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248 H. A. BETHE AND C. L.


m a t t e r is approximately the same as t h a t of the trons and photons) by the penetrating com-
showers observed a t sea level. T h e general ponent. I t also follows from these transition
features of this conclusion are in agreement with curves t h a t some of such secondary particles
the results of an earlier investigation 5 on shower must have considerable energy.
production under thick layers of various ma- We wish to t h a n k Mr. J. Q. Gilkey of Marion,
terials. W e observed transition effects which N o r t h Carolina for his kindness in making Lin-
indicated t h a t the showers were electronic in ville Caverns available for these measurements
character. W e suggested t h a t such showers might and to acknowledge the interest of Professor L.
have their origin in the generation of shower W. Nordheim and his helpful suggestions in
producing radiation (possibly secondary elec- our work.


The Formation of Deuterons by Proton Combination

H. A. BETHE, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.

C. L. CRITCHFIELD, George Washington University, Washington, D. C.

(Received June 23, 1938)

The probability of the astrophysically important reaction H + H = D + e+ is calculated. For

the probability of positron emission, Fermi's theory is used. The penetration of the protons
through their mutual potential barrier, and the transition probability to the deuteron state,
can be calculated exactly, using the known interaction between two protons. The energy
evolution due to the reaction is about 2 ergs per gram per second under the conditions prevailing
at the center of the sun (density 80, hydrogen content 35 percent by weight, temperature 2 • 107
degrees). This is almost but not quite sufficient to explain the observed average energy evolu-
tion of the sun (2 ergs/g sec.) because only a small part of the sun has high temperature and
density. The reaction rate depends on the temperature approximately as T3-5 for temperatures
around 2 • 107 degrees.

§1. INTRODUCTION Weizsacker. 1 However, there seems to be a

general belief t h a t reaction (1) is too rare to
I T seems now generally accepted t h a t the
energy production in most stars is due to
account for a n y appreciable fraction of the
energy production in stars and t h a t it can serve
nuclear reactions involving light elements. Of all
only to start the evolution of elements in a star
the elements, hydrogen is favored by its large
which will then be carried on by other, more
abundance, b y its large internal energy which
probable, processes. I t is the purpose of this
makes a considerable energy evolution possible,
paper to show t h a t this belief is unfounded b u t
and by its small charge and mass which enable it
t h a t reaction (1) gives an energy evolution of the
t o penetrate easily through nuclear potential
correct order of magnitude for the sun.
barriers. Again, of all reactions involving hydro-
On the other hand, we do not w a n t to imply
gen, the most primitive is the combination of two
t h a t reaction (1) is the only important source of
protons to form a deuteron, with positron
energy. An analysis of all possible nuclear
reactions with light elements 2 shows t h a t the
H + H = D + e+. (1)
capture of protons b y carbon a n d nitrogen will
In fact, this reaction m u s t stand in the beginning also play an i m p o r t a n t role. I t is more i m p o r t a n t
of a n y building u p of chemical elements; it has
*v. Weizsacker, Physik. Zeits. 38, 176 (1937).
already been discussed in this connection by v. 2
Bethe, to appear shortly in the Physical Review.

t h a n (1) for heavy stars, less i m p o r t a n t for light - 4 . 0 0 3 86 = 0.028 66 mass units, i.e.,
ones and a b o u t equally i m p o r t a n t for the sun. <2 = 4 . 3 - 1 0 - 5 e r g . (5)
In calculating the energy evolution from reac-
tion (1), it m u s t be considered t h a t (1) is followed While the energy evolution in (3) and (4) is
b y a n u m b e r of other reactions which are all exactly the same, the processes lead to t h e
" f a s t " in comparison with (1) because they formation of different intermediate products
involve the emission of radiation or of heavy which could be of influence on the building u p of
particles rather t h a n of /3-rays. 3 T h e deuterons heavier elements. However, it can be shown 2 t h a t
formed in reaction (1) will first capture another the building up of elements heavier t h a n He 4 is
proton, with 7-ray emission: negligible under a n y circumstances so t h a t the
question of stability of He 3 or H 3 is actually n o t
D + H = He3+7- (2) important.
T h e ratio of the rates of reactions (2) and (1) is In order to calculate the probability of the
a b o u t 10 18 which means t h a t , in equilibrium, proton combination, the following factors have to
there will be a b o u t one deuteron for 1018 protons. be considered:
This makes collisions between two deuterons (1) T h e probability of collision of two protons
very improbable and t h u s excludes a n y ap- which involves the penetrability of their m u t u a l
preciable production of neutrons b y such potential barrier. This can be calculated very
collisions. accurately since the force between two protons is
T h e fate of the He 3 formed in (2) depends to very well known from scattering experiments. 7
some extent on the question whether this nucleus (2) T h e probability of emission of a positron
or H 3 is more stable. T h e most recent determi- during the collision. This involves a theory of the
nation 4 of the energy evolution in the reaction 0-decay. All available experimental evidence
H 2 + H 2 = H e 3 + n 1 seems to show t h a t He 3 is more points to the conclusion t h a t the original Fermi
stable while older determinations 5 gave the theory gives good agreement with the experi-
opposite result. T h e processes which occur are : mental dependence of lifetime on energy.
If He 3 is more s t a b l e : (3) T h e energy distribution of the protons in
the star which is given b y the Boltzmann law.
He3+He4 = Be7+T,
Be 7 = L i 7 + e + , (3) §2. T H E P R O B A B I L I T Y O F P O S I T R O N E M I S S I O N
L i + H = 2He 4 .

According to Fermi's theory, the probability of

If H 3 is more s t a b l e : /3-emission (per second) is
H e 3 + € - = H3, P=gf(W)\G\\ (6)
H3+H = He 4 + 7 . W
Here G is the matrix element of the nuclear
T h e net effect is in both cases the same, viz. the transition,
combination of four protons a n d two electrons to G=f^fdrf (7)
form an ex-particle. (The emission of a positron is
\{/i and \pf the initial and final state of the
equivalent to the consumption of an electron
nucleus, except for the substitution of one
since the positron will ultimately annihilate an
neutron b y a proton. / is a function of the energy
electron.) One a-particle is formed for each
W of the emitted ^-particle,
process (1). T h e energy produced per process
(1) is therefore equal to the difference in weight /l • 3 2\
between four hydrogen a t o m s and one helium f(W) = (W2-1)*( —W* W2 I
a t o m , viz. (cf. reference 5, 6) (2 = 4-1.008 13 V30 20 15/
Cf. Bethe, Rev. Mod. Phys. 9, 188, § 76C (1937). +-w\og tw+(w2-iy^, (8)
Bonner, Phys. Rev. 53, 711 (1938). 4
See Livingston and Bethe, Rev. Mod. Phys. 9, 373
(1937). Tuve, Heydenburg and Hafstad, Phys. Rev. 50, 806
Bainbridge, Phys. Rev. 53, 922A (1938). (1936).

where W is expressed in units of mc2 and includes change of direction of the spin of the proton
the rest mass. A lower limit for the Fermi which transforms into a neutron, and therefore a
constant g can be deduced b y assuming t h a t G = 1 change of the total spin b y one unit. Strong
for transformations such a s N 13 —>C l3 +€ + . This evidence for this theory is found 10 in the short
reaction has a half-life of 11.0 minutes and an life of H e 6 ; the ^-transformation He6—>Li6 leads
upper limit of the ^-spectrum (observed) of a b o u t very probably from a lS t o a ZS state and is
1.25 Mev, therefore jS = log 2/660 = 1.05-10~ 3 closely analogous to our process 2H—>D. We shall
sec." 1 , W=3.5,f(W) = 11.86 a n d therefore accept the Gamow-Teller theory in this
paper. Moreover, we shall assume t h a t the matrix
g = 0.9-10- 4 sec." 1 . (9)
element G in (10) can be calculated simply b y
T h e (maximum) energy of the positron emitted integrating over the spatial coordinates of the
in the combination of two protons follows from two particles, i.e., t h a t the summation over spins
the very accurately known masses of proton and which is also implied in G gives unity. This
deuteron, 5 viz.: assumption does not seem serious in view of the
uncertainty in the numerical factor in (10).
T w o p r o t o n s = 2-(1.008 1 3 - 0 . 0 0 0 55) =2.015 16 If the original Fermi theory were taken instead
Deuteron = 2.014 7 3 - 0 . 0 0 0 55 = 2 . 0 1 4 18 of t h e Gamow-Teller theory, t h e transition
H + H = D + e + could occur only b y virtue of the
Positron energy, including mc2 0.000 98 "small" components of the Fermi interaction, viz.
(mass units), equivalent to 1830-0.000 98 mc2
^heavy particle'^electron-neutrino* oince t n e UiraC
= 1.80mc 2 . operator «heavy (velocity) is " o d d , " its application
For W= 1.8, we have/(TF) = 0.132 and therefore, on the ZS wave function of the deuteron ground
with (6) and (9), state will give a function of SP character. This can
combine with the ZP p a r t of the wave function of
i8=1.2-10- |G|2sec.-1. (10) the incident protons. Due to the smallness of the
A similar value is obtained b y extrapolating latter and of t h e a-operator itself, the transition
the empirical Sargent curves t o lower energy. probability will b e greatly reduced, viz., ap-
/3 would be larger, if the matrix element G for the proximately b y a factor
transformation N13—*C13 is less t h a n one. On t h e (W/I)2(E/Mc2) «10~ 5 ,
other hand, the Konopinski-Uhlenbeck theory
would give a b o u t 10 times less for the decay where W=1.S mc2 is the energy evolution in the
constant. However, t h a t theory seems to give too process, 7 = 4.4 mc2 the binding energy of the
strong a dependence of decay constant on ener*gy deuteron, £ ^ 5 0 kev the kinetic energy of the
throughout, and will therefore not be used. protons and Mc2 = 931 Mev. In this case, then,
In calculating the matrix element G for the the energy evolution in the sun due t o proton
proton combination (1), i t must be considered combination would be negligibly small.
t h a t the wave function of the deuteron is sym-
metric with respect to interchange of space and §3. T H E C O L L I S I O N C R O S S S E C T I O N
spin coordinates of proton and neutron while the
According to the general principles of q u a n t u m
wave function of two protons is antisymmetric. 8
theory, the cross section a for the combination of
In particular, when t h e two protons are in an 5
two protons of relative velocity v is given by (6),
state (which is most favorable for their coming
(7) if we insert for \f/i the wave function of two
close together), their spins will be antiparallel
protons normalized t o unit incident current.
(singlet) whereas the ground state of the deuteron
T h u s we have
is a triplet S state. T h e transition is therefore
allowed only if the Gamow-Teller form 9 of the *=gf(W)irl\SMdT\\ (11)
jS-theory is used. This formulation permits a
where ypa is the wave function of the ground state
We are indebted to Professor Oppenheimer for drawing of the deuteron and \//p is normalized per unit
our attention to this point.
9 10
Gamow and Teller, Phys. Rev. 49, 895 (1936). Goldhaber, Phys. Rev. (to be published).

density a t infinity. T h e integration goes over t h e of t h e Coulomb equation which behave a s y m p -

space of t h e relative coordinates of t h e two totically as sin (p — <p0) a n d cos (p — <p0), re-
protons (or proton and neutron, in the deuteron). spectively. As can be seen easily, (15) goes over
If we assume a square potential well of radius asymptotically into (13). K is the phase shift due
VQ and depth Vo, the normalized wave function of to t h e nuclear field, fixed b y t h e condition of
the deuteron is 11 continuity of (14), (15) a t r = r0; we have 1 2

= (J5/r) exp (-(x-xo)) for r>rQ ' . t3LnK = F25/[l-FG5'] (16)

(B/r) sin jux/sin juxo for K r 0
d log F d log w\
with t h e abbreviations ( ——
) .
dp J ro

x — r/b) xo = rQ/b> (12a)

For t h e small proton energies concerned, F(TQ)
& = #(il/e)-* = 4.37-10~ 1 3 cm, (12b) is very small (see below), both because of t h e
Coulomb barrier a n d t h e small value of k.
/*=(70-6/6)*f (12C)
Therefore K will be very small (i£ = 0.0017 for
B = (2ir&)-*(l + * o ) - * ( l + M - 2 ) - * . (12d) v = e2/h, i.e. for a relative kinetic energy of
12.5 kev which gives t h e largest contribution to
M is t h e proton mass, e the binding energy of the
the cross section a t a temperature of 5 • 10 7
deuteron, i.e., 2.17 Mev. D e p t h a n d width of t h e
degrees) a n d eiK cos K (cf. (15)) can be replaced
well are related b y t h e condition
by unity. Then t h e factor A in t h e internal
jn cot juxo= — 1. (12e) wave function (14) is
T h e wave function of two protons, normalized F{r,)+G{r,)tznK
ikz A=— . (17)
to unit density, h a s t h e form e a t large dis- k sin (MD)*r0/h
tances. (For considerations of symmetry, see §4.)
I t can be expanded in spherical harmonics and, According to Yost, Wheeler a n d Breit, 12 t h e
a t t h e small velocities prevailing in stars ( ^ 1 0 Coulomb wave functions m a y be written (for
orbital m o m e n t u m L = 0)
kilo volts), only t h e zero order t e r m will be
i m p o r t a n t . I t has, a t large distances, t h e form F=Cp$, G=C~X®, (18)
V^ = sin (p-<p)/p, (13) where
C={2TTri)h~^\ rj = e2/hv (19)
where P = kr, k = Mv/2h (13a)
contains t h e effect of t h e Coulomb barrier, a n d
and <p is a phase (depending logarithmically on $ a n d © are slowly varying functions of r which
p). A t small distances, i.e., inside t h e nuclear have the value 1 for r = 0. Inserting into (16), (15)
potential well, we have we get • •
w A (MD)* tani£=C 2 jb- 0 A, (20)
$p — — = — s i n r, (14) 2
r r h \ = $ f/(l-<j>@f), (20a)
d log F/w\
where D is t h e depth of t h e potential well
between t w o protons, assumed i"square" a n d of
( d log p A o
radius ro, A is a normalization factor. Outside of d log $ d log w\
the well, ypv is a solution of t h e Schroedinger
equation in t h e Coulomb field which m a y be
( l+r
r ) , (20b)
dr / ro
written 1 2 **=C[*(r)+X(r0/r)©(r)] (r>r0), (21)
&, = «** cos K(F+G t a n K)/kr. (15) To
Here F is the regular and G the irregular solution r
Bethe and Bacher, Rev. Mod. Phys. 8, 110 (1936). sin vr/b
Yost, Wheeler and Breit, Phys. Rev. 49, 174 (1936); X _ (r<ro). (22)
J, Terr. Mag. 40, 443 (1935). sin vro/b

In the last expression, we have introduced the A2=l+x0+(2b/a)(l+Xo+ixo2)

+±(2b/ay(l+x0+ixo2+W)+' '', (26b)
v=(MD)ih- b=(D/e)i, (22a)
A8 = Xxo{l + ( 2 6 / a ) C l o g ( 2 6 / a ) + 2 7 - l ] A 2
which will be useful for the integration. X repre- -l(2b/ayUl+xQ+ixo2)
sents the effect of the resonance due to the
nuclear potential well. +±(2b/ay(7/3)(l+Xo+W+W)
For slow protons, the wave functions a t small
r are almost independent of the proton energy + • •] + E(26/«)a/.(^o)/(j-l)! (26c)
and have the form 12
/ s ( # o ) = s ! _ 1 I exp (—(x—Xo))xs log xdx, (26d)
= 1 +1!2! (23)
2!3! 3!4! / i = l + ( l + x o ) l o g x 0 — £»•( —x 0 )exp(x 0 ), (26e)
0 ( y ) = -2y*Ki(2y*) = l+y(log y+ 2y-1)$ /2 = f + J x o + ( l + x 0 + i ^ o 2 ) log^o
u»+i • /l 1 —Ei(-xo) exp (# 0 ), (26f)
- Z - ; E ( - + ) (23a) 2
?+l!^iU /+! /3=(ll/6H(5/6)x0+i*o
with + ( l + x 0 + J x o 2 + i x 0 3 ) log^o
2 2
y = 2r/a, a = 2h /Me = 5.75-10~™ cm, (23b) — £<(—Xo) exp (x 0 ). (26g)
7 = 0.577- • • (Euler's c o n s t a n t ) .
Table I gives the numerical results for two
T h e deviations from (23), (23a) for rj = 1 are of
values of the radius r 0 of the potential well,
the order of a percent. viz. e2/mc2 and e2/2 mc2. T h e depth D of the
Collecting our formulae, we m a y now write for proton-proton well was taken from Breit, Condon
the cross section (11) and Present. 1 3 All other quantities were calcu-
gf(W) (4^)2 lated from the formulae in the text. I t is seen
<r = - C2 A2, (24) t h a t the contribution of the inside of the poten-
V 2irb tial well, Ai, is rather small even for the larger r0,
where which shows t h a t the result will not depend
sensitively on the shape of the potential well.
(l+x0)4(l+M-2)iA = A1+A2+A3, (25)
TABLE I. Numerical results for two values of the radius.
xoOW+xeo-o)] r*\ , _, //ip x
Ai = I sin jnic sin ^ m , (25a) ro=e2/mci ro=e*/2 mc2
sin JJLXO sin J>XO «^o
Xo 0.645 0.322
V0 (Mev) 20.9 66.5
A 2 = I xdx exp ( — (x — xo))$(2bx/a), (25b) D (Mev) 10.3 47.0
A* 2.94 5.45
V 2.18 4.65
(rd log w/dr) 0.236 0.110
A3 = Xx0 I d# exp ( — (x — xo))®(2bx/a). (25c) *(n>) 1.050 1.025
O(ro) 0.769 0.854
(rd log &/dr) 0.050 0.025
f 0.814 0.915
T h e integrations are elementary and give X 2.63 4.80
A! 0.689 0.277
i*o2l>(ro)+X0(ro)] A2 1.949 1.547
Ai = A3 1.205 1.030
(l+Xo)(l+M- 2 ) 1.835 1.367
sin /ZJCO sin VXQ A2 2.84 2.44
A 8.08 5.93
sin (^ — V)XQ sin (/X+J0#O"1
X (26a)
(/i — *>)x0 -V)XQ
(V-\-V)XQ J Breit, Condon and Present, Phys. Rev. 50, 825 (1936).

Furthermore, the contribution A3 which is due to TABLE II. Energy evolution

due to zproton combination, for
pCH =10 gjcm ,
resonance is smaller t h a n A2 which would be
present even if there were only the Coulomb t(million degrees) 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 100
field between the two protons. T h e final result T 19.8 15.70 13.72 12.56 10.89 9.90 9.18 7.28
e(ergs/g sec.) 0.0040 0.15 0.76 2.2 9.1 20 36 150
for A2 increases somewhat with increasing radius
of the well. For rj = l, a numerical calculation
gave A2 = 8.8 instead of 8.1. factor j for the a priori probability of opposite
spin, there remains a factor J.
§4. SYMMETRY, S T A T I S T I C S , E T C . T h e total number of processes per cm 3 per sec.
becomes thus
If N is the n u m b e r of protons per cm 3 , the
probability of finding one proton with velocity pf=,lN2f<p{v)dvv(T. (30)
Vi and one with V2, is
By the insertion of (24), (28), (19), this becomes
iVV(viMv 2 )dvidv 2 , (27)

where <p is the Boltzmann distribution function. — \ I v2dv

In calculating the total probability of our
process, we must integrate over each pair of lire2 / 27re2 Mv2\
volume elements dvidv^ only once; if we w a n t to
integrate over v x and v 2 independently, (27)
m u s t be divided b y 2 (this corresponds to the T h e integrand has a strong maximum very
fact t h a t the total number of proton pairs is |iV 2 ). close to
• W e can transform to relative velocity v = Vi—v2 v=(±Tre2kT/hM)K (31a)
and center-of-gravity velocity V = | ( v i + v 2 ) and
integrate over the latter, then we obtain (in- Approximating it, in the usual way, by a
cluding the factor \ mentioned) Gaussian around the maximum, we find

±N2cp(v)dv (27a) p' = 16TT • 3- 5 ' 2 • gf(W)N2¥A2T2e-r (32)

^(v)dv=(M/47r&r)* r = 3(>ir2Me*/4h2kT)K (33)
X e x p (-Mv2/4:kT)4:irv2dv. (28)
If / is the temperature in millions of degrees,
Of the proton pairs with given velocities ViV2, we have
one in four will have opposite spins, three in
r = 33.8rV (33a)
four parallel spins. T h e latter have an anti-
symmetrical spatial wave function and therefore
do not contribute to the cross section of our
nuclear process. T h e former have a symmetrical W e insert into (32) the values of the constants
wave function which is, normalized to unit b (cf. (12b)), gf(W) from (10), A2 from Table I
density: (for ro = e2/tnc2), and assume t h a t the concentra-
tion of hydrogen (by weight) is CH and the
[(exp ( i k r r i + ^ k 2 - r 2 ) )
density (in g/cm 3 ) is p. T h e n the number of
+ (exp ( & 2 - r i + i k i . r 2 ) ) ] / v 2 . (29)
processes per gram per second is
Separating off the motion of the center of
^ = ^ / p = 167r-3- 5 / 2 -1.2-10- 5 -(6.02-10 2 3 ) 2
gravity and expanding into spherical harmonics,
• (4.37 • 10- 13 ) 3 • 8.10 -pCK2T2e-T (34)
we obtain
= 0.95-107PCH2TV-.
(exp (ikz)+exp (—ikz))/\/2
Each combination of two protons leads (§1)
= y/2sinkr/kr+>--, (29a)
ultimately to the formation of an a-particle out
which differs from (13) b y a factor of v2. This of four protons a n d two electrons, with an
gives a factor 2 in the cross section and, with the energy liberation of 4.3 - 1 0 - 5 erg. Therefore the

energy production is thus be considerably smaller than that at the

2 T center, perhaps by a factor of 10. Since our
e = 410p£ri rV~ ergs/gram sec. (35)
calculations are rather accurate, it seems that
The density at the center of the sun is about there must be another process contributing some-
80, the hydrogen content £ H ^ 0 . 3 5 , therefore what more to the energy evolution in the sun.
PCH 2 / ^10. Table II gives the energy evolution This is probably the capture of protons by
due to the proton-proton reaction at various carbon (reference 2).
temperatures. With a hydrogen content of 35 For many problems, it is necessary to know the
percent, the central temperature of the sun is temperature dependence of the energy produc-
about 20-10 6 degrees. At this temperature, the tion e. It is convenient to express this dependence
energy production is about 2.2 ergs/g sec. This is as a power law, e^Tn. Then (cf. (35))
of the same order as the observed average
n = d log e/d log r = i 0 - - 2 ) . (36)
energy production of the sun (2.0 ergs/g sec).
Thus we come to the conclusion that the proton- At 20 million degrees, this gives in our case
proton combination gives an energy evolution of the 7^ = 3.5. This is large enough to make the point
right order of magnitude for the sun. source model of stars a rather good approxima-
For a quantitative comparison, it must be tion. On the other hand, it is too slow a de-
remembered that both the temperature and the pendence on temperature to explain, with tem-
density of the sun decrease fairly rapidly from peratures of the order 2-4-10 7 degrees, the very
the center outwards, and that the rate of re- high rates of energy production found in very
action decreases with both of these quantities. heavy stars. However, we believe that our
The average energy production per gram will process is the principal source of energy in stars
Stromgren, Ergebn. d. exakt. Naturwiss. 16, (1937). lighter than the sun.


On the Production of Heavy Electrons*

Duke University y Durham, North Carolina
(Received June 3, 1938)

The barytron theory of nuclear forces shows a close correspondence to the theory of the
electromagnetic field. Estimates based on this analogy are given for the probabilities of the
processes leading to actual production of barytrons. A comparison with the experimental
evidence regarding the occurrence of barytrons in the cosmic radiation shows that the theo-
retical cross sections are too small to explain the properties of the hard component. The diffi-
culty is increased by the short lifetime of the barytrons which is estimated to be of the order
^ 1 0 ~ 8 sec. from radiative /3-decay. Therefore no simple picture of barytron production in terms
similar to radiation theory can be given. This failure, however, indicates only the inapplicability
of perturbation calculations, but does not constitute an actual disproof of the link between
nuclear forces and cosmic radiation.

INTRODUCTION and negative) and of a mass fx about 200 times

the electronic mass m.
A Tevidence
present there are two different lines of
for the existence of a new par-
From cosmic-ray investigations there can be
little doubt that a large percentage of the hard
ticle, the barytron, 1 of electronic charge (positive
component, which itself constitutes the greater
* A preliminary report on this paper has been given by part of all radiation from sea level downwards,
L. W. Nordheim and E. Teller at the Washington Meeting
of the American Physical Society, April 1938.
can be neither electrons nor protons2 but must
1 2
This name was proposed at the Washington Meeting of Anderson and Neddermeyer, Phys. Rev. 51, 884 (1937);
the American Physical Society, April 1938. Street and Stevenson, Phys. Rev. 51, 1005 (1937).

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