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for Health and Healing*

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Copyright © David J. Nolan 2010. All Rights Reserved. Copying any portions of this work without prior written
permission is prohibited. None of the information on health is meant to take the place of consulting with a health
practitioner when necessary.
(aka Dave’s Funky Mojo)

The first question everyone invariably asks, “What’s it called?” has been the most
difficult part of communicating my healing art. It has been called many things throughout
history...I will not attempt to list them all, but here are a few: “Vibrational Healing”, “Polarity
Therapy”, “Light Working”, “Laying on Hands”, “Therapeutic Touch”, “Reiki”, etc. So now you
hopefully know what we’re talking about. Once you master this art, which should be in about
fifteen minutes, please feel free to replace “Dave’s” in the subtitle with your name, as it will then
be your Funky Mojo, and not mine.
Everyone is familiar with the benefits of massage & being touched. Who has not been in
pain, and rubbed the spot, and felt better? I remember my first time, in the 8th grade I had a
splitting headache, rubbed my eyebrows, and miraculously, the headache was gone! Later in
college, someone complained of a headache, and I just intuitively held their head, guided them
through an impromptu visualization, and they were amazed - the headache vanished!
There are many different traditions, methods, and approaches to this, the “black sheep” of
medical science. Those that do not support it are usually particularly vehement in voicing their
disapproval, and again, I will not attempt to list all the possible arguments. I am not advocating
any particular style or tradition; I’m merely relating my own experiences, hoping that it will help
you find your own path, something that works for you.
The title I have chosen is not random; rather I have tried to be as accurate and succinct as
possible. What we are dealing with here can be called ‘Etheric Energy’, as in Maxwell and
Faraday’s concept of a superfine fluid, which allows electromagnetic energy to cross a seemingly
empty “vacuum”. This Ether concept has been dismissed (erroneously) by most “modern”
scientists, but is making a comeback with the advent of quantum physics and the resurgence of
ancient wisdom. It has been calculated that in a vacuum, there is an infinite amount of energy!
A few notes on the nature of this Ether - It is similar to water in the sense that it is
incompressible, and therefore has great pressure differentials. It can become ‘polluted’ or ‘pure’,
just like water. The eastern traditions call it ‘prana’ or ‘chi’ or ‘ki’, depending on how far east
you go; In Western ‘civilization’ (if we can truly call it that these days) the closest label we have
is “The Force”.
In addition to your physical body, which you can see, you have an Etheric body, which
most people cannot see (at least I can’t). This Etheric body can become damaged directly, or
indirectly through damage to the physical body. It is possible for the physical body to ‘heal’ the
Etheric body, given the right energetic stimulus, thereby indirectly healing itself. We are simply
providing assistance to this natural process, by encouraging the exchange of ‘negative’ energy
with ‘positive’ (for lack of better words).
What I have tried to outline here is a refinement of the process that we all do naturally, in
a format that is sustainable, meaning the practitioner will not drain their own energy reserves, or
risk disrupting someone’s energy field, doing more damage than good to either party. I would
encourage everyone not to take these words as gospel, but rather integrate or discard them as
they see fit - only You can ultimately decide what works best for You!

Good luck, and “May The Force Be With You!”


I. BEFORE – always ask permission. This is not just to maximize effectiveness. To do this
practice on someone without their knowledge or consent could leave them feeling very “spacey”
and “weird” with no explanation, and this anxiety can be worse than any healing. Also the
person could wind up hurting themselves via accidents, etc. Do not pressure anyone into
receiving it, and be especially aware of third parties, albeit well-meaning, coercing their friends
into accepting something they are not quite ready for.

Good questions to establish this, and to get the active participatory mind-set going are:

“Are you ready to let this ______ go?” “Have you had enough of this _____” etc.

II. DURING – No Touching. I’m not sure how important this rule really is, however I am
moved to write it. Accidental brushing of the hands is ok; I’m talking about having other body
parts in contact, which might “short circuit” the energy, and create unintended feedback loops.

Why no touching? Isn’t touching nice? Well, yes, it’s a little too nice. While you may certainly
obtain more dramatic results, it is much harder for the practitioner to protect themselves from
external invading pernicious energies, and from becoming depleted. Feel free to do this at your
own risk and benefit, however please know that this is not Dave’s Funky Mojo™, as I feel that
one can do no harm by manipulating this sea of energy that swims in us.

III. AFTER – Most importantly, remember to state, “Your body knows how to heal itself.”

In this method, you are not giving of your own personal energy. While this is certainly possible,
and undoubtedly effective, it can lead to “healer burnout” if the practitioner does not know how
to recharge their “batteries”. Many people do this all the time without even realizing it.

You also do not want to create dependence on the client’s part. Rather, empower them, so you
don’t have “addicts” following you around (as ego-gratifying and potentially lucrative as that can
be), especially because they are not “letting go” as is required in I & II.

Also remember to “turn off” anything you invoked (more on that later), and have an attitude of
gratitude towards the Universe, its Creative Intelligence, and your Client for this great

Now think of the time you’ll save, & how much of your life you’ll get back when you teach your
Clients how to do this on their Selves, and Each Other? (Or are you just in it for the money...?)

I. BEFORE – Fig. 1 shows how I get my hands ready. This is not really a requirement, and as
you continue this practice with people you may notice your hands “warming up” or tingling for
no apparent reason. Well, the reason is, there is someone present who needs help releasing and is
ready for this healing process.

Rub hands together in a circular motion, like you were making a small, say 1" diameter ball out
of clay. But there is no ball. Contact is made in a circle surrounding the palm, on the pads at the
base of the fingers and thumb, and the outer edges of the palm. For me, the contact is in a
clockwise direction on the left hand, and counter-clockwise on the right. You may need to
reverse this, if you are left-handed, cross dominant, or if you find that the rest of my method has
to be reversed for you. (This will make more sense soon.) Whatever feels more natural is best.

Of course, as comfortable as you and your client can be, relaxed, free from distractions,
interruptions, etc. the better. This should be obvious. Describe as well as you can what you will
be doing, and the visualization you will be sharing. This requires active participation on the part
of the client.

II. DURING – As was alluded to in “The Rules”, this method has two phases: In its simplest
terms, “Out with the Bad, THEN In with the Good”. (Most practitioners deal with only one
or the other, however it should be plain as day why this is more effective.)

In the first phase, stagnant energies are being removed and “sucked” into the Earth. If you are
not outside, or in the ground floor of a building, make sure that there is no one living, or present
in the floors below you, or in the basement. The negative energies may accumulate there. If you
have to do it, you can usually find a window to send the energy out and down; just remember to
psychically protect anyone that might get “hit”.

In the second phase, fresh, vibrant, positive energy comes down from above - there are no such
precautions involved with phase II -- anyone and everyone can share and benefit from it. In fact,
I often extend this process to include as much of the Earth + Universe as is required for the
“highest good”

For me, the energy always flows from my left hand to my right hand, or rather, “IN” to the left,
and “OUT” the right. Think about how you hand money to people, which is energy, and how
you receive it :) Also the hand you do not write with is generally your receptive hand.

In Phase 1, do not let the negative energies enter your body. Visualize a “pipe” or “tube” from
your left hand to your right, protecting you from anything that you might absorb accidentally.
Sometimes, as you get more advanced, you may find that something will not “come out” unless
you agree to absorb it. I do not recommend you do this.
I hold my left hand 1 or 2 inches from the client (or myself), palm facing the problem area
(usually above, facing down, though this can vary), and the right hand faces either palm down, or
hangs relaxed with fingers pointing down. The fingers are usually touching, but not the thumb.
So think “Mittens” instead of “Gloves” or Socks”. Relax and let the energy flow. It’s ok if
some of your negative energy gets sucked out along with your client’s, just don’t let theirs affect

[Personal note: I have always encountered serious ‘tremors’ in my right hand, in both phase 1
and phase 2. I am not intentionally shaking my hand; if anything I am trying to keep it still. For
me, these tremors let me know it the energy is flowing, and when they stop, I know it’s time to
switch phases or end the session]

You will probably develop your own indicators to tell whether or not the energy is flowing, how
much, and when to switch/end. (For me it usually happens right after I start thinking “Geez,
come on, is this going to take all night?”) The two phases can have vastly different durations, or

Since it is important to have a balance of exchange, it is vital to know what the minimum amount
of time you have. I suggest 15 minutes as minimum to be thorough, however several small 2-
phase sessions, separated by enough time, will be vastly better than one large, thorough 2-phase
session, whereas performing phase 1 without phase 2 will not necessarily be detrimental on its
own, however the Client is now open to pick up whatever energy is available, for better or worse.

So once you have a minimum time established, when you reach the halfway mark, switch to
phase 2 rather than risk not being able to complete both phases before an interruption. Hopefully
you have been allowed enough time to feel phase 1 has been completed, then withdraw your
hands, and shake out the excess energy. You can “warm up” with the imaginary clay ball again if
it helps you.

Phase 2: “In with the Good.” The energy still flows from left to right, however, this time the left
palm faces skyward, and you right palm replaces your left, a few inches from your client’s work

Ideally, the left hand would be raised, palm up, over your crown chakra, however any
comfortable position is fine, as long as your receptive palm is “up”. If you feel stiff or sore, feel
free to adjust and get more comfortable. Palm up in front of you is fine, anywhere on your
centerline seems to work best. The important thing is “seeing” with your mind’s eye the
positive, white prana spiraling down into your left hand, going through your body, and out your
right palm,

Again, during phase 2, feel free to partake of the positive energy, which can be shared with
anyone and everyone present, with or without their knowledge or consent. Personally, I go until
my tremors in my right hand cease.

AFTER - Remember to say ‘Your body know how to heal itself.” It bears repeating...
(are not obvious and well hidden)

It doesn’t take two to tango - you can do this on yourself. Just make sure you have your own
permission. Seriously. One has to “let go” in many ways.

Why ask permission? Because it’s polite. If you really want to help someone without running
the risk of hurting them, always make sure it’s ok with them first, whatever you’re doing, and
especially with this.

It doesn’t matter where your “working” hand (left in phase 1, right in phase 2) is located.

Our bodies will transfer energy and utilize resources as they see fit. And the energy will first go
to where we direct it with our minds, and from there to where it is most needed. So don’t worry
about trying to diagnose, predict, or analyze anything. Let your Client have complete control
over the location of their work zone, and you take charge of finding the proper locations within
that prescribed work zone -- Minor adjustments will often have more significant results than
major ones. Often something else will clear up before the “real” reason for the healing does.

For maximum results, don’t try to forcibly “do” anything. Get your Self out of the way and let
the energy flow through YOU. If you get egotistical thinking it’s your own energy, (which
ultimately it will have to be, once you start believing your own BS), you’ll burnout until you
remember to use the True Source, which cannot be exhausted, merely transmuted.

After this process becomes second nature, you may find that simply holding the hand positions is
enough, whether you let your mind wander or not. Here are some little extras that can add
effectiveness, and keep you focused:

Sometimes I like to finish with “regular” Reiki. Think ‘mittens’, and join your hands together at
the base and first knuckle of your thumbs, palms out over the client’s work area. Healing energy
will flow through you from the Universe, to where it is needed the most. “Stroking” the client’s
aura, head to toe, can heal rips and fractures in their magnetoelectric field.

Think or say aloud, “I invoke the purple ray” (aka “the Violet Flame”) and “see” a huge
amethyst laser beam shooting out of the ground, enveloping you and your client. This purple ray
has the ability to burn the negative energy to a crisp, which is easier to wash away than sticky,
chocolate tar; then think “White prana coming down” – this white, creamy liquid washes away
the burned up crispy junk. This process can be ongoing, during both phases, or either/or.

some for everyone

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