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Para los Cursos

2V1, 2T1, 3K7, 3S3, 4D1, 4D2 y 4D3

Selección de Material y Ejercitación


Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 2

Esta recopilación y ejercitación no está pensada como una autoguía de estudio, sino
como soporte de clases presenciales, en las cuales procuraremos desarrollar tus
propias habilidades lectoras e interpretativas de textos escritos en idioma inglés sobre
cuestiones relacionadas a tu opción de estudios universitarios.
Te invito a compartir este módulo de aprendizaje, en el que reforzarás tus capacidades
de lector autónomo y competente y desarrollarás tus habilidades intelectuales superiores:
reconocimiento, comprensión, aplicación y análisis, síntesis y evaluación de información
relevante en idioma extranjero, en un ambiente de respeto y cordialidad, para que la
instancia áulica resulte satisfactoria para todos quienes participan.

Lo que se transmite con pasión y se

aprende con alegría, es para toda la vida!
Adriana Deza
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 3


a) The Engineer finds knowledge of Micro and Macro Economics essential to the understanding
of Budget design. // Does the Engineer find that knowledge essential?
b) The IT analyst does not find knowledge on Economics essential for the design of this system.
c) A modern engineer typically uses predetermined motion time system, computer simulation,
along with extensive mathematical tools for modeling.
d) Does the engineer use any tools?
e) The industrial engineer does not use chemical formulae as frequently as chemical engineers
 Passive Voice: Is / Are (+ participio pasado= done /analyzed /studied / seen)

a) Adam Smith was a Scottish economist, philosopher and author as well as a moral philosopher,
a pioneer of political economy and a key figure during the Scottish Enlightenment era.
b) Was ……… ? // …………. was not ………
c) Efforts to apply science to the design of processes and of production systems were made by
many people in the 18th and 19th centuries. They took some time to evolve.
d) Smith obtained a professorship at Glasgow and during this time wrote and published The
Theory of Moral Sentiments.
 Did…… ? // ………. did not ………
 Passive Voice: Was / Were (made / obtained / written / published)
e) The AI field was founded on the assumption that human intelligence "can be so precisely
described that a machine can be made to simulate it"

a) People believe that AI, unlike previous technological revolutions, will create a risk of mass
b) .By aiming at TQM, our businesses will be competitive in global markets.
 Will…..…. ? // …. will not ………
 Passive Voice: Will be (created)

a) AI research has been divided into subfields that often fail to communicate with each other.
b) Subfields have also been based on social factors
c) Quality methods in the commercial sector have led to more choice and higher quality.
 Have……… ? // …. have not // Has……. ?

Work hard. Study a lot. Play fair.
Let the idea grow Don’t let it decay Let A = B
Let’s study together Let’s not study alone Suppose we write the formula without the brackets
Suppose this statement be based on assumptions.
We don’t think it will come out right.
We expect the figures will not show an unusual increase.
We expect production not to show an unusual behaviour.
If the new ideas were put into practice, the situation would be different.
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 4


1. La REFERENCIA ANAFÓRICA o anáfora es un mecanismo mediante el cual un elemento del
texto remite a otro que ha aparecido anteriormente, denominado antecedente. Se
establece, pues, una relación interpretativa entre dos unidades lingüísticas en la cual la
segunda unidad adquiere sentido por su relación con la que se ha mencionado antes.

a) It frequently happens that the data that are potentially most valuable are also the ones that are
likely to be the least accurate…
b) The engineer sent the results to Alice when he received her questions by email.

2. La REFERENCIA CATAFÓRICA o catáfora es un mecanismo, simétrico a la referencia

anafórica, por el que una unidad del texto remite a otra que aparece posteriormente. Se
establece, pues, una relación interpretativa entre dos elementos por la cual el primer
elemento adquiere sentido por su relación con el que viene después.

c) After he received her questions by email, the engineer immediately sent back the results to

3. La SUSTITUCIÓN se da cuando en un texto se utiliza un elemento no idéntico para no repetir,

o para diferenciar o redefinir a otro antes utilizado. Puede tratarse de
• Sustitución nominal: cuando el término que se sustituye es el núcleo de una frase
d) I met the co-author of the book today. He is a very nice guy.
e) The chief of the laboratory is a rude man. Everybody is afraid of the boss.
• Sustitución verbal: los sustitutos verbales en español son los verbos hacer y ser,
generalmente acompañados por el pronombre complemento “LO”. En Ingles son los
verbos DO y BE, acompañados por SO.
f) Electro-chemical machining removes metal only at those points where it is required; and it does
so without causing mechanical or thermal stresses.
g) Students in Course A proved to be very skilled, while those in course B were not so.



El lingüista L.Trimble1 define “función retórica” como una unidad de discurso con un objetivo
determinado en el texto, que puede ser “general” (establecer el marco teórico de una investigación,
plantear un problema, mostrar los resultados, etc.) o “específico” (definir, describir, clasificar, etc.)
Entre las funciones retóricas sobresalientes del lenguaje técnico-científico destaca la Definición,
Clasificación, Descripción física, Descripción de funciones y de procesos e Instrucciones. Los
modos de argumentación también están determinados por el género y las funciones retóricas, entre
ellas, Comparación y contraste, Deducción (de general a particular), Inducción (de particular a
general), Problema-método-solución, Causa-efecto, Ejemplificación, Organización cronológica,
Organización espacial, y Organización secuencial.

Trimble, L.(1985).English for Science and Technology. A discourse approach,Cambridge: CUP.
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 5


2 Yield calculations are common in chemistry. I've helped many frustrated students with these
3 calculations in the past, so I developed this guide to help. Calculating percent yield actually
4 involves a series of short calculations. Follow this step-by-step guide and you will be able
5 to calculate limiting reagent, theoretical yield, and percent yield.
6 1. Write a balanced equation for the reaction
7 2. Calculate the molecular weight of each reactant and product
8 3. Convert all amounts of reactants and products into moles
9 4. Figure out the limiting reagent
10 5. Calculate the theoretical yield
11 6. Calculate the percentage yield […]
12 How to figure out the limiting reagent: Now take inventory of the number of moles of each
13 reactant present and look at the balanced equation. If the reaction takes place consuming
14 the reactants as indicated by the equation, which one will run out first? This is the limiting

Para analizar juntos en clases:

A. Analice los tiempos verbales del texto. Indique la voz en la cual se encuentran.
B. Identifique las formas verbales compuestas, los sujetos y predicados,
C. identifique verbos preposicionales y los cambios de significados que se producen en relación a
la forma no preposicional,
D. identifique interrogaciones (¿cómo serían las formas afirmativas?)

Ejercicios de Lectocomprensión:
1. REFERENCIA EN EL CONTEXTO. Consigne a qué / quién hacen referencia palabras
1) These calculations (2/3)
2) one (13)

1. ¿Cuál/es es/son las funciones retóricas predominantes en el texto?

2. ¿Para qué se puede utilizar esta guía?

3. ¿Cómo se deduce el reactivo limitante?

3. LECTOCOMPRENSIÓN. Indique si las siguientes oraciones son VERDADERAS (V) o FALSAS

(F) según el texto. Consigne los renglones de referencia.

V/F ORACION Renglón/es

Esta guía ha sido desarrollada para alumnos muy frustrados
Para seguir la guía paso a paso se debe calcular 3 cosas.
Si la reacción tiene lugar consumiendo los reactivos, el que se acabe
primero será el limitante.
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 6



1. VOCABULARIO (a) Encuentre sinónimos de las siguientes palabras en la línea que se indica
1) Made up (2)
2) More aptly (8)
3) Enthusiastic (11)
4) Perform (13)
5) Invigorated (20)
2. VOCABULARIO (b) Encuentre antónimo de las siguientes palabras en la línea que se indica
6) Sooner (18)
7) Downfall (20)
8) Rise (24)
9) Shorter (25)
10) Was honoured (25)
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 7

3. REFERENCIA EN EL CONTEXTO. Consigne a qué / quién hacen referencia palabras siguientes

a) Where (1)
b) They (6)
c) Their (6)
d) They (15)
e) Both (17)
4. LECTOCOMPRENSIÓN (a). Indique si las siguientes oraciones son VERDADERAS (V) o FALSAS (F)
según el texto. Consigne los renglones de referencia.

V/F ORACION Renglón/es

La IA fue influenciada por la cibernética
John McArthy fue distinguido en el campo de la cibernética
En los ’60, el Departamento de Defensa financiaba la investigación
El Congreso de EEUU retiró los fondos dedicados a la IA

5. LECTOCOMPRENSIÓN (b). Responda las siguientes preguntas en español. Indique la/s línea/s de
1. ¿A qué período se denomina el “invierno de la inteligencia artificial”?


2.¿Quién dio un nuevo impulso a la IA en los ’80? Renglón/es


3.¿Qué sucedió en el año 1987 y que influencia tuvo en la IA? Renglón/es


6. RELACIONES LÓGICO-SEMÁNTICAS. Indique qué tipo de relación establecen los nexos que se
indican a continuación. Traduzca el nexo y las dos ideas que se vinculan.

Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 8


Las palabras en inglés terminadas en –ing (Participio Presente, en Inglés) pueden ser utilizadas en ese
idioma para desempeñar una serie de funciones dentro de la oración que no pueden ser desempeñadas
en idioma español por el gerundio (–ando / –endo). A continuación veremos las diversas traducciones
que pueden tener las palabras terminadas en –ing según sea su función dentro de cada oración.

 While the terms may differ from industry to industry, the actual stages typically follow common
steps to problem solving—"defining the problem, weighing options, choosing a path,
implementation and evaluation.
 Traditionally, project management includes a number of elements: four to five process groups, and
a control system. Major process groups generally include: i) Initiation; ii) Planning or design, iii)
Production or execution; iv) Monitoring and controlling; v) Closing
 Additional processes, such as planning for communications and for scope management, identifying
roles and responsibilities, determining what to purchase for the project and holding a kick-off
meeting are also generally advisable.

 The initiating processes determine the nature and scope of the project.
 This kind of the DIY (do-it-yourself) approach is also applicable to the qualifications of software,
computer operating systems and manufacturing processes.

3. Como gerundio, indicando el MODO en que algo sucede o se realiza

 Projects are planned and managed to ensure that the resources are ready when the critical chain
tasks must start, subordinating all other resources to the critical chain.
 Cross-functional teams allow an engineer to learn, expand knowledge and gain experience on
certain engineering topics by working with other engineers.

4. Como gerundio, indicando el MÉTODO de realización

 Benefits realization management (BRM) enhances normal project management techniques through
a focus on outcomes (the benefits) of a project rather than products or outputs, and then
measuring the efforts to keep a project on track.
 How to Improve Production Efficiency by Applying Engineering Methods.

5. Como gerundio, en los tiempos verbales CONTINUOS

 It is sometimes said that validation can be expressed by the query "Are you building the right
thing?" and verification by "Are you building it right?" "Building the right thing" refers back to the
user's needs, while "building it right" checks that the specifications are correctly implemented by
the system.
 Here are the top 12 metropolitan cities that you need to target when you are applying for a
Master’s degree or applying to a job post your Master’s
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 9

6. Como gerundio, indicando anterioridad

 Having demonstrated excellence in academic performance by being in the top 5% of their year of
study, the Faculty of Engineering is proud to recognize the following students: …
 If you are applying for Engineering jobs, it is important to make a striking first impression with your
CV. Having secured an interview, you can get ahead of the competition by preparing for the
questions that your prospective employers will ask.

7. Como INFINITIVO, indicando propósito

 These are the clues for understanding the chart.
 The elements for designing the matrix can all be found in the manual.
 In some contexts, it is required to have written requirements as well as formal procedures or
protocols for determining compliance.

8. Como INFINITIVO, acompañando una preposición

 Project Management is the process and activity of planning, organizing, motivating, and
controlling resources, procedures and protocols to achieve specific goals in scientific or daily
 In the past, manufacturing planners and operators have set parameters without understanding the
consequences, leading to waste of energy and efforts.
 Industrial engineers are experts in applying mathematics, engineering and psychological principles
to improve productivity, safety and quality.

9. Como INFINITIVO, acompañando a otro verbo

 The students started making their theses timely..
 The company stopped performing energy audits on existing pipeline infrastructure despite
regulatory advice on continuing them.

10. Como INFINITIVO, reemplazando a un sustantivo

 Reading is an excellent habit.
 [Vuelva al punto 1 y analice cuáles de los que tradujo como sustantivos pueden ser reemplazados
por infinitivos]

11. Como QUE + VERBO CONJUGADO, cuando se usa para simplificar una oración
adjetiva post-modificadora
 Using complex models for "projects" (or rather "tasks") spanning a few weeks has proved to cause
unnecessary costs and low maneuverability in several cases.
 Supersonic aerodynamic problems are those involving flow speeds greater than the speed of
 Mixtures containing a solid and a solvent can be separated by using a decanter, and then simply
pouring the liquid off.
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 10


En el discurso científico – técnico, un infinitivo suele usarse principalmente a) como sujeto de una oración; b) en
otra posición de sustantivo; c) indicando propósito; d) completando el significado de otro verbo; e) acompañando
a una preposición.
Identifique a continuación de cuál uso se trata:
a. Efforts were made to apply science to the design of processes.
b. The foundations of Artificial Intelligence began to be built in the twentieth century.
c. To read about Engineering History you may consult Wikipedia.
d. Taylor managed to increase productivity by applying his 4 principles:
(1) Science, Not Rule of Thumb:
(2) Harmony, Not Discord:
(3) Cooperation, Not Individualism:
(4) Development of Each and Every Person to His / Her Greatest Efficiency and Prosperity:
e. To err is human, to forgive, divine.

USO es y tradúzcalo con el contexto provisto)
1. Analysis is essentially the process of problem solving or rational choice
2. Please read this Software License Agreement carefully before commencing the download of the software
3. You are authorized to use the software on condition that you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of
this Agreement
4. The Cape Wind case study was superior as a basis for decision-making
5. The experience gained over the past half century in developing artificial programming languages is overwhelming.
6. Programming languages, which are easily “understood” by computers, require much training and effort to be
deciphered by humans.
7. The underlying assumption is that the syntax of human language is totally different than that of machine language.
8. Manual handling operations are to be carried out conscientiously.
9. Formulating and structuring the steps to be followed is the hardest part of the project design.
10. Please define the factors for judging the veracity of the idea.
11. Predicting the future will always be difficult.
12. Accommodating the consumption aspirations of industrialising countries, particularly fast-growing Asian economies
such as China and India, in a world of finite resources and pollution absorption capacity, will be increasingly difficult.
13. Industrial engineering teaching/practice will need to change, the extent of change depending greatly on how serious
the new problems are.
14. Phosphate coatings are used on steel parts for corrosion resistance, lubricity, or as a foundation for subsequent
coating or painting.
15. Rusting is a chemical process that can take place in metals exposed to the atmosphere. Not all metals however
rust. Rusting is common with the metal iron. Certain conditions in the air around a metal have to be present for iron
to rust. Iron rust, which generally appears brown, is itself a chemical compound quite different from the iron itself.
The rusting of iron can be prevented.
16. Chemical processes involving (= which involve) oxygen can lead to unstable peroxide molecules such as three-
membered ring dioxiranes (see the first figure).
17. The enthalpy change for any cyclic process involving a thermodynamic substance is zero.
18. Having demonstrated by means of the second law that entropy is a function of state, let us now proceed immediately
to find what use can be made of this fact.
19. Before opening the vial you should shake it thoroughly.
20. Let’s start by considering the effects of building heat on the materials.

21. The depolarizing action of the oxidizing agent increases the rate of the cathodic reaction by liberating hydrogen as
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 11


1 Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering which deals with the optimization of complex
2 processes or systems. It is concerned with the development, improvement, implementation
3 of integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy,
4 materials, analysis and synthesis, as well as the mathematical, physical and social sciences
5 together with the principles and methods of engineering design to specify, predict, and
6 evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems or processes. While industrial
7 engineering is a traditional and longstanding engineering discipline subject to (and eligible for)
8 professional engineering licensure in most jurisdictions, its underlying concepts overlap
9 considerably with certain business-oriented disciplines such as operations management.
10 Depending on the subspecialties involved, industrial engineering may also be known as, or
11 overlap with, operations management, management science, operations research, systems
12 engineering, management engineering, manufacturing engineering, ergonomics or human
13 factors engineering, safety engineering, or others, depending on the viewpoint or motives of
14 the user.
15 Examples of where industrial engineering might be used include flow process charting, process
16 mapping, designing an assembly workstation, strategizing for various operational logistics,
17 consulting as an efficiency expert, developing a new financial algorithm or loan system for a
18 bank, streamlining operation and emergency room location or usage in a hospital, planning
19 complex distribution schemes for materials or products (referred to as supply-chain
20 management), and shortening lines (or queues) at a bank, hospital, or a theme park.
21 Modern industrial engineers typically use predetermined motion time system, computer
22 simulation (especially discrete event simulation), along with extensive mathematical tools for
23 modeling, such as mathematical optimization and queue theory, and computational methods
24 for system analysis, evaluation, and optimization.


I. REFERENCIA: Diga a qué/quién remiten los términos siguientes.

a. it (l. 2)
b. such systems or processes (l. 6)

II. RESPONDA: ¿Cómo define el autor a…?. Diga qué elementos lingüísticos le permiten aseverarlo.
a. La Ingeniería Industrial (párr. 1)

b. La Ingeniería Industrial (párr. 2)

III. RESPONDA: ¿Cuáles son las funciones Linguisticas / Retóricas que predominan en el texto?. Diga
qué elementos lingüísticos le permiten aseverarlo.
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 12

IV. RELACIONES LÓGICO-SEMÁNTICAS – Traduzca el conector, diga qué tipo de relación introduce
y complete las conexiones lógicas a partir del contexto (en español)

1. While (L.6)


2. Such as (L.23)


V. USOS DE LA -ING –Traduzca cada frase en el contexto provisto.

1. Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering.


2. Its underlying concepts overlap considerably with certain business-oriented disciplines


3. Depending on the subspecialties involved, industrial engineering may also be known as operations

VI. LECTOCOMPRENSIÓN (a). Indique si las siguientes oraciones son VERDADERAS (V) o FALSAS
(F) según el texto. Consigne los renglones de referencia.

V/F ORACION Renglón/es

La Administración de Operaciones y la Ingeniería Industrial comparten
muchos conceptos básicos
El desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos financieros y sistemas de préstamos es
realizado por los bancos con la asistencia de Ingenieros Industriales
Las herramientas matemáticas para el modelaje son extensas
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 13





Para todos: LESS ….. THAN // THE LEAST ….


Para todos: AS ….. AS / SO …. AS


 RELATIVE PRONOUNS (Who, Whom, Which, That, Whose, When, Where, Why)
a) Academic Achievement Awards - Department of Industrial Engineering: These awards are given
annually at the end of spring semester to celebrate the accomplishments of students whose
academic performance proved outstanding. Students may not apply for these awards as they are
determined by the Department faculty which submits the nomination.
b) Organic Chemistry Award: Given to the outstanding student of organic chemistry who has
completed Chem 320A and completed Chem 320B in the Fall Semester of the current academic
year. It is granted by the department where he/she belongs.
c) Carbon (C) and Hydrogen (H) form the main structures of all organic compounds. They are the
elements whose compounds comprise the branch of chemistry called organic chemistry.
d) Authors who sign (signing) for an article generally should not be more than five. The authors’
names should be given in as complete form as possible: surnames (last names), initials and first
e) Hydrolysis explains why basic salts such as basic zinc acetate and basic zinc carbonate,
Zn3(OH)4(CO3).H2O are easy to obtain. The polarizing effect of Zn2+ is part of the reason why zinc
is found in enzymes such as carbonic anhydrase.

f) The book on AI (that/which/-) we recommend describes the fundamental principles behind it.

g) Given the components of the mixture, one would think (that/-) a violent reaction would follow

h) The tests (that/which/-) the students took this morning were all kept in a briefcase (that was/which
was/-) brought by the teacher himself.
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 14


1 Efforts to apply science to the design of processes and of production systems were made by
2 many people in the 18th and 19th centuries. They took some time to evolve and to be
3 synthesized into disciplines that we would label with names such as industrial engineering,
4 production engineering, or systems engineering. For example, precursors to industrial
5 engineering included some aspects of military science; the quest to develop manufacturing
6 using interchangeable parts; the development of the armory system of manufacturing; the
7 work of Henri Fayol and colleagues (which grew into a larger movement called Fayolism); and
8 the work of Frederick Winslow Taylor and colleagues (which grew into a larger movement
9 called scientific management). In the late 19th century, such efforts began to inform
10 consultancy and higher education. The idea of consulting with experts about process
11 engineering naturally evolved into the idea of teaching the concepts as curriculum.

12 Industrial engineering courses were taught by multiple universities in Europe at the end of the
13 19th century, including in Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Spain. In the United
14 States, the first department of industrial and manufacturing engineering was established in
15 1909 at the Pennsylvania State University. The first doctoral degree in industrial engineering
16 was awarded in the 1930s by Cornell University.

17 In general it can be said that the foundations of industrial engineering as it looks today, began
18 to be built in the twentieth century. The first half of the century was characterized by an
19 emphasis on increasing efficiency and reducing industrial organization costs.

20 In 1909, Frederick Taylor published his theory of scientific management, which included
21 accurate analysis of human labor, systematic definition of methods, tools and training for
22 employees. Taylor dealt in time using timers, set standard times and managed to increase
23 productivity while reducing labor costs and increasing the wages and salaries of the
25 In 1912 Henry Laurence Gantt developed the Gantt chart which outlines actions for the
26 organization along with their relationships. This chart later form was made familiar to us by
Wallace Clark.
28 Assembly lines: moving car factory of Henry Ford (1913) accounted for a significant leap
29 forward in the field. Ford reduced the assembly time of a car more than 700 hours to 1.5
30 hours. In addition, he was a pioneer of the economy of the capitalist welfare ("welfare
capitalism") and the flag of providing financial incentives for employees to increase
31 productivity.
Comprehensive quality management system (TQM) developed in the forties, was gaining
33 momentum after World War II and was part of the recovery of Japan after the war.
In the seventies, with the penetration of Japanese management theories such as Kaizen and
35 Kanban, the issues of quality, delivery time, and flexibility were promoted.
37 In the nineties, following the global industry globalization process, the emphasis was on supply
38 chain management, and customer-oriented business process design. Theory of constraints
developed by an Israeli scientist Eliyahu M. Goldratt (1985) is also a significant milestone in
the field.
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 15

EJERCICIOS: “Industrial Engineering History”

I. Busque en el texto SINONIMOS / ANTONIMOS de los siguientes términos.

Carried out -1 decreasing - 23
Categorize - 3 untrustworthy - 20
search - 5 former - 25
Turned out to be - 8 minor - 27
granted - 15 relapse - 32
II. REFERENCIA: Diga a qué/quién remiten los términos siguientes.
a. we (l. 3)
b. such efforts (l. 9)
c. his (l. 20)
d. which (l. 20)
e. their (l. 25)
f. he (l. 29)
g. the field (l.38)

III. GRADO COMPARATIVO Y SUPERLATIVO – diga de qué tipo se trata y traduzcalo en el contexto
a. Fayolism grew into a larger movement called scientific management

b. In the late 19th century, scientific management began to inform consultancy and higher education.

IV. Traducciones posibles de la forma –ing. Traduzca las frases / oraciones que se consignan a
a. precursors to industrial engineering included some aspects of military science

b. the quest to develop manufacturing using interchangeable parts

c. the idea of teaching the concepts as curriculum

d. The first half of the century was characterized by an emphasis on increasing efficiency and reducing

industrial organization costs.

e. Comprehensive quality management (TQM) was gaining momentum after World War II.

f. Following the global industry globalization process, the emphasis in the 90’s was on supply chain
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 16

 RELACIONES LÓGICO-SEMÁNTICAS (Nexos y Frases Conectoras)

Los conectores lógicos son el medio que utilizamos para lograr que un texto no sea una mera juxtaposición de
oraciones. Los conectores y subordinadores unen una oración con otra, un párrafo con otro, una idea con otra,
estableciendo relaciones de diversos tipos, como veremos a continuación. Pueden situarse al principio o final de
una de las ideas para indicar su relación lógica con la idea posterior o la anterior. Otras veces vinculan ideas que
no están necesariamente cercanas. Analicemos los tipos más comunes de nexos:

 ADICIÓN: Agregan datos o información a lo ya dicho.

And Both … and In addition (to) Along with

Also as well as Apart from Besides
And also Aside from Moreover Furthermore

 CAUSA / CONSECUENCIA: Si bien en general se encuentran en relaciones que

contienen ambos elementos, se debe indicar si el nexo introduce la causa o la

Because / of Since As
On account of In view of For
Owing to Due to

So As a result For this reason

And so As a consequence So that
Therefore Then Consequently
Hence Thus With the result that

 CONDICIÓN: Introducen la condición que debe cumplirse para que se cumpla lo

expresado en la proposición principal.

If Or else As / So long as
But for Otherwise Should (sintaxis invertida)
Unless Provided / providing Have / Be (sintaxis invertida)

 TEMPORALES: Establecen una relación de tiempo, indicando un suceso anterior,

simultáneo o posterior.

As Earlier At the same time

After Next In the beinning
When / As Before At this point / Up to this point
While / As Later / on First/ly
Lately Ultimately Then
At last Meanwhile Eventually
Since then From … to Since
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 17

 EJEMPLIFICACIÓN: El componente que sigue al nexo complementa, ejemplifica o

redefine lo que se dice antes.

e.g. For instance Such as

For example Namely (enumeración)

 COMPARACIÓN: confrontan semejanzas o diferencias entre dos o mas elementos de

igual valor, o a uno con todo el universo comparable.

Like Likewise In much the same way as

As … as Unlike

 PROPÓSITO, INTENCIÓN, FINALIDAD: Indican precisamente el propósito por el cual se

realiza lo expresado en la oración principal.

To + infinitivo In order to + infinitivo For + ~ ing

So that So as to

 RESÚMEN, RECAPITULACIÓN, CONCLUSIÓN: Introducen un enunciado que cierra,

resuelve o concluye lo anteriormente dicho en el texto.

In conclusion In summary To summarize


cuyos contenidos son opuestos, adversos, contrarios, prevaleciendo la idea introducida
por el conector. En la CONCESIÓN, prevalece la idea no introducida por el conector.

Though But Nevertheless

Although However Yet
Even though In contrast While
Whereas Instead On the other hand
Despite Conversely In spite of

 DISYUNCIÓN O ALTERNANCIA: implican oposición entre dos ideas.

Either … or Neither … nor Whether … or


Above all Particularly Actually

In other words In particular Indeed
Most importantly In fact Really

 ACLARACIÓN: Se ilustra la idea antes expresada.

That is That is to say i.e.

Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 18



SO (l.5)



EG (l.8)

SINCE (10)

HOWEVER (l.12)

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1 AS (L11)






. (L.7)


5 THEN (L.10)


6 THEN (L.15)

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OUGHT TO, NEED + expresiones conexas BE ABLE TO, HAVE TO

1 Temperature is a necessary and intimate variable in chemistry. Temperature is, in fact, a way
2 that we can express the kinetic energy of molecules, and similarly of the momentum of those
3 molecules. This is important to chemistry because atoms and molecules must collide with
4 sufficient force to overcome repulsive forces and interact with the attractive forces caused by
5 shared electrons, etc.
6 Whatever substance in whichever state - solid, liquid or gas (or even plasma!) - has a
7 temperature as nothing is at that idealized temperature of absolute zero. If one portion of a
8 substance is warmer than another portion, it means that the momentum of the atoms in the
9 warmer portion is greater than that of the atoms in the cooler portion. For a gas such as
10 helium, warm He atoms are moving faster than cooler ones. What we read as helium's
11 "temperature" is relative to what might be called the momentum of the mythically statistical
12 average He atom in that particular container. As the compressed gas, for example, cools, the
13 atoms slow down. And because they slow down, their collisions with the walls of the container
14 are not as forceful, and thus the overall pressure is reduced.
15 A smart student might pose the question of why a gas warms up when it is compressed. After
16 all, how in the world did the pushing in of a piston make the atoms move faster? The student
17 reasons that all that was done was to lessen the space between the atoms. But that should
18 amount to more frequent collisions with each other and the wall, but why should it be making
19 the atoms move faster? Here it is suggested that the students take a look at "bouncing ball
20 physics". After reading it, consider that the helium "ball" is extremely small and the "paddle"
21 (piston) is huge. As the piston goes in, those He atoms nearest the piston are accelerated
22 and they transfer their increased momentum to others further away from the advancing piston.
23 Soon the increased momentum is transferred to all the atoms in the cylinder.
24 Electrochemistry ought to be regarded as a vintage area of interfacial science. It has long
25 been known that the application of an external potential at a (conducting) solid-solution
26 interface enhances the reactivities of adjacent chemical species. Catalytic reactions activated
27 by control of potential at the electrode-solution interface thus serves as an alternative to
28 activation by control of temperature at gas-solid interfaces. In fact, on the singular basis of
29 catalytic selectivity, the electrochemical route towards synthesis and catalysis should be
30 favored over the thermal approach because the application of elevated temperatures
activates other reaction pathways.
31 Clapp [R. E. Clapp, J. Theor. Biol.92, 15 (1981).] has shown that biological systems dispose
32 of their excess entropy by the emission of photons each carrying about 3.6 k entropy units, k
33 being Boltzmann's Constant. It is here proposed to apply this argument to inorganic as well
34 as to organic nontransient irreversible processes, which proceed wholly or nearly isothermally
35 and in which the product has a higher degree of order or of organization than the initial states.
36 The concept is applied to fuel cell reactions and to crystallization processes which thus
37 should be accompanied by the emission of ir (infra-red) radiation capable of external
Entropy driven radiation by Felix Gutmann
39 In the all-too-frequent situation where no experimental value of the needed property is at
40 hand, the value must be estimated or predicted. ‘‘Estimation’’ and ‘‘prediction’’ are often
41 used as if they were synonymous, although the former properly carries the frank implication
42 that the result may be only approximate. Estimates may be based on theory, on
43 correlations of experimental values, or on a combination of both. A theoretical relation,
44 although not strictly valid, may nevertheless serve adequately in specific cases.
45 In numerous practical cases, the most accurate method may not be the best for the
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 21

II. VERBOS MODALES – Observe los verbos modales resaltados en los textos. Diga qué tipo de
modalidad imprimen y traduzcalos en el contexto que les da sentido.

III. GRADO COMPARATIVO Y SUPERLATIVO – diga de qué tipo se trata y traduzcalo en el contexto

c. If one portion of a substance is warmer than another portion



d. the momentum of the atoms in the warmer portion is greater than that of the atoms in the cooler


e. He atoms are moving faster than cooler ones



f. those He atoms nearest the piston are accelerated



g. the product has a higher degree of order



IV. REFERENCIA: Diga a qué/quién remiten los términos siguientes.

a. this (l. 3)
b. that (l. 9)
c. Their (l.13)
d. It (l. 15)
e. Each other (l. 18)
f. They (l. 21)
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 22

g. Their (l. 32)

h. In which (l. 35)
i. They (l. 40)
j. The former (l. 41)

V. TRADUCCIONES POSIBLES DE LA FORMA –ING. Traduzca las frases / oraciones que se

consignan a continuación y diga de qué uso se trata.
g. bouncing ball physics

h. He atoms transfer their momentum to others further away from the advancing piston


VI. RELACIONES LÓGICO-SEMÁNTICAS – Traduzca el conector, diga qué tipo de relación

introduce y complete las conexiones lógicas a partir del contexto (en español)

1. AS (L.12)




3. IN FACT (L28)





Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 23


Suppose you work at McDonalds assembling Big Mac’s. You are told the
formula for a Big Mac is: “two all-beef patties on a sesame seed bun”.
This is your balanced equation. Now suppose your manager gave you 12
patties and 10 buns. If you start making up Big Macs, what input (buns
or patties) will you run out of first?
The answer is that patties are limiting. You have enough buns to make
10 Big Macs, but you can only make 6 Big Macs with the patties you were
given (because you have to put two patties on every bun). In this example
beef patties are the limiting agent.

Tomemos el ejemplo de la línea de armado de Big Macs del párrafo anterior para hacer un
repaso del Modo Condicional en inglés. Recordemos que las gramáticas tradicionales dividen
las oraciones condicionales en cuatro tipos principales, según la secuencia de tiempos
verbales entre ellas y el grado creciente de verosimilitud que el autor asigna a la posibilidad
que se cumpla la predicción, si se cumple la condición.

TIPO 0 o neutro:
Refiere a las “verdades eternas” (eternal truths) o leyes naturales, y presenta igual
tiempo verbal en condición y predicción; el ejemplo clásico es: “If you heat ice, it melts”,
en el cual, dada la condición, la predicción se cumple con total seguridad. En el
ejemplo elegido, si el grado de certeza del autor fuera absoluto, podría decir la
siguiente oración condicional: If you buy a Big Mac, you get two patties per bun.
(Alta Probabilidad) (Presente + will/imperativo): If you have 20 patties and 10 buns
(plus the other ingredients and seasoning) you will be able to make 10 Big Macs
(Contrario a una realidad presente) (Past + would): If you had 20 patties and 10 buns
you would be able to make 10 Big Macs
(Contrario a una realidad pasada, es decir, imposible) (Past Perfect + would + Perfect):
If you had had 20 patties and 10 buns you would have been able to make 10 Big Macs.


Adicionalmente a las formas tradicionales de expresar condiciones que vimos arriba (Condición
+ Predicción en una secuencia de verbos determinados que indican el grado de certidumbre
que el autor asigna a tal relación), podemos encontrar casos especiales que, por no resultar
transparentes a la traducción, pueden complejizar la comprensión.

a. Were to + Infinitivo en la condición (if) para indicar suposición sobre el futuro

1. If you were to touch the wire, you would be killed instantly // Were you to touch the wire,
you would be killed instantly // (Should you touch…)
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 24

2. Risk management typically involves assessing a number of dimensions of each

identified risk. These dimensions include: • The impact of the risk if it were to occur •
The likelihood that the risk will occur • How difficult it would be to detect the risk. Each
of these dimensions can be assessed separately for a specific area of risk.
3. Should we hire the wrong candidate, we would soon be in deep waters.
b. Unless en la condición (en reemplazo de if) con el significado “if…not” o “except on
condition that”
4. Unless you prefer to do it yourself once you finish, the office shall be closed by 10 pm.
5. Results will not be delivered unless the consultancy is paid in advance.
c. Whether … (or not) en la condición (en reemplazo de if… (or not))
6. The CEO decided to open a new branch, whether the stakeholders like it or not.
7. According to industrial property Act 2001, an industrial design is defined as "any
composition of lines or colours or any three-dimensional form whether associated with
lines or colours or not, provided that such composition or form gives a special
appearance to a product of industry or handicraft and can serve as pattern for a product
of industry or handicraft"
ATENCION: Este uso es diferente del uso de Whether como ALTERNATIVA:
8. The new Act, now defines "design" to mean only the features of shape, configuration,
pattern, ornament, or composition of lines or colours applied to any article, whether in
two- or three-dimensional, or in both forms, by any industrial process or means,
whether manual or mechanical or chemical, separate or combined, which in the
finished article appeal to and are judged solely by the eye; but does not include any
mode or principle of construction
d. Expresiones Varias: On condition that / Provided (that)/ Providing (that) /
so long as / as long as en la condición (en reemplazo de if)
9. Please read this Software License Agreement carefully before commencing the
download of the software through this website. You are authorized to use the software
on condition that you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this
Agreement. Should you not agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you
may not download the software.
10. There are several design projects throughout the year, complemented by modules in
the areas of design techniques, manufacturing, ergonomics and business. At the end
of year two, you can opt to switch to the four-year MEng degree provided that you
have obtained at least 55 per cent in the end of year assessment.
11. Admission requirements, Integrated Product Design: A Bachelor’s degree, or
equivalent, preferably in Mechanical Engineering. Other corresponding degrees within
engineering or science may be considered providing that they include relevant
courses in mechanical engineering and product development.
12. Product designs that capture the attention of the marketplace — not for their utility, but
due to creativity, innovation or fashion cachet — can be hugely valuable assets. There
are three primary sources of protection for nonfunctional product designs: trade dress,
copyright and design patents. Of the three, trade dress protection offers the longest-
lasting protection, but likely is the most difficult to establish. By law, the design of a
product is protectable so long as the claimed trade dress is distinctive, i.e. when
consumers identify the trade dress with a particular source.
13. The trademarks can last indefinitely as long as they are used in commerce. After all,
they exist as long as someone remembers them.
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 25


A los verbos MAKE, CAUSE y HAVE a menudo se los encuentra en construcciones “causativas”, que en general
se interpretan como “Hacer que XX (un sujeto) haga ZZ (una acción)” en sus distintas conjugaciones (es decir,
alguien hace algo por nosotros, hacemos hacer algo, o se nos hace algo). Comportamiento similar tiene el verbo
ALLOW, con el significado de “Permitir que XX haga ZZ”

Ejemplo: El cobre hará que se establezca un circuito de corrosión.

Copper will cause a corrosion circuit to be established.
Copper will make a corrosion circuit be established.
Copper will have a corrosion circuit established.

 The prompt introduction of corrective measures made the budge tendency to revert.
 In a glass of water, the H20 is in a liquid state. As it heats up, the molecules become excited
and move around a lot. Eventually, the water will become a gas. The physical conditions that
are present cause the phase to change. Adding energy will cause the matter to increase in
phase. For instance, a solid will become a liquid, liquid will become gas, etc. Adding energy
will not cause it to revert to a lower phase. Removing energy from it will cause it to go from
liquid to solid, for example. Water heating up and then hitting cooler air, such as on the
outside of a glass, will cause it to condense into water droplets again.
 The benefits of AI in health care: From patient self-service to chat bots, computer-aided
detection (CAD) systems for diagnosis, and image data analysis to identify candidate
molecules in drug discovery, AI is already at work increasing convenience and efficiency,
reducing costs and errors, and generally having more patients receive the health care they
 A bug in the self-driving car's AI software caused it to drive off a cliff
 Protective metal coatings: As protective coatings metals have advantages and disadvantages.
Thus they resist damage well, and are usually far less sensitive to heat, light, water and
oxidation than are organic coatings. Moreover, metal coatings still permit high electrical and
heat conduction through the surface and allow metals to be joined by soldering.
 I had my fellow teacher help me with the introductory class.
 The engineer had the stakeholders agree on the necessary changes to be implemented asap.
 OpenAI, the artificial intelligence research lab backed by Elon Musk, found that AI pitted
against another AI opponent could continuously learn and adapt to its foe, as well as explore
new and different ways to capitalize on weaknesses. The experiments took two versions of the
same AI code, built to learn from attempting a simple task many times, and made them
compete in simple virtual challenges that require complex movements, like sumo wrestling.
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 26

 Expresiones Especiales

TOO (ADV) + ADJETIVO / ADVERBIO + TO inf. y expresiones análogas

1. Estimates can sometimes be either too high or too low to be of practical use.
2. Stock market's rigged. The United States stock market, the most iconic market in global
capitalism is rigged. All is being done by computers. It's too fast to be done by
humans. Humans have been completely removed from the marketplace. "Fast" is the
operative word. Machines with secret programs are now trading stocks in tiny fractions
of a second, way too fast to be seen or recorded on a stock ticker or computer screen.
Faster than the market itself. High-frequency traders, big Wall Street firms and stock
exchanges have spent billions to gain an advantage of a millisecond for themselves
and their customers, just to get a peek at stock market prices and orders a flash before
everyone else, along with the opportunity to act on it.
3. Based on experience gained over the past half century in developing artificial
programming languages, the common wisdom has been that human-oriented and
machine-oriented languages are necessarily mutually exclusive in terms of their
understandability: natural languages, which are intuitively understood by humans, are
much too difficult to be processed by computers, while (programming) languages,
which are easily “understood” by computers, require much training and effort to be
deciphered by humans. The underlying assumption has been that the syntax of human-
understandable language must necessarily be totally different than that of machine-
digestible language.
The Visual Semantic Web: unifying human and machine knowledge representations with Object-Process Methodology.

4. Document quality was so poor as to cause Customer Experience issues and agent
frustration, leading to lowered Net Promoter scores and increased service center costs.
Response time to compliance changes were so slow as to require costly manual
workaround solutions.


Se utiliza una estructura paralela que contiene dos comparativos (de superioridad, de
inferioridad o combinados) para indicar que dos cosas / ideas varían en forma directa o
inversamente proporcional.
5. The higher the objective, the harder to achieve
6. The more we investigated, the less we understood.
7. The smaller the deviation, the better the accuracy.
8. The less we stress ourselves, the more productive we prove to be.
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 27

1. VOCABULARIO (a) Encuentre sinónimos de las siguientes palabras en la línea que se indica
1) Match up (1)
2) Apprehensions (25)
3) Arrayed (33)
4) Simplifying (39)
5) Answers (47)
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 28

2. VOCABULARIO (b) Encuentre antónimo de las siguientes palabras en la línea que se indica
6) Coming down (2)
7) Troughs (8)
8) Go away from (37)
9) Quietly (48)
10) In favour of (28)

3. REFERENCIA EN EL CONTEXTO. Consigne a qué / quién hacen referencia palabras

1) Their (4)
2) They (14)
3) Which (16)
4) This type of gate (21)
5) their (32)
6) That (32)
7) Its (35)
8) They (38)
9) We (28)
10) He (29)

4. LECTOCOMPRENSIÓN (a). Indique si las siguientes oraciones son VERDADERAS (V) o FALSAS
(F) según el texto. Consigne los renglones de referencia.

V/F ORACION Renglón/es

Kioscos de Check in autónomos administran picos de flujo de pasajeros
Los pasajeros pueden ver el tiempo de espera en carteles o en una App
La privacidad concierne al uso de las fotos
Los funcionarios de inmigraciones controlan que los pasaportes sean válidos

5. LECTOCOMPRENSIÓN (b). Responda las siguientes preguntas en español. Indique la/s

línea/s de referencia.
1. ¿Qué es “SITA”? Renglón/es


2.¿Cuáles son los objetivos de SITA?
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 29

3.¿Cuáles son los riesgos que aún ve Etzioni en la información que se almacena? Renglón/es

6. RELACIONES LÓGICO-SEMÁNTICAS. Indique qué tipo de relación establecen los nexos que se
indican a continuación. Traduzca el nexo y las dos ideas que se vinculan.

SO (4)




Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 30
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 31

1. VOCABULARIO (a) Encuentre sinónimos de las siguientes palabras en la línea que se indica
1) Epidemics (3)
2) evading (4)
3) enlightening (6)
4) faster (7)
5) with the passing of time (10)

2. VOCABULARIO (b) Encuentre antónimo de las siguientes palabras en la línea que se indica
6) Speeded up (4)
7) Could not (15)
8) Summoned into (28)
9) Worst (27)
10) Have (41)

3. REFERENCIA EN EL CONTEXTO. Consigne a qué / quién hacen referencia palabras siguientes

1) That trickle (2)

2) it (7)
3) it (17)
4) it (18)
5) their (22)
6) they (24)
7) Those people (25)
4. LECTOCOMPRENSIÓN (a). Indique si las siguientes oraciones son VERDADERAS (V) o FALSAS (F)
según el texto. Consigne los renglones de referencia.

V/F ORACION Renglón/es

Se puede evitar que el virus se esparza practicando “distanciamiento
social”, entre otras medidas
Simulitis es el nombre del programa inventado para simular el
esparcimiento de una enfermedad falsa a través de una población.
Gostin opina que los sistemas de confinamiento nunca son efectivos
Las 4 simulaciones que se utilizan como ejemplo son aleatorias
Algunas personas no pueden permanecer en sus hogares por motivos
laborales u otras obligaciones.

5. LECTOCOMPRENSIÓN (b). Responda las siguientes preguntas en español. Indique la/s línea/s de
1. ¿Cuáles y cuántos son los escenarios tenidos en cuenta a los fines de las Renglón/es

2. ¿Qué consejos dan los funcionarios de salud? Renglón/es


3. ¿Qué medidas se tomaron en diferentes países para motivar a la gente a Renglón/es

permanecer en casa?
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 32


6. RELACIONES LÓGICO-SEMÁNTICAS. Indique qué tipo de relación establecen los nexos que se
indican a continuación. Traduzca el nexo y las dos ideas que se vinculan.

IF (4)


AS (14 X2)

IF (23)

YET (38)



1. People practice “social distancing” by avoiding public spaces and generally limiting their movement.
2. “Simulitis” spreads even more easily than covid-19.
3. . We will start everyone in town at a random position, moving at a random angle.
4. Let’s try to create a forced quarantine.
5. More social distancing keeps even more people healthy.
6. The sooner these measures are implemented, the better.
7. Instead of allowing a quarter of the population to move, we will let just one of every eight people move.
8. A single person’s behavior can cause faraway people to suffer the consequences.
9. Should you want this simulation to be more realistic, some of the dots should disappear.
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 33

Arma ejercicios de lecto-comprensión sobre las palabras subrayadas, siguiendo el esquema
propuesto en clases para cada tipo de estructuras, a saber:
1) Referencia
2) Nexos
3) Usos de las formas –ing e infinitivo
4) Comparativos y superlativos
5) Antónimos y sinónimos
6) Preguntas y respuestas
7) Estructuras especiales
Toma ejercicios anteriores del cuadernillo como ejemplo.

RECORDAR: Tanto el examen de suficiencia como los parciales pueden contener ejercitación
como la que se encuentra en el manual (Sinónimos y Antónimos, Referencia, Nexos, Traducción
de Fragmentos con dificultades específicas estudiadas durante el año, Verdadero o Falso,
Localización de Información, Responder Preguntas) u otras diferentes a las aquí utilizadas tales
como, Establecer correspondencia entre ideas, Cloze (Completar el texto con palabras extraídas
del mismo), etc.
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 34

BLANK TEXT #2: Biomass Energy

1 The term "biomass" refers to organic matter that has stored energy through the process of photosynthesis. It
2 exists in one form as plants and may be transferred through the food chain to animals' bodies and their wastes,
3 all of which can be converted for everyday human use through processes such as combustion, which releases
4 the carbon dioxide stored in the plant material. Many of the biomass fuels used today come in the form of wood
5 products, dried vegetation, crop residues, and aquatic plants. Biomass has become one of the most commonly
6 used renewable sources of energy in the last two decades, second only to hydropower in the generation of
7 electricity. It is such a widely utilized source of energy, probably due to its low cost and indigenous nature, that
8 it accounts for almost 15% of the world's total energy supply and as much as 35% in developing countries, mostly
9 for cooking and heating.
10 Biomass is one of the most plentiful and well-utilised sources of renewable energy in the world. Broadly speaking,
11 it is organic material produced by the photosynthesis of light. The chemical material (organic compounds of
12 carbons) are stored and can then be used to generate energy. The most common biomass used for energy is
13 wood from trees. Wood has been used by humans for producing energy for heating and cooking for a very long
14 time.
15 Biomass has been converted by partial-pyrolisis to charcoal for thousands of years. Charcoal, in turn has been
16 used for forging metals and for light industry for millenia. Both wood and charcoal formed part of the backbone
17 of the early Industrial Revolution (much northern England, Scotland and Ireland were deforested to produce
18 charcoal) prior to the discovery of coal for energy.
19 Wood is still used extensively for energy in both household situations, and in industry, particularly in the timber,
20 paper and pulp and other forestry-related industries. Woody biomass accounts for over 10% of the primary
21 energy consumed in Austria, and it accounts for much more of the primary energy consumed in most of the
22 developing world, primarily for cooking and space heating.
23 It is used to raise steam, which, in turn, is used as a by-product to generate electricity. Considerable research and
24 development work is currently underway to develop smaller gasifiers that would produce electricity on a small-
25 scale. For the moment, however, biomass is used for off-grid electricity generation, but almost exclusively on a
26 large-, industrial-scale.
27 There are two issues that affect the evaluation of biomass as a viable solution to our energy problem: the effects
28 of the farming and production of biomass and the effects of the factory conversion of biomass into usable energy
29 or electricity. There are as many environmental and economic benefits as there are detriments to each issue,
30 which presents a difficult challenge in evaluating the potential success of biomass as an alternative fuel. For
31 instance, the replacement of coal by biomass could result in "a considerable reduction in net carbon dioxide
32 emissions that contribute to the greenhouse effect." On the other hand, the use of wood and other plant material
33 for fuel may mean deforestation. We are all aware of the problems associated with denuding forests, and
34 widespread clear cutting can lead to groundwater contamination and irreversible erosion patterns that could
35 literally change the structure of the world ecology.
36 Biomass has to be considered in the search for an alternative source of energy that is abundant in a wide-scale
37 yet non-disruptive manner, since it is capable of being implemented at all levels of society. Although tree
38 plantations have "considerable promise" in supplying an energy source, "actual commercial use of plantation-
39 grown fuels for power generation is limited to a few isolated experiences." Supplying the United States ' current
40 energy needs would require an area of one million square miles. That's roughly one-third of the area of the 48
41 contiguous states. There is no way that plantations could be implemented at this scale, not to mention that soil
42 exhaustion would eventually occur. Biomass cannot replace our current dependence on coal, oil, and natural gas,
43 but it can complement other renewables such as solar and wind energy.
44 According to Flavin and Lenssen of the Worldwatch Institute , "If the contribution of biomass to the world energy
45 economy is to grow, technological innovations will be needed, so that biomass can be converted to usable energy
46 in ways that are more efficient, less polluting, and at least as economical as today's practices." When we have
47 enough government support and have allotted enough land for the continuous growth of energy crops for
48 biomass-based energy, we may have a successful form of alternative energy. But "as long as worldwide prices of
49 coal, oil and gas are relatively low, the establishment of plantations dedicated to supplying electric power or
50 other higher forms of energy will occur only where financial subsidies or incentives exist or where other sources
51 of energy are not available." Although it is currently utilized across the globe, biomass energy is clearly not
52 capable of sustaining the world's energy needs on its own.
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 35


A curriculum vitae (or résumé in the US) is a concise summary of your skills, achievements, and interests inside and outside
your academic work.
Employers may initially spend a very short time scanning your CV (perhaps as little as 2 seconds), so it must be engaging,
conveying the most relevant points about you in a clear, accessible way. The primary challenge is to make it easy for the
reader to find exactly what they are looking for. You should focus on the reader’s core requirements and adjust or adapt your
CV to their (and therefore) for each specific application.
Top tips
Be concise
 Keep it to one or two full pages (only academic CVs can be longer)
 Use bullet points to package information succinctly
 Avoid too much context, excessive detail or unfocused material that will dilute the impact of your most relevant
Remember the purpose
Your CV is to get you the interview or meeting, NOT the job itself – highlight three key elements:
 What you were responsible for
 What you achieved
 And how you would be a great team member
so that the reader wants to learn more by meeting you
Target your CV
 Target your CV to each position applied for – it should not be a list of everything that you have done
Be evidence based
 Provide clear evidence of your contribution and impact
 Focus on responsibilities, to showcase your skills …
 … and achievements by using numbers, percentages, and values to quantify your impact and give a sense of scale
to your actions
Be clear
 A well laid out CV is inviting to read and easy to scan quickly; clear font of 10pt or 11pt; some blank spaces; not too
narrow a margin
 We’d recommend putting the dates on the right hand side, so the first thing people read is down the left hand side
and is the organisation name and your role
 Use simple language – avoid jargon, generalisations, ‘management speak’, and acronyms
 Do not write in prose or paragraphs – space is limited
 CVs are (mostly) a record of what you have done, so completed tasks and activities are written in the past tense
How to create your focused, relevant CV
 List for yourself all of your experience, achievements, and key dates, including educational achievement, work
experience, prizes, awards, involvement in societies, sports and clubs and your other interests and skills (for
example, languages and special/unusual IT skills). Note down the key skills and attributes which led to these
 Identify the skills and competencies required for the role. You can do this by reading the job advertisement or job
description and by looking at the organisation’s website, publicity material and recruitment literature.
Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 36

 From your list, select your most relevant examples that demonstrate the skills and competencies required for the
role. Remember, you will have gained valuable transferable skills in a broad range of activities that you may have
 Select the format of CV – for most student applications, the traditional reverse chronological format is
recommended. If you are unsure about which CV type is appropriate, please ask one of our Careers Advisers.
Three sections makes it easy and clear for the reader
1. EDUCATION: normally at the top (especially for recent graduates entering the jobs market for the first or second
time). Include awards under each relevant education section, for example, grant awards for a DPhil, school prizes,
undergraduate prizes or high rankings (‘2nd in year’)
2. EXPERIENCE (rather than “Employment”): this can include voluntary work, student society roles, internships, paid
work etc
3. INTERESTS or COMMUNITY ACTIVITY AND SKILLS should be included to indicate extra, diverse talents. Within this
section, you might use sub-categories such as IT Skills (but only if they are specialist or unusual); Languages; Music;
Sports etc

What you don’t need to include

Remember that the CV is to get you the meeting or interview only, so don’t feel you have to include every last detail – leave
them wanting to learn more about you. Specific things to leave out include:
 The words ‘Curriculum Vitae’ or ‘CV’
 Date of birth and / or age
 Marital status, disability, children, partner, sexual preferences, sex, racial background, religion
 Home address
 Nationality – unless you want to show that you do have the Right to Work in the country in question
 Referees – this takes up space, they’ll assume you have them, there are probably other opportunities to record
these details
 Basic IT skills: these days everyone can use the internet, word processing, spreadsheets etc to a competent level –
but do include any super-advanced qualifications in MS Office and of course any specialist software like C++, SPSS
 Areas of potential, personal contention, e.g. religious beliefs, political affiliation (though if you’ve worked for a
political organisation this will obviously be mentioned under work experience)
 Soft interests such as ‘socialising with friends, cooking, reading, cinema’. If you do have deep and specialist interest
in one of these, then give more details: ‘French films of 1940-1960’
Using bullet points
Aim to create powerful bullet points, with each bullet focused on a single idea. Consider applying the ‘CAR’ mnemonic
 Context: the organisation name, your job title and dates is often sufficient.
 Action Words that demonstrate you took responsibility are useful for starting the bullet point, to highlight skills
used – e.g. analysed, created, recommended, managed or led.
 Results can often be linked within an individual bullet point.


If you are heading to north America, then you might need a résumé rather than a CV. They are very similar documents so use
our CV guide, and supplement it with the information here to build a great CV into a great résumé.
Format differences
Default page size – A4 (21cm x 29.7cm) is replaced by Letter (8.5″ x 11″ or 21.59cm x 27.94cm)
 Use ‘Page Layout’ options in Word (or equivalent) to change the size of your document page
 Cut down a piece of A3 paper to size when checking out how it prints
Spelling – insure / ensure the résumé is oriented / orientated to the readers’ spelling conventions:
 Set your default language to US or Canadian English to use your spelling and grammar check
 Watch out for common ‘Britishisms’ such as ‘analysed’ and ‘organised’ (both have a ‘z’ in North America)
 See Wikipedia’s page on spelling differences.
Application etiquette
 Include a cover letter with a résumé, unless you are told otherwise
 Write a considered and thoughtful thank you letter within 48 hours of any interview
 Convert your résumé and cover letter into PDFs before sending them to an employer
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Skype _____________________



Apunte Ingles II 2020 – Prof. DEZA 38

PAIR WORK (trabaja con tu circunstancial compañero de clase)

A. Lean juntos las preguntas del cuestionario sugerido abajo. Compartan dudas sobre significados /
pronunciación, pero NO COMPARTAN ideas sobre las respuestas posibles a las mismas. (10’)
B. Escoge 10 preguntas del cuestionario sugerido abajo para cuando te toque el rol de Entrevistador (no
las compartas) (1’)
C. Intercambia CV con tu compañero, lee detenidamente su CV (3’).
D. Decidan quién asumirá primero el Rol de Entrevistador y/o Entrevistado (asumiendo que ambos
desempeñarán los dos roles)
E. Realiza la ENTREVISTA LABORAL en base a las preguntas que elegiste (10’). Esfuérzate en utilizar sólo
idioma Inglés.

1. From your CV I understand you are interested in the ________________________ position. Out of all the
other candidates, why should we hire you?

2. How did you learn about the opening? Why do you want this job?

3. You say your biggest strengths are ______________________________. What are your biggest

4. I can see from your CV that your Studies include ____________________. Tell me which was your favorite

5. Tell me about the academic grades you are the proudest about.

6. If we were to phone the Principal of your Secondary School, what type of references would he/she give
about you?

7. What about your former colleagues at _______________________ job? Is there anyone who could speak
evil about your personality or performance?

8. Tell me about the last time a co-worker or customer got angry with you. What happened?

9. What do you consider to be your biggest professional achievement?

10. I read that you are close to finishing your University studies. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

11. Describe your dream job

12. Why do you want to leave your current job?

13. What kind of work environment do you like best?

14. Tell me about the toughest decision you had to make in the last six months.

15. What is your leadership style?

16. Tell me about a time you disagreed with a decision at work/university. What did you do?

17. What can we expect from you in your first three months?

18. What do you like to do outside of work?

19. What questions do you have for me?

20. What do you plan to do if you get the job?

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