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The Cardiopulmonary System and

Movement Dysfunction
Physical therapy primarily involves the identification and treatment of
problems related to movement. Movement dysfunction usually is
attributed to impairments of the neuromuscular and musculoskeletal
systems. The cardiopulmonary system plays an important role in
movement because of its function of transporting oxygen to skeletal
muscle. Abnormalities of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems
can produce limitations in physical function. The purposes of this
article are to describe the steps involved in the transfer of oxygen from
atmospheric air to skeletal muscles and to provide examples of
problems that can occur with each step of the process. Common signs
and symptorns of potential problems involving the cardiovascular and
pulmonary systems also will be discussed. [Peel C. The cardiopulmo-
nary system and movement dysfunction. Phys Ther. 1996;76:448- 455.1

Key Words: Cardiovascular system; Movement disorders; Oxygen transport; Pulmonaly, general.

Claire Peel

448 Physical Therapy. Volume 76 . Number 5 . May 1996

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ovclnent is essential for perfornlance of CO, moves into capillary blood. Within the cell, 0,
routine daily tasks and recreational activi- moves into mitochondria, allowing adenosine triphos-
ties and is the direct result of many factors. phate generation through aerobic melnbolism. The CO,,
An individual must have the willingrless o r - is returned to the lungs via the lrenous system for
motivation to accomplish a task, and the movement must removal from the body. Metabolites, such as hydrogen
be supported by the musculoskeletal, ne~lrornuscular, ions (H'), potassium, adenosine, and lactate, also are
and cardiopulmonary systems. As experts in the science removed through the blood syste111 and ar-e either
of rnovement dysfunction, physical therapists determine excr-eted or used for other functions in the body.
probable causes of problelns related to nlovernent and
then design programs to improve physical filnctiol~. During exercise, skeletal muscle activity results in an
Accomplishing this task requires an understanding not increase in cell~llar0, requirements and ill the amount
a r CO, that must be carried to the lungs for removal
only of psychology and the roles of' the ~ l e u r o r n ~ ~ s c ~ l l of
and musculoskeletal systems ill supporting niovenie~~t from the body. To meet the increased 0, needs, both
but also of the role of the cardiopulmonary system. ventilation (i'~) and cardiac output (CO) must increase
in propor-tion to the increased n~etabolicrate. \'entila-
The purposes of this introductory article are to describe tion (in liters per minute) is the product of breathing
how the cardiopulmonary system functions to support frequency and tidal vol~une(VT). Cardiac o u t p ~ l t(in
the increased metabolic needs associated with physical liters per minute) is the product of heart rate (HR) and
activity and to describe common problerns of the cardio- stroke volume (SV). In individuals witllotrt car-diopulmo-
vascular and pulnlonaiy systems that produce movenlent nary abnormalities, the increases in (i"~) and CO are
dysfunction. Signs and symptoms that are indicative of closely matched to the increase in metabolic rate, allow-
potential abnormalities of the cardiopulmonary system ing arterial blood gas and pH levels to remain close to
also will be disc.ussed. baseline values during e x e r c i s e . T h e precision of the
system is denlollstrated by all appropriate increase i r ~
Cardiopulmonary Function at Rest and During both (i'~) and CO as the exercise intensity le\.el ranges
Exercise horn light to very heavy.:'
The primary purposes of the cardiopulmonary systerli
are to deliver oxygen (0,)to metabolically active tissues An effec.tive system for increasing c a r d i o p ~ l l ~ i ~ oactiv-
and to remove carbon dioxide (CO,) and ~netabolites. ity in response to various levels of physical activity
External respiration, or gas exchange between the lungs involves multiple steps. Figure 2 describes the steps
and atmosphere, is linked to internal cell~llarrespiratiorl involved in the transfer of 0, from the atniosphere to
by the cardiovascular system. Interactions between skel- skeletal muscle. The initial step is ( i r e ) , which is the
etal muscle, the heart, and the lungs are character-ized ill movelnent of air in and out of the I~ulgs.Veiltilation
Figure 1. Atnlospheric air is brought into the 111ngs occurs as a result of respiratory muscle activity. W%en
where 0, rnoves into pulmonary capillaries and CO, these m ~ ~ s c l econtract,
s a negative pressure withill the
rnoves from the blood into alveoli for removal ill expired thorax is created, and air moves illward fro111the mouth
air. The heart then pumps 0,-rich blood to peripher-al to various parts of the I~ulgs.At rest, the primar-y ~n~lscles
tissues. At the capillary level, 0, moves into tissues and of inspiration are the diaphragm, the scalene n~ilscles,

(: Prrl, PhD, PT, is A~sociatrProtrssor. Drpartlllrltt of' Ph!sical Therapy, School of'f'har~~iary
atid Allied Health Pri~Sr.;sions.(:rrighto~i Llriivrl-sity, Onlaha, NE (iHliH (LISA) (cperl@>creightol~.rdu)

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Figure 1.
A scheme illustrating the gas transport mechanisms for coupling cellular [internal) to pulmonary (external) respiration. Qo,-oxygen (0,)utilization
by the muscles, &02=carbon dioxide ( C 0 2 ) production by muscles, i/02=0, uptake from the alveoli, VCO,=CO, output from the alveoli.
[Reprinted with permission from Wasserrnan K, Hansen JE, Sue DY, Whipp BJ. Principles of Exercise Testing and Interpretation. Philadelphia, Pa: Lea
& Febiger; 1987.)

and the parasternal intercostal muscle^.^ These muscles A high degree of compliance is important to facilitate
function to expand the thorax by producing lower rib the movement of blood into the left ventricle. Compli-
cage expansion (diaphragm), elevation of the rib cage ance can decrease with myocardial ischemia and left
(scalene muscles), and an increase in the anterior- ventricular hypertrophy. In these conditions, the ability
posterior dimension of the rib cage (parasternal mus- to adequately fill the left ventricle may be impaired, and
cles) .4 During activity, additional muscles are recruited, patients may experience dyspnea o r signs and symptoms
including the sternocleidomastoid and external inter- of decreased CO. During systole, the ~nyocardiumcon-
costal muscle^.^ The abdominal muscles indirectly assist tracts. As the pressure in the left ventricle exceeds the
in inspiration by pushing the diaphragm upward, which pressure in the aorta, the aortic valve opens and blood
increases the length of the diaphragm prior to moves into the arterial system.
Cardiac output is determined by SV and HR, and varies
The next step involves gas exchange between the alveoli depending o n the body's 0, requirements. Increased
and pulmonary capillary blood. To accomplish this task, activity of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) pro-
the alveoli that receive fresh air must be perfused with duces an increase in CO, which results from increases in
blood. The blood must have a sufficiently long transit both the rate of contraction and the strength of contrac-
time in the pulmonary capillary to allow time for diffil- tion. Cardiac output also can be increased by greater
sion of gases. The time needed for CO, to move into the venous return reaching the left ventricle, as during
alveoli and for 0, to move into capillary blood is exercise.' The increased volume, or preload, stretches
approximately 0.25 secondsf5 (Fig. 3). Another critical the ventricular muscle. A stronger contraction is pro-
factor is that the alveoli that are well ventilated also must duced because of a more advantageous length-tension
be well perfused. Because of regional differences in the relationship. During exercise, CO is increased because
distributions of both (VE) and perfusion," the possibility of increases in both SV and HR, with SV reaching its
exists to have areas of the lung that are well ventilated ntaxirnal level at approximately 40% of maximal oxygen
but underperfiised, o r vice versa. During exercise, there consumption (vo2max).X Consequently, for moderate-
is an increase in both perfusion and (i'~), which facili- to-heavy exercise (levels greater than 40% of \jo,max),
tates the matching of (VK)and perfi~sion. increases in CO result from increases in HR.

From the lungs, oxygenated blood enters the left side of As the blood leaves the heart, adjustments in the vascular
the heart. The heart then must be able to generate a system direct blood proportionally to the tissues with the
force great enough to propel blood to various parts of highest metabolic needs. Contraction and relaxation of
the body. During diastole, when blood moves into the smooth muscle in the walls of arteries and arterioles
left ventricle, the myocardium is relaxed and compliant. produce changes in the size of these vessels. Increasing

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Air moves into the lungs as a result of contraction

of respiratory muscles

Inspired air is distributed to alveoli

Diffusion of 0, from alveoli to

pulmonary capillary blood

Ejection of blood containing 0, from lefi ventricle
Distribution of cardiac output to

active skeletal muscles
0. I 1 I
0 .25 .50 .75
Movement of 0,from peripheral capillaries Figure 3.
to mitochondria of muscle cells Oxygen time courses in the pulmonary capillary when diffusion is
normal and abnormal. Under normal conditions, blood reaches a
Figure 2. parfial pressure of oxygen (PO,) of 100 rnm Hg within 0.25 seconds
Steps invcllved in the transfer of oxygen (0,) from the atmosphere to even though the time course of travel through the capillary is 0.75
skeletal muscle. seconds. When there is a limitation in diffusion, the time to reach a PO,
of 100 mm Hg i s prolonged, as noted by the "abnormal" line. When
diffusion is severely limited, blood exiting the pulmonary capillary will
not achieve a normal PO, level, as indicated by the "grossly abnormal"
the size of a vessel's lumen, o r vasodilation, allows line. The time course i s shortened during exercise (as noted by the
greater blood flow to the area of the body supplied by arrow) and may result in below-normal PO, levels when limitations in
diffusion are present. (Reprinted with permission from West JB. Respira-
those vessels. During activity, CO is directed to active
tory Physiology. 4th ed. Baltimore, Md: Williams & Wilkins Co; 1990.)
skeletal muscles and to the skin to allow dissipation of
heat, with vasoconstriction occurring in inactive muscles
arid vibc-elal organs. The degree of vasodilation verstls ing 0, delivery. Acidosis and increased body tempera-
constriction is controlled centrally by the SNS and locally ture, which occur with exercise, facilitate the unloading
by cellular metabolites. As muscles become more active, of 0, from hemoglobin and the diffusion of 0, from
there is an increase in the local concentration of metabo- capillaries to muscle cells.
lites, such as CO, and H + , which produces vasodilation."
The increase in temperature also facilitates vasodilation. A final critical factor is the need for a method of
This local mechanism allows blood to be shunted to regulation that prevents large fluctuations in arterial
muscles with the greatest metabolic activity. Having blood gases and pH. It is well known that changes in the
reached the tissue level, 0, moves from capillaries into -partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (Pao,), the
muscle cells, with CO, moving in the opposite direction. partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood
(Paco,), and H + concentration stimulate the respiratory
Another ir~iportantfactor for an adequate 0, delivery system and produce changes in (VE) that serve to return
system is the 0,-canying capacity of the blood. The 0, blood gas values to n ~ r m a lThe
. ~ increase in metabolism
content of the blood is determined by the amourit of with exercise results in an increase in CO, production
hemoglobin in the blood and by the partial pressure of so that arterial blood gases and pH remain close to
oxygen (Po,) in the blood.ti l ' h e oxyhemoglobin disso- baseline during mild and moderate exercise."he exact
ciation curve, as demonstrated in Figure 4, describes the mechanism of control is unknown and rnay involve the
relationship between the Po, and the saturation of rate of CO, flow to the lurigs o r the central ncrvous
hemoglobin. Factors that alter the oxyhemoglobin dis- system.
sociation curve will affect 0, delivery to skeletal muscle.
A shift of the cunTeto the left impairs the amount of 0, In summary, the cardiopulmonary system plays a critical
extracted by muscle, whereas a shift to the right facili- role in delivering 0, to skeletal muscles to support
tates tlie unloading of 0, from hemoglobin." Increased movement. Consequently, problems involving either the
concentration of carboxyhemoglobin, which occurs with cardiopulmonaly system o r the musculoskeletal system
smoking, produces a leftward shift of the curve, impair- can adversely affect a person's ability to perform routine

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Ventilation-Perfusion (v/Q) Mismatching
In conditions in which parts of the lung are perfused but
not ventiIated, or ventilated with poor perfusion, effec-
tive gas exchange cannot occur. The term "vencilatio~i-
perfusion (v/Q) mismatching" is used to describe ine-
qualities between areas of (VE) and perfusion. This
condition can occur with the obstructive lung diseases of
enlphyserna and chronic bronchitis because (VE) is not
evenly distributed to parts of the lungs and blood flow is
SAT affected by destruction of portions of the capillary bed.'"
The result is a decrease in Pao, o r an increase in Paco,.
Perfusion of parts of the lungs could be decreased
because of vascular abnormalities such as pulmonary
emboli. The result of this condition is an increase in
alveolar dead space, o r "wasted" (VF.). Alveolar dead
space is the volume of gas in alveoli that are ventilated,
but poorly perfused o r urlderperfused.I7 This condition
occurs when blood flow is blocked by a p u l m o n a r ~
embolus. The opposite condition occurs with pulmonary
fibrosis, where selected alveoli are replaced with scar
tissue, decreasing (vE.) to areas with normal perft1sion.l"
Adequate perfusion without (VE) is referred to as a
Figure 4. shunt.
Effects of temperature, partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial
blood (Pco,), and pH on the oxygen dissociation curve. The large arrow
in the center indicates that increases in temperature and PCO, and
Diffusion Abnormalities
decreases in p H will shift the curve to the right, focilitoting the dissoci- Movement of gases across the alveolar-capillary mem-
ation of oxygen with hemoglobin (Hb). Po,=partial pressure of oxygen. brane may be limited because of abnormalitics in the
(Reprinted with permission from West JB. Respirotory Physiology. 4th membranes or because of an accumulation of fluid in
ed. Baltimore, Md: Williams 8 Wilkins Co; 1990.) the alveoli or interstitial spacc. Pulmonary diseases that
result in thickening of the alveolar capillary membrane
cause an impairment in diffusion. A colninori example is
furlctional activities. Because of the multiple steps that idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.lq In pulmonary edema o r
are involved in the transfer of 0, from the atnlosphere congestivc hcart failure, fluid fills the space between the
to skeletal nluscles, there are a variety of problems that capillaries and alveoli. Both of these conditions result in
can have an adverce effect. impaired diffusion of O2from the alveoli to the capillary
blood, resulting in an abnormally low Pao,. The condi-
Respiratory Muscle Dysfunction and Chest tion worsens with activity because blood moves faster
through the pulmonary capillaries and there is less time
Wall Deformities
Respiratory muscle dysfunction and chest wall deformi- fol- diffusion. In Figure 3, the effect of exercise on 0,
transfer in the pulmonary capillary is illustrated.
ties limit the ability of the thorax to expand, and
therefore pulmonary ventilation is compromised. Respi-
ratory muscle dysfunction can be caused by paralysis o r Inadequate Cardiac Output
partial paralysis of the respiratory rrruscles and often Cardiac abnormalities have the potential to impair car-
occurs with cervical spinal cord injuries and Guillain- diac output either at rest o r during activity. Common
Rarre syr~drome.l'.~:' Progressive n~usculardiseases, such problems involving the heart include myocardial is-
as m~iscttlartlystrophy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, chemia, heart failure, valvular abnormalities, and car-
can cause myopathy of respiratory muscle^.^^ Chest wall diac dysrhythmias. Myocardial ischemia can result from
defornlities occur with ankylosing spondylitis, kyphosis, either atherosclerosis o r vasospasm of coronary artcr-
ancl scoliosis.' A noncompliant o r rigid chest wall also ies.2') Chronic heart Failure involves impaired contractile
cau l i ~ r ~thoracic
it expansion, a condition that occurs function of cardiac muscle and can occur as a result of
wit11 aging. I' If the condition is severe, VT at rest may be many causes including coronary artery disease, myocar-
decreased, requiring a n increased breathing frequency ditis, hypertension, and sorllc systemic diseases." Valvu-
for adequate (VK). With less severe conditions, individ- lar abnormalities prevent the normal flow of blood
uals may be li~rlitedin their ability to increase (VT) o r through the heart and rcsult from a variety of causes
breathing frequency during exercise, resulting in a including rheumatic fever, myocardial infarction, and
decrease in maximal excrcise capacity. cotlgerlital abnormalities.'Of the marly types of cardiac

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arrhythmias, those that have the greatest potential to Table.
Signs and Symptoms Associated With Abnormalities of the
limit CO include ventric~~lar dysrhythmias and heart
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Systems
blocks." If any of these conditions is severe, CO at rest
may not be sufficient to meet the needs of the body.
Condition Signs/Symptoms
With less severe conditions, CO may he adequate at rest
but inadequate during the stress of physical activity. Respiratory distress Difficulty breothing as demonstrated by
Consequently, O 2 delivery to active skeletal muscles is shortness of breath, increased breothing
rate, use of accessory muscles, and nasal
impaired, requiring an increase in energy generation
using anaerobic metabolic pathways. Blood levels of Chronic coughing
lactic acid increase, producing metabolic acidosis, which Changes in skin color (pallor or cyanosis)
can Ile manifested as fatigue, clyspnea, or limited exer- Cardiac dysfunction Abnormal responses to activity such an
cise tolerance. Other signs and symptoms of inadequate excessively high or low heort rate,
decreasing systolic blood pressure,
CO include skin color changes such as pallor or cyanosis,
increased diastolic blood pressure,
light-headedness or dizziness, and weakness. changes in electrocardiographic activity
or heort sounds, excessive fatigue
Limitations in Peripheral Blood Flow Chest pain
If the ability to either vasodilate or vasoconstrict in parts Dvs~nea

of the circulation is impaired, then 0, delivery to active Peripheral vascular Intermittent claudication
disease Decreased or absent peripheral pulses
skeletal ~nusclenlay be impaired. In persons with ath-
Changes in the appearance of involved
erosclerosis involving peripheral arteries, blood flow may extremities, which may include dry or
be decreased by the atherosclerotic lesion or by the cool skin, hair loss, or muscular atrophy
inability of sclerotic vessels to vasodilate.'" Ischemia,
producing pain and limiting physical activity, results
when muscles become active and require additional 0,. cise, abnormal physiological responses or synlptolns ot
activity intolerance occur. The abnormalities provide
In persons with spinal cord injuries, normal SNS control clues to the underlying patholo#. Problems often
of peripheral blood vessels may not be present. Without become symptomatic first during activity when the car-
sympathetic control, the reflex vasoconstriction in inac- diopulmonary systerrl is stressed. AS the co~ldition
tive skeletal muscle and in visceral organs that normally becomes more severe, higns and symptoms also rrlay
occurs with activity will not occur.2Wonseqiiently, blood occur at rest. By carefully observi~~g symptoms and
flow to skeletal lnuscle rnay be limited because blood is documenting responses during activity, early detection
not being diverted from other tissues. The inability to of cardiopulmonary problems is possible. A summary of
vasoconstrict in appropriate parts of the vascular system common signs and sympto~nsis presented in the Table.
also can affect skin blood flow and limit heat dissipation.
Without adequate 0,, active skeletal muscles must Signs and Symptoms of Respiratory Distress
increase their use of anaerobic enerby-generating path- One of the most common symptoms of r e s p i r a t o ~
ways. The outcome is fatigue and dyspnea because of distress is dyspnea, or the sensation of difficult or
increased lactic acid and metabolic acidosis. labored breathing. Having diffic~ultybreathing, or being
"out of breath," is expected when working at or near
Low Oxygen-Carrying Capacity maximal capacity but not when working at low or
The most common condition producing a decrease in moderate levels of effort. Dyspnea also can occur at rest
0,-carrying capacity is anemia. In persons with anemia, and is easily detected because patients cannot complete
as the blood moves through the circlilatory system, the a full sentence without stopping to breathe. Another
Po, drops faster than usual as 0, leaves the limited symptom of a problelrl involving the respiratory system is
amount of hemog1obin.l As the blood reaches skeletal a chronic cough. Whether the cough is productive or
muscle, the low Po, levels may not provide a sufficient not, characteristics of sputum such as collsistency, color,
gradient. for diffusion of 0, from blood to skeletal and smell are important to identifying the problenl.'"
muscle. Consequently, lactic acid increases, and meta-
bolic acidosis and fatigue result. A common compensa- A rapid breathing rate, or tachypnea, also may indicate
tory ~nechanismis tachycardia, which assists in increas- distress. Persons who are unable to increase (VK) 1,y
ing CO. A potential consequence is all exaggerated increasing VT or depth of breathing rely on their ability
increase in HR in response to low-intensity activities. to increase the breathing rate. Increasing the breathing
rate, rather than VT, is a less efficient stratqy of increas-
Signs and Symptoms of Cardiovascular or ing (i'~) because there is a relative increase in dead-
Pulmonary Abnormalities space (i'r;). A change in the regularity of hreathing also
When the cardiovascular or pulmonary system cannot may indicate abnormal function. Normal hreathing
respond appropriately to the increased demand of exer- involves regular inspiration and expiration, with a deep

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breath o r sigh interspersed periodically. An example of ual, medications, and ambient temperature.:" Heart rate
an abnormal breathing pattern is Cheyne-Stokes respi- responses that are either higher o r lower than would be
ration, which involves increasing and decreasing the expected based o n these factors could indicate an abnor-
depth of breathing, with periods of apnea interspersed.Z7 mality. Abnormal blood pressure responses include
This pattern often occurs in patients with heart failure or either a systolic blood pressure that does not rise pro-
cerebrovascular disease.Zx gressively as work level increases o r a systolic blood
pressure that falls during exercise. An increase in dia-
Other signs of respiratory distress include use of acces- stolic blood pressure during exercise that is greater than
sory breathing muscles, changes in skin color, behavioral 15 to 20 inm Hg also is considered abn~rrnal.:~' Other
changes, and nasal flaring. Increased use of neck mus- signs include electrocardiographic changes such as dys-
cles for inspiration o r abdominal muscles for expiration rhythmias o r ST-segment depression and changes in
is abnormal when resting o r performing low levels of heart sounds.
exercise. Cyanosis or pallor is an indication of abnormal
oxygenation, o r hypoxernia. Behavioral changes, such as The patients's age, medications, and corresponding
confusion o r agitation, also can indicate hypoxemia. symptoms must be considered when interpreting abnor-
Nasal flaring is a sign of severe distress and occurs when mal responses to exercise. A single abnormal finding in
individuals exert increased effort during inspiration. a patient who is asymptomatic may not be indicative of a
problem, whereas multiple abnormal findings in a
Signs and Symptoms of Cardiac Dysfunction patient who is symptomatic provide support for a cardiac
O n e of the most common symptoms of a cardiac prob- abnormality. An example is a rapid HR, a falling blood
lem is angina, or chest pain. Angina may be described by pressure response, and the appearance of a third heart
patients as a feeling of heaviness, pressure, or burning sound, a combination of abnormal findings that suggests
rather than as a painful sensation. The discomfort heart failure.
associated with angina may occur in areas other than the
chest, such as the arms, cervical region, jaw, o r upper Signs and Symptoms of Inadequate Peripheral
back. The term exertional angina is used if the pain occurs Blood Flow
during activity and is relieved when the individual stops Intermittent claudication is one of the most common
the activity. Exertional angina is thought to result from symptoms of inadequate peripheral blood flow. Pain
myocardial ischemia due to an increase in myocardial 0, resulting from ischemia occurs when 0, delivery cannot
demand that cannot be met because atherosclerosis meet the increased 0, requirements of active skeletal
limits an increase in blood flow to the heart. Chest pain muscle. Discomfort typically occurs during walking and
that occurs at rest can indicate a coronary artery spasrn is relieved when the individual stops to rest. Pain also
or an impending myocardial infarction.g!' Chest pain may occur when the lower extremities are elevated, with
also car1 result from other causes, including pericarditis, relief occurring when the extremities are rrioved to a
pleural effusion, o r a musculoskeletal injury. Differenti- dependent position.
ating angina from other problenls associated with chest
pain is an important part of the clinical asses~ment.:~) Chronic deprivation of 0, often produces trophic
changes, which inolude muscle atrophy, hair loss, and
Other symptoms of cardiac dysfunction include dyspnea, dry skin.:':' The skin may feel cool, and peripheral pulses
light-headedness o r dizziness, and fatigue. Dyspnea, typ- in corresponding arteries may be weak o r absent.
ically associated with piilmonary dysfunction, often Changes in skin color with elevation of the involved
occurs with ~~lyocardial ischemia and heart failure. Dys- extremities also may occur. Typically, there is blanching
pnea also can occur in patients with left ventricular of the skin with elevation, followed by redness when the
hypertrophy, which often is caused by hypertension o r extremity is returned to the dependent position. The
aortic valve disease and results in impaired ventricular tinling of the changes in skin color can be used to
relaxation. Light-headedness o r dizziness is associated estimate the severity of the co~ldition:"~
with heart failure o r myocardial ischemia, and also with
hypoterlsioli. Fatigue that results from routine activities, Summary
or that occurs with low-intensity exercise, is associated The cardiovascular and pulmonary systems are essential
with heart fa1'I ure. to normal movement because of their role in delivering
0, from the atmosphere to active skeletal muscle. There
Signs of cardiac dysfunction include abnormal responses are multiple steps involved in the transfer of O2 from the
to exercise. An HR that is either excessively high o r air to blood and in the delivery of 0,-rich blood to
exceptionally low during exercise may indicate heart lnetabolically active tissues. An impairment in any of the
disease. The amount of increase in HR with activity is steps can result in inadequate 0, delivery. By under-
related to the intensity of the activity, age of the individ- standing and identifying the mecharlism involved when

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