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What does ∆t=0 mean for a heat transfer between two closed systems? Steady state?

State of thermal
equilibrium? Isenthalpic equilibrium? Constant entropy? Thermodynamic equilibrium? What?
Let us imagine, two thermal reservoirs A and B are typical two closed systems connected by a path
which allows energy transfer but not the material transfer across the boundary of the system. Let us
examine, what does heat transfer mean for a closed system, when ∆t=0 between two reservoirs.

Two key definitions:

Closed system: In thermodynamics, a closed system can exchange energy (as heat or work) but not
matter, with its surroundings.
Temperature: Temperature is a physical property of matter that quantitatively expresses hot and cold. It
is a measure of the ability of a substance, or more generally of any physical system, to transfer heat
energy to another physical system. The temperature of a substance is closely related to the average
kinetic energy of its molecules.
Let us evaluate A and B
Given, A and B are two closed systems connected by path permeable to heat and energy but not material
transfer with ∆t=0
An important point to note is that when ∆t=0, while externally, there is no heat transfer between A and B
heat exchange does not stop internally, both A and B are in state of dynamic equilibrium. In A and B
molecules have variable kinetic energies, they are in motion with different kinetic energies, and pressure,
therefore, chances of a closed system internally being in a state of equilibrium is just impossible.
Are A and B in steady state ?
No. Steady state is a condition of system if the state variables which define the behaviour of the system or
the process do not change with time. In thermodynamics, a state variable is an independent variable of a
state function like internal energy, enthalpy, and entropy. Examples include temperature, pressure, and
A steady state wants three variables temperature [T], pressure [P] and volume [V] to remain unchanged
with time. Therefore, just ∆t=0 does not mean that A and B are in conditions of steady state.
Are A and B in thermal equilibrium?
Yes. Thermal equilibrium is a condition if there is no net flow of thermal energy between them when they
are connected by a path permeable to heat.
QA = Mass A x Specific heat A x Temperature A
QB = Mass B x Specific heat B x Temperature B
When ∆t = 0, Temperature A = Temperature B, it implies that [Mass A x Specific heat A <= > Mass B x
Specific heat B] are in dynamic equilibrium. Temperature is output of heat that takes into account
temperature rise per unit mass of fluid depending on the specific heat of the fluid. Therefore, when ∆t =
0, Q A < = > Q B, are in thermal equilibrium. Equal amount of heat exchange is still taking place
between A and B. Internally both A and B are in still in thermally dynamic state. Q is an energy in
transit. It does not belong to either A or B. It just moves from high to low temperature. It may however be
noted while product of mass and specific heat is identical in A and B, individually not necessarily they are
same. Therefore, when A and B have ∆t = 0 , though they are in thermal equilibrium, internally, their
molecules can have completely different kinetic energy and entropy and energy loses.
Are A and B in an isenthalpic state ?
No. Isenthalpic state is a process in which both systems have same energy, ∆H= 0. Every material has
enthalpy of formation, which is energy required to create that material when it was formed.
∆H = ∆U + P∆V [ H, U , P, and V are enthalpy, internal energy, pressure and volume respectively]. P∆V
signifies work energy. First point to be noted is enthalpy is sum of internal energy and work energy. A
closed system is permeable for work energy transfer in – out to surrounding. When the system loses
energy in the process of work energy exchange, it gets subtracted from its enthalpy, H When the system
gains energy in the process of work energy exchange, it gets added to its enthalpy, H. For a process to be
isenthalpic , the sum of [∆U + P∆V] needs to be zero. At ∆t=0 , only ∆Q is zero and not [∆U + P∆V] ∆Q is
just one part of energy, [∆U + P∆V] and not total energy. Therefore just, ∆t=0 does not make a closed
system isenthalpic.
Are A and B in a state of constant entropy?
No. In thermodynamics, an isentropic process is both adiabatic and reversible. It needs no transfer of heat
or matter which is possible only in isolated system. A closed system has limitation, it is permeable to heat
transfer. Therefore, A and B as closed systems can’t be in a state of isentropy, ∆S=0 [S is entropy] .
Are A and B In thermodynamic equilibrium?
No, a closed system is permeable to energy and therefore, closed system cannot produce a state of
thermodynamic equilibrium. For a thermodynamic equilibrium to establish you need an isolated system
which is impermeable to energy and material transfer.
What is thermodynamic equilibrium?
Thermodynamic equilibrium is a concept of thermodynamics which requires all state variables like
internal energy, enthalpy, entropy are internally and externally in equilibrium in an isolated system, In
other words, there is no driving force to make any macroscopic change in the system. In terms of Gibbs
free energy change, ∆G = ∆H -T∆S = 0, In other words, when Gibbs free energy change, ∆G internally in a
system is zero, it has no free energy to carryout any macroscopic change in the system.

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