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9th A grade



Listen to the text and choose the correct variant:

1. According to Jonathan, an e-book is:
a) a storybook
b) a dictionary
c) a whole book reproduced on the Internet which you can download and read

2. Jonathan implies that e-book availability:

a) is limited compared to printed books
b) is determined by unknown factors
c) is too dependent on technology

3. In talking about how one chooses a printed book, Jonathan:

a) tries to show how uninteresting e-books are
b) assumes most people buy printed books
c) implies that we don’t know enough about e-books

4. Jonathan claims that doing away with publishers:

a) will never become possible on the Internet
b) will produce a lot of poor quality books
c) could lead to lower e-book prices

5. It is implied that children are likely to find e-books

a) strange
b) complicate
c) uninteresting

6. According to Jonathan, a good e –book is likely to be:

a) an art book
b) a dictionary
c) a schoolbook
d) a storybook

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