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Detailed Explanation

• Vegetarianism
• Abstaining from intoxication
• No Stealing
• Abstaining from Adultery
• No proselytization

This is the book that we all need to read. The new
generation has many questions regarding the practices
and philosophies behind our vedic injunctions and

This books answers them all and inspires one to follow

those disciplines with a rock solid understanding. It also
addresses that the cause almost all the bad elements of
the society are due to transgressions of these inhibitions.

Lord Swaminarayan has established these five

fundamental vows for all the people of his fellowship to
follow. But in actuality, there for everyone to follow.

This translation isn’t done by me completely. I have just

gone through it and done some editing. I may have
added a little pertaining to recent times.

I’d like to thank Nitesh Srivastav for completely

translating these lectures for me. This is his book, and
may God bless him.

This dedicated to all those readers and minds filled with

curiousity about the fundamental vows of Lord

I hope this book inspires one to follow the vows easily

and with a great conviction.



Vartaman 1 – Abstaining from alcohol and intoxication

Vartaman 2 – Abstaining from Non-vegetarian


Vartaman 3 – Abstaining from Theft

Vartaman 4 – Abstaining from Adultery

Vartaman 5 – Aahar Shuddhi

Varni vesh ramaniy darshanam,

manda haas ruchiraa nanaam bujam

Pujitam sur naro tamair muda,

dharma nandana maham vichintaye

yam brahma varunendra-rudra-marutah

stunvanti divyaih stavair

vedaih sanga-pada-kramopanishadair

gayanti yam sama-gah

dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pashyanti yam yogino

yasyantam na viduh surasura-gana devaya tasmai namah

Ohm Shri Swaminayanaya namo namaha

Shri hari krishnaya Namo namaha

Shri purn purushottamaya namo namaha

Sahajanand Swami maharaj

Pujya Madhavpriya Swami and sarva Vandaniya santon
and all the satrarthi bhai


In the Knowledge sessions, we are beginning the

discussion on Panch Vartaman gyaan mala, which stand
for the five fundamental principles objected by
Swaminaryan Bhagwan for the society to abide with
them and follow them.

We all know this, as this is referred to us all the time. In

the entire discussion about the panch vartamaan we
would be discussing about each Vartaman/ Principle in
detail, Alcohol to begin with. For a long stint of one and
half hour the times we mention about alcohol, alcohol
and alcohol in each sentence all of you might be
thinking that we anyway don’t consume it, maybe if we
would have a discussion on Maharaj’s leela charitra it
would probably be more enticing for us to sit in the
sabha and listen to the pravachan.

Any discussion on charitra is empty without knowing

the aachar (character, Manners and way of life)

This is a fact that without Purifying one’s conduct

(aachar shuddhi) Purifying life (Jiwan shuddhi) is not
Aacharao prathamo dharma – this is one of a very close
sutra of Shriji Maharaj

First dharm is aachar or one’s conduct

Dharmenahina pashubhi samana

Even if we are human but if we do not have a character,

we are close to being animals.

In earlier times Animals used to stay in forests, and

humans stayed in small kasba just on the outskirts of the
forests. Humans who are always clever, thought that we
have make use of the animals just straying around
uselessly. Hence to make use of them they were made a
part of the society and they were domesticated for this

The animals also had a change in nature compared to

the wild cows and buffaloes the domesticated ones are
Friendly, cheerful, full of love, soft in nature and
friendly. This is very careful thought the animals got
good virtues from humans, but in the wild animals esp.
the ones we see in the zoo or the wild life sanctuaries.
Sometimes they are even more friendly compared to the
humans it’s a result of togetherness with humans.

Horses have become so dear to their masters, dogs who

are by nature wild are referred to as stringent security
guards for their cared ones and intelligent and loyal,
which is a human Virtue, we cannot catch a thief they
can. Imagine the evolution. So, they got good gun from
humans. But inferring to evolution of coming animals
getting virtues, Humans got some ill virtues from them.
So, the animals became good natured even an ignorant
animal like a donkey is very loyal over the time. They
have become stricter, maybe they even follow traffic
rules at times, which we don’t.

So, they humans succumbed to their ill virtues. We are

humans but the humanity over the time went absent.
Humanity is expensive. A human is not, but this is
expensive. Wherever you go and see you would not find
they -ITY aspect of humans.

The brother doesn’t have brotherly love.The friend

doesn’t have friendship

Father without fatherly love Pitrutva and mom without


Husband and wife without patitva and patnitva.

The verb in the form of its relationship from the relation

is missing, making human without human-ITY.

To fill up this verb in the noun of relationships has been

carried out by dharm of sadhus and mahapurushs from

You might wonder what is this humanity filled human?

Well humanity certainly means a human without lust,
anger, greed, mine and yours gun. But this is wrong.
But what we have inferred in today’s time is that
humanity totally refers to person who has lust, anger
and greed in order to succeed in life.

But he has these virtues but in limits (maryada). He has

intelligence in wisdom (Vivek) to use them. This Vivek
sheel or intelligent use of these virtue is a humanity of
human in today.

Well these virtues are for saints not for us humans, the
panch vartaman should be followed by saints
specifically not us. In present day. Nishkaam, nirlobh,
niswad, nisneh and are for saints

For humans it’s just simple five vartaman. For gristha its
just to say not for us.

It’s in every page in shikshapatri Shriji maharj has

mentioned my disciple should follow the five
fundamental principles I have given. In order to be able
to complete his pursharths in this life and attain moksh
in the next life.

Everyone has a new Principle (vidhan) every time and

everyone have their own conclusion.

Each one who came to Shriji maharaj, Shriji maharaj

Gave them Jal and said to abide by these giving them
tulsi mala.

The ones that the humans had to follow is not been

followed and therefore he is just falling apart in today’s
Did Shriji Maharaj start this, let’s just look into the
history. Bhagwan Budh, had introduced panch Sheel

1. Pranati pat: Non-Violence

2. Adattadan: no Theft

3. Mrusha wad: no lying

4. Mdhyamans Nished: no to alcohol and non-

vegetarian food consumption

5. Bramhacharya: to be celibate

In Islam.

1. Abstaining from alcohol

2. Abstaining from any kind of adultery

3. Taking no interest on loans

4. Giving alms

5. Praying five times.

In Christianity

1. No killing

2. No adultery

3. No theft, no taking wrong promises

4. Every weekend or Sundays get together for

In Jainism Mahavir swami has given 5 principles for

sadhus/Monks and five anuvrat for grihasts/

Satya, Ahinsa, Bramhacharya, aste na aparigragha.

According to Hinduism five yog principles.

Following these thoroughly by sadhus and following it

as per deshkaal for grihast is anuvrat.

One can notice the similarity of the concept of the

number five and therefore pach vartaman across many

1. What is Vartaman exactly?

Vart as in Vartau to do or act in a certain prescribed

way. And Man is giving respect to it. To do it in a
prescribed way is Vartaman.

There are three kaal: bhut, bhavishya, vartaman kaal. In

another analogy the promise taken shouldn’t be in past
and shouldn’t be kept for the future to abide by. It’s for
Vartaman 1

Abstaining from alcohol and intoxication

The first Vartaman projected by Shriji Maharaj is

abstaining from alcohol and any kind of Intoxication.

Anyway we don’t drink being a satsangi, which is great,

we should keep it in notice.

Drinking alcohol and addiction is very similar.

The oldest intoxication is of Alcohol, after which comes

ganja, Afeem, after which tobacco came in the picture,
after which comes the coccain, brown sugar and modern
day chemical drugs. The oldest one though is alcohol.

You all must already have known the Samudra manthan

right. What came from it was Amrut as well as madira.
Devtas had drank the amrut and asurs drank the
madira, its therefore one of the oldest intoxications.
What we understand from this is that, madira or alcohol
is drunk by people with asuri vritti (Devilish nature) or
ill tendencies.

You can observe, just put a can of alcohol in front of a

donkey, monkey or a cow, they would smell it and run
away. You give it to man, and he doesn’t seem to leave
it, we have to teach a human to stay out of it. He doesn’t
know it’s not to be consumed. If you observe every
person follows their religion, they still don’t stop
consuming it.

Just for a refence observed in Quran, it’s a fundamental

principle written in it. “hey followers, please do not
consume alcohol, it’s a work of the ghost. Out of alcohol
the ill works within you creating ill habits therefore
alcohol and gambling is unholy. If in case you consume,
the ghost would certainly keep you away from good
deeds” Quran Aayat 9

In bible, Jesus justifies the one who drinks alcohol

drinks my blood. If you stay away from intoxication, I
would help to give you noble thoughts within you.

In Guru Granth Saheb it is mentioned

Bhang machli surah pan, jo prani khaihi

Seerat brat tabe kiye teer rasatal jahi

Madhya taj deejiye yehi sadguru aan hai

Budh says,

You save someone from a lion or big swords is your

bravery but be afraid of alcohol. It will take you to hell
and leave all your proud bravery and goodness

We hereby see all medical sciences, Ayurveda, books

eminent learned people advise us against alcohol.

In Ayurveda its written.

Madhyasya vish sadhrishtita

Alcohol is close to poison.

Melbourne university has published

National Institute of France has reported 70,000 people

being killed in France by alcoholic intoxication, the
figures have only been rising since then. And has issued
a national safety addressing not to consume alcohol.

In the book practice of medicine doctor Lewis writes.

“ Alcohol cigarettes and tobacco led products is such a

poison that people can hardly understand it easily, the
moment they even begin to understand it, there’s hardly
anything left to be saved from them. Nothing is left to
save from him.
Not just religion but the medical sciences has prescribed
various researches against it.

In New York a conference was held, to understand the

fact that being such a dangerous intoxicant why do
people continue consuming it?

Its 8 reasons that make people consume them.

1. To forget worries

2. Without reason without work

3. Work or office tends them to drink

4. As medicine

5. Sobat ne lidhe/ to being in company

6. Family reasons

7. For entertainment

8. Just for Jigyasa/ to get a feel and understand it.

These let people get into the addiction of alcohol.

1. To forget pains and worries.

There are two kinds of worries one physical one mental

1. Physical worries

The hard working and dedicated people after they get

tired from work to get themselves out of pressure take
the help of the bottle. There’s reason, it gives a kick a
presence of lightness as if they cannot feel the tiredness
and feel like they are flying as they get wings.

On a lighter note: A drunk man in very early in the

morning sitting beside a road finds a municipality
worker opening huge levers for water to be drawn and
then says to him now I know who strs Ahmedabad its
you the guy does it says the drunk man. The drunk man
feels the whole world around him is filled in mischief
apart from him.

Late in the night a drunk man was trying to open his

house with the keys, he couldn’t place the keys properly
in the key hole. A policeman saw him and told him let
me help. The drunk man denied two times on the
policeman’s request he said okay I will open it kindly
please hold the house it’s just shaking too much.

A Fallen person from tree tells other friends I am not

ripe enjoying

But friends as soon as the alcohol recedes the body feels

extreme tiredness and breaks apart as if a person
suffering from malaria finds himself hurt. Did the pain
get relieved or did it just increase the fool would never

b. Mental worries

Loneliness, restlessness, bored, Love, losses and sorrows

to forget the worries they take up to alcohol, but really
does anything happen does it really help to get over
these situations. Not just that it drives these situations to
an even deeper depths increasing the worries
exponentially. The worries only increase.

Consuming alcohol is something that spreads very fast,

not just your own nature begins to change nature of the
people around you and their behavior towards you also
change with time.

The worries and pains are not relived, they only get
away by samjan ie. knowledge of the pain. Pain and
sorrows are to come anyway, its life it anyway has to
come. Avtars have come on earth to relieve people from
distress. The sorrow is nature of time and no one can
escape it.

There’s someone who has written

Ki jo khuda ki leela nahi jante, woh hi nashi mein

jeete hain,

Jo gum peen Anahi jaante wahi sharab peetein hain.

Did Narsi Mehta and Tukaram have less sorrows and

pains. They had a different type of remedy to it.

Gaanja bhang afeem nasha sham khaye sube utar jaae

Naanak nasha naam ka Rahe aatho jam.

Parvat bhai and gowardhan bhai’s nasha would never

go away they have drunk it all down to their hearts.
Nasha to mujhme hai sharab mein nahi

Yadi sharab mein hota to botelein kyun na uchaltin.

What we have to do is to find a way to get out of the

pains and sorrows. Pain is always in contemplating on
it. Vichar/ thinking over it. Distress of it. In love. Only
two kinds of people can get away from these one is a
gyani/ leaned person. As only the learned person can
transcend the pain.

The other path is that of a fool, they only worry about

their food and drink and would sleep away the sorrow.
The world oh it hardly matters to me. The kind of
feeling a fool would stay in cannot be experienced by a
normal person.

A mad person comes up one day and dances out and

entertained himself he would hardly care of what he is
wearing the other kind of ecstasy is of the learned, a few
thief’s rob away Sant Dasji’s clothes, he hardly cared
about it and was still happy. His masti/ Joy is different.

The level of being a learned person to forget the sorrows

is very difficult, the next easiest way is alcohol which
drops oneself into a world of ecstasy almost
immediately. But this not the way to conquer it, it is just
about procrastinating away the pain. Only parmatma’s/
god’s bhaktis can lead oneself away from it.
2. In Bekari, or without work, without any reason.

There are there kinds of wastefulness

1. Uneducated people can’t read understand much

many times you try they cannot read the govt
adds on it. How can they ever know what are the
bad results of intoxication? Neither can he read
magazines nor newspapers how can he
understand any of it. Therefore, these kind of
people keep continuing their intoxications.

2. The second kind is the one who get tired of being

alone or bored

3. The their one is the one who do not have any

work or sanskaar/ values, nor do they have any
reason to entertain themselves. The cheapest and
the easiest way is alcohol for them.

Sardar Vallabhai Patel has said alcohol is the pakhand/

hypocrisy of the rich majboori/ compulsion of the poor

The person who is the middle man gets involved in this

intoxication, therefore the poor people get into this

On a lighter note: A man came into a village to teach

people about the bad effects of drinking alcohol. He
asked the poor people who is the richest person here.
The person who does the business of alcohol. You all
work so hard and he takes away all the money and
builds a huge villa, shouldn’t you stop consuming it
then. A husband wife came to touch his feet and
thanked him to open their eyes. He said great that you
understood its bad and you shouldn’t consume it. They
said that’s okay, but we got a great business Idea
because of this.

A professor came with an experiment in the class and

put two small beakers one both with small organisms
one he put little water in side and the other one some
alcohol, the organisms inside the beaker with alcohol
did not survive the professor told children, do you all
infer that alcohol shouldn’t be consumed. But one
student told isn’t it helpful the organisms in the smooch
would be cleaned then.

4. Wyavasai nimmite. For work.

Like the driver who drives all through the night he

drinks. The people with night duty ones, people who
entertain at nights working in clubs, the performers
actors, musicians. Just to dispose off the natural sleep
timings there’s some intoxication that people take up to
keep themselves awake in their work, it may be as small
as drinking litres of tea in a day.

5. As a medicine.

In cold countries, to ward off cold people take up

drinking alcohol to keep themselves warm. But it’s just a
myth. But if we observe the mechanical aspect of it.
Right when alcohol merges with the blood stream the
veins below the skin open largely and the blood
circulation gets faster with the heart pumping at greater
speeds. The fast motion of blood below the skin layer
makes it feel warm to the skin and therefore people
think they are feeling warm which is just a myth of skin
and nothing more than that in fact it damages the
system. And after a while the body becomes even colder
than before.

Another aspect people say is when you drink and sleep

you have plump red face in the morning which
increases the blood circulation, which is also a myth all
the blood vessels had opened up greatly and have
created a havoc on the underside of the skin layer that
breaks apart the natural circulatory system.

6. Sobat ne lidhi, Drinking along with company.

The friends that one has today play an active role in the
first induction of a child to alcohol as he grows up. In
the hostels, colleges. This is where the children passed
out from Swaminarayan gurukul have their conscious
strong and would not get into such a company.

Not just the association in colleges, but there are other

factors which affect us too. There is association with the
medium of tv and movies too. There are so many
youngsters who indulging in alcohol by watching and
learning from tv and movies. They think it’s cool to
drink alcohol. They promote it subtly by portraying it in
movies. And the teenagers then indulge into parties and
drinking and so on.
Often one would observe the people who propose to
drink are very kind and compassionate, they would
never drink alone. They would themselves pay for

Even if you ask someone for a simple Shikshapatri

which costs Rs. 3 they would probably not have and
would suggest going your own from the store.

But an alcoholic person is one of the kindest and would

give and try sharing if he finds a company to drink

Then for social reasons in a corporate environment

people begin to take on to it due to peer pressure.

7. Kautumbik sanskaar ne lidhe. For family


In many houses and big families people drink out of

traditional reasons, wherein the kinds as they grow up
are drawn into it. (Vansh parampara) patriarchal
traditions. They end up drinking.

A person asked another why don’t you drink he said as

my father was alcoholic and made a mess of the house
after he drank. Therefore I had promised I wouldn’t
drink. But he said he did drink as it was traditional to
do so in his family.

The world today is changing at such a pace that alcohol

is taking up the place of tea and coffee.
Sometimes, when a girl is married to a family where
they partake alcohol, that poor girl is forced to consume
it too. A thought comes, why would a girl marry such a
guy who is an alcoholic, maybe because she likes it too.

The family itself makes it a legitimate for children to

take it up.

8. For entertainment

For long weekends, long drives, get togethers and to

enjoy the young generation ends up drinking for
entertainment. The people who travel to destinations,
birthday parties and more.

9. For Jignasa/ to get a feel of it and understand it.

Just to get a feel and to listen from everyone people end

up trying it up. And they are not able to stop then.

10. The bad effects of consumption alcohol.

1. Side effects on physical body (sharirik nuksaan).

It’s usually warm. And heats up the stomach.
Creating acidity and ulcers in the stomach.

2. High blood pressure creates high pressure of

blood flow. There was a singer named hemu
gadhvai, who had a habit of drinking a peg
before performance. As a result of this, during
his one performance, the vessels in his brain
ruptured and he died on the spot she to

3. Fatty liver: it creates disturbances in its

functions. And the metabolism and creates a
bloating of liver.

Alcohol is a foreign element for the body. It opposes the

alcohol, and tries to remove it as soon as it can via urine
or sweat. But only 5% is removed in this manner.. Rest
remains in the body. Which effects the digestion and
then blood pressure and therefore the heart. All the
unwanted elements of alcohol are then to be removed
by the liver, which is too exhausting for the liver and it
causes fatty liver.

We all know Amitabh Bhachan, when he was injured

during a shooting and was admitted in breachcandy
hospital, his whole body had become septic. The doctors
said that his blood isn’t clotting and he had damaged his
liver to such an extent due to over consumption of
alcohol, that our medicines aren’t working.

On April 29,1986 he declared in a press conference that

he has forever given up alcohol.

4. Side effects on mental body: as some people

need some alcoholic kick to begin.

The person works only when he is given alcohol. And

with time, the demand also increases. It reduces. The
working capacity of the person.
Bhotto, the president of Pakistan, blurred out his secret
plan to bring down the army general jhiyah, and as a
result, Pakistan came under army rule.

Alexander has also ordered to kill all the Parsi soldiers,

under the influence of alcohol, given to him by a
prostitute of Thais. When he came his senses, he
realized his mistake and then he killed the prostitute
then on he took a vow to stay away from wrenches and

Like this, consuming alcohol makes us lose control over

ourselves and we end up taking wrong decisions and
cause damage which is irreparable. Relations, deals and
business etc all are ruined with one mistake.

5. Mahapaap: Is equal to 5 grave sins as said in


It is as sinful as killing a learned Brahmin.

6. Mansik rupe paap mai pravrutti – mental ill


Alcohol is a aphrodisiac, hence it causes prostitution,

rape and sexual harassment. You must have noticed,that
adulterkjd men and women, they first force innocent
victim to consume alcohol or drugs, and then they
engage in sexual pleasures. This is because alcohol
causes a person to lose control of himself and is
therefore forced to have sexual pleasures. Hence girls
and boys should be careful and never take anything
from strangers. And try not to go in such parties and
gatherings where alcohol is served. Be smart and don’t
get into these traps.

Women are exploited mostly after they are intoxicated

with alcohol or other drugs.

7. God in man, or devil in man?

In the city of Milan, Italy, there lived a painter who

wanted to make a painting named 'God in man'. He
searched streets for a handsome young man. Seeing
whom, we would be reminded of God.

He found one such handsome young man, his eyes were

filled with compassion. He had so much of positivity on
his face and it radiated with the light of God. The
painter called him and asked if he would be interested
to be a model off ham painting. The boy agreed and in
some time, that painting was made. It was a huge
success. People the painting and it was well received by
the people.

Years later, the painter thought of making another

painting, but now it’d be called,' Devil in man'. He again
looked for a man who looked frightening. Who had red
eyes filled with wrath. He found a dark man, with eyes
red and a face full of wrinkles and disheveled hair. He
looked devastated, but he had a lot of regret and
jealousy and frustration on his face.
The painter approached him cautiously and told him
about his painting. The man agreed, but he said he’ll
want some money in return. The painter agreed to pay

The painter took him to his studio, and while he began

the painting, the man started to cry. The painter was
confused. He asked what’s the matter, he said, “you
don’t recognize me? I’m the same boy whom you chose
as the model for God in man!”

The painter was shocked and asked what had

happened. The man said, “I was a good boy. But with
some bad company, I got into the habit of alcohol and
drugs, due to which I lost everything to it. My house,
my family and my beautiful face and compassionate

This is what alcohol and drugs can do to us. Friends, be

very careful. Just one mistake and years and years of

8. Loss to a family

The responsibility to make a family full of manners,

morals and dignity and love is of the elders of the
family. Not just the elders, but they play an important
role. But when the head of the family indulges in
intoxication, all the morals and values of the family are
An alcoholic person usually is adulterous, and therefore
is not able to love his/her spouse. One doesn’t even give
enough time and love to their children.

It is sad know that, so many daughters, sisters and

wives are forced into prostitution,pimped by their
relatives who are alcoholics. Isn’t it sad that a father, or a
husband or a brother pimps his own daughter, wife or a
sister just for a promotion, or some political or business
gain? There are so many alcoholics who have sold their
relatives just to fulfill their addiction of alcohol. It is
happening in India too.

The elders of the family have a customary

responsibility/ Jawabdari, for each of the family member
to act in a certain way.

Madhyena yadava nashtaha nashtaha dyetena pandava

The entire Yadav kul was destroyed consuming alcohol.

9. Loss to the society: Mumbai band one day

imagine how much of a loss to economy takes
place. In England every year due to alcoholic
intoxication 80 lack people skip their work.

In Canada, alcohol was banned. By they thought, a lot

tax is being missed, so if we low the sale of Alcohol,we’ll
gain that much more tax. As a result when alcohol was
sold freely, people started consuming it and as
compared to before, the hospitals and jails became full.
Criminal activity and diseases increased in Canada.
They were cases of torturing, rapes, murders and theft
which had increased. As a result, they had to spend
yearly 17 crore and 40 lakh dollars. An amount much
greater than the tax They earned, and also the increase
in criminal activities.

Out of 100 drunkards, 47 of them die due to disease, 18

die due to getting murdered ,17 die by committing
suicide , 11 die out of accident & only 7 die naturally.

In many ways people ruin their lives and it’s not just
their loss but intelligent people have been lost been to
nation loss.

Drinking and driving is a huge loss to public, people,

property and security.

10. Aarthik parinam. Economical reason.

In 1990,America used 84 lakh tonnes of barley, 950

tonnes of rice, and 17 lakh tonnes of wheat just to
produce alcohol. What if this much food is used to feed

We know it’s not advised to eat at unholy/ kusangi

people’s homes.

The cheaper residues from stale food are mixed with

grains to mike quick liquor this alcohol prepared in
small scale is known as Methyl alcohol which is very
bad for health.

If it was a good thing, why would there be prohibitions

for a judge where he has to sign a contentment that he is
not under the alcohol. Why is it banned for drivers for
doctors who go into the operation theatres eminent
scientists? And such import places where a stable mind
is necessary. Don’t we need a stable mind all along?

A person asked Socrates

Can we eat dates? Yes, he said

Water? Yes, he replied

And yeast? Yes, he said

Why not mix and eat all these?

Socrates said, It’s like mix sand, cement and stone, now
would it be easy to handle this prepared mixture, in fact
it will break you. Individually they won’t harm you, but
if mixed they will turn into a solid mass and kill you!

Yato aushadham surya sampruktam

Soft drinks and medicines which come with alcohol

content shouldn’t be drunk by satsangis. Arisht and
asav, they are ayurvedic, yet they are alcoholic in

Only a Sadhu and doctors can help one self to get away
from intoxication.

According to Guru Gopalanand Swami’s vartaman.

Abhaysinghji gave up alcohol in one go and even when
asked from his closest friends about consuming it, he
offered his head to be cut but not a drop or alcohol
would enter his mouth.

Gandhiji said if I am given power, I would destroy each

and every alcoholic centre as it’s the primary
impediment in nations growth.

Alcohol ruins a person and society morally, physically,

intellectually and economically.
Vartaman 2

Abstaining from Non vegetarian consumption.

In the last session we discussed on the first vartaman in

the five vartamans (Five fundamental Principles Given
by Shriji Maharaj in Shiksha patri). The first one which
is about staying away of alcoholic consumption, today
we would discuss on the second vartaman which is not
to stay away from any kind of non-vegetarian

Food is one of the most important things in the world, if

the life. The learner, not learned, animals birds each one.
The animals, and birds have been eating the same food
over hundreds of centuries but humans have a tendency
of eating food based on deshkaal/ Bad times, season and
taste. Humans intelligently have made a lot of
alterations in the food that they eat, in this change
there’s a lot of good that has happened and ill that has

Aaharecha, viharecha spasht vakta sukhi bhavet

Written by sages

Being clear in Diet: (Aahar mein spasht)

When one is not feeling well and the food is being

served to you, only if you tell clearly / in spasht way
and eat only a bit would you feel okay or it would create

The one who is serving is his dharm to serve, what we

have to understand is our limit to take/ consume things.

On a lighter note: the one who is serving would keep

serving and urge you to eat, or this would have to be
given to the dogs.

Being clear in speech: (Vani mein spasht)

The second dharm of a spasht vakta is to not shy away

from the fact that sampraday’s niyam/ principle doesn’t
allow onion garlic, what’s wrong in saying it out and
being clear about it.

Clarity in the place we chose to be: (vihar mein spasht)

Vihar mein spashtata, the places which are not

supposed to be visited by the satsangis, one should be
clear in defending the same in a company. Gandhiji had
prayed innumerable times all the while he was in south
Africa only after a very long stint, he was able to come
back to India.

If we understand just this bit, we would understand the

truth of life. Spast jivan is heathy life, what is a healthy
life? Whose body, mind, talks are healthy, he is loving,
pleasant and at peace, embody of happiness this is a
healthy life.

Understanding nature of Diet

The pillars of a healthy life stand on two fundamentals

1. Satvik aahar

2. Satvik vichar

Satvik Aahar (Pure& simple Diet): there are three

virtues in Aahar satvaguni, tamoguni and rajoguni.

The first expectation from food is for one to remain

healthy (Nirogi), to keep oneself healthy one should
have a favourable diet to the body.

3. What is a favourable diet really?

The food nature assimilates for our body to be able to

take is a favourable diet.

For example, cow, buffalo, horse, dear all these animals

eat leaves, grass and small twigs flowers from trees and
plants as it comes naturally to them and is favourable to
their system, they would never kill an animal for food.
In the same way lion tiger and all would only eat flesh
they would never eat grass.

This a natural order or arrangement of a herbivores

group and a carnivorous group.

But a human sway between both the roles, how can we

define this as a natural order?

By nature, where do we keep the humans into.

Scientists have researched and what they say is as


External factors

1. The carnivore’s animals have their eyes closed

when they are born compared to the herbivores
animals whose eyes are open the moment they
are born.

2. The carnivores’ animals drink water by tongues

whereas the herbivores animals sip it with their

3. The carnivores’ animals never sweat, whereas

the herbivores animals even the cows sweat if
they are kept under fan.

4. The herbivores animals have a blunt tooth

compared to the carnivores’ animals that have
sharp teeth which are again by natural order.
5. This is even carried to their nose and smell
senses; the carnivores’ animals have a sharp
sense of smell compared to an herbivore one
who do not.

6. The carnivore’s animals are also characterized by

their nocturnal behavior (being active during the
night and sleeping during the day) compared to
the herbivores ones who rest at night.

above being external factors, when we study the

internal factors, we infer the follow:

1. The carnivores’ animals have the tylene absent in

their systems which herbivores animals possess
in their saliva, which help them to digest

2. The jaws of carnivores’ animals open only in one

direction up and down while a herbivores
animal’s jaw sways all directions up side and
diagonally as they have the to chew the food in
their mouths in contrary to carnivores’ animals
who just gulp it down to their stomach.

On a lighter note: a lot of human beings also don’t chew

their food these days, on asked they would reply why
would I chew daal chawal.

3. The belly of an herbivore’s animal is 3 times their

face to be able to digest compared to the
carnivore’s ones who have a belly as big as their

4. The nature has made the kidneys and liver of the

carnivores’ animals larger compared to that of
the herbivores ones who have smaller kidneys
and liver.

In total there are 10 named differences in the physical

bodies of these two groups.

All the above factors only infer the characteristics of a

human by just the physical aspect matches to herbivores
animals that makes humans a vegetarian species and it
is foolish to say humans can digest non-vegetarian food.

And therefore, the idea of favourable food comes into

the picture if one wants to remain healthy for the kind
of food for their body to take. The question then arises is
why humans do have so many health issues. The
answer to that is since the issues are far wide in the
world outside India who are typically non-vegetarians,
the research and practice of medicine came up so widely
in west compared to that of India.

This research comes from doctor Wan Lin from Sweden

who concludes man’s structure internal and external
compared to that of other animals shows that it human
body is meant to eat fruits and succulent vegetable, this
is its natural meant diet.
On analysing an unfavourable diet as compared to the
actual diet meant for humans the problems which arise
are as follows:

1. Heart attack: due to the unnecessary dirt and

filth which the body cannot throw out resides in
the veins of the body resulting in improper
blood flow. Leading to a rise in cholesterol
content in the body.

2. Stomach and digestive cancers: as the non-veg

when goes into the system stays for a longer
time than vegetarian food which is rich in fiber
where as non-veg substances remain and lead to
formation of bile which further results in
digestive cancers.

3. Kidney problems: we as humans have smaller

kidneys, the non-vegetarian items create
problems in kidneys due to the unsuitable items
which are forced on to the kidneys to be cleaned.

Also, the animals identify the fact that a carnivorous

animals’ body is susceptive to toxicities than a
herbivores animal therefore a carnivorous animal new
kills another one for food. But humans do not identify
this fact and hence the body to fight these intoxicating
agents produces more quantities of uric acid which in
turn affects functioning of kidneys whose actual
purpose is not to produce a lot of uric acid. The kidneys
as a result overtime struggle and the access of uric acid
in the blood stream affects joints and nerves resulting in
body and joint pains.

4. The diseases only susceptible to animals have

started to affect humans. It doesn’t end there the
antibiotics, hormones and steroids given to
animals the residues of all reside in their bodies
and affect the non-vegetarian people.

1. Rise of vegetarianism globally:

All the efforts from the researches and scientist have led
people to take up vegetarianism in USA resulting in the
seventh day Adventist church who advocate it and
various other societies resulting in more than 10 million
people taking up vegetarian and vegan lifestyle.

The changing lifestyle has led almost 150 restaurants in

the heart of London to serve pure vegetarian food.

The city Collegedale surrounded by mountains close to

Atlanta city in USA has a population of over 5000
people and not a single family consumes alcohol and
consumes non-vegetarian food here. People as asked
before admission here on these aspects only sufficing
that they can enter this small city. Anyone found guilty
of it are asked to leave the city based on its ethics. Hari
Swaroop swami tells us there not one city in India like
this one.
2. An inspiring story of Manohar bhai of

Manohar bhai from Botswana is an owner of a large

supermarket chain, tells Hari Swarup swami. when
people tell about difficulties in following vegetarianism
outside India. I have to say three months back I had my
child’s wedding in which 1500 people eat vegetarian
food for three days continually, most of whom were
native Africans whose native food also have non-
vegetarian items. They still call me and tell me we never
knew vegetarian food could taste so well, so sweet and
succulent. To which Manohar bhai thought oh fool the
taste is in the sorath kathiwad's thali.

To all this we have Mc Donald’s, KFC, who are called

upon by our government to come and open their food
chains in our country to start a new generation of meat
eaters in our country. Please stay away from these.

They are coming here and promoting meat eating as

people in the west are turning vegetarian, hence to
make profits, they are promoting meat eating here.

Just look at the irony, India is a place of non violence

and vegetarianism, but now it is turning into the

What people haven’t been able to stop in India, by our

Gurudev’s blessings the followers (bhakts) of Latin
America have been abiding to and have created a sect of
pure vegetarianism, who follow strict Ekadashi living
on potatoes.

3. Swami Vivekanand

While swami Vivekanand was in Chicago, an engineer

took to him to an automated slaughterhouse. A cow
entered from one place and everything was separated,
cut into pieces and filled into various packets and tins.

It was fully automatic.. The engineer looked at

Vivekanand with eager eyes. But swami Vivekanand
was shocked and depressed, he said, “I’m not impressed
with the technology yet, the day you put those packets
from one end, and bring a live and happy cow on the
next, I’ll be happy! Your culture is about killing and
consuming, and our culture is about giving life and joy!

If we can’t make someone alive, we have no right to kill


If you get a chance, just visit and witness the agony of

slaughterhouses and poultry farms.

4. The advocacy of non vegetarians:

With the advent of advocacy of vegetarianism, came the

advocacy of non-vegetarianism in lifestyle products to
printing simple duck on soap wrappers. The aristocrats
of the non-vegetarian industry took up to.
Advertisements, alerts, promotions, discounts, faking it
by prescribing it in good health practices.

The foremost myths of these are as indicated below.

1. Meat gets converted to body meat: eating vegetables
takes a longer time for creation of muscles in the body.

2. It gives the right energy that is required for a body,

not vegetables

3. Meat is complete food.

When researched by scientists how one can prove that

it’s a complete food? Non vegetarian things only have
proteins and fat. No carbohydrates calcium, fiber and
most of the vitamins is absent in them, which is required
to humans.

What is also understood meat has absolutely no proteins

to push it down the system. People take up to eating
salad with them, and many kinds of breads. Alone it
cannot be digested by the system.

4. Vegetarian food provides complete strength

Taking the analogy of giving strength, isn’t elephant the

strongest living mammal living only on leaves and

The carnivores’ animals get tired soon. The leopard can

run up to 120kms/hr but it only last for 10 minutes at the
max, it would get tired quickly. A horse is vegetarian,
and it can go to 100 kms in a single go without being

The well-known name Dara Singh is a pure vegetarian,

he had world records in weight lifting and has created a
record by pulling a train of 22 tonnes over the track.
If not all the physical aspects a simple man drinking
goat milk and bajra’s chappati drove India into its
independence. None other than Mahatma Gandhi.

5. What if all turn vegetarians, then who will

provide sufficient grains?

On a discussion the supporters of the act say it would be

difficult to feed hundreds and thousands of people in
the world by only grains it keeps the distribution of
food proper among people. But to keep an animal in a
farm an animal eats 10 times more grains than a human.
How could the earlier statement be inferred hence it’s a

6. Ill effects of meat eating on ecology :

80% of America’s maize is consumed by animals. 90%

soyabeans are consumed by animals.

The raw material, water and power used in meat

industry is far greater than any other industry. If the
consumption of meat is lessened by only 10%, then 10
crore people of the world can be sufficed with grains.

7. Spiritual reasons :

8. The theory of Karma

The animals do not interfere with us unnecessarily. We

shouldn’t kill them too. Just for the sake of taste of our
tongue, or for making our body look better, the cruelty
towards the animals is unnecessary, and even cruel.

We’ll have to face the consequence of our Karmas. If we

cut, skin and torture animals just for our taste and body,
we’ll definitely face the consequences of it.

Today we are torturing them, in the next life we’ll be in

their place.

By moral aspect the pains that an animal encounters

indirectly would hurt the people as written in Vedas.

Paropakaram Punyaya Papaya Parapeedanam

As you sow, so shall you reap.

1. Animals are innocent and sensitive :

Have you ever heard that few rabbits, few chickens, few
goats planned together and killed a human? Animals
don’t interfere with humans unless we interfere with

They are innocent and they live only for survival. They
don’t have greed like humans.

They are sensitive too, have you ever imagined the

agony of a cow, a goat, a rabbit or a chicken which is
slaughtered? Not just the physical pain, but it’s children,
it’s family? That pain! Can you just imagine? That food
in your place is filled with agonizing cries of those
animals which were slaughtered!

2. An episode from Ramayan

Sage Valmiki was in jungle, and he saw a couple of
cranes, in love with each other. It is said that, if one of
the the couple dies, then the other dies out of agony of

While he was watching, an arrow came out of nowhere

and pierced one of the cranes. The crane died on the
spot. And the other crane, it started wailing and crying
and in that agony, it died too.

To which the tender hearted sage Valmiki, cursed the

Hunter, “You’ll never find peace, you killed innocent

3. The eight people who bear the same sin of


1. The one who kills

2. The one who helps/assists

3. The one who cuts

4. The one who sells

5. The one who buys

6. The one who cooks

7. The one who serves

8. The one who eats

All these eight people incur the same sin as that of

killing an animal. As they all are contributing to the
4. Ethics of consuming vegetarian and plant

5. Doesn’t vegetarian food have violence?

Even grain, fruits and vegetables are obtained by

violence. But,vegetarian food is naturally ordained food
for humans. If we don’t eat, we’ll die. And in that way,
even breathing and drinking water involves violence, as
there are countless micro organisms in the air and

When people would ask about plants also being living

beings the answer to that is when the fruits and grain
ripe the trees plants automatically shut them out of their
body it is of no use to them, and further they go away
upon natural selection to be eaten or for their seeds to
get germinated. This is the order of the nature.

The amount of perception of pain a plant has an animal

has a higher level of perception of pain and so it is well
developed where as a plant las a lesser developed
system of perception of nerves and pain.

Human flesh is the most delicious, as said by scientist,

then why isn’t there a massive slaughterhouse of
humans? Because we are sensitive towards humans, we
feel the human to be one of ours.

So, the more the sensitivity, more severe is violence, and more
severe is the sin incurred.
There is neither pain nor violence in consuming
vegetarian food.

Ethics of consuming Egg

There then comes a question on egg which people say

would neither be living nor non-living. If sensitivity
defined violence and meat eating, then egg isn’t
sensitive. There are eggs which do not produce a
chicken, or whatever bird’s egg it is. Would it be
considered as vegetarian?

1. Ravishankar Maharaj on eating eggs

What’s wrong with eating eggs, why shouldn’t we?

He replied, “Why do you ask me? Ask the hen, it gives

eggs, I don't, if the hen allows you to eat its eggs
happily, I have no problem with you eating eggs!
Would a mother ever allow his son to be eaten?

The one’s who eat eggs should once visit a poultry farm,
they should see the agony and the condition in which
the chickens are kept. It is so cruel. Their beaks are
broken so that they don’t hurt each other.

Only a few nice cocks are kept for reproduction, rest all
are minced in a huge mixer, if you have send KFC
factory or any such factory you’ll understand the agony
of the chickens.
Now imagine, how much pain and cruelty behind one
egg? And the ones who eat it, are responsible for it!

2. Is egg non living?

Many people say that egg is non living, but scientists

have proved against it!

The correct understanding of it is that an egg has

countless pores on its surface through which an egg
takes in oxygen and throws off carbon di oxide if it
wouldn’t it would rot instantly. Moreover, if we see the
farms of hen are very badly maintained, taking so much
pain and then when the hen gives an egg how ethical is
it to separate it from it and then been sold.

Maybe the egg is made without the help of a cock, but

it is still made by the hen, so it is equivalent to
menstrual waste of it. Just humans have a menstrual
cycle of a month, they have it everyday.

3. Is it beneficial to health?

Just like meat it only has proteins and fat. And in the
same way the same diseases that non vegetarian
consumption contracts. Egg is heavy to digest as
compared to vegetarian food!

4. Does it have B12 in high quantities?

Another modern-day question arises on vitamin b12

when is found only in non-vegetarian food. an eminent
scientist wrote an article where do cattle get their
vitamin B12. The answer is the bacteria in the stomach
produce it for us. And the animals.

Also do people like Gandhiji who have been vegetarian

how would they work on it. The answer is humans need
only one milligram of vitamin B12 in our system not

The entire medical system is playing with it, making it

another business.

5. What about the protein content of egg?

Saying egg is a source of protein. On analysing egg

consists of 13% protein defending it with moong and
sprouts it has 24% protein, peanuts have 31% protein
also a rich source of other minerals not found in egg.
Soybeans has 34% protein.

The number of vitamins and minerals you get after

eating 200 eggs is found in one Amla(gooseberry).
When eaten in winters works wonders with blood, skin
and keeps the diseases at bay.

5kgs of eggs when eaten suffices for same amount of

protein a body can find in 1 kg of peanuts. There’s not
one doctor who can object that.

On another account people say the basic proteins that a

body needs can only be found in eggs. Whereas this is
available in simplest of the kathiawadi daal and chawal
where raw grains are used. Anyone who just eats simple
khichdi their requirement of basic proteins is already
taken care of.

Ethics of consuming Milk

For the next part of the matter to defend using animal

products is when we talk about milk, the non-vegetarian
defenders, say neither of the plants can give you five
litres of milk every morning every evening. Every baby
drinks their mother’s milk is it meat or blood or simply

Egg is a metaphor for vasna or lust it comes from the

reproductive system where as milk is a metaphor for
watsalya or dearness. A cow or any animal is always
desperate for the milk to go away from their system, it’s
a natural order for the mothers to let the milk go away
for their healthy life if the baby does not take away the
milk the mother’s health gets affected, and hence the
reason cannot be challenged. As it gives it away by her
own wish. When it has given birth.

Understanding Diet based on scriptures

Sukshma body wherein aahar has three basic kinds.

Satwaguni, Rajoguni and Tamoguni.

Research in many foreign nations suggests milk is parm

satvik swaroup of an aahar.
Aahar/ Diet, Vichar/ thoughts and Vyavhaar/ Behaviour
is very well linked to each other.

The kind of food we take innately decides the kind of

vichaar or thoughts that we get which further comes out
in our actions, talks and behaviour.

This is something our sages have been letting us know

from centuries.

In Chandogya Upanishad it is mentioned

Aahaar shuddi satva shuddhihi

Satva shuddho dhruvasmrutihi

Just by taking care of the diet (aahar) and keeping it

satvik (Pure & Simple) we can keep our Sharir, man
buddhi, vani clean and healthy.

That’s why it is inhibited to eat even dead meat.

From the aahar’s sthull part excreta is formed, from its

ras forms blood essential vitamins minerals and muscles
and bones. From the shukshma ansh of the aahar our
man vichar and buddhi is made.

Taking a ratio of the kind of people with the kind of

food they take we can divide them into akramak/
defensive and shant/ peaceful categories.
In London there was a research with two associations
the vegetarian society and the county London
association both of each had 1000 children been given
vegetarian and non-vegetarian diet over a period of six

The results showed in their behaviour, thoughts interest

an even on their health and skin.

George Bernard Shaw has quoted

“Wars, criminal activities, wrath, and cruelty originate

from the rise in meat consumption in the world. If we
stop meat eating, then these all will considerably
reduce. ”

All the above is resultant of all this ever-expanding non-

vegetarian system of lifestyle.

In a social gathering Bernard Shaw denied the non-

vegetarian food offered saying it’s my stomach not a
graveyard to bury the dead.

A person’s nature can be figured out by just looking at

his plate - Gita

Further by one’s Aahar, vichar and vyavhaar a person

can be categorized into Satvik nature, Rajsik or
possessing Tamsik vrutti.

1. Under the pretext of medicine

To increase haemoglobin, for energy and for tonic, meat
is often recommended by doctors.

What is that tonic? It is the blood gathered from

slaughterhouses and given to pharmaceutical
companies, who extract haemoglobin, b12 from it. And
then they make the tonic.

Such tonics, cod liver oil, etc should not be consumed

by satsangis.

Therefore, Shriji maharaj tells us

Nabhakshe mansah in different sandarbhs/ contexts

which are as follows:

1. Unintentional meat eating

1. In relation to medicine, energy, tonic one

should not consume it.

Information: there is no cheapest and most efficient way

of production of medicines drugs and tonics unless
being a constituent of animal body, blood which is
exported and made into medicine. The few being
Vitamin B12 led medicine should never be taken, and so
as Cod liver oil, liver extract if written on the back side
of the medicine.

2. Any kind of yagya of any so-called dev, it

should not be consumed
It’s absolutely condemning when people point out on
ved having it mentioned there it is clear slander and ill
usage of knowledge.

Written in Atharva ved

Yo agni kravya par viveshano gruhaminah pashya


Jat vedasam tam harami pitru yagnaya duram sah

dharam mamena vat paramam sadhaste

Mas bhakshat agni aamara ghar thi dur raho is atharva

ved’s vidhan

Adh var means ahinsa, yaya simply referes to ahinsa.

3. Only clean and clear water should be

used for drinking and cooking purposes.

As a small drop of water contains countless living

beings according to Jain Shashtra.

Therefore, only clean and clear water should be


Not even milk should be taken before boiling.

4. Fruits and vegetables should be carefully

monitored before using them for cooking
if there is any holes or is it rotten in any
5. Every masala, grains should be carefully
monitored and washed before cooking.

6. Bakery products, although said to be

vegetarian,usually does contain egg.
Most of the food outside is made
without monitoring for decayed
vegetables and grains. They can’t
maintain the cleanliness that we maintain
at home. They may be cooking in animal
fat. They might be using gelatin in ice
creams. Capsules contain gelatin which is
non vegetarian.

Concluding by Shriji Maharaj’s vision

We should thus be careful in each and every way of our

lifestyle to be careful and where how we eat where ever
we are here or outside our country.

Even with our vani. A satsangi should always be


The nature has given as a full platter of the most

beautiful and succulent vegetables and fruits which not
just taste well but would always keep you healthy.

Non vegetarian food, meat and eggs are subtle ways to

demolish the Hindu culture from within. They want to
westernize us. But we have to take care of ourselves.
Human being is vegetarian and not omnivorous. Meat is
deep rooted violence, hence let go of meat in every way.

Shriji Maharaj would be athyadhik raji if you obey this

principle and be protecting your lives.

Sahajanad Swami Maharaj.

Vartaman 3

Abstaining from Theft

In our Pravachan mala we add the third bead today

wherein we would discuss up on Shriji Maharaj’s given
third principle in Shiksha-patri against stealing.

Summarizing second Vartaman

In the last session we discussed about non-vegetarian

food consumption, to sum it up so that we always keep
it in our minds the kind of Diet /Aahar our sages have
set for us are based upon purity and simplicity
(satvikta) being its primary pillar. Just be thinking about
the virtue of purity and simplicity (satvikta) one would
get the answers of every question that rises within us.

That is because,

Satyam yat Bramha darshanam

We just don’t live for the sake of living and don’t eat just
for the purpose of filling up our stomachs, we have a
greater purpose, by gaining bramha darshan following
the pats of satvikta and satwaguni Diet/ aahar.
Looking un to the history, the world has produced two
kinds of thinkers and analysts. These two kinds are
Vegetarian thinkers and non-vegetarian thinkers. For
the non-vegetarian thinkers their thoughts linger on to
the body and r4each up slightly towards the mind and it
ceases here.

For vegetarian thinkers it has been a bias where we had

been able to think beyond this till aatma and parmatma.

Heart attack as we have started Buffalo milk than cow’s

milk which has more fat compared to cows.

But people feel cow’s milk is too thin and not viscous

In foreign countries people opt for less fat milk or

without fat milk totally. As long as we drink cows’ milk
one would surely stay well, Bhagwan Shri Krishna
himself worships cows. Calling Cows Gau Mata.

In the English rule the British had a race course in Pune

wherein they kept horses and to keep them healthy they
gave them cow’s milk, a few people asserted giving
them buffalo’s milk as it was richer, therefore some
horses were given Buffalo milk. The horses who were
fed with cow’s milk came up well and won the races
and the ones on buffalo’s milk always lost to them.

Cow’s milk is the best / sarvottam and has naturally

created enzymes good for human intake as well. Its
purity is worshiped by gods and moreover it’s our
dharma to help and cows in the society they give us
nutrition/poshan like a mother, the father bull like our
father works and gives us grains /anaj from the fields.

This is to be remembered always.

The third vartaman is to not engage in theft.

It means to not take away one else’s thing by ill means.

Bija ni maliki ni koi nu wastu na lewu

Weather it is food, clothing, vehicle, pets, children,

money or any other thing people.

Kidnapping is also chori, in the same way as Rawan had

kidnapped Sita.

In other countries and in India, the young and teenage

children are getting kidnapped. And do you where they
go and what happens to them? Thousands of children
are kidnapped, become lost, and they are never found.

If you come to know the reality of human trafficking,

the condition of these young children, especially girls,
you won’t be able to eat or sleep. They are sold in
various markets, sexually and physically abused,
sometimes we feel even animals are treated better.
Pornography, prostitution, pimping, escorting, film
industry, massage parlours, clubs and various such
places are filled with innocent girls who were sold there
by human trafficking or by their own relatives. Nothing
can be said of the people who indulge into it willfully.
Not just men, but women are involved in such
trafficking too. All this just for some money and sexual
pleasures! Who will listen to the cries of that innocent 12
year old princess?

As people take up non-vegetarian food due to taste,

people take up alcohol to enjoy and forget their worries,
what is the basic reason people take up to theft.

There are three reasons which compel people to theft

1. The Absence of / Abhav nu lidhe.

2. Greedy Instinct / Lobh vrutti

3. Indulging instinct/ Bhog vrutti

4. Due to absence or lack of wealth/Aabhav nu


People who don’t have basic requirements, no food for

them or their family, leave alone food, they don’t have
proper clothing. What else can these people do if not
theft. This is a huge population and is a prime reason
that compels people to this crime.

Shriji Maharaj had himself met many people out of this

compulsion. They tell Maharaj what you say is just right
but please what do we do if not we would die of

5. The story of a poor but brilliant child

A very brilliant student in a school once used to take
away people’s pencils, book, small stationary and sold it
away for money. A teacher once caught him, although
he was very brilliant and of good qualities no one would
ever get an Idea that he would have done it. The teacher
asked him why he really did it, since his acts and nature
would never lead anyone think he does. He told her
“What could I do ma’am? My father has left my mother
and neither of my elder brothers are concerned, she
hasn’t been well and all I do is for her food and

What we must know that the society which is in

poverty, there is no way one can expect principles,
ethics and rules from them. Howe much ever you do
bhagwat katha and Gita’s thoughts or anushthan, they
would never be able to follow it, it’s not just that the
situation they are in, nothing can be understood to
them. The more a society is poverty the more thieves
would be born, theirs just only chance of one odd
person from such a society who would be following any
rules and principles.

The only way a society can be driven out of this is by

removing poverty no a mouth of katha parayan could
help here. This can only be done by training the society
and improving their standards.

But we ourselves know after independence what has

resulted in our societies the people in poverty only
became poorer and rich became richer. One set of
people kept getting all the nutrition/ posan and the
other set kept getting stronger or poorer without any

The thoughts of getting rid of poverty were just used as

a political propaganda, and if there was any poverty
that was gotten rid of, then it the politicians, they
became rich!

It’s been almost seventy years of independence as the

society hasn’t been able to get away from poverty and
so is the Behaviour/ vyavhaar and is also suffering from
poverty. All the expectations would any fail. Only
Societal arrangement / samaj wyavastha could help this.
First the leaders of the society bed to follow ethics. And
only. Then we can expect such ethical behavior from the
people. When the leaders act properly, then the people
will develop trust and belief in them.

6. The case of over accumulation of wealth:

This is the story of Liha Tsu, the disciple of Lao Tse.

Once in case of theft a criminal was caught, and was

given six months of imprisonment, with that the one in
whose home the theft was carried out was also given the
same punishment. When the owner asked on the reason
the liha tsu told him, “You out of your authority have
kept so much wealth with you. That is a crime.”

What is observed in society that maintain a lifestyle and

buying things out of not much need is fine for a family
man, but the shashtra have told us to keep things only
necessary to us. Why would be shouting and making
noise of someone robbing us when we have
accumulated extra wealth.We have also robbed
someone of their part.

The world we live in the rich open their closets and

think for half an hour what do I really wear and are still
not able to make up their minds. And a poor person
thinks, what should I wear, I have nothing to wear!

The rich have a huge dining table, cutlery from the most
exquisite places, beautifully arranged plates and dishes.
And most importantly the best of cuisines and food.
what they do not find is hunger. All the time rich spend
thinking what we should engage in so that we feel
hungry. Drink warm war, hundreds of kinds of
appetizers, churans and more. The rich think, what do I
eat that I’ll feel a little hungry! And the poor thinks,
what can I eat, even though I’m hungry!

A poor man comes up to gate of a rich man and asks for

some food. go away says a man reading the newspaper
adding there’s no one here. The poor fellow tells him
please you become someone human and give me some

By Accumulation/ parigrah the rich have accumulated

two years of food in their homes.

Parigrah moti chori che/ Accumulation is theft.

Therefore, comes the concept of giving alms /daan in
India. The is no amount of restriction in buying things
but with buying and owning something comes the
giving away as a return gift to a portion to whatever we
have earned.

A poor went up to a Seth asking for some alms, the Seth

told him to go away to someone else’s house. To which
he said I would stay here till you give something, at
least give me a handful of sand. The Seth asked him
how that would help. He said it would not help me but
at least you would learn to take your hands away from
your pocket and give something stro someone. Maybe
in future this might help you and teach you to raise
your hand in front to start giving something. There are
many people in the world whose hands themselves also
do not come out of their pockets.

The main problem is aabav. Which is born from

grihastho’s parigrah or accumulation of wealth. As long
as theire is parigrah or accumulation it is difficult to
remove theft Instinct/vrutti out of the system.

7. Greed instinct/ Lobh vrutti/ Lalach

What is this all about? Well how much ever they get
they feel it’s less, from wherever, whoever, whenever,
however just take it. They have no less of money or
respect in society. It’s out of their instinct they are never

A lobhi or a greedy man is involved in Daan chor, Kaam

chor, vetan chor, maal chor.
1. Maal chor/ The one who cheats in products :

Adulteration of food substances. From builders to

simple sales people, in kirana shops sell mixed
substances it’s a big industry nothing we get in India
which is pure these days not just ghee simple things like
grains cement everything has Adulteration in it. To gain
some extra money out of it

Mixing in gold, in food items. Adulteration in food

items is the worst, as it causes diseases and people to

A man bought poison from a store to end his life drank

it and slept and got up in the morning to know that the
poison itself was mixed. This is India.

Swami Sachidanad ji has mentioned once he had gone

to a seth’s store. The seth had done pooja and agarbatti
in his shop and put purdah in front of Thakurji. To
which Seth told Swami that, this is to save thakurji from
a hundred kinds of people coming here the might have
different vruttits/ instincts keep away God from looking
at the, I have put this veil. To which Sachidanad swami
tells him it’s not for the customers for sure you have
veilded Thakurji so that he is not able to see your
Undercover business / kala karobaar and Adulteration
with the customers.

1. Daan chor:/ The one who snuggles things :

A man went through a cantonment area, so the police
stopped him and asked what you are carrying on your
bicycling. He said why do you look so angry sir. Please
look inside, it was just sand, so he let him go this kept
happening every day, after a month he stopped coming.
When the policeman met him in the market, he asked
him why you stopped coming that way. He said my
quota was finished now. What did you do then? I was
stealing the bicycles every day. The bicycles were over
what could I do.

This is how people fiddle with taxes.

2. Kar chori/ the one who steals in taxes

The government provides you with so many things,

it is because of them that your business, you home is
running. Why would you steal in taxes? Why not
instead save on other things, other unnecessary

3. Kaam chor/. The one who doesn’t work

according to one’s wages.

The moment you call a labourer, he would arrange his

things, drink one beedhi arrange things again on the left
to right the, after a few hours he would come. The
amount of work expected in a day, he would not finish

What happens in school these days children spend their

evenings in tuitions revising and studying all their
hearts out and sleep in the classes in the school. Evn
teachers don’t teach, they give only important questions
and then ask students to learn at home.

In offices blue collar employees sit on their table and in

front of their computers showing off they are working
but as soon as someone comes up, they would arrange
themselves procrastinating any work or saying “saheb
nahi Hai, baad mein aana”

The amount of payment one gets should suffice the

amount of work one does. There are rarely anyone who
work for what they get in government offices. If they
were to work in a private company, they’d know how
much one is sucked out of in a private company!

1. Vetan chor.

In shikshapatri Shriji Maharaj has mentioned that the

amount of salary one deserves should be given to him

Still there are hundreds of people who cut salaries of

very hard-working laborers.

The eminent people these days do not pay their

employees these days of the most comes up the fourth-
class workers like cleaners, sweepers drivers etc. who
earn the minimum of their capabilities.

Taking an analogy when a minister in a cabinet

discussion gave a block of ice to the prime minister and
told to pass it on to this cabinet minister they would
pass and when his turn came to take it in a circle what
was left was a small store of Ice. The minister told the
prime minister this is what happens to your yogna your
ministers’ hands heat suck your resources and what is to
reach to the end consumer is just a small bit of amount.

These people they have no less money or resources, but

their greedy instinct compels to never stop eating for
having bite of most of the freshest resources available to
them and hence arises this instinct in people.

Indulgence Instinct/ Bhog vrutti

When ones feel like eating out, going out to places to

have a nice time, reading cool magazines, enjoying in
the night clubs, indulging in adventures, living their life
to the fullest of the things that are offered in the
modern-day cities and go around travelling to the far off
lands and multitude of countries without any shyness to
live their lives. And to fulfill these if they don’t earn
well people take to cheating.

In America a huge ratio of population to enjoy

themselves and to indulge themselves into such
entertainment (Vilas nu poswa mate) take up to
cheating there. That is how theft is born. One thing is to
make note of, the rich kid cheats at home and the poor
kid cheats others. There’s another kind which is the
third kind who don’t cheat at home neither outside this
is the ratio of people who stand for their principles. This
ratio is quite less but is always there in a society.

If the tendency of indulgence is rooted out, a lot of

stealing can be eradicated. Most of the children get into
this because they want to live a lifestyles they can’t

If we understand the element of indulgence (Bhog tatva)

it would solve most of our problem and lead us to
eliminate it in our lives.

These are the three primary reasons people take up to

cheating and theft.

But the way of cheating of theft is in many ways. If

anyone wants to write a book or an encyclopedia on it,
he pages would get less. That is the kind of maya its
infinite number of ways one can indulges in maya. It’s
just countless you never know, and you are into it. The
magical arts would also feel like a pauper to a thief’s
theft arts. Their gurus who do them. The kind of ways
it’s done and the ways to escape them oh my Hari
Swarup swami himself hold himself saying there’s just
no end to this instinct.

In America, there was a case in which goods were

stolen in many houses, but so well it was carried out
there was no clue how could people manage it so well.
A lot of insights and searches they found a situation in
which a man was suspected and when trying to catch
him, he very well escaped but left his stick there and
being so heavy. It was sent to be researched upon what
they found was the stick would turn up to a long mirror
wherein what happens behind it doesn’t show up and
could be well folded back into a stick. There are
innumerable such arts of theft, please stay away from
them (Aa to jaat jaat ni kala che, tame aa sab ma na

Kinds of thefts

There are many ways thefts are encountered Paroksh

and prtyaksh ways

1. Paroksh: the owner never gets to know and the

object in his possession is taken away. You park
your vehicle and leave and when you come back
its not there that is paroksh. Things taken away
from stores at midnight.

Well the people put their arts into such negative usages.
A man in front of the judge told him you may as well
give me punishment but you will have to give me an
applause for my arts, for I can take away any one’s
wallet and put it in someone else’s pocket without even
them getting a slight hint of it. And he did it and
showed it to the judge with an extreme precision.
Just see the way people put their minds into such
negative arts if slight of such mind was to out into
bhajan god would just have been so Happy (Razi)

Sometimes people cheat in their own housed like

children for money. Wife’s sometime husbands. Like the
servants in their own owner’s houses.

Customers often carry away items from a shop. That’s

also called stealing.

Even footwear is stolen from temples, these are good

people who come to temple and commit such theft!

Sometimes people in house take away things like

relatives just for the heck of it, they would even decorate
it in their houses after taking it from relatives.
Sometimes customers just take away small articles from

Lot of people travel without tickets in trains and busses.

Even this is a kind of paroksh theft.

2. Pratyaksh.: when the theft is carried out right in

front of oneself.

Just the way traffic police stops a vehicle on the road

and asks for 500 on over speeding or just any fault made
up to take money from oneself if not given one would
end up paying fines their fore people just pay them to
get away from any further issues.

There is a lot of looting in improper ways and means by

people. This is pratyaksh loot.

People take away money as people take money from

banks ATM’s. rakshak has become bhakshak the today’s

Sabhi basat hai chor madhubann, Sabhi basat hai chor


Sabhi basat hai chor….

3. By Trickery / Yukti lagana: If someone around

oneself like’s an object you have the person in
many ways, talks temptations and request tries
to take away the object of his choice from you.

Hey, your camera, how’s it, how much is it for oh only

200-Rs. I have been searching for it for long, can you
please let me know from where, can you please get it for

He would keep irritating till he says please take it. But

one just gives it to get away from them.

Its very condemning but a huge percentage of this kind

of luring theft is carried out by the sadhu samaj, please
do mind these will never be redeemed. But it’s a
practice that has been going on for long. One has to stay
away from it.

The simplest of this is when people ask for pen to sign

in banks and post office and never return them back.

A Haribhakt once had asked for a big kadhai (Cooking

vessel to fry) saying he would return it in three days
after the function at their hose was done. After a week
Swamiji asked him when he was just around. He said
his son has taken it and on requesting he told how
would he find which kadhai there may be a several
number of those at house how can I figure out which
one is the gurukul’s one.

Wha Hari Swarup swami tells us if you ask someone for

something just return it to them back and you are Karn’s

Therefore, Shriji Maharaj has mentioned

Chori na karu hi nahi, “sten karm na kartavyam” don’t

even support, or be a helping hand in theft of someone.

Sahaj mila so dudh barabar, maang liya so paani,

loot liya so rakt barabar, aisi gorakhbani.

Dravya/ sampatti/ wealth is of three kinds.

1. Pure / Shudh

2. Impure/ Malin

3. Devilish /Aasuri

Shudh sampatti: which is earned by rightly process

wherein anything made and bought are all in proper
rights and ethics of it, without any corruption. It is the
money obtained by ones own efforts and what one
deserves. Not even the money which one is gifted. It is
purely what one deserves,according to the work one has

Malin Sampatti: Adulteration in food, alcohol business,

pornographic films, pornographic literature, any kind of
act of business where a someone’s behavioural quotient
is enticed is bad business.

The business of lawyers if they make lies into truth and

sell them. To trouble others by felling their properties by
business men. Non-vegetarian business.

This kind of money generated leads to people to indulge

(Bhog) and then fall for illnesses (rog)

Always give away money and settle your balances with

people you deal with as people return in next lives to
settle balances by natural order.
In the country’s case we might get redeemed even if we
accept our mistakes, but in the court of God it is difficult
to do the same.

Asuri Sampati/ Devilish wealth:

The money which is obtained by immoral means by

other, and if we happen to accept it, or heir it, it is
devilish wealth. Such wealth doesn’t do good to us even
if we are good.

The kind of wealth which involves killing, adultery and

non vegetarian food, illegal poison, illegal adulteration
of food causing many people to die. Dumping of waste
in water used by people to drink and causing mass
death of animals and humans is all devilish wealth.

The wealth obtained by prostitutes, porn actors, film

actors, terrorists, corrupt politicians, greedy
businessman etc are devilish wealth.

Such money Ill earned, is ill spent!

Conclusion by Shiriji Maharaj’s principle

What we can say id from the society the instincts of

cheating and thefts are removed the society would
become very healthy.

Therefore, Shriji Maharaj tells us: please never do

indulge in theft.
In Japan people would not even take pluck a chilly in
someone’s garden. The economy and the culture in
Japan are such that people live in harmony with each
other respecting each one’s things and crime in the
country is almost nil still in today’s age.

"Pardhan patthar jãniye parstri mãt samãn,

Itnese Hari nã mile to Tulsidãs jamãn."

"Regard wealth other than your own as stone and a

woman other than your wife as a mother. If then you do
not attain God, Tulsidas will become your surety (to
attain God)."

Therefore, Shrihi maharaj has mentioned

Chorei na karu hi nahi, “sten karm na kartavyam” don’t

even support, or be a helping hand in theft of someone.

The thing that happens with theft is

1. The moment you know about some has taken

someone’s something one would get aabhav of
the person that in turn effects the nature of
nirdosh buddhi

2. Badla lene ki vrutti aajati hai. The method is sten

For example, if the owner pays less of cuts the salary of
the servant, if the servant feels like taking away one of
his utensils, or something from his factory. Seth
anyways doesn’t give anything. But that karma becomes
sten karm.

“Dharmaarthanam athi kenapi”

Even for dharma one should not indulge in theft.

A person working at a farm thought let me take some

vegetables here for saints not for himself, since it was
not his farm that karma doesn’t get counted.

Even if taking water, electricity saying what’s wrong in

taking it for mandir. Well even for dharma one should
not indulge in theft.

In India there are innumerable places and ways in

which for dharma there is a wide spread theft

If one has done theft from someone the owner of the

material would get the punya and the person doing it is
gets sinned by it.

“Sa swaani paash pushwadi, na graahayam tad


Do not take someone’s material without his command.

1. Verabhai

Vera bhai of Upleta who had stopped all his ill habits after
meeting Shriji Maharaj in the village plucked a daatan from a
neem tree from someone’s house. And immediately recalled
Shriji Maharaj has told us not to do so. He immediately went
to the owner and prostrated to him and asked for forgiveness if
not Shriji maharaj would not forgive him.

2. Dayabhai

Vanthli village’s bhagat mota bhai his son Daaya bhai. Daaya
bhai took baath in suraj kund every morning which is a
prasadi place to take bath, one day he found someone’s anklet
there. He picked it with a stick’s end and without touching it
went in the middle of the village saying there’s an anklet I
found in suraj kund, someone must have forgotten it, kindly
please take it. People asked him why are you holding it with a
stick’s end. He answered them, Shriji Maharaj has instructed
us not to touch anyone’s dravya, I thought let me get it here
so if someone is searching for it they can find it here.

But since he touched it he fasted for that day and the anklet
was returned to her soon.

3. The kilo of loya

There was a devotee of lord Swaminarayan who belonged to a

lower caste. In the days of drought, he was travelling with his
wife from one village to another. He found a gold ornament
fallen, but knowing lord Swaminarayan values, he didn’t
touch it, but he thought his wife who was following her
behind, might end up taking it. So he covered it with soil.
The wife walked a little hurriedly and asked him, what was he
doing there? He said everything about the gold ornament.

The wife replied, “Dear husband, you have not matured! Why
put soil on soil! For me anything which isn’t mine, is soul for
me. Such are the values of lord Swaminarayan imparted on

We should not take it from closest of the friends.

What is to be learned is sometimes children learn a lot of

things from their parents, it is necessary for the parents
to stay in order and not do anything which would
influence the kids. This is when one should correct the
children and let them know its wrong if they are found
guilty of it.

Therefore, if the parents don’t inculcate good habits in

their children the society, the country and humanity
wouldn’t be a happy place to live in.

We should therefore abide by Shriji maharaj’s given

principle and take upmost care in our daily lives.
Vartaman 4

Abstaining from Adultery

In our Pravachan mala we have already discussed

about, staying away from Alcohol, non-vegetarianism
and not to steal. We would now discuss about not
getting involved in any kind of adultery/ Averi.


If we split the word by its meaning Vebhichar or

Adultery means

V - viprit / opposite

Abhi – sampoorna pane/ tollay

Char – aachar / Ethics or conduct

There is a certain maryada/ limit in Men and woman’s

lives and relationships, any kind of contrary act on this
is vebhichar or adultery

In simple meaning it refers to not getting involved in

par stri gaman/ another woman or Par purush gaman/
another man.

4. Who is this other lady/ par stri or another man/

par purush in this context?

In a society another man and another woman is only

related by wedding to each other apart from one’s wife
every other lady is a par stri or the other lady for that
man. And vice versa for woman.
For the one not married, all other woman is a par stri or
the other lady for that man. And vice versa for females.
Some people don’t consider a prostitution as adultery,
but it is adultery too. Even sexual relations before
marriage, although with consent is adultery. Even if

Any kind of violation of this is adultery.

5. The natural attraction :

Understanding the base of humanity and life. The

primary thing is the body, which lives on air, it just
doesn’t need air, it needs it all the time. Second water
and then food. only if the body gets all these three can a
body survive. Just for that, nature has made the body in
a particular way and arranged its functioning in a
certain mechanics.

In the deepest of sleep the breathing goes on, what a

beautiful arrangement of the nature it is! The moment
we need water inside body, we quickly feel thirsty. The
moment body needs energy we feel hungry. This
wholesome nature and its working, God has devised it
so well we never come to know how it is made we just
play our roles in it.

And just for the life to go on hence forth the nature has
created the lust and reproduction systems. It’s not made
by us, it’s a nature’s work. Therefore, to keep it going
God has kept life on an automatic mode.
In Vachananamrut Gadhada I – 34: Shriji Maharaj has
said. The day unjverse had begun, it was made in such a
way that the I would not have to get involved into it, it
runs on its own.

A small wrist watch that we have, has a strong system, a

strong mechanism for it to go on. Imagine the strong
machinery God has set for the lives of people to go on. It
highly impossible to calculate its strength. This
mechanics of lust is just very strong, almost impeccable
and unbreakable.

Indradik bramhadik devs and the most eminent sages

also cannot avoid it. The sansaar bhav / Worldly
emotion is such that even a drop of lust if falls on a
dessert like mind creates a rain forest of world in a
matter of time. That is its power.

Be it the most reputed person sitting up high on a chair,

its power is such that in a moment it can pull him and
throw him to the ground. Such frightful is its strength.

Objectively speaking, the men and women’s body have

foul smell of sweat, dirt, it excretes unwanted things all
then time, bacteria on the body, there’s nothing very
nice and good about a human body. But still one gets
attracted to it. Still it brings man and woman
automatically closer to each other and even though birth
is painful for a woman, even after the birth of a child
comes a whole load of things of feeding, bringing them
up. Even after so much of pain. The factor of lust with
all its maximum strength and forcibly brings people into
the worldly affliction. That’s the infatuation and illusion
set by God form the continuous functioning of the

The mechanics of this machine had it been slightly

flawed or loose. The world would have perished long
back. No one would get into it. Even after sun being so
strong, we can still get some respite from its heat, still
life burns from the power of lust within. The attraction
is strong to keep the universe working. Or else who
would get into this mess of relationships and marriage
and dating and so on!

The impulsion of lust in animals is always seasonal and

it follows a pattern every year. But a Human is so wild,
leave alone the natural time the lust arises in humans
anytime and every time and only creates havoc in one’s

The only path to be followed here is to control. To let go

off the wave that come through. To control this lust, we
have a systematic tradition of marriage.

6. What is marriage?

A person at a suitable age, in a suitable way gets

married to a suitable person as prescribed in scriptures
is known as grihasth aashram.

Grihasth aashram is not just worthy of praise, but it’s an

organized plan of nature. It is not to be criticized all the
time, but it is worthy of praise, if it is according to the
disciplines of spiritual Scriptures and great Rishis of the

There is a nature and arrangement again in the Grihasth

ashram which should be followed, not abiding the rules
of which and falling for lust breaks up the society.

The current culture and tradition and common day to

day business is such that, even after matter marriage or
before marriage, there is free and frequent association of
men and women, boys and girls, be it at workplace or at
school or colleges, or at any other place. The culture is
such that, they are forced or they have no other option.
If college students are allotted a group such that they
have boys and girls together, they have no other option
but to associate with one another.

There are two major group of people

1. Who haven’t been married

2. Who have married

Single or unmarried category:

1. Societal change

In childhood the child is not matured. And therefore,

there is no sense of lust in them, but as the children
grow up they get matured and the nature of lust starts
taking its form. And therefore, the time of frightful
attraction starts taking place in the teenagers.
Therefore, a great form of societal system had been
organized from a long time in India wherein as soon as
children started to get into their teen ages they were
wedded. Just as when one feels hungry just before the
lunch is prepared and served.

Due to this a huge percentage of society was never

affected by adultery.

2. Late marriages and its side effects

But in today’s life this order is disrupted by various

reasons one being the economic problem. The jobs and
salaries have become very competitive. Houses are
scarce to find. The rents are high.

In today’s world, when one has to get married one’s

work is asked if he has to live in a city, its asked if they
are married. The whole thing is a vicious
circle.Looks,age,educational qualifications, financial
stability, and choice have led to marriages becoming late
in the society. Making it a mindful of reasons for the age
of wedding to have risen in our society. Isn’t the society
itself responsible to have been slandered to adultery?

It is natural for teenagers and people in their twenties to

feel attracted to each other, and exactly in this age, girls
and boys are kept in close association, either in offices or
in colleges and schools, therefore there is a rise in
relationships, and its Ill effects, like teenage pregnancy,
abortions, adultery and so on. The society has no
answers to these problems, as it itself is responsible for
these problems. And then there are such films and tv
shows and cultural days, and valentine’s days, clubbing
and other such cultures, they all promote lust and hence
its consequences are faced by the society today.

3. Educational system

The centres for education and values have become the

centres for ill habits and bad impressions.

Only Indian culture in the whole world has a culture of

naming the schooling and knowledge gaining age as the
bramhachaya age. But in today’s world its reversed and
school and colleges have become the major reason of
place where people get to know each other more. The
college which promotes a free-spirited life is the
vouched for these days. Rose day, friendship day are to
name a few such occasions where the opposite sex gets
along very well with each other. Honestly these are very
good initiatives wherein one should always be happy
and merry to each other rather this has been affected by

The entire concept of college life has been imported

from west. Wherein an open and individualistic life
were people should be able to express themselves and
be ready for the tomorrow’s world and the competition
that they face from the world is what is expected out of
it. the society itself would vouch and say in any case if
we put in rules and regulations even in college, there
wouldn’t be an equal growth in the society, and we
would fall prey of the old customs. Adding to it they
would say, animals stay in a heard that is how their
wellbeing and friendships are maintained so why
separate boys and girls in colleges and create rules.

Imagine the problem of or psychoanalysts they research

on herd of animals and put it on us, in natural order
nature takes care of them but we as humans are very
susceptive to the kind of people we stay in the society.
As we are quick learners.

Wherever there is intellectual development in the same

places there are developments of disruptions or vikruti
as well. In today’s world what we have learnt to
understand is the pro’s and cons of the same thing.
There’s no way today’s philosophy teaches something
which only is a pro without any cons associated with it.
why have we really developed vikrutis.

The basic thoughts that Indian philosophy came into

play was from the word Ram ie god’s name. whereas
the western philosophy starts with lust and ends with
lust for any good thing or bad thing or just anything
they fit it around lust. Like for example once there was a
teenager who has killed his mother what theory came
up after the investigation and psychoanalysis was that
the child started to get sexually attracted to her and for
the reason, he could not do anything further he killed
her out of lust. This is very saddening to hear that the
investigation team can also not think beyond a certain
Here the culture and tradition has played a major role in
shaping up our present-day generation.

4. Bodily attraction

According to psychological research, that men have and

women have a tendency and eagerness to look and
observe each others body. Because they wear clothes. If
they lessen the clothes or remove it completely, then the
eagerness will be lost. They came up with such a stupid
theory. Then they have stupid examples, saying the
small kids, the animals, the adivasis wear no clothes.
They live life naturally, hence they don’t possess lust.

But the truth of the matter is, their mind is not

developed enough to analyze and develop lust. That’s
why they don’t have lust. We can’t live like them. They
have no just thrown away clothes, they have given up
on intelligence, progress, logic, science, invention,
luxury etc, they live purely on survival. Hence they can
live like that, we can't!

With development of the mind, and intelligence, there is

a development and increase in lust and other vices.
Everything has an advantage and a disadvantage, both
come hand in hand. Progress comes with its advantages
and its disadvantages.

Even doctors have to be careful of the side effects of the

medicine they give.

Therefore with cultural and social progress came more

and more lustful tendencies. A sophisticated can never
be natural as the animal society. Exception in this case
are only those great saints, both males and females, who
have relinquished lust altogether by the grace of God.
They have extensive knowledge of everything, yet they
are extremely poised and in control of themselves and
aware of their surrounding. Hence they remain
unaffected in provocative situations.

The moment one is aware of the vices like lust and

greed etc, one is definitely going to be affected by it.
This was the cause of the downfall of Western people.
This all happened under the prefect of psychology.

If we attached the word the science or “ology” behind a

word, then it becomes acceptable to the society.

Who were the pioneers of these philosophies?

Sigmund Freud, Hedler, June, etc. Their philosophy is

based on sex, whereas the Hinduism is based on
Brahmacharya. They find solutions of problem in sexual

The result of such philosophy is that, they are today

facing a huge problem of mass teenage pregnancies. At
the age of playing and career building, they are
pregnant and aborting babies. The bags of teenage girls
are found with contraceptive pills and the wallets of
boys with condoms.

The same perverseness has diseased our country too.

Then urban and rural areas are affected by it, the urban
areas have degraded beyond imagination. These schools
of thoughts has plagued our educational society and
educational institutes too.

1. Is semen/sperm equivalent to urine in terms of

being just a bodily discharge?

The diet that we intake gets divided into three parts. Ras
is part of the food that makes up our body removing the
Macro / sthul which is excreted and subtle / sukshma
which makes man.

Khorak> Ras > Rakt > Maans> Meedh > AAsthi > Majja >

Shukra or semen is 7th element

That is how expensive/ refined semen or Shukra is to a

human body. Today’s medical science has just taken a
reversal step on it considering semen and urine in the
same genre and it is something that keeps producing
which must be thrown out of our systems periodically.

In India too, there are various sexologists, the likes of

Mukul Choksi, Prakash Kothari etc, who are misguiding
the Indian youth, saying that sperms / semen are
equivalent to urine, remove them from your body

If semen /sperms were waste, why does one feel weak

during it’s discharge! Due to this reason, the youth of
India is misguided and they have degraded!

2. What about nocturnal emission/nightfalls?

It is necessary to have a correct appropriate approach
towards this. It is natural for teenagers to encounter this
problem, because of their age, their atmosphere, their
culture, and their diet. It is natural, there is nothing to be
disappointed about. Mostly the spiritual aspirants, they
feel disappointed. But it is natural, because of the
atmosphere you are in.

If one changes one’s association, and what one watches,

what one sees, the friends one has, and what one talks,
automatically they’ll have lesser nightfalls. Controlling
nightfalls is for ascetics, and not common children and
boys. They have to curb and eradicate masturbation,
and not nightfalls. So the youth should understand that,
one can’t expect to be innocent when one watches such
romantic movies, watches tv shows, when one has too
many friends of the opposite sex, one associates with
them, ogles at their images on Instagram and in public,
or does anything that increases such thoughts, then one
is bound have more sexual thoughts. And hence one
will have frequent wet dreams and nightfalls. One has
to change their lifestyle, and also their purpose and aim.

3. The need of self discipline:

In such an environment, the unmarried class of people

are tending towards more and more sexual corruption.
Hence, there is a need to follow some self discipline, for
those who want to be happy and have a peaceful and a
pure life.
Those who want to live a life with integrity and dignity,
they have to save themselves from illicit sex and
adulterous behavior.

When studying in colleges and schools, don’t get too

close with friends of opposite sex. We need to
participate in functions, we need to exchange books, but
there isn’t need to hang out after school or college. There
is no need to chat for long hours at night with them on
WhatsApp! Try not to meet in private and secluded
places with the opposite sex, never meet secretly with
the opposite sex in a secluded area. Don’t indulge in too
much of mischief and double meaning jokes, or touchy
mischief, that’ll cause a problem later on, you won’t
have anything to save you.

Instead of teaching to control they teach enjoyment/

bhog which is followed by the youngsters.

All these reasons result the youngsters getting into


1. To take care of the limits of men and women.

Maintain modesty and discipline in each others

Shriji Maharaj has said, if men and women associate

feely and frequently , there’s no way one can even keep
any expectations of the them to not fall from their moral

2. Devyani and Kach

Devyani the daughter of Shukracharya, shukracharya told her
daughter you have grown up to the age of getting married.
We should find someone suitable for you, to which she denied
saying she had vairagya and it wouldn’t be suitable for her to
get married. Then came Kacha son of Brihaspati and
Shukracharya allowed him to stay and study in his ashram.
While learning she got along Kacha very well and fell in love
with him, and sansaar bhav came up in her but kacha denied
her. Devyani cursed him and the devyani’s fell from her path
of keeping her mind stable.

Imagine, Devyani was a pious and a learned in dharma, and

even she failed to maintain her mind pure. What can be said of
boys and girls today.

People say these days Ram and Sita had met in a garden
what’s wrong if we get along in today’s life. Well to answer
that, Vishwamitra their guru had himself given permission to
Ram to go to the garden. Here Vishwamitra was like a fatherly
figure and Janak Maharaj has given the fatherly responsibility
to Vishwamitra. Why would anyone break away their limits if
their father had given them the permission?

3. One should not get into inappropriate movies,

novels, literature, And magazines.

If one wants to save themselves to fall off from this path.

Haven’t our ancient lives been so clean and worth
applauding. The western culture imparted on India has
developed its own break through.
The owner of star TV entertainment channel,Rupert Murdoch
himself has mentioned let the whole world watch star TV, in
my home no one watches star TV to my children.

First there were street plays, then came theatrical plays,

and theatre , then came movies, then came TV and now
its mobile, the entertainment has become personal and
so much a part of our life now, that we don’t know what
our children, our parents, our disciples or followers are
watching, and getting inspired from. We have no idea
that our children are watching fifty shades of grey,
game of thrones, watching pornography, and we trust
them blindly, and we don’t even keep a check or never
properly educate them about its ill effects.

When one watches romantic movies, this is especially

seen in girls, they have an unrealistic approach towards
love. They dream of having a fairytale love story.
Whether they find it or not is a different issue, but they
have that kind of mindset and they think of it most of
the times. The same happens with boys when they
watch pornography, they have unrealistic and
disgusting hopes from their partners. So all in all,
ultimately the boys and girls are drifted towards
adultery, either under the pretext of romance and love,
or plainly out of lust. The exposure to such
entertainment has been a major reason for the downfall
of the society.

The problem is another when lyrics of songs are written

they are made to be referred in different or double
meanings to them which people again get enticed to
follow and pick up on their lips. Adding to this are the
wide range of magazines, music articles adventures in
and around the city and most importantly the free

All this automatically results in the lust getting active at

a very young age in the children and therefore the kids
were sent deep in the forest’s ashrams of rishis to learn.
Wasn’t it totally apt to keep a check on the child’s
proper growth and maturity?

Now the children are getting matured about sexual

knowledge way before appropriate age, making them
less knowledgeable and more excited and curious about
it, causing them to solve their curiosity on Internet and
friends, who misguide them and they instead become
more sexually frustrated!

4. Having no addictions or intoxications:

One should abstain from all kinds of addiction and

intoxication. Addictions and intoxicants are aphrodisiac
in nature. To maintain the purity of mind and health of
the body, it is utmost necessary that there shouldn’t be a
trace of addiction or intoxication of any kind in one’s

5. Eating in limit and following a proper diet :

More eating makes the senses strong, hence making it
difficult to control and focus them. If they overpower
us, we’ll be dragged into the desires of the senses and
then mind. So eating in limit is akin to keeping the
strength of our servant in check!

6. One should get a decent and regular amount of

sleep, not less not more.

In London one teenager got up at 10:30 saying he was doing

it following the shiksha patri, as in India its 5 am them. One
can never win out of conversations and logic to them.

Bimbisaar’s father told bimbisaar in your kingdom its very

cold these days please make it a point after Sandhya aarti no
one roams outside, after two months what was notices the
crime rate and adultery all became close to zero in the
kingdom. Even other crimes like murder, theft came down.

7. Have a Company of good people/ satsang, and

faith in God:

This is one of them most important method to maintain

discipline. We need to have good association, we can’t
be roaming with lascivious men and women, we can’t
have friends who talk frequently about sex and
romance, and constantly be in such places which
increase or induce sexual or amorous thoughts in our
minds, and then expect to have a pure mind and a mind
free of sexual thoughts.
Just by staying away from such friends and places, is
not enough. We then need to associate with saintly and
good people with noble thoughts. That will purify our
mind. Having other hobbies might just divert our mind
from impure and sexual thoughts for a while, but Seva
and satsang, will purify our mind and thoughts.

And then when we develop faith in God with

association of such people, the sexual urges will dissolve
automatically from inside. We’ll never desire such
pleasure once we have experienced the love and bliss of
God by his grace and grace of saints!

8. Correct understanding of Youth age and lustful

thoughts during teenage and later

All this is yuvano na Vishay. Any kind of lust thought is

yuwani, there should be ways to suppress it and bring it
down. But never should one let one’s thoughts grow on
to it.

One should understand it is natural to have such

thoughts in a youthful age. For both boys and girls. One
reason is natural biological order, that at certain age
males and females will feel attracted to one another. But
another reason is the atmosphere that we live in. There
is constant bombarding of such inputs on us, everything
points towards sexual attraction, even advertisements
are directed in such a way, they’ll usually have a
beautiful actress or actor endorsing it.
One shouldn’t think that one is wretched person and
pervert. One must understand that its natural and try to
curb the urges. Also one must make sure that one
doesn’t engage in any such situation where these urges
are agitated. And one should be obsessed over sex.
Natural desire is understandable, but obsession should
be avoided. And it should be controlled by the above

9. The responsibility of parents and elders

The responsibility of parents is not just to earn money

and to educate them in a good school. Inculcating good
values and teaching them self discipline and even the
proper knowledge of attraction of males and females,
spiritual imparting spiritual knowledge is also their
responsibility. But today’s parents are just engrossed in
earning more and more and willing to make their
children all rounder academically, but are avoiding or
missing out on wisdom and values.

They often complain that kids don’t listen to them, but

have we ever checked our own selves. Are we behaving
ideally? Are we taking responsibility to impart spiritual
and value based wisdom in them? If yes, then is out
method right and is it working?

First of all, to give them such knowledge, we have to

gain knowledge from correct sources and inculcate in
our own lives. Then when they reach an appropriate
age, we have to tell them, but as a friend and not order
them to do this and that. We can’t force them, but we
can show them the ill consequences of what they do. We
must understand them and they will understand us. We
have to be their best friends, they’ll then trust us
completely. It takes patience, but it is all worth it. If you
take of their self respect, they’ll surely take care of your
honor. Advice them, stop them, but never force them.

Never scold or be aggressive on your children if they are

not listening. This will only enrage them to wrong path
but would never bring them under control. But the
parents should teach them to be in limits and to tell
them about a good grihast life.

It is the responsibility of the father to tell his son, that it

is important to respect women and it is utmost
important that you take care of your sight. The way you
look at women, someone might be looking at your
mother, your sister in that way, would you like it? Teach
them to stay away from unnecessary association with
girls. Tell them how it spoils their career, they focus and
how much does it affect them monetarily, emotionally
and socially. At they right age you’ll be married. And if
they cheat anyone, or take advantage of anyone, by
God’s justice, they will face it too.

Similarly, mothers should teach their daughters, that it

is better to conceal and be modest instead of being
foolishly bold and extrovert. They should know that
men have less to lose. But if she makes a mistakes, she’ll
have to face the sin of abortion, which is murder of an
innocent child. It doesn’t matter if you don’t consider it
as a sin, but what about the agony of the child. Inspire
them to live a life full of dignity, they don’t need to be
cheap, they have to be noble, don’t be so easy to get by
makes. They should know their worth. They can’t be
accepting each and every demands of their boyfriends,
first of all they don’t need a boyfriend! Wait for
marriage, because it has a lot of security and
responsibility. But nowadays they are taught to be bold
and careless about the world. They are taught that wear
what you want, it’s your choice. #mychoice

That’s a stupid thing. Look at the lives of any great

woman, they have valorous, and have been steadfast in
their dignity and integrity, they haven’t been
promiscuous and have never ever gave up their
modesty for anyone or anything, and have had a
staunch devotion to God!

Keeping note of all the above the youngsters being in

limit would lead a good life that would in turn make a
healthy society.

10. Ethics to be understood for a married woman

A married woman has two options, one to be

completely tolerant and patient, or become aggressive
and responsible. In the first case, she must understand
that the home she is going is someone else’s and she is
new, so she has to adjust and learn their ways. Believe it
to be your home. Parents should advice them to be
patient and accept that home as hers and her inlaws as
parents. This is necessary because, today most of the
divorces have a subtle cause that, the girl doesn’t seem
to accept the new home as her own and inlaws as her
parents. Moreover due to the phone, she constantly
bitches about her inlaws and her mother likes the
gossip. This causes a subtle discontent in the girl and it
slowly and gradually results in a divorce or a marriage
with discomfort. Such an understanding is to be given in a
situation where the girl is kept as a daughter, even the inlaws
are taking care of the daughter and there is no extreme
harassment of the girl. Small differences should be ignored.

Second is the case where the woman has to be

aggressive. When her inlaws are demons, and they
don’t allow her to follow her dharma. That’s the time
she has to take aggressive steps that will either teach the
inlaws a lesson, or will cause her to be liberated from
their torture. She should be bold and courageous. But
make sure the reasons are strong. In such a case, the
parents should support their daughter and not allow her
to suffer saying its not their responsibility anymore. For
such reasons, teach your daughters to be independent
and have faith in God. So that they can gain courage to
face difficult situations in life. So that they can live a life
with dignity and respect! Faith in God and maintaining
integrity are really important to have a rock solid
character, try to inculcate that in daughters. They’ll
make better families!

11. Causes of adultery in marriages:

It is utmost necessary that the couple is bonded by
divinity in the marriage, and their relationship is based
on loyalty, mutual love and respect.

Wherein suitable man and woman get married to each

other in the prophesies of the shastra. They take vows of
purity and fidelity. They decide to be with each other in
all circumstances.

Still in this divya sangam of grihasthasram creeps in

adultery by a few reasons some of which are:

1. Absence of love:

When love is gone, adultery begins. If there is love,

fidelity and loyalty follow. Love is an unbreakable
bond. If there is love, there will be a sentiment of

When trust between two people dries off the situation

becomes complicated. Therefore, people indulge in
adultery for something which they cannot find at home.
When there is no, sentiment if understanding each
other’s feelings, that’s when they separate and there is a
place for someone else. If there’s love at home nothing
bad would ever happen.

Women look for another husband mainly to fulfill her

desires for a certain lifestyle, and men go to other
women to fulfil their desire for lust.

Therefore, our sages have called grihasth ashram very

divya and lovable to the society. When one is waiting
for their spouse to return home it not a sin, its highly

The Hindu marriage is not if two bodies, two minds but

it is of two hearts, two souls. They are United. Because
the mind seeks pleasure. It stays only till it gets its own
pleasure. The moment its pleasure, it’s self interest is
served, it goes away to another for that happiness. And
the purpose of marriage is clear, it is to gradually
relinquish desires and attain God.

There was a time when women thought of their

husband as their God. Just one sentiment, that of you
believe your husband to be your God, how can you
even look at other man amorously. And if you know
that your wife treats you as her God, how can you cheat
her? Nowadays, the girl is told during the marriage, that
if you don’t find it comfortable there, then come back
the next morning! How then will the marriage survive?

The problem of west is a new kind of wedding which is

out of friendship on papers which is the friendship
agreement wedding. This is one of the prime reasons
where in America has a population of about 1.5 crores
who do not know either of their father or their mother.

In Indian tradition the fire from wedding is bought

home in the kitchen put in the stove where food is made
with it and continued all life and when one passes away
the same fire is use for the rites. This is the elegance and
illustrious nature of an Indian grihasth life.
One thing needs attention, don’t arrange opposites in
marriage. Opposites don’t attract, they fight! There are so
many parents and children, who marry only for a certain
lifestyle, for cars or bungalows, such marriage will never work
and cause adultery in the society. Check a little compatibility.

2. Vaidhvya – if one of the spouses passes away.

This results in societal behavioral losses, family losses

and loneliness, this greatly creates chances of one
getting into adultery. That’s the time when she
remembers and misses her husband. Such adultery, in
widows and widowers, is present in today’s India too.
But there is something that needs to be understood.

There are some stubborn societies in India, which isolate

and torture a widow. Which is something strongly
condemned by lord Swaminarayan. If you force a young
girl to live a life like a widow, without her having
proper understanding, then it is quite possible that she
might take such a step that might be shameful for
everyone. There have been so many instances where
widows and widowers have engaged in adultery.

There are still ways in Indian customs wherein if one of

the spouses passes away at a very early age they are
remarried. To stay away from any kind of future
problems of staying alone, all the widows should once
look into the rules given by lord Swaminarayan, in
In Shiksha patri Bhgwan Swaminarayan has mentioned.

Widow’s rules/ Vidhva nu dharm

1. Since women take their husbands as Parmeshwar, but

if her husband dies, they must accept God as their
husband, and therefore engage in God’s deception and
service. She should hence never feel lonely or
abandoned, since God is with her forever, who is a
better husband than anyone.

2. Never stay in a lonely place alone. Not taking a place

alone and staying by themselves. By their home, or
closest family member’s home. If they have someone to
take care of them, it helps them to keep their integrity
and dharma intact.

3. If the widow is young, she shouldn’t talk to, or

associate with or not touch, young men. This will
prevent them to get into unnecessary closeness.

4. Eat in limits. Eating too much makes the senses

active, it makes difficult to control oneself.

5. Live a simple life, modest life, and dress simply and

modestly. Also stay away from romantic, erotic, and
pornographic films and novels, etc which will induce
lust in your mind.

6. Stay in a good company, good women’s friends only.

7. If one is quite young not to stay close to any of the

relatives in the same place. In seclusion and privacy,
there is chances of one’s mind getting wavered. .
8. Not to go in anyone’s wedding ceremonies. Because
in that atmosphere, one might want to get married

Its mentioned in shastra, that if husband and wife

stay away for work, to come and meet at least once
in three months if not the vision from their
psychological minds start to develop changes
According to the human nature. Even if you work in
the same city, make sure you come home
surprisingly, without informing. Just to keep a
check. If one doesn’t do this, there is a chance that
the wife, or the husband might be cheating.

Therefor Shiji Maharaj has mentioned. If one’s husband

has gone out for work.

Woman’s rules / Stri nu dharm

1. Do not go to other’s homes and spend long

times. This causes unnecessary gossip. And also
a chance of associating with other men.

2. Not to get into discussions with women in the

neibourhood. Because women have a tendency
to gossip, this will lead one to unnecessary doubt
the husband, it’ll make you feel worse. It doesn’t
mean you don’t socialize, but complete
household duties first and do something
productive that will make you and your
husband proud.
3. And not to dress up very well each day. This is
practically true because, there are men preying
always on a woman. If you dress up in the
absence of your husband, it’ll show two things,
one that you are happy that he is gone, and
secondly, one might think it is to attract other
men. But it is wise to keep a low profile in the
absence of your husband.

Man’s rules /Purush nu dharm

Never touch any widows, its not that they are

untouchable but to respect them, they are as Pavitra as
ganga and need respect in society.

It is mentioned in Vachananrut Pratham 72,

1. To stay away from any lady so that their dharm

is maintained one should stay away from a lady
who comes for help, on the fasting days of one’s
wife and widow or woman who trusts them.

In shikshapatri, Lord Swaminarayan had ordered that

men shouldn’t stay in seclusion with their daughters,
sisters or mothers unless necessary. This is supported in
Srimad Bhagwatam too.

For Vidur,widower,

2. To keep to his limits the same dharm as

applicable to vidhwaas.
Today the veil custom is gone, and therefore the relation
between the inlaws and the daughter in law is quite
casual. This has led to crossing of boundaries between
the inlaws and daughter in law. So the father in law
should take care of his behavior. There have been so
many cases where the father in law has crossed his
boundaries, and done wrong things with the daughter
in law.

So if there are no boundaries and modesty at home,

there will be ill consequences.. The laaj (veil) might be
obsolete, but we need to have laaj.(modesty).

If a widower stays in limits, then it’ll be good for

everyone, it is okay to talk what is necessary but no
need of getting too close or casual.

3. For a child:

When one’s spouses are not able to conceive children,

some people end up getting into it with others to get a
child of their own. Surrogacy is also a kind of adultery.
Either the male or the female, both commit adultery for
the sake of attaining a child. Be sure of one thing, that
you aren’t married just for a child or sexual pleasures.
There is higher purpose to it. Instead of committing
adultery, accept a second marriage.

In shiksha patri Maharaj has mentioned.

Ones husband if he is in ill health, blind, dull, in poverty

or impotent still a lady’s dharm is to never faulter for
another man, and still serve them as the same
Parmeshwar status.

Imagine the sacrifice of Gaandhari, even Shri Krishna had

saluted gaandhari’s sacrifice, the same gaandhari had such a
tez in her that she cursed the Yadav vansh. That is a pati
vrata stri. And Shri Krishna accepted her curse with due
respect. That’s the power of a pativrata.

Hence never break your vow, there is a system of adoption.

4. In case of emergency / Aapat kaal

In necessities and calamities if someone helps them in

tough times and gain benefits out of it. Therefore, even
in difficult times please be aware in taking help from
others about their intentions.

People don’t always help you out of compassion. Some

people help you but their intention is to exploit your
daughter, or sister. Even when taking help from others,
or relatives, be very careful, that no one is exploited or
taken advantage of. In such cases, not the woman, not
the man can speak up. Such type of exploitation takes
place of even the men. When a young guy studies at a
relatives place, he might get exploited there. BA pass
was a movie which portrayed it. Such kind of sexual
exploitation in rampant in many places, but we should
be aware of this.

Don’t ask for help from anyone, don’t ever sell your
morals, integrity and dignity for any kind of help.
Instead, ask help from God, have faith in God. And take
help from saintly people.

5. A personal story

This is a story from my college days. I was studying in

engineering college. We have a system of keeping terms.
So along with me, there was a girl who too failed in a
mathematics exam.

We had the last attempt to clear the paper, and she

helped me a lot in understanding the concepts. If we
failed in this attempt, then we would get a backlog of
one year. The exam came and we both wrote the paper
together. While discussing, she was very confident that
she’d pass, and I was confident too, as she had taught

Weeks later the results were announced, and to

everyone’s shock, she failed and I passed!

Now in such a situation, there are two options, either

one can accept the failure and attempt the next year, or
one could ask for a recheck. We could also ask for a
photo copy of the paper so that we’d have a claim.

Naturally for her, she applied for a recheck, but even

after being insisted by me, she refused to get a photo
copy. We got into an argument yet she didn’t accept.

A few weeks later, the results were going to come of the

recheck. In that mean time, she contacted various
people, who were involved in leaking and faking the
results. Who had “ contacts” in the university, who’d
give assurance that she’d pass in the exam. Some said
they’d do it for free, but weren’t 100% sure. Some
demanded too much of money. It was all illegal.

I suggested her to inform her parents, see what they

advice, but she didn’t even do that. Most of our friends
were really anxious.

Then she approached a guy of ill repute of our college.

They two had a past, and this was the opportunity for
the guy to pressurize her. So while they were chatting
about it on WhatsApp, he demanded sexual favors in
return for her to pass in the exam. He was
straightforward and he shamelessly mentioned it. The
girl refused right away.

But later, when we met the next day, she cried in front
of me. She said, “What does he think of me? How did he
dare to ask this from me? Am I so cheap?” She was
broken and felt really bad. What was made out of her.
Even the other guys, they weren’t genuinely good in
their approach. But this was disgusting!

I comforted her saying it isn’t you who is wrong here,

he is cheap, what else do you expect! The only part
you’re wrong was that you approached him!

She was saved, that she didn’t succumb to her

desperation. Because she had a good support system in
the form of her friends. We had asked her to promise
that she wouldn’t anything wrong just to pass in the
exam. She wasn’t dumb student, she had no other KTs,
she scored 7.something in other exams, but just one
paper. What if it was someone else? There are so many
girl who give in to these kind of exploitation, and since
what they did is illegal, even they don’t speak up
against it. The point is, these situation lead to adultery
and sexual exploitation, and hence necessary measures
should be taken to avoid it.

This is what happens in desperate situations.

Opportunistic people will take advantage of you. In
such situations, approach saintly and godly people. In
absence of such people, approach God. Pray and have

Lastly, at least inform your parents or some elders who

can really help you!

6. Adultery under the pretext of religion

There were various religious beliefs which promoted

adultery in the pretext of religion. Osho was one such
acharya. There were other ancient beliefs too, and
various misinterpretations too.

The sentiment was to sacrifice everything to the guru.

Even the body, and even the dignity! In the name of
sacrifice and devotion, illicit sex and adultery was

Lord Swaminarayan stopped all this and gave a pure

and clean path of devotion. He segregated the sexes.
In the name of meditation, relaxing the mind, finding
peace through sex, these were the ideas given by those
corrupted people. But it is all fake and it only makes one
more and more frustrated!

7. The societal vibe/ Saamajik watavran

The whole craze and trend of the society as a whole is

tending towards voluptuousness and carnality. Each
and everyone is affected by it, be it a small child or the
elder grandparents at your home. All are affected.

Earlier, the men used to earn the livelihood of the house.

And the woman used to handle the business of the
home, and took care of the home and she was the

This had begun for a reason in society, as there is

increase in expenses, for the family to maintain itself,
had begun difficult, women took to working. But these
days its more of a woman’s emancipation movement
wherein women would want to be proven if not equal
but greater than men. Resulting in children not been
able to be bought up like before. Families eating their
meal outside has increased as the cooking has reduced.

Honestly working of a woman is the most important

thing in today’s society for the woman to feel safe and in
dignity. Like a teacher. A gynaecologist. , for woman’s
upliftment and progressive works. In literature. Burn
today they have taken up jobs like bartending, working
at late nights at a call center, air hostess, entertainment
industry, and other such jobs like beauty parlour,
massage parlour for men! These are hotbeds for
adultery. If they stay in their limits. The society would
certainly be a healthy one. We don’t need these kinds of
jobs, they are actually insulting to women, and they
don’t actually make them independent or strong!
Becoming a dancer or an actress is seldom a respectable
job I guess.

In earlier days, in the entertainment segment, the role of

a woman was done by a male. Female weren’t involved
in it. But nowadays, there are competitions like Miss
India and miss universe! We all know they are forced to
expose their bodies and they accept it willingly! Its not
miss India, but it is actually missing India’s true culture
of modesty and dignity! We don’t need Dushashan to
disrobe women, they willingly do it now, in movies, in
tv and even in public nowadays, there are naked
parades, they willingly shed their clothes for just some
money and fame! No shame! Even in public, the fashion
is becoming such that it is more revealing and less
modest. We all know the dress are becoming smaller,
tighter and uncomfortable and also sometimes see-
through! Its almost as if there is no need to wear clothes
at all, all is exposed clearly!

8. The flip side of female exposure /boldness on

TV and other media :

I was once saw a video on YouTube “Teens react to

Anaconda “. Anaconda is song by Nikki Minaj, it has a
lot of booty exposure and twerking. So in that video, a
group of teenagers, from various backgrounds, both
boys and girls were shown the video of that song, and
there asked to give their thoughts on it.

There was a particular girl, her thoughts were very

insightful I found. She said that these kinds of videos
and exposing of women baldy in general in various
platforms, be it advertisement, or magazines, tv or social
network, causes men and boys to think that they are
entitled to it. This causes them to casually ask for nudes
from their girlfriends. A woman’s breast are frequently
exposed in Game of thrones, but how many times is a
man showed naked? In the same manner, in the
relationship of common boys and girls, the boy thinks it
is okay to spank her, touch her and display affection
publicly. Why is all this happening? Because it has
become common for women being exposed, women are
doing it willingly, allowing it willingly and no one is
condemning it. And if someone does it, they are called
outdated and Orthodox! This isn’t women
empowerment or being bold, it is a straightforward
insult to women’s dignity!

Similarly, in entertainment industry, such exposure

makes it compulsory for women to expose of they want
to be noticed. If you want to be miss India, then pose in
a bikini! If you want to be an actress, do some intimate
bed scenes! It is rare that they are given good roles in
the beginning!
It happens in common situations too, if a girl allows a
guy to tickle her once, it becomes a habit for him,
similarly, in many other boundaries are crossed if a girl
allows it just once. The girl allows an inch, the guy takes an
ell! We see that in movies it is shown that the guy gets
away with so much of misbehavior with the girl! This
makes guys think that its okay to flirt, it is okay to get
touchy feely! But no its not, those people in movie have
no shame at all. We aren’t actors! This is real life! Don’t
imitate them!

Hence it is utmost necessary, that if a girl wants to

maintain her dignity, then she has to be firm and strong
right from the beginning and till the end. I have seen
many girls in my studying days, that they never
allowed guys to touch them, and they never hung out
with them alone. They had their boundaries defined and
they stayed by it, be it going to home at time, or not
sitting behind a guy on a bike, or not letting a guy sit
behind them if they were riding, even they wouldn’t sit
beside a guy unnecessarily. With them, the guys
behaved properly and never ever did they misbehave.
The girls maintained this kind of limits with everyone,
there weren’t any exceptions. Or some girls have
exception, they say he is my best friend, he is allowed!
How stupid!

While there were some who didn’t confirm

advancement of guys, and gradually, they were taken
for granted. And the mischief with them got worse
So in school or college or at workplace, if a woman
keeps her guard up high always, and trusts people
wisely, only then it’ll be safe for her. Only then it’ll be
possible for her to avoid any kind of harassment.

I read an answer on quora, it was about punishment

like castration to crimes like rape. There was an answer
given by a wise lady, she said that rape is already late. It
is unstoppable. The breaks should be applied long
before. How many times have we stopped our friend
from teasing a girl? How many times have we slapped
our friend for misbehaving with a Girl? How many
times has a girl been firm in condemning the guys who
these her? How many times has a guy drawn limits to a
girl being over friendly? Never! Then how will rape
stop! We have to draw limits long before it happens!
And don’t mind me saying this, but dressing modestly
is one such step! But no one will believe it!

One man asked Alexander’s sister what is the best adornment

for women? She replied, the only and best adornment for a
lady is her modesty and dignity. .

Looking at the society one of the great thinker’s in west wrote,

“my daughter, be great but be a great woman. Never try
to be a great man”

9. Things to take care if one wants to be saved

from adultery :

Just like women have to maintain modesty in their

conduct, even men have to be chivalrous in their
conduct. It is a mutual relationship. Both have to follow
discipline. If at work or schools, colleges, talk and
associate what is necessary, no need for unnecessary

Never go to one’s friend’s home when their spouse is

only in their home and until your friend is not home
stay out. This applies for own sister in law’s home,
colleagues’ homes or any lady’s home shouldn’t be
visited until their husband is home. They can blame you
anytime for anything, and today’s laws will never be in
your favor. So be wise!

To stay away for a good looking, well-mannered and

well settled man. This is just to avoid unnecessary
attraction on your side and misunderstanding on his
side. He might take your goodness for you being

Stay away from ill company of ladies. It also means, that

women should stay away from men. And they should
also stay away from adulterous men and women. They
have only carnal things to talk about!

In ladies one of the key virtues is about they feel sorry

or kind to others. If a person,even if a guy, is going
through a difficult time, then they seem to talk to them,
give them condolence. But sometimes while being nice,
one shouldn’t get too close to them. Most of them
women then get attached to the man. It does happen,
men do this to take advantage of women, they try to
gain sympathy! Therefore, Shriji maharaj has
mentioned, in Satsanji jeewan that my satsangi should
surely be kind but not to that level that one has to let
themselves down or embarrassed in public.

Once when Mayaram Bhat was going on a horse a lady was

passing and felt extremely tired, so he stopped the horse and
told the lady to sit on it for a while. An old woman thus said
to him that everyone helps a young woman but there’s no one
for an old woman. From that day Mayaram Bhat promised to
himself he would not show up unnecessary kindness to a

Once a man invited his friend to be a partner in his

company, out of friendship, as a result, the partner and
his wife, they started dating each other. Later on they
killed the husband and looted all his money and ran

He helped his friend out of friendship and compassion,

but himself lost his life! So never do such kind of

10. The separation of sexes in Swaminarayan sect:

For this discipline to be maintained Shriji maharaj had

different mandirs for men and woman, different
assembly places for both men and woman and the
places to engage in satsang were all properly
differentiated between the two.
Shriji Mahraj has also mentioned not to listen to any
spiritual discourses from a lady.

This is because, even such association cusses infatuation

in the mind of men and women. In Christianity, women
are initiated to become nuns. But they are not made
preceptors. The pope were requested many times, but
they remained firm on their decision, that women
should be initiated as nuns and not preceptors.

In one of the church of London, the assembly of men

and women, the seating arrangements are separate.
Wise people believe in discipline of keeping the sexes
separate when it comes to maintain purity of religion
and focus on a task, But insolent and shameless people
will never accept it.

These were all the reasons for Adultery in society.

Effects of adultery on society.

1. Families are destroyed and broken:

If one person commits adultery, he alone is not affected,

but all the people associated to him and the victim are
affected and hurt.

In a paper called sandesh, on July 16, a heartbreaking

story was published. So many such families are
destroyed due to adultery. So much sorrow, so much of
sighs! While reading the heart gives out a cry!
A wife, she worked hard for her husband, for him to
study and do some progress, and become respectful in
society. But that guy, while studying, got into an affair
with his classmate.

He then abandoned and threw his wife and his two kids
on street. She worked hard for him to study and get a
good job, and he threw her away when the time had
come to repay her. So much of sorrow! What was the
fault of the kids! Even they were abandoned! They’ll
never get a fatherly love!

What about the agony of the wife and the kids! Who’ll
take responsibility for them? Are the one’s who wish to
decriminalize adultery going to take responsibility of
such abandoned people?

Story 2:

In Ahmedabad, one woman left her two kids and his

husband and ran away with another man. The husband
was shocked. The wife filed for a divorce in court.

They were called for a hearing. During the hearing, the

bondage asked her, what do you wish?

She bluntly said, “I don’t want my husband nor do I

want my kids! All I want is to live with my lover!”

The judge was shocked, and also were the people

present there. The kids ran towards there mother and
startled crying and hugging her, but she pushed them
But that lady was stone hearted. She had no regards for
the cries of her own kids! That is what adultery, lust
does to a person.

Hence, never break anyone’s house, or family. Stay away

from adultery, and never cheat. It breaks no only family, but it
breaks a lot of hearts, which can never be repaired!

2. Abortion

To hide the sin of adultery, or premarital sex, illicit sex,

women often take up abortion.. Other reasons seem to
be health related, to save the mother. That’s a different
issue. But when it happens due to shame and to hide the
mistake, women do take up abortion.

In India each year close to 40 lack abortions are carried

out in rural as well as urban areas. This is the result of
illicit sex! These kids are killed before they are born!

If the government or the society allows abortion, what

makes you think it exempts you from the sin of killing a
child? Yet many people don’t think of it as a sin! Here is
an article on abortion. Gaurav

When a child is aborted, it feels the pain, it realizes it’s

death, and it gives out a shrill cry.

Abortion is practiced by educated people more than the

rural public. Who will be held responsible for such
killings? Even if the sex is consensual, what about the
abortion! We have seen so many people enjoy sex, but
don’t want a baby! And protections don’t work always!
People want to enjoy sexual pleasures, but they don’t
want to control themselves!

3. Killing oneself

So many times has a girl committed suicide because of

the fear of social criticism. An innocent girl prefers
death! Just imagine, isn’t this a crime? A girl has to die
just because of one mistake.. Sometimes its not even her
fault, she was forced! But she has to face the
consequences of abortion or social criticism. The pain of
living with a stain all her life!

If one wants to know the pain, the agony, and the stress,
and the struggle to live with a stain, we must put
ourselves in a girl’s place! If a guy understands it, or a
girl understands it, one will never engage in illicit sex.

4. Orphaned children

Suppose that child wasn’t killed in the womb, if not

wasn’t aborted, then what is the status of the child
which is born out of illicit sex. Isn’t he called a bastard?
Do all of them have a respectable position in the world?

Some of them are abandoned by their mothers just after

their birth, they are not even fed their first milk. They
cry for the milk, but no one hears it. Worse still, wild
animals, dogs, fox, etc hear it. And then they come
searching for it and when it devours it alive, isn’t there
pain in it? Adultery isn’t sin, is it? Or it just dies out of
hunger and thirst!

Just for the sake of momentary sexual pleasure,

tmothers or the fathers who abandon the children to
hide their sin, they abandon it and it dies such
horrendous death, won’t hey face the consequences of
their sins!

Have you ever visited an orphanage? The small children

there, their eyes are so filled with pain, they keep
searching for their parents. They don’t get the love that
they deserve. They keep looking at you. The people
there don’t take proper care of them. They long for the
warmth and love of a parent.

The children who haven’t got enough love, they

naturally develop a kind of envy towards the whole
world. They see that most of the kids had a childhood,
they had warmth of their parents. They have a
sentiment of taking revenge from the world for the
injustice that has happened to them. Due to this kind of
upbringing, they tend to get into criminal activities.
They become a bad element of the society and revolt
against the society.

May God bless the people who are running orphanages

responsibly. May God bless Sindhutai Sapkal. May God
bless the women who provide warmth and love to those
children who have never seen a mother. And may God
bless the parents and people who adopt children and
give them good values and a good life!
5. Killing relatives and family members:

When one’s heart is fixed on their lover, whether a man

or a woman, then no matter who comes in their way,
their own son, husband, wife, father or mother, whoever
comes in their way, they don’t hesitate to get rid of
them, they go as far as to kill them cold bloodedly.

There was an incident where a woman had killed her

husband, her own son. She burned them alive because
they came to know of her relation with their neighbor.
Then her lover also abandoned her saying you are a cold
blooded murderer, and if you aren’t satisfied by me, and
if you find someone else, you’ll not hesitate to kill me

People are blinded in lust. They lose the sense of right

and wrong. Their mind becomes devilish. Just for the
sake of momentary pleasures, they end up losing life
long partners, the very people who stood by them in all
their sorrows, and they kill them, they’ll be able atone
for such sins.

6. Spread of HIV

Due to a lot of promiscuity in foreign countries,HIV has

become a great problem for them. And then it has also
entered India. Now due to this, they are promoting
being loyal to your spouse. But if they had believed in it
before, there would be no aids.
Once there was a man, he went to a new country, and
there he met a girl. She lured him into have sexual
intercourse with her.

The next morning, he found himself alone in bed and

the girl was nowhere to be seen. He saw a card reading,

“ welcome to the AIDS community”

The guy was shocked, and he cried, what had he done!

That’s how people lose their life due to adultevry!

7. Gruhasthashram (householder) order of life

can be Brahmacharya :

If one stays loyal to one one’s wife, only one wife and no
other. And similarly, if a woman stays loyal to her
husband, only one husband and no one else, then it is
Brahmacharya. But the problem today, people have
already had multiple partners before marriage!

On a higher level, if one doesn’t have ill thoughts even

for a other woman, and the woman had no ill thoughts
for other man, is ideal Brahmacharya for house holders.

Grihasthashram is very close to being a highly praised,

bramhacharya ashmram which is difficult as well,
there’s a sutra “ek naari, sada Bramhachari”. This states
not even thinking about another lady in the mind. To
observe non adultery even through one’s thoughts.
For that, one must have the sentiment that all the other
women are one’s mother, sister or a daughter. Then one
might be able to control one’s urges.

If one is studying, or working, and if there are female

companions there, and there is a need to talk to them, or
associate with them for some work or project. It is fine.
But if one intentionally looks at them, ogles at them, gets
too close to them, then one will definitely get ill
thoughts. And with time, it’ll get further.

Yajnavalkya has written the below shhlok in his sanhita

Rutarito swadaresu. Sangati rahya vidhnataha,

Bramhacharya tadevya voktam, grihasthashram


It means a man in expectation of a child in a particular

season only gets along with his wife in accordance with
scriptures is always a bramhachari.

1. Brahmacharya for house holders :

Shriji maharaj has mentioned in Pratham 34

Brahm-chãrya has also been prescribed for grahasthas. For

them, brahm-chãrya constitutes shunning all women except
their wives, abstinence from sexual relations with his wife on
days of religious occasions, and engaging in sexual relations
only during appropriate times. Whoever deviates from these
and other niyams that have been prescribed for tyãgis and
grahasthas, will suffer accordingly.

2. Self discipline during vrat(vows):

When there is ekadashi, ram navmi, harijayanti,

janmashtami, navratri, birthdays, some inauspicious
days, days of mourning due to death of a relative or
some serious calamity to the house or closed ones, at
such times, them must curb their urges and avoid sexual

During a vow, or anushthan, one must avoid sexual

interaction. The vows must be taken with mutual
consent. The man should allow her wife to keep vows,
and the wife should take permission of his husband too.

The wife and husband should behave in such a way

they aren’t enticed by each other’s presence. They
should behave in discipline.

Hence one must control the urges and maintain purity

during religious functions. And one must help and
inspire each other to maintain purity and reach God.

3. What is the meaning of rutukaal(appropriate


In simple words, if a couple in engages in sexual

intercourse only for a single purpose of obtaining a
child, then that is the appropriate time for engaging in
But in today’s time, it might be difficult for all to attain,
it is ideal though. Hence much is not expected. Yet, that
doesn’t mean that we live life like animals, engrossed
only in sensual pleasures. House holders often think
that they have a license to indulge and be engrossed in
sexual pleasures.

Because Brahmacharya is necessary for those who want

to concentrate or focus on God, and spirituality. The one
without Brahmacharya can never attain the state of ideal

So, if the man or the woman, doesn’t develop

Brahmacharya, they won’t be able to attain the grace of

4. Vanprastha (Retirement from household)

Grihasthashram is all about gradually cultivating

detachment in oneself. To keep away from enjoyement/
bhog, by the ashram arrangement.

And then when one has understood that the worldly

pleasures are all transient and worthless, he develops
detachment and then takes up retirement to attain his
own spiritual goal of attaining God.

To fulfill this goal, one must plan his life accordingly,

save enough for a timely retirement. So that one has no I
need to stay dependent on their children for their living.
And one can peacefully engage in devotion.
This is the the ripe and rough she to enter into full time
spirituality because one has had almost all the bitter
experiences of life. Whatever one held dear oneself are
now hated by one.

For a man, his children have grown up and become

independent and therefore they don’t necessarily listen
to him. He doesn’t have much to aspire for. He has had
his cake!

A woman too, has got her children married. So the son

naturally favors the wife over her. She worked day and
night for her children and family, but they all disregard
her now. So by developing detachment, one should
focus on attaining God.

5. The responsibility of the husband to impart

spiritual knowledge to the wife:

Shriji Maharaj’s own letter says, that to impart

knowledge and teach one’s wife is the husband’s
responsibility (potani patni nuu gyaan aapwi purush ni
jawabdaari che.)

A husband is also her wife’s guru.

So it is by default, that the husband should himself be

well versed and experienced in spiritual knowledge. If
not, he must learn it from some saint and relay that
knowledge at home, to his wife and children. Get their
doubts cleared. Similarly, it is a mother’s responsibility
to educate the children about spirituality.
6. Sura Khachar and the other great devotees of
lord Swaminarayan with exemplary
Brahmacharya :

Once Vajsur of Jasdan, sent a wench to exploit and lure

Sura Khachar, to test him. She came late at night at his
residence. And started alluring him, and taking off her

Sura Khachar pulled out his sword and asked her,”Who

sent you? “ She replied that it was Vajsur Khachar.

He left the village Jasdan immediately, and then met

lord Swaminarayan, who welcomed with great
celebration, saying he is as great as Lord Hanuman in

The 18 devotees who were called on to become a saint

by just a letter of lord Swaminarayan. When they were
sent back, they all maintained their celibacy. All of
them were young, but both themselves and their wives
took a vow to maintain celibacy! This kind of feat is
unparalleled in any other sect or religion.
Vartaman 5

Aahar Shuddhi

This pravachan is the last and the fifth one of the five
vartaman/ Principles given by Shriji Maharaj. Vatlun
nahi or watlaun nahi (not to change or proselytize
oneself) but we name it as Aahar Shuddhi (purification
of inputs). The point is when we stress on something
people tend to either find flaws or go in the other
direction. But the name only helps in understanding it
better. It’s in away sugar coated for us humans filled
with maya/ Illusion to grasp and understand.


The practice of non-conversion. They must follow the

other four vows closely and not stray from these rules or
allow or encourage others to stray from this path.

What really is non-conversion? When would a person

be regarded as being converted? Do we ever ask this
question to ourselves?

What this means is that, if a person eats in the ways of

the other race or group that man is regarded as a
converted man.

The varn/Race in which one’s children is not wedded,

due the changing times when people get wedded its it
known as being converted.

This vartaman/ principle stands on Roti and Beti

vyavhaar/ practice, i.e.. food and one’s loved child.

The order of the society

This is Varn vyavastha or the order of the society, but in

today’s time its irrational to talk about it, people saying
they are open minded have no real respect for the old
systematic order of life and regard it as the millennial

Our societal order is basically dived in four groups.

1. Kshatriya

2. Brahman

3. Vaishya

4. Shudra

When we analyse the society the ethics life and different

sects of religion talk about four parts of life and society.
It doesn’t end there even blood has four different kinds.
It’s the different names that people give to different
orders dived into four.

One of the eminent thinkers of west, Karl Gustav Jung.

In his works mentions about the society being divided
in four parts.

1. Gyaan pipasu / Hunger for knowledge

2. Shakti Pipasu / Hunger for strength
3. Dhan Pipasu / Hunger for Money
4. Kshram Pipasu/ Hunger for work

The four kinds of nature one finds in the society.

Gyaan pipasu or Hunger for Knowledge

This virtue of a thirst for knowledge comes to them by

birth, inbuilt in them. A person with this virtue likes
nothing except Gyan/ knowledge. Day or night these
kinds of people spend their time in different activities
being careful and vigilant about learning or accruing
knowledge in away way. Weather meeting someone,
eating, talking, or just strolling around they keep
pondering over it in many ways. Like many great
thinkers and scientists Archenemies, Newton, Aristotle
to name a few.

Archimedes was taking bath, when he went into a tub the

water came out and almost instantly he could infer the
principle of buoyancy, and so happy was he began running
down to the market scantily dressed shouting Eureka!

The person with this virtue is not concerned about

making money with his knowledge. He is concerned
about taking his knowledge further and magnifying it
exponentially in the most effective ways he possibly can.

Its inherent in their nature to act in this way. People

with this virtue are great thinkers and an asset to the

Our sages and Brahmins did the same, they went far
away in jungle and even though there were no facilities
or comforts, they used to stay there and constantly
engage in reading, contemplating and reflecting of
spiritual Scriptures. Worldly people didn’t understand
their method of life, but it was inherent to them, to
pursue knowledge.

5. The story of Kanad Rishi

Once Kanad Rishi was gathering grains from a farm,
form him to eat later on. The king came to know of this,
so he went to the Rishi and said, “I don’t thinks it’s
appropriate for a great Rishi like you, so scholarly and
intelligent, to gather grains like this and eat. Why don’t
you grains from me, and then you can prepare them and
eat whenever you want!”

Kanad was truly a saint, so he said, “I don’t want your

grains of your help.! Who will take care of grains, to
store and preserve them. Instead let me gather grains
and continue my work. My true work is to gather and
preserve knowledge, and not grains!”

6. The inspiring story of Vachaspati Mishra

Vachaspati Mishra was a phenomenal Sanskrit scholar.

After marrying, he began to a commentary on Shankar
Bhashya. It took him 12 years to complete this full
commentary. He wasn’t aware of his wife around him.

One while he was writing, the lamp went off. So his

wife, she came there and brought another lamp. He
looked up and saw his wife, and said, *Who are you
lady? And what are you doing in my house?”

She said, *Dear husband I’m your wife, we were

married 12 years ago.!”

He was surprised! When was I married!

He forgot the world, he forgot his own existence, when

he wrote that commentary. He dedicated this
commentary to his wife, who served him like a shadow
for 12 long years without any expectations. And is is
called Bhamati Bhashya, still available.

He was so focussed that he even forgot his own wife.

This is called hunger for knowledge.

Shakti Pipasu/ Hunger for Strength

Building body, building an army, making an

organization, preaching a group, using force to prove
their point, boxing, Karate and more of such acts carried
out power of physical strength are the virtues of a
person hungry for strength.

Such people indulge in showing off their physical

strength, even if they fall, die or get hurt. There have
been some people who have proven themselves with
this virtue rather than just wasting it, like Edmund
Hillary, who went up to mount Everest by just his
conviction. If they plan something, they just can’t stop
without accomplishing it.

Like weight lifting creating world records, pulling a

vehicle just by the teeth, is this what humans have come
here for. But they still do it. Maybe just to prove their
power they would end up eating 5 kgs of food in a
single meal.
When Arjun had been in exile, he just could not stay
doing nothing, he ended up doing a lot of tap and filling
his Armor with weaponry getting boons.

Dhan pipasu / Hunger for wealth

Who are they? Well, all of us in a certain way. People

with such a virtue do not just come to listen in the
assemblies/ sabhas but to find business, traders and
make relationships with them.

If they go on pilgrimage to south Indian temples, they would

buy coffee to sell them at a higher price in their villages, where
we don’t find it. All that they think is money and money.

Shram pipasu / Hunger for work

There are a certain kind of people who would always

want to be busy in some work or an activity. It’s their
nature, which drives them to be constantly involved in
something. they just can’t stop keeping themselves busy
in just any activity.

Once a sadhu got some labours at the mandir and told them
he would pay them double their salaries, but they would just
have to sit and do mala in the comforts of the temple. They
loved the Idea and took it up. The first hour they totally
enjoyed it, the next hour they had gotten so irritated just by
sitting at one place all of them ran away.
These are the four kinds of nature of people in any
society. All of these are equally important to maintain a
balance in the society. Imagine if all of them just wish to
do research what would the whole world do?

What would happen if everyone gets into Dharm or

Shram how would the balance of the society be

Understanding the makeup of the society by Vedas

Hence our society was properly arranged in these four


Gyan pipasu - Brahman

Shakti Pipasu - Kshtriya varg

Dhan Pipasu - vyashy and

Shram Pipasu - Shudr varg

This channelization did the sages do it? did the society

do it? who was the one who did it? Shri Krishna
Bhagwan himself tells us that He is the one who has
created this kind of a society.

Sloka 13 (Chapter 4)



The four-fold caste system has been created by Me according

to the differentiation of qualities and actions. Though I am the
author, know Me as non-doer and eternal. The caste system as
it is practiced in India at present has been a bone of contention
amongst many. “The four-fold caste system has been created
by Me”: Taking this part of the sloka, there are many who,
without proceeding further, simply say that after all the
system has been created by Sri Krishna. Sri Krishna
immediately adds up to the first statement by saying:
"According to the differentiation of qualities and actions”.
Chaturvanyam: (the four varnas): The word “varna” refers to
the colour of the person. The word “caste” has been a latter
entry into the dictionary of the Hindus. Sri Krishna admits to
creating the “Varna” system but does not say “caste system.”
When one refers to the “colour” of the person, it means “the
colour of the centre of actions.” “Colour” in this sense is only
a poetic description and does not really refer to the physical
colour of the individual like dark, fair etc. Guna Karma
vibhagashu: divided according to the gunas and actions. The
centre for all our actions (karma) is “the mind.” The mind is
the seat of three basic qualities (gunas) of “Satva, Rajas and
Tamas.” All the three qualities are inherent in every
individual, but their proportion expressed outwardly as
actions differs from individual to individual. The actions
expressed according to the gunas is “Guna karma.” The
division of such actions is “Guna karma Vibhagashu”.
Broadly speaking, in any single society, the individuals can be
divided into four main groups depending upon the proportion
in expressing outwardly the three basic gunas in the form of
actions. “Chaturvarna” refers to the four groups of
individuals in any society

(Shri Krishna in Srimad Bhagvat Gita)

Chatur varnyam maya shristham guna karma vibhagashah,
Tashya kartaramapi ma Vidhaya kartaram vyayam
"O Arjuna, I have created the forthfold orders according to the
modes of action and the modes of their nature, And although I
am the creator, you know me yet as a non-doer and eternal."

Ch18:Sh 41:
Brahaman kshatriya visham shudranam cha parantap,
karmani pravi bhaktani swabhav prabhavai gunaih.
"O Conquerer of Enemies! The duties of Brahmans, Kshatraiyas,
Vaishyas and Shudras are divided differently according to the
modes born of their nature."

Shamo damastapah shaucham kshantih arjavam eva cha,
gyanam vigyanam ashtikyam bramha karma swabhavajam.
"Peacefulness, self-restraint, austerity, purity, forgiveness,
simplicity, knowledge, specialized knowledge and with belief in
God are the duties born of the nature of Brahamans;"
The responsibility of Brahaman, who are the learned
people is to teach people what’s right, what’s to be done
and how does one keep dharm.

The Khatriya the society needs them to protect and

build and organize it their power and discipline.

The Vaysya, with their responsibility to do business and

create an ecoconomic base for the socity to keep
growing, keep them busy and to benefit from the
commerce, so that daan dharm is maintained in the lives
of people so that people can help and get involved in
Religious activitities, duties and responsibilities like gau
rakshan which can happen peacefully. They work so
that grains and agriculture is maintained for the people
to feed on.

The Shudra, shram or hands on work is their nature.

Any kind of art, weaving, dance, pottery, and technical
skills are a fortune to them.

All this is made by me, and I have given each one their
Responsibilities. Says ShriKrishna Bhagwan himself.

The other shlokas are 18.43,44. Gita.

The issue of disruption in this organization

This way the society had been going along for a very
long time based on this simple varn vyavastha created
by Krishna bhagwan himself. Everyone was taken
equally each one’s work was respected and honored.
The problem arrived with varn bhed (caste
discrimination ) from varn vyavastha (order or castes in
society) wherein when each of the groups doing their
activity was in the same line of work the disruption of
one being superior than other happened. This was the
whole cause of disruption of the society.

Kshatriya said they were the best. Brahman said they

were the gurus of all so were they great.

Each one would say your work is inferior mine is

superior. It thus so happening that one leg would hit
other leg of the same body one organ trying to injure the
other organ saying they were superior the body would
naturally have to undergo illness this way.

As a result, people started disbelieving in others based

on their work and their surnames. The shudra almost
became a lower caste people and the other parts of
society would trouble them treat them badly.

The pains caused to them were immense. If they had to

drink water, they could only get it from the wells
outside the villages walking for a long distance. If they
felt ill no one would be ready to help them, they
couldn’t even spit on the ground they had to carry a
cloth if they wished to. Such were the pains instilled on
them, which are just to name a few.

If they ever came in the market people would announce

to stay away from them (Cheta rehjo!). In case if they
were mistaken on any account like an animal they were
treated and beaten up very cruelly. They were given
stale food and made to work double their bodies and
salaries. Anyone born as Shudra was a sin to himself.

The amount of trouble the Muslim rulers and the British

have not done to us is done by Hindus to their own
Hindu brothers just on the case of the societal order.

As a result, countless people gave up Hinduism and

took up Islam and Christianity as their religions, to get
away from it. In Mumbai thousands of lower castes
under Baba Ambedkar gave up Hinduism to take up

This is how it got disrupted. Now who did this? It was

us who did it, an organized system was broken up just
by us.

When atoms were discovered it was to learn and grow

for the benefit of mankind but what did we do there
came up atom bombs, which was used to blast of the
cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan by USA.

What’s wrong in all the systems and learnings when

you mix it up and create a poison out of it. the person
who uses it it’s their mistake.

Change in occupation due to this discontent:

This then resulted in people leaving up their work

saying we wouldn’t want to do it. Why should we be
counted low and so did societies started to change
tremendously. The speed of this change has been so fast
that today a Brahman’s son becomes a Lawyer, Judge an
Officer. What about the Dev pooja, aarti, sadhana what
would happen to these? The brahman who would have
Sandal wood paste and Ved in his hands early in the
morning has spanners and instruments as he is an
engineer now.

Similarly, each of the other varns had started to change

their occupation. The farmer/ Khedut’s son became an
engineer and the engineer’s son had a farm now. The
people who meant to do Gau sewa is teaching and the
one for whom it’s not meant like the clever businessmen
they are growing up buffaloes instead of cows to get
business out of it.

Effect of industrial revolution:

With all this came up industrial revolution. People

started to leave their smaller jobs and started working in
factories now. What would the Shudra’s do when they
were the group who were the artists there weaving was
done by machines, what would they do now. Therefore,
people left their occupations and moved away.

These technically skilled people left their occupations

and what we now have is specialized and vocational
courses. Even in America people must take up a class to
learn haircut and give and exam for it. One day with
this speed after a few years if one must learn making a
pot, they would have to be enrolled up into a
specialized class for that.
All the traditional skills one learned from their father is
now gone. For twenty years people study giving loads
of parent’s money and after that they think what we
should work as and thus they end up doing something
totally apart from it, taking up a business maybe.

What was simple is made complicated and the corporate

race to excel, make money, career is only adding to it.
The competition is so intense that one doesn’t even find
work after investing all that time and money. School
these days have psychologists who analyze the children
and counselling sessions are taken up wherein they tell
children to take up the stream according to their ability.

What we can infer is that there has been pros of this for
sure, but in turn this has broken up the societal order.
What was indigenous and most helpful for Indian
economy doesn’t even exist now.

What builds a culture and keeps it intact – Beti

Vyavhaar/ Heredity

Max Muller says collect all the philosophies of the world and
compare it with India’s, the entire world stands nowhere.
What’s just like a lamp in west, the philosophy of India is like
the sun. So was his intense aspiration that he mentions “one
day I don’t read the Upanishads and I am not able to sleep
that day”.

It has stood from hundreds of years, and now that we

are talking about it. The principle reason for this is the
society’s varn vyavastha. Just like other cultures and
civilizations this ancient Civilization wouldn’t have
existed without it.

Mahatma Gandhi says. What we have maintained from

hundreds of years is just because of our Gau raksha and varn

Any civilization or culture to have been stayed intact

and as it is for a long time is a huge thing. What’s the
most important thing that, what makes it this string and
legitimate and kept it going on from a long while?

1. Heredity: The biological structure or our society

which restricts inter-caste wedding.

2. Traditional Knowledge: Paramparagat gyan i.e.

Literature, art, traditional skills coming from
parents or families.

The British tried their hardest will to drive the nation

into Christianity, but all that efforts that they had put
did not result in the country leaving its’s tradition to
take up Christianity. This is the strongest foundation
which is again our society and its system.

This country was in the Islamic rule for more than 500
years and by power and strength Islam was being
coloured into the systems, but the people revolted
greatly, and they din ’t mind to die than to follow
another religion.
Families from India who go outside to work prefer their
children to get married in India, but their children when
settled outside India would never marry someone in
India. Every generation of the family which goes out of
India sacrifices the Indian tradition. Therefore, in our
varn vyavastha there were rules made so that people do
not migrate places, which in turn makes it difficult for
them to be in their tradition.

Swami Sachidananadji had said west had given born to

Alexander the great, Vasco Da Gama and Columbus, our
culture could not do so. Why was it? Our culture gave birth
to Buddh, Shri Krishna, Ramakrishna paramhans, Vivekanad,
and Our Sahajanand Swami. The reason that great explorers
came to India was because of the immense glory that they had
heard of India, they searched for different routes and came to
India. and hence they came to loot it. this country was filled of
prosperity, it still is.

Today in Australia, New Zealand, there’s not one native

tribe, none of them did survive after the British came in.
The countries have become English countries, but that
fate could not come to India.

Carthage, Sumerian, Babylonian, Roman, Greek all of

these are great cultures which had a huge philosophical
backing up, but why couldn’t it survive, the simple
reason being inter mingling of races and marriages. All
this in the end leads to abolition of culture in the future.
Such great civilizations could also not survive due to
hereditary mixing. Such amazing philosophers Socrates,
Aristotle, Theodosius, but where did the culture go. By
sacraments they have been great, but you will never
find an original Greek person. Only books did survive.

Roman culture which though order and processes to the

society but now there’s not one traditional Roman
society that exists. Just because they did not strictly
abide on cultural marriages.

Indian culture still sits upright just because its

hereditary and sacraments both are still managed in the
traditional manner. The heredity (Pind) and ashram
both have been properly organized in Indian society
known as varnashram. Still Indian culture attracts the
entire world.

Gandhiji said see this whole world study it well, their

cultures life and then come to India and take some very
ancient books. Taking this knowledge see the world, one
would themselves say what ancient India had no country in
the world can prove it to be that great.

Therefore, our culture restricted getting married with

people from different countries, but what about inter-
caste marries in the same country?

The base of Indian society is Ved, Bhagwat,

Bramhasutra, these are the pillars of the Indian Society,
but these ved who knows them well in India only the
brahman no one else. The Branhmans have saved India
and its culture. When Alexander had come to India, he
had asked the branhmans for the Ved. The branmans
replied ardently we will not give our ved, take our
children, but not the Ved. The branhman so strong they
would tell the children the Geek would kill you but take
god’s name the ved is important to us. Yes they said, the
children we would go and protect the Ved. Aurangzeb
troubled the brahman and said he would not let Ved
survive, but Guru Teg Bahadur tried his utmost to
protect our culture.

And so, did brahman survive for us to read them. Then

there a lot of brahman and sadhus who would only
preach about their own sect or tell us to take god’s
name, but they did not help the society to elevate and
protect the scriptures. In many sect’s sadhu sects, they
do not believe in scriptures so the only way the
scriptures did survive was by brahmans. Just their pind/
or their Heredity is gyan pipasu or had a hunger for

The Chand and Paayas of the scriptures which smallest

of the small kids, how can they learn it in their original
tone and pronunciation. It doesn’t just come from
learning, it comes from the pind/ heredity and the

In past so many cultures and families which had

traditional businesses have just vanished out of the race
and people now get into new kinds of work that satisfy
them and from which they earn a good living but things
which are apart from their cultures and purpose of
coming into the world has vanished.

No other culture guarantees work based on scriptures

and so well are scriptures attached to brahman and so
does it still survive. The utmost thing about brahman is
that they must learn Sanskrit and therefore Ved, vastu
pooja, Gau pooja and more religious duties, which
doesn’t just keeps our culture intact but nourishes it
time after time and also guarantees a basic living to the
Brahman’s family.

The Brahman have a huge responsibility, said SHriji


vedananche kartavya shiksha patri shlok

1. Do not condemn a Brahman

2. Brahman who is ashrit (comes in alliance) of

Shriji Maharaj should not do tyag of rudraksha
and tripund with them.

Shriji Maharaj would feed brahman in thousands so that

they are never kept hungry.

Imagine in west people go to buy alsesian dogs and ask for its
ancestry for seven generations which is a norm. is it a pure
breed or cross breed? and then people talk about their breeds
and their gun and life of the dogs and none of the man.
People talk so much about endangered species and specific
species of Gir and other forests but are we saving our own

The karela we see now is not the real one if once one would get
a pure karela just a bit of it would scare oneself it’s so bitter
even if one eats sugar or drinks water its bitterness from the
moth would never go eating an entire karela is just totally out
of question.

All this is attributed to our culture’s gift to the world in

the form of varn vyavastha.

In Mahabhart’s war Arjun himself told Krishna that the

whole society would be father less there will be a scarce
of learned men in the society all dead in the war, even
Krishna Bhgwan thought for a bit about it. In our
country, when the elders leave their bodies, pind daan is
carried, by ved mantra pind daan is done, Dashrat
himself came to accept the pind daan in divya roop that
is what happens in our culture and this is the power of
ved that it drags the person who has left the body
bringing him to accept the pind daan.

There’s a difference between Bible and Ved. Indra had

carried out a yagya for a son and he got something else,
just by the change of pronunciation of words. This is
ved vigyaan this can only be understood by brahmans,
this is upasana shasthra the entire universe vibrates by
ved mantra and the Ved pervades it.
One cannot become a brahman, it has to be by birth. Just
like karela it cannot be a hybrid.

Imagine one’s father proficient in a skill their one son

has a different occupation and the other sons different it
becomes a mayajaal of varn in the same house. This is
the situation of the society today.

Solah bhagwat Vidya Peeth is putting a lot of effort to

save Indian culture which is commendable. In south
India there are mandir boards which help kids of
brahman to study ved and after which every day for one
hour they have to come to the mandir to do ved gaan
and so does the temple board give them salary for it.
Such is their commendable effort. Each one saves each
one’s kutumb.

When one looks at proficient and strong children, one

can easily tell they come from a Kshatriya background,
same follows for the brahman children and the very
skilled children by birth. such is khandani khamiri of

Raaj Kapur from his experience himself has mentioned

that if one wants to believe in someone one should
believe people from Gujrat’s Patel caste as they are very
strict and abide by their family systems.

In west there are two famous thinkers Francis Galton

and Nurse . Their studies on Heredity and human races
gives us two basic pointers to connect upon this. The
result of inter-racial marriages results in
1. Changes in Physical and genetic makeup of the
2. The resilience towards diseases gets impacted
resulting in damage to the immune system of the

Hence our ancestors have given rules of certain kul and

gotra not to be mixed. It should not be mixed which is
not just religion but a science.

3. The children thus have difference in cultures and


A brahman always said his small child to not play down but
the child always got slippers and played with them put them
around even put them in mouth. The brahman asked her wife
what’s wrong with our child. She said I was in love with you
and so did our family change our names and got me married
to you but originally, I am from the mochi Kaum.

A prostitute came to Bernard Shaw and pleaded to him, I

desire a child from you. You are so eminent and learned since
I look so good and you are intelligent, but Bernard Shaw said
what if he looks like me and thinks like you.

4. The traditional Skill doesn’t follow. As the new

child would never get the same taal of the music
which a sangeet traditional child would get.
Skill, business, art comes with traditional hand
said Nitze in his learnings and so would the
goodness remain till there is hereditary.
Hereditary skills and arts are becoming extinct
these days. All are becoming moronic machines.

Therefore, one should be obliged of one’s tradition and


The intermixing of castes results of new kinds of society

and so does irreligion, differences and bad thoughts and
comes along this is not made by Shri Krishna, the mixed
life is made by us. This is what should be understood in

The problem with too much of casteism :

The four castes, Brahmin, Kshatriya, etc were enough.

But there was no need of making sub castes, this lead to
a lot of discrimination.

The four castes were made by God himself. But more

and more discrimination was made by us humans, and
we are facing the ill consequences of it already. It also
caused the collapse of original caste system.

Such dharma is never rigid, but glee humans have made

them rigid and hence people develop a disgust for it,
and hence they miss the purpose of it.

What builds a culture and keeps it intact – Roti

Vyavhaar/ Diet and intake

Why shouldn’t we eat of lower caste than us and not

feed the her caste?

1. Social cause
If one engages in eating together, than there is a high
chance of one engaging in marriage with such a castle.
Just to avoid proselytization due to marriage, even
eating together is avoided.

5. Spiritual cause

The second and main reason for not eating food from
lower caste persons or a person who thoughts, whose
actions, whose life isn’t good is that, or thoughts are
affected by the good we eat.

It isn’t appropriate to ask one’s caste these days, hence

avoiding food from outside home is a right option
Consuming fruits and other such alternatives is an
option in extreme situations.

The food that we consume should be in limits. So that

heredity and family balance is maintained in the society
is in place. one should abide by the kind of food one
takes and not mix it.

Food and what we consume comes that way in the

society as one’s thoughts are not similar one’s life’s and
each one’s vices are different from each other. If one eats
at their house or in their company creeps in the

There are the below five questions which needs to be

pondered upon and then one can decide how they can
answer the same maintain their specific limits.
1. In our varn and gnaati if some family’s aachar vichar
is not good should one eat at their home?
2. In a varn, which is smaller than ours but their aachar
vichar is pure and good should one eat at their
homes? Even if their Vichar is better than us.
3. In samuh bhojan and parties where a mix of aachar
vchar people come should one eat in the group?
4. In marriage parties or social gatherings if the family
is not very pure at their practices should we eat at
their party then?
5. In hotels and restaurants should one eat or not.

To answer the above questions, with every food that we

intake comes a dosh or Defect.

There are four dosh of food

1. Swagat dost/ non-vegetarian issues / inherent

Non vegetarian food, meat, fish, eggs and anything that
is meat or related to it shouldn’t be consumed, no matter
how clean and neatly it is prepared. Because it is
inherently impure food. Nothing can purify it. Alcohol
and products related to it should be avoided
2. Prapti dosh/Illicit ways of earning food like
theft and loot.
If the food obtained by illicit means, like theft, or
prostitution, or cheating or anything else, which
includes criminal activities. Such food, if consumed
causes our thoughts to change.
3. Nimmit dosh:
wherein the food is sacred but if a fly dies around, a dog
eats from it of if water, oil if used which is not clean it is
nimmit dosh. It was initially pure, but it got defiled due
to some animal or person. That can be purified again by
following necessary means.

4. Aashray dosh:

The one who makes the food their aachar vichar of the
person and traditions and the vessels and food that they
touch carries the virtues of the person.This is the most
important reason to not eat food from outside or even
five star hotels.. There is another reason that, if a woman
in her periods touches the food, the food is considered

On should Ponder over the above four deficiencies and

then then decide, with whom, when and what to eat.

5. Clarification on whether or not the food get

defiled due to touch:

Some people say that if we cook in milk then it’s not

defiled, some people say only cereals and pulses when
cooked get defiled.

Some people take too much precautions, they don’t let

their left hand touch the food.
But there is no need to exaggerate this issue. We should
follow this dharma in such a way that it doesn’t disturb
or disgust to harass others.

The reason one believes in a mixed society is because of

the science. The science and today’s world have altered
the traditions so that people don’t die of hunger.

The next reason that people believe in harmony and a

mixed concept of food intake is for the reason of
traditional show off (aati karna), too much should not be
done as in showed off as keeping oneself away, not
touching one-self, touching with left hand keeping
oneself away, there ought be done carefully and with
complete carefulness so that one’s tration is not
hampered and one saves themselves from any kind of
dosh that arrives from intake of food..

If one’s thought is worldly so would their actions be

worldly, if we think high, our actions will also be

Nimit dosh and Ashray dosh, should be avoided. One

should avoid eating out at restaurants and hotels. Eating
home food at all times, and in extreme situations will
surely help you maintain this Vartaman.

One should hence take care upon one’s roti and beti
vyavhaar and respect it so that one does not get get into
the process of altering their traditions and culture and
keeping their actions clean.

The Pravachan mala on pachwartaman eds here.

The End

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