness that frightened you the most? Experienced?
5. What things can you remember not understanding at the time?
6. What were some differences about your childhood and what you thought others might have?
7. What things did you think were normal and were surprised to find out were not?
8. What was a good experience you had?
9. What was a terrible experience you had?
10. How do you think these things effected your emotional and mental growth?
11. If you could choose one thing to be different, what would it be?
12. What was something good about foster care?
13. What was something bad?
14. What was something good about living with your Great Grandparents?
15. What was something bad?
16. Why is this topic what is in my mind right now?
17. What do I think will change if I tackle the demons in my past?
 Connections?

Depression and choices:

1. What is depression like?

2. What does it do to those around you?
3. What does it do to you?
4. How do you handle depression?
5. What brings a depressive to suicide?
6. What has kept you from that same solution?
 Connections? Wallace (Mind as the terrible master), Dweck (?)

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