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on Influence tactics

It’s an analysis project which is based on critical evaluation of how world’s successful
leaders practice influence tactics/traits to achieve more sustainability of the organization. In this
analysis, the essence of rational persuasion as well as lead by example, trust and respect to
become a transformational leader has been discussed. Both those influence tactics are treated as
positive and soft approaches to motivate employees and foster organizational sustainability in the
long run.

Rational persuasion and recommendation on effectiveness

Rational persuasion makes an employee believe that a request or task is feasible through the use
of illustrations, logical arguments and factual evidence. A leader using factual information to
influence peers might be perceived as being more convincing and sincere. (Charbonneau, D.,
2004) To increase effectiveness of rational persuasion, leaders are recommended the following:

• Rational persuasion requires leaders to know the fact or subject matter so well that he/she
can make any proposal understandable, appealing and coherent to the co-workers. He/she
must have sufficient logical reasoning, analytical ability and authentic information with
evidences to combat any arguments in a positive way. Because having false information
without evidence or no information at all will make the effort of rational persuasion in
vain. It might even create negative perception and chaos among co-workers. (Stack,
• In dealing with change management to the organization, rational persuasion plays an
effective role if it’s fostered accurately. Change management is a complex process which
requires sufficient time and dedication to bring any positive outcome. But a
transformational leader who has the rational persuasion skill can do the best in this
regard. He/she at least has strong logic, reasonable arguments to motivate team mates and
face any counter arguments with factual information and easy-to-understand analysis.
Rational leaders can influence organizational culture, reduce fear of accepting change in
a logical way and thus create the ground of change management. So, to create positive
perception in the customer mindset regarding change management, effective use of
rational persuasion is vital for an organization and its leaders. (Stack, L.,2016)

Lead by example, trust as well as respect and recommendation on effectiveness

Building and maintaining a corporate culture of trust and respect is considered as one of the most
important facts in effective leadership skills. If a leader loses his/her trust and respect among the
work group, it will decline the morale and cause negative impact on employee performance.
Again, when anyone leads by an example, other co-workers can easily perceive what the best
courses of action are or what should be the objective as they can see a clear image. Once trust,
respect and a positive example to lead is lost, they are extremely difficult to rebuild. To foster the
mentioned qualities and improve organizational performance as a leader, followings are
recommended: (Illes K., Mathews M., 2015)

• There should be a practice of effective communication throughout the organization.

Leaders need to listen to the organization and the people within it. Clear communication
helps to articulate and illustrate a clear set of values and behaviors ideal to the culture.
Open door management policy should be in every organizational practice. When
employees can communicate any appropriate matter with their super visor or sub
ordinates through face to face or formal way, it creates a feeling of self-respect and
motivation. Even to illustrate a set of example by transformative leaders requires
effective communication tools. (Illes K., Mathews M., 2015)
• Culture of trust, corporate governance and transparency has to be fostered by
transformational leaders. They should establish a formal system of measurement for trust.
Leaders have to be authentic, trustworthy and open to communicate. He/she has to set an
ethical benchmark through which all the employees can work under transparency and
accountability. Whistle blowing system can enhance employee trust, respect for ethics
and thus create a sustainable organization by charismatic leaders who leads by an
example. (Illes K., Mathews M., 2015)


✓ Stack L., 2016, Rational Persuasion: An Effective Tool for Turning Your Ideas into Our

Ideas, from

✓ Illes K., Mathews M., 2015, academic paper on leadership, trust and communication:

building trust in companies through effective leadership communication.

✓ Charbonneau D., 2004, academic paper on influence tactics and perceptions of

transformational leadership.



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