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Industrial Restructuring and the United States Coal-Energy System, 1972- 1990:

Regulatory Change, Technological Fixes, and Corporate Control

Author(s): Gregory A. Elmes and Trevor M. Harris
Source: Annals of the Association of American Geographers , Sep., 1996, Vol. 86, No. 3
(Sep., 1996), pp. 507-529
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of the Association of American

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Industrial Restructuring and the United
States Coal-Energy System, 1 972-1 990:
Regulatory Change, Technological Fixes,
and Corporate Control
Gregory A. Elmes and Trevor M. Harris

Department of Geology and Geography, West Virginia University

D uring the past three decades the processes (Dicken 1994). These controlling
United States' energy system has re- processes-technology, research and develop-
sponded to major exogenous and en- ment, transportation, and communication-are
dogenous shocks and pressures by deploying framed in turn by financial and regulatory co-
a variety of technical and spatial fixes. These ordination structures. In the face of changing
fixes stimulated, in turn, fundamental realign- markets or crises, industries may attempt to
ments in the geography of electrical energy restructure their material flows, controlling
production. Major events extending from the processes, or coordinating structures, applying
Clean Air Act of 1970 to the oil embargo by technical and spatial fixes to rectify the uneco-
the Organization of Petroleum Exporting nom ic conditions. Industrial restructuring
Countries in 1973-1974, the quadrupling of oil strategies of a heavy industry, such as the coal-
prices during 1978-1979, and railroad deregu- energy system, may differ substantially from
lation in 1980 have influenced the restructuring those applied to technologically advanced in-
of a coal-energy system that had reached its dustries and the quaternary sector of the econ-
nadir in the early 1960s. At that time electric omy. 0 hUallachdin and Matthews (1994)
utilities consumed just 42 percent of the do- found, for example, that the restructuring of
mestic demand for coal. Three decades later, the copper-production chain had little in com-
coal production reached record levels and the mon with the reorganizations characteristic of
electricity market share of consumption had high-technology and quaternary industries-a
more than doubled to 86 percent. Accordingly, difference they attributed to fixed geographical
the 1970s and 1980s epitomize a remarkable resources, capital, and economies of scale. Like
period of economic development when elec- copper production, the coal-energy system is
tricity generation benefited from massive traditionally characterized by an orientation to-
economies of scale, strong vertical integration ward raw materials with an emphasis on exclu-
by large utility companies, and little inter-fuel sive control of the commodity chain, produc-
competition. An analysis of intrastate and inter- tion and distribution costs, economies of scale,
state coal flows during this distinctive time and vertical integration.
reveals significant geographical and temporal That said, neoclassical industrial location the-
responses of coal producers and consumers to ory provides only an incomplete under-
rapidly changing conditions in the energy standing of the restructuring of primary indus-
market. tries. Geographical restructuring involves an in-
Understanding the restructuring of the coal- terplay of economic, technological, and corpo-
energy system from the 1970s to 1990 entails rate relations in new and existing regions of
an examination of the interconnected systems capital accumulation, including the stimuli of
of coal production, transportation, and elec- technical and spatial rearrangements resulting
tric-utilities that form the coal-energy chain. from labor relations, regulatory interrelation-
Consisting of linked systems of value-added ships, and interfirm networks (Storper and
material transactions, the coal-energy chain is Walker 1989). While the principles of spatial
nested within hierarchical sets of controlling interaction may account for regional shifts and

Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 86(3), 1996, pp. 507-529

?1 996 by Association of American Geographers
Published by Blackwell Publishers, 238 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02142, and 108 Cowley Road, Oxford, OX4 1JF, UK.

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508 Elmes and Harris

shares in terms of the changing geography of with intrastate flows. Next we identify change
supply and demand, friction of distance, and and trends in interstate coal movements using
intervening opportunities, a full understanding dyadic factor analysis. Subsequently, we place
of restructuring in the coal-energy system de- these material transactions in the context of
pends upon integrating the analysis of material Dicken's (1994) notion of controlling processes
transactions within the context of the control- and structures, that is, the spatial reorganiza-
ling processes and coordinating structures. It is tion of coal flows is put within the particular
precisely these underlying technological and context of technological, corporate, labor, and
organizational dynamics, or fixes, that are un- regulatory restructuring in the North American
derrepresented in quantitative models of spa- space economy.
tial interaction and that are specifically inte-
grated in this study.
Geographers have invested a great deal in
The Coal-Energy System in the
interaction models of the coal chain (King et al.
1971; James 1982; Elmes 1985; Kuby, Ratick,
United States
and Osleeb 1991). Premised on neoclassical
economics and underpinned by concepts of The recent history of the United States coal-
optimization, complementarity, transferability, energy system has been characterized by
and intervening opportunity, these statistical three broad trends: 1) reduction in the diver-
and mathematical programming approaches sity of coal markets; 2) regional shifts in coal
have facilitated model building and the testing production toward the western states; and 3)
of theories of material transactions. In addition regional shifts in the demand for electricity. Be-
to their functional explanations of the coal tween 1972 and 1990, U.S. energy use in-
chain, these studies have simulated complex creased by 85 percent to 81 quadrillion BTU
technological relationships within the coal-en- (U.S. Energy Information Administration, An-
ergy system, such as the roles of different nual Energy Review 1992). Although coal pro-
transportation modes (King et al. 1971), the im- duction has increased steadily since 1961, its
pacts of pollution controls (Haynes et al. 1983; position relative to other fuels has continued to
Knight and Manula 1978), and improvements decline. Petroleum dominates the energy mar-
to port facilities (Osleeb and Ratick 1983; ket throughout, while coal briefly replaced
Ratick and Osleeb 1983). Other studies have natural gas as the second-ranking energy
emphasized scale in the context of policy de- source in the late 1980s. Neither has coal made
cisions about coal production and trade, for major advances in the export trade. Since
example, at the regional level (Calzonetti et al. 1961, coal exports have remained relatively
1989), the national level (Gibson 1990; Gordon steady at about 10 percent of output-with ex-
1975; 1978; Hudson and Sadler 1990), and the ports increasingly composed of high-quality
international level (Spooner and Calzonetti steam coals from Central Appalachia (Kuby,
1984). Most of these quantitative analyses of Ratick, and Osleeb 1991). Export volume had
coal flows are cross-sectional; longitudinal risen to 100 million metric tons1 (mmt) by the
studies are regrettably few (for an exception, early 1990s owing to the absolute growth of
see Georgiana et al. 1985). These studies, coal production.
however instructive, are partial. Their emphasis In 1990, the electric-utility industry ac-
on the empirical estimation of the parameters counted for 86 percent of domestic coal con-
of material transactions and flow predictions sumption while industrial plants accounted for
comes at the expense of the explanatory roles less than 14 percent (as a raw material input or
of less easily quantifiable controlling processes. as fuel for process heat generation, steam, or
To gain insight into the changing geography nonutility electricity generation) (Figure 1).
of the coal-energy system, this study focuses Coal's present alignment with the utility market
initially on the trilateral relationships within and has developed over the past half century. After
between the subsystems of coal production, reaching a peak output of 606 mmt in 1947,
transportation, and electric-power generation coal production declined to a minimum of 379
as manifested in time series of coal movements mmt in 1961. With the loss of the railroad mar-
between coal mines and electric-utility gener- ket, coal's market diversification and share of
ating plants. The empirical analysis deals first the industrial and commercial markets began a

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The United States Coal-Energy System 509


| | -* -~~~~~~~~
NUC~~~~~~~~~LEAR (21 %6 _Quadrillion
* ~ ~ ~~(76. 2 % ) _
F Bituminous Underground caer sym 19L0 C

--~~~~~~~~~~ _~~~~29.
(67%) (40%) EH UTILITY

Anthracite (0.3%) Surface |t_-_

Sub-bituminous (60%)

Lignt OLU a l l l

l (3 mmt) 3l l

Figure 1. Components of the U.S. coal-energy system, 1990. Coal dominates all other energy sources used in
the production of electricity and the utility market dominates all other end uses of coal. The coal-energy system
of this study-domestic coal flows to electric utility power plants-is indicated by heavy arrows and dark shading.
In 1990, domestic coal flows to utilities amounted to 709.4 mmt. Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration
Annual Energy Review 1994.

steep decline (Figure 2). Faced with shrinking market by increasing the cost base of compet-
domestic markets, the coal industry turned to ing energy sources. There were some set-
electric utilities as the primary destination for backs, however. A number of legislative, eco-
U.S. coal-and with notable success. As a re- nomic, infrastructural, and environmental fac-
sult, electric utilities now dominate the coal tors constrained the rates and extent of coal
market and the fortunes of the two industries production and consumption (Perry 1983).
are intricately linked. Federal laws, such as the Coal Mine Health and
The 1970s was a pivotal time in the consoli- Safety Act of 1969, the Federal Coal Leasing
dation of the coal industry's move toward the Amendments Act of 1976, the Surface Mining
electric-utility market. Though only a matter of Act of 1977, and the Clean Air Act Amend-
months, the oil embargo of 1973-1974 was a ments of 1970 and 1977 certainly slowed the
turning point that strengthened the strategic pace of expansion (Gordon 1986). Indeed,
position of coal vis-a-vis other fuels. Regulatory Gordon attributes the doubling of average coal
legislation was also important. The Natural Gas prices at the mine-mouth between 1969 and
Policy Act of 1978, the Power Plant and Indus- 1981 as much to supply factors (e.g., legislative
trial Fuels Act of 1978, and the Energy Tax Act controls on mine health and safety) as to in-
of 1978 increased coal's share in the energy creased demand for coal. Conversely, Miernyk

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510 Elmes and Harris





: . . ; . . . . . .: ': !:

.: ... .. ...: .
.. . . . . . . . .. . .. .... . .. .. ia pit n

LO LO) LO 1 f) W LO
CO) 0 U) 0 0a

Figure 2. U.S. coal consumption by end use, 1935-1990. Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration Annual
Energy Review 1994.

(1977) maintains that coal prices were driven production increased by 359 mmt, virtually all
principally by world petroleum prices, albeit of the net increase came from western surface
allowing for regional variations within and be- mines.
tween the major coal basins owing to spatial Regional shares of electricity production,
variations in coal quality, mining practices, and and hence coal consumption, have also been
labor costs (Solomon and Pyrdol 1986). affected by new arrangements which separate
Coal's share of the electric-utility market has the business of electricity generation from its
also been strongly influenced by regional shifts transmission and consumption, for example,
in the United States' electricity demand. The coal-by-wire projects and power wheeling-
population growth of the South and West at institutional contractual transfers of energy
the expense of the North and East is clearly from regions of net surplus production to those
reflected in patterns of energy consumption with net deficits (Calzonetti et al. 1989). The
and generation over the past several decades. combined effects of internal and external
Relative measures of growth conceal, how- forces have resulted in marked regional shifts
ever, the large contribution of coal to electricity in coal production and consumption and in
production in the traditional manufacturing concomitant changes in interregional coal
heartland of Pennsylvania to Illinois. As a con- flows, as well as in employment structure
sequence of regional changes in the shares of and capital accumulation. Tracking trends in
electricity consumption, the U.S. coal-energy coal flows through a pivotal period in Ameri-
system has experienced a significant geo- can energy economics offers some revealing
graphical realignment during the past thirty hints of the complex variety of forces at work.
years. Whereas in 1970, 93 percent of bitumi- These changes in flows are a spatial manifesta-
nous and lignite coal (568 mint) was mined tion of the latent structural shifts in supply
east of the Mississippi (Figure 3), by 1990 that and demand, regulation, and the changing re-
proportion had fallen to just 61 percent (566 lations of capital and labor in the coal-energy
mmt). Thus in these two decades when coal system.

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The United States Coal-Energy System 511


Bituminous coal A

m Subbituminous coal N
U Anthracite 1-Wsemrn Coal Basins
2-Western Interior

3-Eastem Interior KM
4-Apasna 6 320 640

6-Gulf Fields

Figure 3. Major coalfields of the U.S. Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration Coal Production 1992.

Analysis of Coal Movements, somewhat better than the spatial one. While
the U.S. Energy Information Administration
claims a 100 percent response rate, and other
sources corroborate a high degree of accuracy
The study begins in 1972 because that year (e.g., National Coal Association Steam Electric
represents the calm before the storm of turbu- Plant Factors 1968-1990), the dataset does
lent events that buffeted the energy industry contain errors and omissions with regard to
worldwide and because it marks the estab- specific locations of coal sources and delivered
lishment of a systematic electronic database for costs. Missing and erroneous entries are
collating the cost and quality of coal and other sufficiently numerous as to necessitate the
fuels received by electric-generating plants aggregation of mine-level shipments to the
(these data are available on magnetic tape from state level, with a corresponding loss of spatial
July 1972 to present; U.S. Energy Information detail.
Administration Cost and Quality of Fuels for Intrastate and interstate coal flows are treated
Electric Utility Plants 1992).2 Digital data are not separately for several reasons. During the study
available for earlier years and statistics must be period, intrastate coal traffic accounted for be-
compiled from individual monthly returns from tween 40 percent and 50 percent of the total
power plants. The study ends with the record- volume of coal shipped between mines and
setting coal production of 1990 which repre- electric-power plants. These flows took place
sents the culmination of a distinctive stage of within 24 states and geographical analysis of
the coal-energy system. The dataset is reason- these intrastate flows is relatively straightfor-
ably complete with the temporal record being ward. In contrast, interstate coal flows are con-

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512 Elmes and Harris

siderably more complex. Over the eighteen- duction and consumption during the same pe-
and-a-half-year study period, interstate coal riod (Figure 6).
was transported between 341 individual origin- At the beginning of the study period intra-
destination state pairs. But in any one year, the state coal traffic was dominated by six contigu-
number and combination of flows could vary ous states (Group 1) in the traditional coal-
widely; for example, in 1972, only 127 of the producing region of the United States-Penn-
341 interactions were active. When map analy- sylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Indi-
sis of these complex sets of coal flows yielded ana, and Illinois (Figure 5)-along with Alabama
limited success in extracting temporal or spatial (Alabama's flows are intermediate between
trends (Elmes 1984), several other techniques states in Groups 1 and 3; here we add it to
were explored. Of these, dyadic factor analysis Group 1). Except in the strike years of 1978
(DFA) was selected as the most appropriate for and 1981, these seven states reported annual
identifying spatio-temporal trends in the coal- in-state coal flows greater than 5 mint through-
energy system. Because the sheer volume of out the study period. In 1973, Group 1 states
intrastate shipments obscured trends in the accounted for 77 percent (130 mmt) of total
more spatially complex set of interstate ship- intrastate coal movement (168 mint), but by
ments, a combined DFA of interstate and intra- 1990 that proportion had fallen to 51 percent
state flows was not pursued. (note, however, that absolute volume had in-
creased to 152 mmt).
This relative decline in the traditional core
can be traced to the rapid development of the
Intrastate Coal Flows
eight states in group 3 (Figure 6). Between 1972
and 1990 intrastate transshipments of coal to
Intrastate coal flows to electric utilities be-
electric utilities grew dramatically in a periph-
tween 1972 and 1990 fall into a threefold
eral arc of western states-North Dakota, Wyo-
grouping of the 24 states (Figures 4, 5, and 6).3 ming, Utah, New Mexico, Texas, and, to a
Seven states (Group 1) experienced high rates lesser extent, Montana, Colorado, and Ari-
of production and consumption throughout zona. In 1973 intrastate flows in these eight
the study period (Figure 5); nine states (Group states amounted to only 25 mmt (15 percent
2) had low rates of both throughout the study of the total intrastate volume). By 1990, that
period (these did not exceed 4 mmt per an- figure had increased to 133 mmt (44 percent).
num) (Figure 5); and eight states (Group 3) By far the most spectacular growth occurred in
demonstrated remarkable expansion in pro- Texas where intrastate flows increased from
less than 0.45 mmt in 1973 to greater than 44
mimt in 1990. From similarly low base rates,
Utah's production-consumption increased by
twelvefold, Montana's by tenfold, North Da-
kota's by fivefold, Wyoming's by fourfold,
Colorado's by threefold, and New Mexico's by
twofold. These western "transition" states thus
challenged the traditional dominance of intra-
state utility-coal traffic in the interior and Ap-
palachian coalfields and generated new re-
gions of capital accumulation and consumption
in the course of the system's restructuring. By
High flows v Km 1990, the seven eastern core states and the
Expanding flows ' 3 2064 eight western peripheral states dominated in-
Figure 4. Changes in intrastate coal flows between trastate coal flows to electric utilities, together
1972 and 1990. States are denoted by Zip Code ab- accounting for 87 percent (261 mmt) of the
breviations here and in Figures 5, 11, and 13. Source: 301 mmt of intrastate coal flows.
U.S. Energy Information Administration 1992. Form
The rapid rise of the West deserves a closer
FPC 423, Cost and Quality of Coal delivered to Elec-
tric Utilities, 1972-1990. look. Within these states, Texas's rise to first
place in intrastate coal flows reflected the
development of sub-bituminous and lignite

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The United States Coal-Energy System 513







1 990. |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ILN I

Figure 5. Semiannual intrastate coal flows for group 1 and group 2 states, 1972-1990. Source: U.S. Energy
Information Administration 1992. Form FPC 423, Cost and Quality of Coal Delivered to Electric Utilities, 1972-

INTRATATE LOWS,1972-1 990:





215] -


| 10 q / raz?S <i'>' NORTH DAKOTA

I I w gN-Nt-v jzeiv~eo w

5 o &s w;i ...... &..R.' t,9:- R.<;:?,,;ACOLORADO

l w _ bub~l' wS~lqX 63 BS AMONTANA

(0 (0 (0 C0 0

Figure 6. Semiannual intrastate coal flows for group 3 states, 1972-1990. Source: U.S. Energy Information
Administration 1992. Form FPC 423, Cost and Quality of Coal Delivered to Electric Utilities, 1972-1990.

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514 Elmes and Harris

deposits scattered throughout the eastern and and "transmission agreements" have also
southern parts of the state. Texas coal, while grown significantly in the East (U.S. Energy In-
low in sulfur, is also low in BTU and hence formation Administration Electric Trade in the
cannot bear the costs of long-distance trans- United States 1992). These developments,
portation. For this reason, Texas coal has been which were significantly enhanced by the de-
developed almost exclusively for mine-mouth creasing cost of coal relative to oil and natural
electric power generation. Elsewhere in the gas, helped to initiate a major transition in the
West, as at Colstrip (Montana), Navajo (Ari- spatial structure of the U.S. coal-energy sys-
zona), and Four Corners (New Mexico), en- tem-a transition from a coal-fired core sur-
ergy companies invested in integrated strip rounded by a mainly oil- and gas-fired perime-
mines and generating plants. These develop- ter to a more geographically dispersed coal-
ments typify the new, large-scale institutions fired system, one that depends more heavily
and structures that have emerged in the west- on the interconnectivity of the power transmis-
ern arc of the coal-energy system and that sion system as well as on material flows of coal
have stimulated widespread use of local sup- for its flexibility.
plies and lessened dependence on the tradi- While this transition may strengthen the U.S.
tional core of eastern coal-producing states. coal industry as a whole, this trend has created
These changes have several causes. In Texas, economic and social stress in regions that had
the large quantity of local coal destined for long-dominated the production of coal-fired
electricity generation reflected increased de- electricity. In the eastern and Interior states, the
mand for electricity in the sunbelt and the sub- continuously high level of group 1 intrastate
stitution of coal for oil and natural gas which flows (Figure 5) conceals a structural reorgani-
ballooned in price during the 1970s. But zation toward much larger units of production
Texas's experience does not readily apply else- of both coal and electricity and increased pro-
where because the Texas Interconnected Sys- ductivity via coal-by-wire projects and econo-
tem (hereafter TIS) for bulk-power transmis- mies of scale in power generation (Calzonetti
sion is not well connected to the other two et al. 1989). Especially in the Appalachian fields
power grids (interconnected networks) that these economies of scale and technical fixes
serve the rest of the United States and Canada. have been constrained by complex coalfield
Texas is virtually a self-contained coal-energy geology, uneconomic coal resources, infras-
system. Conversely, in the sparsely populated tructural problems, and entrenched labor-capi-
areas of Wyoming, North Dakota, Utah, and tal relationships. Neither did electric utilities in
New Mexico, the growth of intrastate flows the eastern coalfields keep pace with the ex-
has reflected interregional fuel prices rather tensive backward corporate integration expe-
than increases in the geography of demand for rienced in the western coalfields.
electricity in these states. In response to inter- Embedded within these regional trends are
fuel competition, many western states convert many shorter-term fluctuations. Intrastate coal
coal to electricity and export energy to out-of- flows fluctuated dramatically in 1978 and 1981
state demand centers. National electricity trade in response to labor unrest and strikes in the
has increased by 77 percent since the U.S. strongly unionized Appalachian and interior
government began publishing data in 1986. In coalfields (Figure 5). In each case, however,
this trade, the lead has been taken by the post-strike production returned to previous
Western Systems Coordinating Council levels, hence it is difficult to estimate strike
(WSCC), comprising all the United States west effects on the coal industry in the medium- and
of the Rocky Mountains, and by the Mid-Con- long-term from the flow data alone. There
tinent Power Pool (MAPP), a region consisting were significant reductions in the post-strike
of North Dakota and parts of Montana and coal labor force and concomitant increases in
Wyoming (U.S. Energy Information Administra- productivity through the substitution of capital
tion Electric Trade in the United States 1992). for labor (National Coal Association Coal Data
The export of "coal-by-wire" thus comple- 1986). In West Virginia, for example, as coal's
ments the expanding role of these states as labor force fell from more than 47,000 in 1972
coal exporters. But coal-by-wire developments to 29,000 in 1986, investment increased in
are not limited to western states. Electricity long-wall mining equipment. Moreover, since
trade statistics indicate that "sales for resale" 1988 the reduced power of the United Mine

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The United States Coal-Energy System 515

Workers of America (hereafter UMWA) has mand by electric-utility companies was accom-
weakened labor's capacity to bring about ma- panied by the development of new interstate
jor stoppages in eastern coal production. In linkages. Although trends at the substate level
contrast, the non-unionized western states are obscured by data aggregation to the state
have not experienced similar interruptions in level, evidence from new mines confirms a
coal production (compare Figures 5 and 6). relatively steady upward trend over this period
The net result is that the effects of spatial vari- and an incremental build-up to full capacity
ation in labor relations have diminished as (U.S. Energy Information Administration Coal
western, non-union fields provide a competi- Production 1994).
tive and reliable long-term supply of coal. The greater complexity of interstate coal
flows invited a quantitative assessment of the
data using dyadic factor analysis (DFA), a rela-
Interstate Coal Flows tively little-known yet powerful variant of factor
analysis. DFA permits the examination of flows,
Between 1973 and 1990 the interstate move- movements, or interactions between a series
ment of utility coal rose sharply. In 1973, inter- of pairs of locations (dyads) for a number of
state flows totaled 170 mimt (about the same variables. Previous studies have used this tech-
as the intrastate flows) with a mean flow of 1.2 nique to identify trends associated with inter-
mmt for 143 interstate dyads. In 1990, total regional and inter-urban commodity flows
flows had increased to 410 mmt (about 33 per- (Berry 1968; Black 1973; Davies and
cent more than the intrastate flows) and the Thompson 1980). Traditionally, the interaction
mean flow had doubled to 2.5 mmt for 166 matrix, observation Y, against observation Xi, is
dyads. The increased tonnage reflects both the used to investigate interaction patterns be-
increased demand for coal and the trend to- tween pairs of locations (Figure 7). Through a
ward larger volume movements. Increased de- reorientation of the interaction matrices into a


X 1Y, Z. XI Y. Z2 Xr YI Z3 ..... . XI Y. Z37


z z I IrI X Y
TIME Z XI 2 XIYZ XiYZ2 XiYZ . . . . . XiY2Z37
~2 XIY1 XIY2
z1 XYi IXI Y2
x1Y 1 xY2I
x2Y1 x2Y2 -x1 Y3z IXIY3 z2 XIY3z3 . .....XIY3 Z37
X.nYl X.Y2.

X,, 1- nfX J1 2 X"fl Z3. . fl. . , 137

Figure 7. Construction of the dyadic matrix from a series of two-dimensional interaction matrices. Source:
Revised after Davies and Thompson 1980:299.

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516 Elmes and Harris

data array comprising origin, destination, and continuous series of semi-annual flows
time, DFA can be applied to identify spatio- throughout the study period. A principal com-
temporal trends arising from numerous dyads ponents analysis of the correlation matrix of
over a number of time periods (for a more dyadic flows (with unity on the diagonal) and
detailed discussion of DFA, see Davies and a varimax orthogonal rotation applied to the
Thompson 1980). solution was used to clarify identification and
DFA begins with a series of semiannual ori- structure of the components.
gin-destination matrices representing interstate The principal components analysis of inter-
coal shipments between mines and power state flows converged after nine iterations and
plants. These matrices are aggregated by state produced three interpretable components
into origin-destination arrays for the period July (Figure 8). These components accounted for
1972 to December 1990 (Figure 7) and then about 97 percent of the total variance; there-
collapsed into a single two-dimensional array. after, the eigenvalues are very small and their
In the resultant matrix, rows correspond to the interpretive utility deteriorates. The first com-
341 origin-destination dyads and columns to ponent, accounting for 81.6 percent of the to-
the 37 half-year periods between July 1972 and tal variance, records large positive loadings on
December 1990. The cells in the data matrix the later years of the study period-hence its
record the tonnage of coal transported be- labeling as a "late" component. The second
tween each pair of states for each half year in component, accounting for 13.3 percent of the
any one direction. Depending upon the nature variance, records strong positive loadings on
of the relations between coal-producing and the first five years of the study period-hence
coal-consuming states, each dyad may experi- its labeling as "early." The third component is
ence a variety of interactions: 1) just one coal interpretable as a "middle" period component,
interaction for one six-month period; 2) a se- but its significance must be approached with
ries of intermittent semi-annual flows; or 3) a great caution because of the small eigenvalue.




O 0.6

c 0.4

0 02(13.3%)


cm LO r- 0 LO 0 co 0 o
C) C) C) co co co c o)

Figure 8. Rotated component loadings of coal movements, 1972-1990. Source: Dyadic factor analysis.

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The United States Coal-Energy System 517

For interpretive purposes, we focus on dyads size factor, that is, representative of the mag-
with factor scores that loaded heavily on one nitude of flows. The predominant flows (with
or more components. A dyad with a high posi- factor scores greater than 3.0) link Wyoming
tive loading on a component indicates that with five other states-Texas, Oklahoma, Kan-
most of its variance had been captured by that sas, Arkansas, and Iowa (Figure 11). Other dy-
component and hence the dyad itself may be ads (with factor score loadings less than 3.0)
characterized as "late," "middle,' or "early." Ex- reinforce the growing importance of the west-
amination of time-series plots assists in the in- ern coalfields, for example, the presence of
terpretation of the components and the re- additional flows from Wyoming to the mid-
sponse of individual dyads. Time-series profiles western states. The growth pattern of Wyo-
of the dyads having the highest factor score on ming's rise to become the nation's leading coal
each component are presented as "indicator" producer is discernible. Beginning in states
dyads (Figure 9). The Wyoming-Texas dyad, relatively close by, then extending farther
for example, exemplifies the "late" nature of afield, Wyoming flows displaced coal from the
component one, while the dyads for Ohio- Interior coalfield and even from Montana. As
Michigan and Wyoming-Illinois, respectively, distance from Wyoming increases and compe-
exhibit the characteristics of "early" and "mid- tition from eastern coal intensifies, Wyoming's
dle" components. dominance weakens. Yet by 1990, western
The "late" component is associated with dy- coal had supplanted eastern coal sources in
ads reporting very large volumes of coal flow Wisconsin, Michigan, and Missouri power
during the 1980s (Figures 10 and 11). As is plants. Although Wyoming and Montana flows
often the case in the interpretation of principal are most heavily loaded on the "late" compo-
components, the first component is a general nent, the persistence of major coal flows from


16 l


Group 1 - "Late"
12 - Wyoming-Texas

CD) (10.8)

F- 10~ Group 2 - "Early"

8 Group 2- Early Group 3 - "Middle"
6 Ohio - Michigan Woig-Ilni
6 ~~(5.8) (8.1) Ilioi

0 C~ T t
r'- r'- r'_
LO c1:0 c o o c '~~ O C r'- co o o
r'_ r'- r'- r'- co co co co co co co 0D co 0D 0)

Figure 9. Illustrative dyads for component 1, 2, and 3 interstate flows, 1972-1 990. The semiannual coal flows
for Wyoming to Texas are the exemplar for origin-destination pairs that peak late (component 1) in the study
period from low initial levels. Similarly, the set of flows from Ohio to Michigan is typical of dyads that peak early
and then diminish throughout the period (component 2). Component 3, while not statistically significant, iden-
tifies the flows of dyads that peak in the middle of the study period, e.g., Wyoming to Illinois. Source: Dyadic
factor analysis.

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518 Elmes and Harris





*D X SMT-I -
_ S oWY-KS


0~ . . . . . 0..)
0mU) 0) ) 0)

Figure 10. Semian

show volumes incr
demand (Kentuck

the Appalachian and Interior fields must also ads to extend any initial advantage of in situ
be recognized (e.g., those originating in Ken- production processes suggests that they
tucky, Illinois, and West Virginia). lacked the reserve capacity to produce low
In contrast, the "early" dyads (component sulfur, low ash, and high BTU coals at the new
two) tended to come from the eastern fields levels of economic efficiency. Later, as the sys-
(Figures 12 and 13). The historically large coal tem began to equilibrate, some flows became
producers in the Appalachian and Interior uncompetitive either because other mines had
fields-Kentucky, Illinois, and West Virginia- a competitive advantage or because utilities
dominated interstate coal flows in the 1970s, took advantage of intervening opportunities as
but their pattern is more disparate after 1976 new mines entered the market, or via policy
(Figure 12). Some dyads (Kentucky-Tennessee or regulatory intervention. In general, "early"
and Kentucky-North Carolina) with very large dyads are located in the Appalachian and East-
flows in the 1970s maintained these levels ern Interior coalfields where the shorter-dis-
throughout the 1980s. Others (Illinois-Mis- tance, low-volume flows typical of the tradi-
souri) increased their volume of coal shipments tional coal industry tended to predominate.
after 1976. These dyads appear to illustrate This region's surplus capacity-a result of the
older mine-to-plant relationships that were loss of coal markets before the 1 970s-enabled
subsequently sustained. In contrast, other early coal producing states such as Kentucky to re-
dyads (Ohio-Michigan and Montana-Illinois) spond rapidly to increased demand for coal
report peak flows in the early- to mid-1970s following the oil embargo and the price in-
and decline thereafter. The failure of these dy- creases of alternative energy sources.

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The United States Coal-Energy System 519

- Factor Scores 2.99 < >2.0 KM

* Origin State I I640
F 320 I

Figure II. Interstate dyads loading on component 1 ("late"). Source: Dyadic factor analysis.

Several additional factors influenced coal jacent states. Because furnaces in most oil- or
flows from the eastern coalfield states. The en- gas-fired plants were incompatible with coal as
forcement of the Coal Mine Health and Safety a fuel, the switch to coal as a direct substitute
Act of 1969, the Clean Air Act of 1970, and the for natural gas or oil was modest. During the
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1970s and 1980s, however, coal was increas-
1977 certainly constrained the supply and con- ingly used for base-load generation in new and
sumption of coal throughout the period, but existing coal-fired stations, indirectly substitut-
particularly so toward the latter years of this ing for oil and gas no longer burned at other
study (Gordon 1975; 1986). The Ohio-Michi- plants.4 An increased demand for this substitu-
gan (Figure 13) and Kentucky-Michigan (Fig- tion coal was well within the surplus capacity
ure 11) dyads, for example, reflect the sulfur of the Appalachian and Interior coal basins and
content of their coals. In these cases, high-sul- the transportation infrastructure was already in
fur Ohio coal was phased out as the Clean Air place.
Act regulations took effect and low-sulfur Ken- In the case of both inter- and intrastate coal
tucky coal was substituted. The reorganization flows, geographical patterns of change are
of eastern coal suppliers was also influenced dominated by the superimposition of an
by the increased demand for electricity in the emerging western and southwestern coal-fired
sunbelt states of Florida, Georgia, and the electric generating industry on to the traditional
Carolinas. Late growth is evident in dyads be- Interior and eastern core. Intrastate coal flows
tween eastern coalfields and southeastern fall into three groups related to the direction
states (notably from Kentucky to Florida) as and strength of trends of coal production dur-
new markets opened up for utility coal. Coal ing the study period. In general, trends of in-
movements from Kentucky, Illinois, and West terstate restructuring are revealed by "early,"
Virginia also have a "late" component, but "late," and "middle" components of the DFA.
these flows are predominantly directed to ad- Structurally, the Group 3 intrastate flows are

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520 Elmes and Harris

10 5 l |INTERSTATE FLOWS, 1972 - 1990: GROUP 2 "EARLY" 1



2 I L - ? E ? I~~~~~~~~~L-O


01 OH-MIl

Figure 12. Semiannual interstate coal flows of component 2 ("early"), 1972-1990. These flows are large for the
first five years of the study period; subsequently, some decline, while others remain at or above their initial
volume. Although the seasonal variation of these flows is less marked than those in Figure 10, the chilling effect
of strikes in 1978 and 1981 is clear. Dyads having factor scores greater than 3.0 are shown. Source: Dyadic factor

related to the "late" interstate component, but ded within larger controlling processes, most
similar direct connections are not possible for notably in the spheres of capital mobility, cor-
the other two intrastate groups. The restructur- porate relations, the regional division of labor,
ing of many coal flows, and of the system as a and regulation by state and federal agencies.
whole, can only be more fully understood in None of these processes predominated; each
the context of the controlling processes and played important independent and interde-
structures bearing on the industry. The follow- pendent roles. At times these processes ap-
ing sections of the paper further explore those pear to have reinforced existing spatial and
controlling processes that acted to reinforce technological relationships, and, at other times,
and realign the organization of the coal-energy triggered radical change and realignment in the
system. coal-energy system. Some trends identified in
the DFA were amplified by stochastic events
such as the 1970s' oil shocks as certain dyads
in the coal-energy system (e.g., in the northern
Restructuring of the Coal-Energy Great Plains) responded quickly to changing
System: Reinforcement and domestic and international conditions. But the
Realignment dyadic analysis does not tell us why. Were
these responses the result of planning and far-
The principles governing spatial interaction sighted management? Were existing decisions
are important in understanding changes in the fortuitously reinforced by events or a function
coal-energy system but in themselves are in- of regional or system-wide flexibility that en-
sufficient to explain the full range of processes abled a quick response to rapidly evolving cir-
acting to restructure the system. Geographical cumstances?
changes in the coal-energy system are embed- Consider the case of the massive changes in

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The United States Coal-Energy System 521


Factor Scores > 3.0 \ ,=

- -+ Factor Scores 2.99 <>2.0

0 Origin State KM
Fu 320 I40

Figure 13. Interstate dyads loading on component

coal production that took place in Wyoming, But planning and investments did not always
Montana, and North Dakota. The evidence precede market and regulatory changes. In
there suggests that a planned and coordinated Texas, for example, a more flexible industrial
approach by suppliers, shippers, and consum- strategy was in place. In 1969, Texas utilities
ers toward a coal-based energy future was for- planned to add 33 new power plants over a
tuitously reinforced by political events (Mis- 21-year time horizon. Only one of these plants
souri River Basin Commission 1979; National was designed to use low-grade coal from the
Coal Association Coal Data 1985). Decisions Gulf Field, and the remaining 32 were to be
made prior to the oil crises in the 1970s facili- gas-fired (National Coal Association Coal Data
tated subsequent land acquisition and devel- 1969; 1975). As oil and natural gas prices in-
opment, the brokering of future coal sales, and creased, however, these plans were funda-
the rapid expansion of the western coal-basin mentally changed. By 1975 all of Texas's pro-
labor force. Twenty-two of the 25 largest U.S. posed gas-fired plants had been replaced by
mines in operation during the study period had sixteen new coal-fired plants. The dramatic in-
opened before 1973 and 16 of these were in crease in Texan coal consumption (brought to
the western basins (Missouri River Basin Com- light in the discussion of intrastate and inter-
mission 1979). Moreover, as early as 1968, state flows) reflects the considerable speed at
Great Plains' coal producers and upper mid- which fuel-energy strategies could be altered
western utilities had major contracts in place. and new coal-fired plants brought on-line.5 By
Thus sizable investments in large-scale coal 1978 four new units were producing electricity
production, transportation, and electric-utility from coal. Thus, in Texas, a flexible response
coal consumption had been made well before to political and economic events of the 1970s
the oil crises of 1973 and 1978 and in advance and 1 980s did not so much accelerate the pace
of environmental legislation that altered coal of change as fundamentally alter the structure
consumption patterns. of that state's coal-energy system.

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522 Elmes and Harris

Capital Relations and Corporate Structure Oil and gas investment in coal assets peaked
in the mid-1980s and then went into reverse.
During the 1970s and early 1980s, regional By the beginning of the 1990s, oil corporations
changes in coal flows were also influenced by had initiated a massive divestiture of coal prop-
the penetration of international capital and the erties. American-owned corporations such as
extension of multinational corporate control Amoco, Standard Oil Company of Ohio, and
over the coal-energy system. As the ownership Texaco had already divested their coal assets
of independent coal firms came under the by 1987 (U.S. Energy Information Administra-
control of diversifying oil and gas companies, tion, Coal Distribution 1988 et seq.), and by
control over the coal-energy system became 1990 the share of oil-company holdings (32
concentrated in fewer, multi-sector corpora- percent of major coal-mine production) had
tions. These firms increased the scale of pro- returned to 1970 levels (Keystone News Bulle-
duction and reduced the number of dyads. tin 1990). Yet at the same time, foreign control
Moreover, the existence of large, new intra- over the largest coal producers increased
state and interstate flows toward the end of the steadily-from 1.4 percent of coal production
period are indicative of corporate integration in 1976 to 6.4 percent in 1986 to 20.1 percent
via horizontal and vertical linkages of coal pro- in 1990 (Keystone Coal Industry Manual
duction, transportation, and consumption. Ex- 1992:632). The acquisition by Hanson plc.
amples of the new corporate geography are (U.K.) of Peabody Holding Company and
abundant. The largest mine in the United States RWE's (Germany) acquisition of Consolidation
in 1990-the Black Thunder mine (25 mmt) Coal Company from Du Pont resulted in sub-
opened in 1977 in Wyoming's Powder River stantial foreign control of two of the top three
Basin-was owned by Atlantic Richfield Oil U.S. coal producers (U.S. Department of En-
Company. The next three largest mines were ergy 1993). Despite the ebb and flow of invest-
owned by large energy corporations, Kerr ment by particular oil corporations, coal-own-
McGee and AMAX. Moreover, Exxon, Chev- ership patterns remain firmly under the control
ron, and Sun, among other giant energy con- of large corporations. The industry has not re-
glomerates, gained control of very large coal verted to the status quo ante with its multitudes
production capabilities throughout the north- of medium- and small-scale independent op-
ern Great Plains and Mountain coal regions as erators.
well as in traditional coalfield areas. Through Restructuring is also evident in the coal elec-
horizontal integration, oil and gas companies tric-utility system by the extension of corporate
expanded their control over the coal-energy control from the public-utility sector into coal
system from 33 percent of total coal produc- production. Investment by utility-power com-
tion in 1976 to 44 percent in 1986 (U.S. Energy panies in large-scale coal production sought to
Information Administration Coal Production guarantee fuel supplies through backward ver-
1988). In some cases market entry was tical control (U.S. Energy Information Admini-
achieved de novo, as with the entry of new stration Coal Production 1988). By 1986, utility
coal-production operations by Cabacol in companies directly controlled 15 percent of
Wyoming, a wholly owned subsidiary of coal production. The BNI Coal Company, for
Exxon. In other instances, large, established example, with 500 million tons of recoverable
coal-mining concerns were acquired outright, reserves in North Dakota, is a wholly owned
as in the case of Pittsburgh-Midland by Chev- subsidiary of the Minnesota Power Company
ron and Consolidation Coal Corporation by (Keystone Coal Industry Manual 1992:755)
E. I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company Similarly, the Rosebud mine in Montana, the
(Du Pont). Foreign petroleum companies also seventh largest mine in the United States, is
entered the market through joint ventures such owned by a subsidiary of Montana Power. In
as that between AMAX and Royal Dutch Shell addition to their establishment of backward
(Keystone News Bulletin 1990). In many of vertical control, electric-utility companies in-
these cases, corporate acquisitions were de- creasingly coordinated their marketing power
signed to smooth cyclical fluctuations in cor- in multi-state markets. Utilities thus benefited
porate revenues by diversifying corporate in- from agglomeration economies and risk shar-
terests while at the same time earning oligopo- ing in the construction and operation of the
listic rent in the energy market. large power plant units characteristic of the

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The United States Coal-Energy System 523

1970s. A case in point is the Four Corners ments have encouraged vertical integration
power plant in Fruitland, New Mexico, which and control over the coal-supply system.
is controlled by six public or quasi-public or- Nevertheless, control over transportation is
ganizations representing cooperation between not as easy to implement as it once was. The
four states. But constraints are setting in. merger of the major railroad companies into
Efficiency caps on generating unit size at transnational corporations has restricted the
around 600 Mw, decreasing returns to scale, potential for backward corporate acquisition of
and uncertainty about investment in additional long-haul transportation, even by large utility
generating capacity tended to restrict exten- companies. Although railroad deregulation un-
sion of these multi- organizational, multi-state der the Staggers Rail Act of 1980 legally enables
ventures toward the end of the study period. utility companies to extend greater control
Increased corporate control extends also to over coal supply by permitting long-term con-
the coal chain's infrastructure. During this pe- tracts with the railroads, the outcomes have
riod, coal transportation became more of a col- been inconclusive in terms of competition
laborative endeavor between coal user, rail car- (FERC 1984). From the coal and utility indus-
rier, and coal producer, particularly with re- tries' perspective, legislative deregulation did
spect to long-haul coal flows. This is clearly not result in lower rates or increased competi-
evidenced in the DFA. Technological advances tion (Coal News 1985; Coal Outlook 1985).
in rolling stock and loading and unloading ca- Conversely the railroad industry has argued
pability consolidated the predominance of the that there was an absence of monopolistic
unit train. These changes were geared toward pricing in the first place and that the increase
maximizing the use of expensive capital equip- in railroad coal rates since the Act were not
ment, thereby minimizing the investment re- high "by any reasonable standard" (Association
quired to handle a given tonnage of coal. De- of American Railroads 1986:10). As a result,
troit Edison, for example, designed rolling considerable friction has ensued between the
stock specifically tailored to maximize the coal, utility, and railroad industries, not least
efficiency of the firm's loading and unloading because of the Interstate Commerce Commis-
facilities. Increased automation and "just-in- sion's liberal interpretations of the Staggers Act
time" coal delivery have substantially reduced (Coal News 1985; Fieldston Co. Inc. 1984). This
coal stockpiles-in some cases to what is left is particularly a problem in the western
over between successive unit train deliveries coalfields where longer average hauls, the
(Keystone Coal Industry Manual 1991). Al- lower BTU content of western coal, and the
though stockpiles are sensitive to unsettled role of railroad rate-setting procedures, particu-
conditions between management and labor, larly in the case of captive mines, have in-
utility companies halved their average size creased tensions between coal producers and
from 111-days supply in 1982 to 54 days in 1992 consumers, on the one hand, and carriers, on
(National Coal Association Coal Data 1993). the other. It is also a problem in the traditional
Given these reduced coal inventories, reliable core where small mines claim to be marginal-
electricity generation can only be accom- ized by monopolistic freight rates.
plished through greater control over the factors
of production and transportation. The unit train
thus has exerted pressure for backward vertical Labor
integration as well as improved traffic informa-
tion control in the form of geographic informa- The technological and corporate restructur-
tion systems. Other developments have com- ing of the coal-energy system has also resulted
plemented this strategy, for example, the con- in major stress in the relationships between
struction of dedicated railroads as exemplified labor and capital as the mode of production
by the Black Mesa and Lake Powell Railroad in changed from an autonomous, diverse, labor-
Arizona, the Texas Utilities' TUG Railroad in intensive, multi-firm industry organized by one
East Texas, and the American Electric Power's dominant union, the United Mine Workers of
Muskingum Electric Railroad in Ohio (Keystone America, toward a vertically integrated system
Coal Industry Manual 1991). In each case, the dominated by fewer large corporations. Strikes
coal-transport operation is a subsidiary of the and shifts in production brought about by
public utility. In sum, technological develop- wage competition show in the coal-flow analy-

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524 Elmes and Harris

sis. While a complete exposition of labor rela- Table 1. Union Membership as a

tions in the coal industry from 1972 is clearly Proportion of All Workers in Mining for
beyond the scope of this paper, a few points Selected States.
are relevant here.
1970 1978
The loss of mining jobs since the peak em-
ployment of the mid-1970s has been felt Kentucky 27 22
Ohio 36 29
strongly in the eastern fields. West Virginia's
Pennsylvania 37 34
coal work force in 1990 was less than half the West Virginia 43 37
1976 peak of 64 thousand; Pennsylvania's coal Colorado 20 15
employment was halved between 1979 (39.9 North Dakota 17 15
Texas 14 11
thousand) and 1990 (less than 19 thousand);
Wyoming 17 15
and in Kentucky, the comparable figures were
Source: U.S. Department of Labor 1980.
49 thousand (1979) and 30 thousand in 1990.
But job loss in coal mining was not limited to
the East. Although separate figures are not pub-
lished for the coal sector, Wyoming's 38.5
thousand employed in all mining jobs at its tal-labor relations in this context, see Gibson
1981 peak fell to 17.4 thousand in 1987. Con- 1990). Under this shelter of offshore labor, the
versely Texas's mining labor force peaked in coal industry has been able to reinforce its
1981 at 10.6 thousand and remained at 10 capital accumulation ability in the United States
thousand in 1990. Increased productivity has by shifting its emphasis from labor-intensive
been achieved in part by steady increases in operations in the eastern coalfields to large-
the average number of hours worked which scale, non-unionized, and capital-intensive op-
rose from 40.7 hours in 1970 to 44 hours in erations in the West where it also has been
1992. Overall, however, total hours worked fell favored by coal geology and seam thickness.
steadily after 1973 (U.S. Department of Labor
1992). Output during this period rose on aver-
age by 2.7 percent annually as longer hours
worked by fewer employees were comple- Government Regulation
mented by productivity increases due to auto-
mation (U.S. Department of Labor 1993). In addition to the interplay of capital, labor,
The loss of labor's political power is evident and technology, federal regulation has been
in the erratic decline of mine workers from a influential, if inconsistent, in the restructuring
daily average employment of 149,265 in 1972 of the coal-energy system and in the move-
to 131,306 in 1990-in a period when produc- ment of coal to power plants (Gordon 1978;
tion doubled-as well as in the UMWA's failure James 1982; Perry 1983; Rose et al. 1991). In
to organize new mines west of the Missis- cases such as the 1977 Clean Air Act Amend-
sippi.6 Union membership is difficult to ascer- ments and 1978 Power-Plant Fuel-Use Restric-
tain from published sources, but reliable esti- tions, strict regulatory control over the direc-
mates of UMWA membership indicate a fall tion of the coal-energy industry resulted in un-
from 213 thousand in 1973 to 82 thousand in even regional impacts, generally favoring low-
1992 (U.S. Department of Labor 1992). The sulfur coal flows previously identified in the
geographical differences in union participation analysis. In other instances, federal policy has
between the eastern and western coalfields in been largely deregulatory in nature, as for ex-
the 1970s are amply illustrated in Table 1. Un- ample in the Staggers Rail Act and the Power
fortunately directly comparable data for later Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (here-
periods are not available. after PURPA). Although deregulation in general
Labor's failure to organize new production tends to favor large production operations and
sites is partly attributable to an international large transactions, its effect on coal flows has
surplus capacity of coal production at low been more geographically dispersed than that
wage rates and the attendant threat of massive of regulatory actions.
substitution of imported coal at water-side In a salient paper, Rose et al. (1991) noted
plants during the boom years following the oil several distinct phases in recent domestic en-
embargo (for an Australian case study of capi- ergy policy-1) interventionist; 2) laissez-faire;

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The United States Coal-Energy System 525

and 3) modified laissez-faire. With the onset of nonutility generation sown during a period of
the energy crisis in 1973, a Democratically con- strongly interventionist policy thus carry the
trolled Congress promoted an overtly inter- potential for sweeping changes in the structure
ventionist policy with national goals of energy of the coal-energy system as it existed in 1990.
self-sufficiency and the development of new
coal fuel technologies as exemplified by Proj-
ect Independence (Executive Office of the
Coal Flows and Industrial
President 1977) and the National Energy Act of
1978. Encompassing five statutes, the Act en- Restructuring
sured the dominance of coal over competing
fuels in electricity generation by encouraging Interest in national energy policy in the
conversion of boilers to coal. A second phase United States has tended to be equated with
of government policy began during the 1980s recurring crises in energy supply. However
when a conservative Republican administration short-sighted such perceptions, they have am-
effectively disabled the major regulatory agen- plified the combined effects of short-term cri-
cies (EPA, DOE, and DOC) and unleashed a ses and longer-term historical trends. Our
period of unrestrained laissez-faire economic analysis of intrastate and interstate coal flows
policy. Tax advantages gained in the 1970s for has revealed several significant trends, notably
energy efficiency were discontinued. These the differential rise and fall of flows in response
and similar policies had little immediate effect to exogenous and endogenous events and
on the now well-established position of utility changes in controlling processes. Some inter-
coal flows, but they encouraged diversification state dyads were able to grow rapidly in the
of assets especially by large energy corpora- 1970s as events reinforced planned develop-
tions. The third policy phase commenced in ments or as the industry realigned to new op-
1989 with a 'National Energy Strategy" pro- portunities or mandates. Other dyads, espe-
posed by the Bush administration. This strategy cially in the West, responded later following
was committed to improving the efficiency of capital investment in mines, transportation,
energy use, increasing oil production outside and power-generation plants. Save for the ex-
the Persian Gulf, expanding natural gas use, pansion in the western states, the effects of the
supporting clean coal technology, and reviving several energy crises are not readily discernible
nuclear power. By permitting new electricity- from the intrastate and interstate flows. In the
generating plants to burn oil and gas, these Appalachian coalfields, capital-labor relations
policies reversed a quarter-century trend and and competition from the West constrained
injected a new dimension into the reorganiza- utility-coal flows, but this largest coal-produc-
tion of the coal-energy system which princi- ing region was able to meet shortfalls in utility
pally affects suppliers at the margin as a result fuel supply and these flows helped maintain
of coal quality, labor, or transportation costs. high levels of production over the entire pe-
Recently the effects of the national energy riod.
strategy have been bolstered by the Energy Act The changing pattern of coal flows has also
of 1992. This act provided new competitive been linked to significant changes in coopera-
challenges to the coal-energy system and ef- tive investment in mines, railroads, and power
fectively set a cap on the reported changes in plants. During the study period, technical and
coal flows between 1972 and 1990. The 1992 corporate aspects of coal mining, coal trans-
Act reaffirms the one major deregulatory stat- portation, and power generation became co-
ute, the 1978 PURPA legislation, which author- ordinated to a far greater degree than pre-
ized the generation and public sale of electric- viously. For a time, coordinated investment by
ity by nonutility companies. By the end of the multiple parties worked in favor of low-cost
1980s, nonutilities generated 9 percent of U.S. production, concentration-the intensification
electricity production and contributed 20 per- of large-scale production and shipment-and
cent of all new capacity. Even though these the reduction of the industry's traditional bond
small flows of coal to nonutilities are not rep- to unionized labor and fixed capital invest-
resented in the DFA, the coal flows involved ment. As utilities extended their contractual
were inconsequential because most of the new control over sources of production and trans-
units were small and gas-fired. The seeds of portation, regions producing less than unit-

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526 Elmes and Harris

trainload outputs or mining predominantly of new elements in the energy space economy
high-sulfur coal (e.g., Central Appalachia) were serve to highlight the gamut of potential
forced to the margins, as evidenced by labor change and the difficulties of predicting their
force reductions and mine closings well into impact on coal flows.
the 1990s. These changes have many of the Among these elements are recently re-
hallmarks of flexible accumulation strategies, scinded restrictions on the use of natural gas
for example, reduced labor costs and in- that, when joined with the surging growth of
creased labor flexibility, automation, and crea- combined-cycle gas turbine generators, open
tive means of contracting and subcontracting new possibilities of fuel sources and plant dis-
to minimize the effects of negotiated labor tribution. An entirely new mix of generating
agreements. However, vertical integration and facilities may be on the horizon as nonutility
economies of scale still played a major role in generators proliferate on the strength of low
the coal-utility industry until the end of the capitalization costs of the new technology.
study period. This mixed strategy was possible Nonutility generators are projected to supply
because the coal-chain comprises many sub- an increasing proportion of power to interme-
systems which require, and respond to, differ- diate and final consumers. Additionally, the po-
ing management approaches. These seemingly tential effects of a market for "pollution credits"
contradictory trends in the coal-energy indus- is only now being documented and it is too
try are not unique as evidenced by 0 hUal- early to forecast its potential impacts on coal
lachaiin and Matthews' (1994) conclusions for flows (Solomon 1994). The uncharted implica-
the copper industry. tions of NAFTA also portend an extended pe-
But what of the future? There is evidence riod of unpredictability as new markets emerge
that deregulation and diversification are the and less expensive supplies of electricity be-
outstanding themes of the 1990s. This study come available across national borders, for ex-
draws to a close precisely when the national ample, Canadian hydropower. Under these
energy industry is again at a critical juncture conditions of uncertainty it is as difficult to pre-
because of major changes in political attitudes dict the degree to which coal will maintain its
toward labor relations, environmental pollu- regional shares of the electrical utility fuel mar-
tion, fuel sources for power generation, and a ket as it is to forecast changes in the geography
renewed dependency on foreign oil supplies of coal flows. It is reasonable to suggest that
(Goldstein 1990). Multiple changes are facing further changes in coal flows are inevitable as
an industry that seems to be reluctant to chart their underlying structures evolve.
a clear course. Although coal will continue to Landscapes of industrial processes, modified
be the primary source of electrical energy for by the continuing reorganization of economic,
the foreseeable future, further change in the technological, and political forces, invite inter-
industry is inevitable as industrial plants, fuels, pretations of geographic changes and the
institutions, and controlling processes respond causal relations underpinning them. Faced with
to new conditions. As much of the steam-elec- an imperative for change, industries may re-
tric generating-plant capacity is approaching spond with a combination of technical and
the end of its life cycle, these plants will need spatial fixes aimed at improving industrial
refurbishment or replacement. In spite of this efficiency and sustaining profitability. As sys-
growing need, cancellations of planned power tems of production are abandoned or trans-
plants have been extremely common over the formed and rebuilt, new regional distributions
past two decades (Swindler 1992) and the de- of capital accumulation emerge as a result of
cision about future base-load generating sys- uneven growth and change (Florida and Ken-
tems has continually been put off. As techno- ney 1992). But restructuring transcends the
logical fixes in the form of new modes of pro- purely spatial expression of changing patterns
duction are introduced (e.g., smaller power of coal flows. While the principles of spatial
plants, new fuels, nonutilities, or the divestiture interaction remain important because of the
of utility companies), the spatial interaction be- fixed nature of the natural resource and the
tween coal producers and consumers will nec- significance of transportation costs, they are
essarily change. Developments over the next increasingly insufficient to explain the roles and
20 years will be equally as varied as those of growing relative importance of new technol-
the preceding two decades. A few examples ogy, mobile capital, corporate restructuring, la-

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The United States Coal-Energy System 529

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Elmes, Gregory A., and Harris, Trevor M. 1996. Industrial Restructuring and the United States
Coal-Energy System, 1972-1990: Regulatory Change, Technological Fixes, and Corporate Con-
trol. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 86(3):507-529. Abstract.

In the past three decades the coal-energy system in the United States has undergone significant
restructuring in location, technology, and organization. During the 1970s and 1980s the quad-
rupling of oil prices coupled with changing relations of production, legislative action for envi-
ronmental protection, and deregulation in coal transportation initiated major reorganizations of
the movement of coal from mines to electricity-generating plants. In this paper a three-part
analysis examines the corporate and regulatory processes influencing coal flows during restruc-
turing. Part one describes intrastate flows using coal-receipts from power plants. Part two
identifies the changing spatial relationships in the coal-energy system between 1972 and 1990
using a dyadic factor analysis of interstate coal flows. Some origin-destination pairs responded
rapidly to changes in coal demand. Others lagged behind until coal production or consumption
facilities were developed under new financial and regulatory conditions. Drawing on contem-
porary and traditional perspectives of industrial reorganization, part three interprets the varying
geographic responses of the U.S. coal-energy system and links the industry's restructuring to an
emerging coordination of decision making between public and private interests in production,
distribution, and consumption. Beyond the well-established shift to western coal fields and the
rise of utility consumption associated with population growth, the analysis provides evidence of
the grafting of increasingly influential national economic and political forces on to local and
regional control of coal production and consumption. Key Words: coal-energy system, coal flows,
dyadic factor analysis, industrial restructuring.

Correspondence: Department of Geology and Geography, P.O. Box 6300, West Virginia Uni-
versity, Morgantown, West Virginia, 26506-6300.

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