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The First Project

“Interpret a Data Visualizations”

Malaria in Africa

Submitted by :
Amal Alsalloum
Malaria is a serious life-threaten disease caused by the protozoa of the genus Plasmodium. The disease
transmitted by a mosquitoes which is usually the Anopheles mosquitoes females. (WHO, 2012)

The first insight:

Kenya has the highest number of deaths in the region, as it’s the most affected country.

Kenya with an average of 27896 malaria deaths a year and 76.43 malaria deaths a day is the most affected
country. From the dashboard, Africa’s map show Kenya in the darkest brown that implies the highest effect. By
clicking on Kenya on the map it shows the average numbers for the country.

The second insight:

Malaria deaths in Kenya had decreased over time to below Africa Average (1303) from 2011 to 2014.

Yearly malaria deaths in Kenya decreased since 2006 to be below average on the year 2010, the death cases fall
to below Africa Average that implies an improvement on the malaria health care in Kenya. By clicking on Kenya
on the map the chart shows the yearly deaths caused by malaria for the period (2000-2014). The year 2003 marks
the highest malaria deaths in Kenya by more than 55K deaths. To fall below the half on 2004 crashing the country

death average to around 25K deaths. The fall doesn’t consist, so the deaths increased again and for the last time
on the period to around 45K death cases. After the rise on 2005, malaria deaths number had decreased to became
lower than the African average from the year 2011.

The third insight:

Democratic Republic of the Congo is the second highest number of deaths in the region, as it’s the second
highest affected country.

Democratic Republic of the Congo with an average of 15203 malaria deaths a year and 41.65 malaria deaths a
day is the second most affected country. From the dashboard, Africa’s map show Democratic Republic of the
Congo in the second darkest brown that implies the second highest effect. By clicking on Democratic Republic of
the Congo on the map it shows the average numbers for the country.
Yearly malaria deaths in Democratic Republic of the Congo have upward trend in general. By clicking on
Democratic Republic of the Congo on the map the chart shows the yearly deaths caused by malaria for the period
(2000-2014).Yearly malaria death cases break through country average line in the year 2008 and continue the
increased upward to 2012 were cases has decreased. The next year (2013) represent the highest malaria deaths
in Democratic Republic of the Congo by more than 30K deaths.

Malaria in Africa dashboard has a lot of interesting information and insightful data that shows how the disease
affected countries geographically and changes on deaths numbers over time into each country.

WHO. (2012). Malaria.

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