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Write a composition:
1. In some ways Christian seems to learn various things in the course of his
pilgrimage, but in other ways he hardly appears to change at all from the beginning
to the end of the book. Does Christian evolve or develop as a character?
Christian is the main character of the book and the hero of the pilgrimage.
Christian is a poor man who flees from the evil City of Destruction and goes on a
pilgrimage to find the Celestial City.So,Since Bunyan is not a novelist, but an
allegorist, Christian is not represented by a complex person.Usually the characters
in allegories are just carriers of abstract ideas, and Christian has a simple
personality and represents only the idea of sincere faith.We can say that the main
character does not change much, only his faith changes, becoming stronger
because of the obstacles and difficulties that he goes through.
But,anyway following the development of the work, we can see some glimpses in
the development of the protagonist. This can be seen in Christian's story. For
example,the four mistresses of the Palace Beautiful ask him about family left in
the City of Destruction. When he talks about his family, he shows some kind of
feelings, although he should not care about the past life.I think that these feelings
were most likely caused by a strong love for his family, but not related to his
emotional development, because it was said above that he shows development only
in a spiritual sense.
There is another situation that possibly indicates a change in the development of
the character. This takes place in a scene of a drowning Christian in a river.
Christian in this scene drowns and naturally loses faith in salvation and to reach
the Celestial City. But still this situation shows the depth of Christianity, the depth
of faith, the change and strengthening of the faith of the protagonist.
Thus, summarizing, Christian does not essentially evolve as a character.

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