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Es un verbo que tiene muchos significados

Gerundio = getting

Participio pasado =gotten en des uso , se conjugan

Los tiempos verbales cambian

Ejemplo :

Presente = get / gets

I get / you get

Pasado simple : got

I got that job

Future simple : will get

I will get

Presente perfecto= I have got /she has got

I have got that job / he has got that price

Pasado perfecto : I have get. Condicional simple cold get shouldget , have get.

Ejemplo : I would get that job if i waited / you couldget that price if you work good / she should
get that price , if she works hard , could y should (infinitivo) would win (terminacion + ing )

If + condicional de la oracion ejemplo

I would run if tomorrow does not rain

Primer grupo

1 get = conseguir , obtener ,comprar , lograr, ganar,sacar

Segundo grupo

Get:recibir una carta,dinero , ganarse una reprimenta , requintar, para una recompensa
Tercer grupo

Bring : ir a , buscar , traer

Cuarto grupo : entender,captar .asimilar

Quinto grupo : agarrar , soltar contagiarse.


I got the flu / tener una enfermedad

Sexto grupo: contestar /atender

Ejemplo : i am going to get (a get ) a phone call now

Septimo grupo : llegar , agarrar lograr un objetivo

Grupo ocho: get + adjetivo = tomar algo , ponerse algo , de algún modo

Ejemplo: i get hungry everytime you dont listen

I get glad = personalizate

I get proud

I get crazy

Ejemplos :

I get it / lo compre , compre , recibir pago

I got you / lo entendí

I can not get it / no puedo entenderlo

Sold out/vendido

I can not get it yet because I am a biginer

Please help I can not get the phone call

Did you get my idea? Yes I got it

I got and email yesterday

How did get /como lo entendiste

I got a letter this morning

I got hungry (I am hungry )

Gerundio es una forma no personal del verbo

Indica que una acción esta en desarrollo

Se forma con ing

Cuando se expresa un sustantiva de una acción verbal

Enjoy , stop , consider ,remember ,finish,admit. En este caso se usaa el gerundio para expresar una
accion personal abstraacta que corresponde al infinitive ,despues de estos verbos NO se usa to be

Becarful you have risk face in down

He got a new job at beingin of the year and he loves it

What time does the train get two /arrive at the station.

Ca you get sumbred in milk

Jane is getting a new car

How much do you think I cut get for my old ban

They got / obtained the money for the trip for their grandparents

I normaly get the bus to work

Did you get my letter

Did you receive my letter

I didn’t understand/get it

I didn’t get it , can you repeat it all again please

I didn’t get the joke

I will insure for him

Ask + after : pregunta despues

Hi aske after you : ell oregunto por ti

Asked for : she asked for help

Break up : separarse / they break up two months ago

Break of : romper relacion diplomatica

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