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An Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis

Chapter · February 2018

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-71210-9_3


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4 authors, including:

Joseph Cihon Julia L. Ferguson

Endicott College Autism Partership Foundation


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An Introduction to Applied
Behavior Analysis

Justin B. Leaf, Joseph H. Cihon, Julia L. Ferguson,

and Sara M. Weinkauf

Contents atic approach to understanding behavior of social

What Is Applied Behavior Analysis?   25 interest. ABA is deeply rooted in the influential
work of individuals such as Edward Thorndike,
Basic Principles of ABA...........................................  26
John Watson, Ivan Pavlov, and B.F. Skinner, to
ABA-Based Procedures...........................................  27 name a few. In 1968, Baer, Wolf, and Risley out-
Conclusion................................................................  38 lined some of the defining characteristics research
References.................................................................  38
in ABA should exhibit in their seminal paper
“Some Current Dimensions of Applied Behavior
Analysis.” While there are many examples of
applied behavior analytic research prior to Baer
What Is Applied Behavior Analysis? et al. (e.g., Allen, Hart, Buell, Harris, & Wolf,
1964; Ayllon, 1963; Ayllon & Azrin, 1965; Ayllon
Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is one of the & Michael, 1959; Etzel & Gerwitz, 1967;
three branches of the science of behavior analy- Sherman, 1963; Wolf, Risley, & Mees, 1963), its
sis, the other two being the experimental analysis publication, along with the establishment of the
of behavior and behaviorism, or the philosophy Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, is com-
of behavior (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2007). monly cited as what established the field of ABA.
As a science, ABA can be described as a system- Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968, 1987) urged
research in the field of ABA to be applied, behav-
ioral, analytic, technological, conceptually sys-
tematic, effective, and generalizable; applied in
the sense that the subject matter is selected due to
J.B. Leaf (*) • J.L. Ferguson
its importance to the individual, community, and/
Autism Partnership Foundation,
Seal Beach, CA, USA or society. ABA research is behavioral in that the
e-mail: subject matter is observable, objectively defined,
J.H. Cihon and measurable. Research demonstrates the ana-
Autism Partnership Foundation, lytic dimension when there has been a believable
Seal Beach, CA, USA demonstration that the intervention, or
Endicott College, Beverly, MA, USA ­independent variable, is solely responsible for
S.M. Weinkauf changes in the behavior in question, or the depen-
JBA Institute, Aliso Viejo, CA, USA dent variable. This dimension is typically

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 25

J.L. Matson (ed.), Handbook of Childhood Psychopathology and Developmental
Disabilities Treatment, Autism and Child Psychopathology Series,
26 J.B. Leaf et al.

assessed through the research design used in the 1987; Ivar Lovaas, Koegel, Simmons, & Long,
study. ABA research is technological when the 1973), as well as gerontology (e.g., Green, Linsk,
procedures are described completely to allow the & Pinkston, 1986), education (e.g., Hall, Lund, &
possibility of replication. To be conceptually sys- Jackson, 1968), juvenile delinquency (e.g.,
tematic, research in the field of ABA provides Phillips, Phillips, Fixsen, & Wolf, 1971), nonhu-
descriptions of interventions and changes in man welfare (e.g., Dorey, Rosales-Ruiz, Smith,
behavior that align with relevant principles of & Lovelace, 2009), healthcare (e.g., Lichtenstien,
behavior analysis. Baer et al. (1968, 1987) con- 1997), addiction (e.g., Silverman, Roll, &
sidered research that has demonstrated effects Higgens, 2008), relationships (e.g., Sanders,
that have practical value and are meaningful to 1999), and sustainability (e.g., Bekker et al.,
the participants as effective. Generality is demon- 2010).
strated when the results are lasting and occur
across different contexts (e.g., environments,
people, times of day, with different materials). Basic Principles of ABA
An additional important component of ABA,
while not included in Baer et al. (1968, 1987)’s As mentioned previously, ABA-based procedures
description of some of the dimensions of ABA, is are derived from the principles of the science of
social validity. The importance of which was dis- behavior analysis to allow for socially significant
cussed by Wolf (1978). Judgments on social behavior change to occur. Behavior can be
validity often involve inquiry on three factors: (1) defined as:
the significance of the goals selected, (2) the That portion of an organism’s interaction with its
appropriateness of the procedures utilized, and environment that is characterized by detectable
(3) the importance of the effects demonstrated displacement in space through time of some part of
(Wolf, 1978). Unlike most measures within the organism and that results in a measureable
change in at least one aspect of the environment.
behavior analytic work, social validity is often (Johnston & Pennypacker, 1993, p. 23)
subjective (e.g., done through questionnaires, rat-
ing scales, and interviews). Social validity mea- The principles of behavior analysis began
sures combined with objective measures allow their development from early work on respondent
researchers and practitioners to measure the and operant conditioning. In respondent condi-
effectiveness and social acceptability of tioning, behavior is elicited through a condi-
interventions. tioned or unconditioned stimulus. For example,
As a practice, ABA refers to the application of presenting food, an unconditioned stimulus, elic-
behavior analytic principles to improve socially its salivation, an unconditioned response. If a
important behaviors, for example, the use of light is paired with the onset of food, eventually
shaping to expand the food repertoire of an indi- the light alone will elicit salivation. While
vidual exhibiting food selectivity (e.g., Koegel respondent conditioning has been utilized within
et al., 2012). In this example, shaping, an empiri- ABA-based procedures and should be considered
cally evaluated behavioral technique, is employed in some contexts, the principles of operant behav-
to improve an assumed socially relevant diffi- ior are more common within practice.
culty. While the clinical application of ABA may Within the operant conditioning paradigm,
not require the experimental rigor common to behavior is changed through manipulating ante-
research in ABA, it still should align with the cedents and consequences (i.e., what comes
dimensions outlined at its conception. In prac- before and after the behavior in question).
tice, the principles of ABA have been employed Antecedent manipulation involves changes to the
across a wide spectrum of challenges. Some stimulus conditions prior to the potential onset of
examples include, but are not limited to, the treat- the targeted behavior. Consequent manipulation
ment of developmental disabilities, such as involves reinforcement and punishment.
autism spectrum disorder (ASD; e.g., Lovaas, Reinforcement occurs when a stimulus change
An Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis 27

occurs contingent upon a behavior that results in Reed, Baez, & Maguire, 2011), conversation
a corresponding increase in the probability of skills (e.g., Ingvarsson & Hollobaugh, 2010), and
similar behavior occurring in similar situations in play and social skills (e.g., Nuzzolo-Gomez,
the future. Punishment occurs when a stimulus Leonard, Ortiz, Rivera, & Greer, 2002;
change occurs contingent upon a behavior that Shillingsburg, Bowen, & Shaprio, 2014).
results in a corresponding decrease in the proba- In a recent specific example, Conallen and
bility of similar behavior occurring in similar Reed (2016) used a DTT approach to teach sev-
situations in the future. eral children (ages 6–9 years), diagnosed with
What follows are brief descriptions and autism, to label the emotions of others. Situational
research examples of some procedures that uti- cards were placed in front of the participants that
lize the principles of ABA to modify behavior. depicted various scenarios that are likely to occa-
This list is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather sion a specific emotion (e.g., a boy at a birthday
a sample of some commonly used procedures party). The participant was then given a picture
within practice and research. Additionally, the of a boy displaying a happy, sad, or angry facial
research examples selected for each procedure expression and asked to match the card to the
were done to simply provide an example of the situational card. Following the match-to-sample
procedure used in the professional literature. condition, the researchers then presented each
These examples are not meant to be representa- participant with a situational card and asked a
tive of a review of the body of literature as a question related to that card (e.g., “It is his birth-
whole for any given procedure. day, how does he feel?”). The participants
answered by selecting the picture of the boy dis-
playing an emotion (i.e., happy, sad, or angry).
ABA-Based Procedures Conallen and Reed found that the procedure was
successful at teaching the participants to label
Discrete Trial Teaching emotions within this context. For a more in-depth
description of DTT, we refer the reader to Ghezzi
One of the most common approaches to teaching (2007), Leaf and McEachin (1999), Lerman,
within a behavior analytic framework is discrete Valentino, and LeBlanc (2016), Smith (2001),
trial teaching (DTT; Lovaas, 1981, 1987). This and Leaf, Cihon, Leaf, McEachin, and Taubman
systematic procedure is commonly used to teach (2016).
a variety of skills. Each discrete trial consists of
three primary components: (1) a discriminative
stimulus (e.g., an instruction from the interven- Prompting
tionist), (2) a response by the learner, and (3) a
consequence (i.e., reinforcement or punishment) To minimize errors, increase correct responding,
provided by the interventionist. An optional, but and increase the rate of reinforcement, prompts
common, fourth step involves providing a are often provided to assist the learner. Prompts
prompt, prior to the learner’s response, that are any antecedent behavior the interventionist
increases the likelihood of the learner responding engages in that alters stimulus conditions to
correctly. Other important components which increase the likelihood of the desired response
have been explored within experimental evalua- (Green, 2001; Grow & LeBlanc, 2013; MacDuff,
tions of DTT include inter-trial intervals, meth- Krantz, & McClannahan, 2001; Wolery, Ault, &
ods of data collection, and establishing operations Doyle, 1992). There are many ways an interven-
(EO; Keller & Schoenfeld, 1950; Michael, 1988). tionist can provide a prompt, which include, but
Researchers have demonstrated that DTT has is not limited to, pointing to the correct response
been an effective approach to teach a variety of (e.g., Soluaga, Leaf, Taubman, McEachin, &
skills such as receptive and expressive labels Leaf, 2008), physically guiding the learner to the
(e.g., Conallen & Reed, 2016; DiGennaro-Reed, correct response (e.g., Leaf, Sheldon, & Sherman,
28 J.B. Leaf et al.

2010), reducing the number of choices in the prompted trials or sessions, the interventionist
field (e.g., Soluaga et al., 2008), verbally model- implements time delay trials (e.g., 5 s delay). In
ing the correct response (e.g., Leaf, Sheldon, & time delay trials, the interventionist provides an
Sherman, 2010), or placing the target stimulus instruction to the learner (e.g., “Touch the ball”)
closer to the learner (e.g., Soluaga et al., 2008). followed by a brief time delay, typically ranging
Although researchers have shown that prompt- from 3 to 5 s, for the learner to respond to the
ing can be effective across multiple populations instruction.
and behaviors, it may be difficult for clinicians to There are many other types of prompting sys-
know when to prompt, fade prompts, and what tems which include graduated guidance (e.g.,
prompts to provide. Thus, researchers have eval- MacDuff, Krantz, & McClannahan, 1993),
uated various prompting systems to help guide simultaneous prompting (e.g., Leaf et al., 2010),
clinicians to effectively utilize prompts. One way and no-no prompting (e.g., Leaf et al., 2010). The
to provide and fade prompts is to develop a aforementioned studies typically have strict rules
prompting hierarchy. One method is known as and protocols for interventionists to follow. In
least-to-most prompting which starts with inter- contrast, flexible prompt fading (FPF; Soluaga
ventionist providing the least amount of assis- et al., 2008) is a prompting system which does
tance and gradually increasing the assistance not provide interventionists with strict protocols
based on learner responding. A second hierarchi- of when to prompt and when not to prompt, but,
cal prompting system is known as most-to-least instead, provides guidelines. In doing so, the
prompting which starts with the most assistive interventionist makes changes based upon in-the-­
prompt (e.g., full physical guidance), and, over moment assessment of several variables (e.g.,
successive trials or sessions, the interventionist current learner responding, affect, responses to
reduces the level of assistance. When using hier- previous prompts; Leaf, Cihon, Leaf, et al. 2016;
archical prompting systems, professionals typi- Leaf, Leaf, McEachin, et al. 2016). Within FPF
cally determine the number of steps in the the interventionist can use any and all prompt
prompting hierarchy, what types of prompts will types with the goal of keeping the learner averag-
be provided, the level of assistance, the criteria to ing 80% correct responding. In doing so, the
fade or reintroduce prompts, and what types of interventionist should always implement the least
reinforcers will be utilized for unprompted and assistive prompt whenever possible and fade
prompted responses. prompts as quickly as possible. To determine
A second way to provide and fade prompts is what prompt to provide, the interventionist must
based on manipulation of the time until a prompt factor in many variables including the learner’s
is provided. One common way to do this is to history, recent responding, any undesired behav-
implement a prompting system referred to as a ior, length of teaching session, what prompts
progressive time delay. During initial teaching typically have been successful, and what rein-
with progressive time delay prompting, the inter- forcers are currently motivating.
ventionist presents a set number of simultane- Researchers have shown that FPF has been
ously prompted trials (i.e., 0 s delay). After a set successful in teaching receptive and expressive
number of simultaneously prompted trials, the labels (e.g., Soluaga et al., 2008). Soluaga et al.
interventionist implements the time delay trials. (2008) provided the first study to measure FPF in
The amount of time systematically increases which the researchers compared a time delay
(e.g., from 1 to 2 s delay) until a terminal time prompt to FPF with five individuals diagnosed
criterion is met. A second way to provide prompt- with ASD. Time delay and FPF were effective,
ing in a time-based system is known as the con- but FPF was more efficient. Additional studies
stant time delay prompting system. During initial have shown that FPF was more effective than
teaching with constant time delay, the interven- most-to-least prompting (e.g., Leaf, Leaf,
tionist provides immediately prompted trials Alcalay, et al. 2016) and error correction (e.g.,
(i.e., 0 s delay). After a set number of immediate Leaf et al., 2014).
An Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis 29

Incidental Teaching learner. The goal is the learner then imitates the
expanded model or provides the expanded
Incidental teaching is a procedure commonly response based on the prompt provided by the
used to expand language utilizing the principles interventionist. After the learner provides the
of behavior analysis. Incidental teaching has expanded response, the interventionist should
been used to teach conversation skills (e.g., Hart immediately provide the requested item/activity.
& Risley, 1975), play skills (e.g., Wong, Kasari, The requested item/activity should function as a
Freeman, & Paparella, 2007), complex language reinforcer and increase the likelihood of the
(e.g., Hart & Risley, 1978), social skills (e.g., expanded vocal response occurring on future
McGee, Almeida, Sulzer-Azaroff, & Feldman, occasions.
1992), receptive labels (e.g., McGee, Krantz, Teaching language through incidental teach-
Mason, & McClannahan, 1983), and early read- ing has several potential benefits including
ing skills (e.g., McGee, Krantz, & McClannahan, greater generalization compared to other proce-
1986). dures, less prompt dependence, and a variety of
Hart and Risley developed incidental teaching interventionists can easily implement the proce-
procedures in 1968 while working with children dure, including parents, teachers, and caregivers
from low-income families to increase the com- (McGee, Krantz, McClannahan, 1985, 1986;
plexity of their children’s language. Hart and McGee, Morrier, & Daly 1999).
Risley (1975) defined incidental teaching as “the
interaction between an adult and a single child,
which arises naturally in an unstructured situa- Token Economies
tion, which is used by the adult to transmit infor-
mation or give the child practice in developing a A token economy is a type of reinforcement sys-
skill” (p. 411). Hart and Risley (1968) found that tem in which the interventionist provides some
the incidental teaching method expanded chil- form of tokens (e.g., check marks, points, stick-
dren’s verbal communication skills and general- ers) contingent upon the learner engaging in a
ized into other settings. targeted response(s). Once the learner earns
Incidental teaching consists of four compo- enough tokens, she/he exchanges the tokens for a
nents: (1) environmental arrangement, (2) child preferred item or activity (e.g., toy, edible, game)
initiation, (3) elaboration, and (4) reinforcement. which presumably functions as a reinforcer.
Incidental teaching should take place in the learn- Since the acquisition of tokens is paired with the
er’s natural environment, but the environment delivery of a preferred item or activity, the tokens
should be arranged so that the learner needs to function as a conditioned reinforcer. This is con-
initiate and request desired items, activities, and sidered as a bridge in the gap to reinforcement as
any other materials (McGee et al., 1983). the delivery of tokens marks the occurrence of
Incidental teaching focuses on the learner’s inter- the desired behavior, but no preferred item or
ests and is dependent on the learner’s initiations. activity will be accessed until the learner has
Once the environment has been arranged appro- acquired a certain number of tokens. The applica-
priately, the interventionist should wait for the tion of token economies has a long history in
learner to initiate. The nature of the initiation will research and clinical practice within the field of
vary for each learner, which could be a gesture ABA.
toward an item or activity, a one-word request, a Ayllon and Azrin (1965) conducted a seminal
manual sign, a full sentence, etc. The interven- study in which they used a token economy to
tionist may then target an elaboration of the evaluate the effects of extrinsic reinforcement on
learner’s request. This could be in the form of a behavior that was presumed to be intrinsically
question (e.g., “What color paint?”) or a vocal motivating. The study consisted of six experi-
model (e.g., “I want the giraffe”). The form of the ments examining the effects of a token economy
elaboration should also be individualized for the and other operant procedures on the behavior of
30 J.B. Leaf et al.

adult patients, identified as psychotic, who Second, the form tokens will take must be
resided in a state hospital. The researchers imple- selected (e.g., points, stickers, check marks).
mented a token economy throughout all six Third, which preferred activities will be available
experiments in which tokens could be exchanged for exchange (e.g., toys, breaks, social praise,
for privacy, leave from the ward, social interac- edibles). Fourth, how many tokens must be
tion with staff, devotional opportunities, recre- earned before an exchange can occur. Fifth, if
ational opportunities, and commissary items. The tokens can also be lost (i.e., response cost;
dependent variables across the six experiments described later); sixth, how to fade the token sys-
were selection and engagement in various jobs tem; and, finally, how the token economy will be
inside and outside of the hospital. The contingent introduced should be planned. The final decision
application of the token economy system effected can often be the most important decision as prop-
choice of job as well as the patient’s performance erly introducing the token system is essential for
on the job. its success. Leaf, McEachin, and Taubman (2012)
Since Ayllon and Azrin’s (1965) seminal study have provided training materials on how to intro-
using a token economy, there have been several duce the token economy. Leaf and colleagues’
investigations across multiple populations (e.g., recommendation is to start with delivering tokens
developmental disabilities; Harchik, Sherman, & for a simple behavior (e.g., the learner placing his
Sheldon, 1992; juvenile delinquency; Phillips, or her hands in the lap) and gradually expanding
1968) and targeted responses (e.g., decreased in complexity. Additionally, Leaf and colleagues
symptoms of depression; Hersen, Eisler, Alford, recommended starting with the learner initially
& Agras, 1973; increased activity levels for only earning one token and then expanding to
chronic pain patients; Ritchie, 1976) on the more tokens before an exchange occurs. After
implementation of token economies. In one these decisions have been made by the clinician,
study, Charlop-Christy and Haymes (1998) eval- she/he can begin to implement the token
uated two variations of token economies for three economy.
individuals diagnosed with autism. One variation
used the participants’ perseverations as tokens
(e.g., if the perseveration was cars, then small toy Response Cost
cars were used as tokens). The second variation
used stars as tokens. The percentage of correct Another procedure which can be utilized to
responding during performance tasks was higher reduce the rate of undesired behavior is response
when perseverative objects were used as opposed cost. Response cost consists of the removal of a
to stars. In a more recent study, Dotson, Richman, reinforcing event contingent upon demonstration
Abby, Thompson, and Plotner (2013) evaluated a of an undesired behavior. This procedure is com-
class-wide token economy paired with the teach- monly used within a token economy (described
ing interaction procedure to teach job-related earlier) in which the interventionist removes
skills to eight adults with various developmental tokens (e.g., points, stickers); however, response
disabilities (e.g., intellectual disability, Down cost can occur in the absence of a token system
syndrome, and autism). The combination of the (e.g., removing certain tangible reinforcers con-
two procedures was successful in improving the tingent upon the learner engaging in an unde-
work-related behavior for all participants. sired behavior). Phillips et al. (1971) conducted
The research on token economies has helped a seminal study in which the researchers evalu-
lead to the procedures widespread clinical use. ated the effectiveness of a response cost system.
There are some variables that clinicians should In their study, all participants were part of
consider when implementing a token economy Achievement Place, a community-based treat-
that are worth noting. First, as with any reinforce- ment facility, and were considered predelinquent
ment system, what behavior will be reinforced youths. All youths participated in a token econ-
through the token economy must be determined. omy, in which participants could earn points for
An Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis 31

engaging in appropriate behavior and exchange “reinforcing one response class and withholding
points earned for various reinforcers (e.g., reinforcement for another response class”
snacks, TV, allowances). Within this study, the (Cooper et al., 2007, p. 470) to “provide the
researchers showed that a token economy with strongest reinforcers for the best behaviors or
response cost could increase punctuality for performance” (Leaf & McEachin, 1999, p. 34).
meetings and answering questions correctly Differential reinforcement procedures have dem-
about an event that was just observed (e.g., onstrated effectiveness across a wide variety of
watching the news). Since this study, there have populations and target behaviors. Four common
been many evaluations of response cost which differential reinforcement procedures include
have included evaluating response cost with typ- differential reinforcement of other behavior
ically developing individuals (e.g., Tiano, (DRO), differential reinforcement of low rates of
Forston, McNeil, & Humphreys, 2005) and indi- behavior (DRL), differential reinforcement of
viduals diagnosed with attention deficit hyperac- incompatible behavior (DRI), and differential
tivity disorder (ADHD; e.g., McGoey & DuPaul, reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA).
2000), intellectual disabilities (e.g., Myers,
1975); ASD (Jowett, Dozier, & Payne, 2016), DRO  Within DRO, a reinforcing event is deliv-
developmental disabilities (e.g., Piazza, Fisher, ered contingent on the absence of a specific
& Sherer, 1997), and emotionally disturbed topography of response (Reynolds, 1960; Weiher
learners (e.g., Sprute & Williams, 1990). & Harman, 1975). The delivery of the reinforcing
Before a clinician uses response cost, there are event occurs based upon the absence of the tar-
several considerations that must be taken into geted response for a specified duration of time or
account. First, decide if response cost will be if the targeted response is not occurring at a spec-
paired with systematized reinforcement system ified time. There are several distinctions among
such as a token economy. Second, decide what DRO procedures based upon how the delivery of
behavior will result in a loss. Third, decide on the the reinforcing event is determined that are
cost (e.g., loss of a specific duration of time, loss beyond the scope of this chapter (see Cooper
of three tokens versus one token). This is an et al., 2007 for a detailed description). The effec-
important consideration, as the clinician needs to tiveness and variables affecting the effectiveness
ensure that the cost is high enough to have an of DRO procedures have been well documented
effect on the target behavior, but not too great within the research literature.
resulting in prolonged lapses in engaging in For instance, in a recent study, Heffernan and
appropriate behavior. Finally, decide if the con- Lyons (2016) examined the effectiveness of a
tingencies will be discussed with the learner DRO procedure to decrease the frequency of nail
before implementation. If the learner has the pre- biting for a 4-year-old boy diagnosed with ASD.
requisite skills required, discussing the system Prior to the onset of intervention, the researchers
with the learner may result in faster behavior conducted a functional behavior assessment
change. However, for some learners, discussing (FBA) and a preference assessment. Heffernan
the contingencies may not be appropriate and and Lyons identified several items that may pro-
should be avoided. vide similar sensory feedback to nail biting (e.g.,
containers of dry rice and pasta to run his fingers
through) that could potentially serve as reinforc-
Differential Reinforcement ers. Initially, the preferred items were available
following 20 s without nail biting. The interval
Differential reinforcement procedures are com- was reset each time nail biting occurred. The
mon for developing new behavior and decreasing intervention was successful at decreasing the fre-
the probability of undesired behavior. Broad defi- quency of nail biting and, throughout the course
nitions of differential reinforcement vary from of the intervention, the interval was increased to
32 J.B. Leaf et al.

60 min. For a detailed review of recent applied Within this procedure, reinforcement is contin-
literature utilizing DRO procedures, we refer the gent upon the occurrence of a predetermined
reader to Jessel and Ingvarsson (2016). response topography that is incompatible with
the undesired behavior that is targeted for
DRL  Ferster and Skinner (1957) first described decrease, however, not necessarily functionally
DRL as delivering a reinforcing event contingent equivalent. For example, if head hitting with
upon the lapse of a minimum amount of time one’s hand is the undesired behavior, hands in lap
without the occurrence of the target behavior and or in pockets could be selected for reinforcement
subsequent increasing of the periods of time because they are incompatible with head hitting.
between responses to further reduce the target Recent reviews of the empirical literature have
behavior. Another variation of DRL may also shown that DRI procedures are less common
involve a predetermined criterion level of among differential reinforcement procedures and
responding that must not be exceeded during a that positive treatment effects are commonly only
specified timeframe to receive access to a rein- observed when the DRI is paired with other pro-
forcing event (e.g., no more than three occur- cedures (Chowdhury & Benson, 2011).
rences of a target behavior in 10 min regardless For example, Neufeld and Fantuzzo (1987)
of the time between responses). Thus, DRL may examined the effectiveness of a DRI procedure to
not completely suppress the targeted response but decrease the frequency of self-injurious behavior
rather work toward systematically decreasing the (SIB) for three adults at a state hospital. The
target behavior to more appropriate or acceptable incompatible behavior selected during the inter-
levels. Since Ferster and Skinner’s first descrip- vention was placing rings onto a peg which was
tion, the DRL procedure has been utilized clini- related to the participants’ current habilitative
cally and evaluated empirically within the programming and incompatible with the
literature. SIB. Reinforcement was delivered at 10 s inter-
In one example, Austin and Bevan (2011) vals for engaging in the incompatible task. This
used a DRL procedure to reduce the frequency of DRI procedure was only partially effective as the
requests for interventionist attention with three rate of SIB still occurred at variable rates across
young children in an elementary school class- all three participants. However, when paired with
room in South Wales. Baselines were taken for contingent application of a helmet in combina-
all three participants to determine individual tar- tion with the DRI procedure, SIB was reduced to
get rates. To begin each session, boxes signifying near zero levels for all three participants.
the number of times the participant could request
attention were outlined on an index card, plus one DRA  DRA is similar to the DRI in that it speci-
additional box. For instance, if the targeted rate fies a response upon which reinforcement is con-
was three, that participant had four boxes on her tingent. However, unlike the DRI, the response
index card. Each time the participant requested selected within the DRA is not necessarily
attention, a box was checked. At the end of each incompatible with the undesired behavior.
session, the interventionist delivered a reinforcer Consider the head hitting example used in the
if the participant requested interventionist atten- description of the DRI above. Alternative
tion less often than the targeted rate (i.e., if all the responses for head hitting that are not necessarily
boxes were not checked). The results of a reversal incompatible with head hitting may be requesting
design showed that the DRL was effective at squeezes to the head, resting hand on the head, or
decreasing the rate of requests for attention for all asking for a break. DRA and DRO procedures are
three participants. the most commonly used differential reinforce-
ment procedures used among the literature
DRI  DRI differs from the DRO in that it speci- (Chowdhury & Benson, 2011).
fies the response topography upon which the In one example within the literature, Rehfeldt
delivery of reinforcement will be contingent. and Chambers (2003) utilized a DRA procedure
An Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis 33

to decrease the frequency of perseverative verbal quent loud vocalizations and swearing behaviors
behavior and increase the frequency of appropri- participated in the first experiment. The research-
ate verbal behavior for a 23-year-old male diag- ers implemented a 2 min time-out procedure plus
nosed with autism and mental retardation. There a DRI (described previously). The time-out pro-
was no single appropriate verbal response cedure consisted of moving the participant to the
selected for reinforcement; rather, all appropriate corner of the room and placing her on the floor.
verbal responses were candidates for reinforce- The results of the study showed that the time-out
ment. Attention and eye contact (presumed rein- procedure resulted in an immediate change in the
forcing events) were delivered contingent upon participant’s behavior, with loud vocalizations
engaging in appropriate verbal behavior. The occurring at near zero rates. The same procedure
results indicated that the DRA procedure was was used in the second experiment with a 7-year-­
effective at increasing the frequency of appropri- old boy who engaged in frequent aggressive
ate verbal behavior and decreasing the frequency behavior. The results replicated those from the
of perseverative verbal behavior. first experiment with the rate of aggression
While differential reinforcement is commonly decreasing immediately and occurring at near
used for the reduction of the rates of undesired zero rates. Since this study, there have been
behavior, it is also used to strengthen response numerous investigations of time-out to decrease
classes and is a key component of shaping the severity of aberrant behavior across various
(described later). For an in-depth description of populations including typically developing chil-
the differential reinforcement procedures dren (e.g., Miller & Kratochwill, 1979), individu-
described here, we refer the reader to Cooper als diagnosed with ASD (e.g., Donaldson &
et al. (2007), Chowdhury and Benson (2011), and Vollmer, 2011), individuals diagnosed with atten-
Sulzer-Azaroff and Mayer (1977). tion deficit disorder (ADD) and ADHD (e.g.,
Fabiano et al., 2004), individuals diagnosed with
developmental disabilities (e.g., Mace & Heller,
Time-Out from Reinforcement 1990), and individuals diagnosed with intellec-
tual disabilities (e.g., Ritschl, Mongrella, Presbie,
Time-out from reinforcement is a procedure 1972).
which is used to decrease the rate of undesired There are several variables for clinicians to
behavior. When implementing time-out, the consider before implementing a time-out proce-
interventionist removes or delays reinforcement dure. First, define what behavior will result in
for a certain period of time contingent upon the time-out from reinforcement. In considering this,
learner engaging in undesired behavior. For the function of the behavior is important. The cli-
example, if one wants to reduce screaming while nician must ensure that the learner is not placed
playing a video game, one may pause or remove in a time-out when the function of the behavior is
the video game for a brief period of time. It to escape their present environment, as this would
should be noted that time-out from reinforcement have the opposite effect and would likely rein-
does not necessarily mean moving an individual force the behavior. Second, and perhaps most
from one area to another, as is commonly done in importantly, the clinician must ensure that the
mainstream society. Instead, time-out refers to time-in environment is reinforcing. If the time-in
temporarily removing access to reinforcement, environment is not reinforcing, then the cost for
the specifics of which are dependent on the nature leaving that environment will not result in the
of the reinforcement. desired behavior change. Third, decide the dura-
In a seminal study, Bostow and Bailey (1969) tion of time-out. Research on the amount of time
evaluated the implementation of a brief time-out a learner remains in time-out has been mixed
procedure to decrease undesired behavior for with some studies showing that a shorter duration
residents in a large state hospital. A 58-year-old is more effective (e.g., Pendergrass, 1971) and
woman, in a wheel chair, who engaged in fre- some studies showing a longer duration is more
34 J.B. Leaf et al.

effective (e.g., White, Nielsen, & Johnson, 1972). frames (i.e., without lenses) around the room
Fourth, decide the criteria for leaving time-out which, if the boy picked up, held, or carried the
(e.g., waiting for the learner to refrain from frames, a reinforcer would be delivered.
engaging in undesired behavior). Fifth, decide if Reinforcement was then delivered for bringing
time-out is to be exclusionary (i.e., the individual the frames closer to his eyes. Once the boy was
removed from all elements of the environment) putting his glasses on independently, the pre-
or non-exclusionary (i.e., only partial elements of scription lenses were introduced. Reinforcement
the environment removed). It is very important to was gradually faded, and the boy wore his glasses
ensure that all state laws, federal laws, and ethi- for approximately 12 h each day. Ricciardi,
cal codes are being followed in making such Luiselli, and Camare (2006) provided a more
decisions. Finally, decide what procedures (e.g., recent demonstration in which shaping was used
differential reinforcement, token economies, to increase the frequency of approach responses
prompting) to implement in conjunction with to electronic animated figures (e.g., dancing
time-out to ensure that the individual learns Elmo® doll) with an 8-year-old boy diagnosed
appropriate replacement behaviors. with autism. Preferred items were available for
maintaining the targeted distance from the ani-
mated figures. The distance started at 6 m and
Shaping gradually increased in steps to 1 m from the fig-
ures. The criterion distance was decreased upon
Shaping is usually described as differentially success with staying within the criterion distance
reinforcing (described previously) successive for 90% of intervals across two consecutive ses-
approximations toward a terminal response or sions. The results showed that the shaping proce-
goal (e.g., Cooper et al., 2007; Skinner, 1953). dure was successful at increasing approach
This leads to the common view that shaping is a responses to previously avoided electronic ani-
linear process in which the reinforcement of an mated figures.
approximation leads to another and another until
the terminal response is obtained. For instance,
when using shaping to improve upon selective  eaching Interaction Procedure/
eating, it is common to develop a set of steps Behavioral Skills Training
leading to consumption of a food (e.g., touch,
pick up, move toward mouth, touch to lips, hold Two procedures that use instruction, modeling,
between teeth, bite down, chew, swallow). practice, and feedback to teach a wide variety of
However, others have described the shaping pro- skills are behavioral skills training (BST;
cess as a method to expand general response Miltenberger, 2012) and the teaching interaction
classes, which, in turn, provide the shaper with procedure (TIP; Phillips, Phillips, Fixsen, &
more responses from which to select and the Wolf, 1974); however, some components between
learner with more responses in which to engage the two procedures differ. BST begins with the
(Bernal, 1972; Cihon, 2015). Take the aforemen- interventionist outlining the components of the
tioned approach to address food selectivity as an targeted skill. The interventionist provides a
example. A nonlinear shaping approach, such as model during or after this instruction. Following
Bernal (1972), would focus on expanding critical the model, the learners are provided with an
classes of responding (e.g., tolerating, interact- opportunity to practice. The interventionist pro-
ing, tasting). Shaping is frequently used within vides feedback during or after the practice. A TIP
practice and evaluated empirically to develop or begins with the interventionist labeling and iden-
expand upon a number of response classes. tifying the skill. Next, the interventionist pro-
In a classic demonstration, Wolf et al. (1963) vides meaningful rationales, followed by
used shaping to teach a 3-year-old boy to wear breaking the skill down into smaller steps (i.e., a
glasses. The researchers started by placing empty task analysis of the targeted skill). The interven-
An Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis 35

tionist then demonstrates the correct and incor- strations of the correct way to engage in the tar-
rect way to engage in the targeted skill. Following geted skill to avoid the potential of imitating
this demonstration, the learner is provided with undesirable examples. The modified TIP was
opportunities to identify why the demonstration effective in teaching the targeted skills for all
was correct or incorrect. Next, the learner prac- four participants.
tices the targeted skill, while the interventionist
provides feedback. This last step continues until
the learner meets a specified criterion. The over- Functional Analysis
lap of the components within BST and the TIP
often leads to confusion (Leaf et al., 2015). The The analog functional analysis methodology
differences have been discussed at length else- developed by Iwata, Dorsey, Slifer, Bauman, and
where (e.g., Leaf et al., 2015) and will not be dis- Richman (1982, 1994) has become the standard
cussed here; however, the authors encourage approach when it comes to assessing and treating
interested readers to look at the corresponding aberrant behavior. Iwata et al. (1982, 1994)’s
literature. approach to treating aberrant behavior first exper-
BST and the TIP have been well documented imentally manipulates antecedents and conse-
to teach a wide variety of skills to a wide variety quences, in an analog setting, that may affect the
of learners. For instance, Gunby and Rapp (2014) occurrence of aberrant behavior, determining the
used BST to teach three children (ages 5–6 years) function that maintains the aberrant behavior and
diagnosed with autism to engage in behavior to then proceeding to treatment based upon these
prevent abduction from strangers. The interven- results. Once the function of the aberrant behav-
tion consisted of (1) a discussion of the safety ior is determined, an intervention is developed to
response and potential lures, (2) video models of teach a replacement behavior for the aberrant
potential scenarios and safe responses, and (3) behavior(s). It is common for targeted replace-
opportunities to practice the safety skills, fol- ment behaviors to be functional communicative
lowed by (4) feedback based on practice opportu- responses (e.g., Carr & Durand, 1985; Hanley,
nities (corrective and reinforcing). The skills Sandy Jin, Vanselow, & Hanratty, 2014) which
were also probed within a high probability are commonly targeted using differential rein-
instructional sequence for each participant. A forcement, while the aberrant behavior is put on
multiple baseline across participants showed that extinction (Tiger, Hanley, & Bruzek, 2008).
BST was effective for teaching abduction preven- To determine the likely function of aberrant
tion skills for all three participants. behavior, Iwata et al. (1982, 1994) used four ana-
In another recent evaluation, Ng, Schulze, log conditions which were systematically alter-
Rudrud, and Leaf (2016) examined the effective- nated. Each condition manipulates antecedent
ness of a modified TIP to teach four individuals events that precede aberrant behavior and the
(9–15 years old) diagnosed with an ASD various consequences that follow. The attention condi-
social skills. At the time of the study, each par- tion assesses if the aberrant behavior is main-
ticipant had an IQ score less than 75. Targeted tained by social positive reinforcement. In the
social skills included providing help, negotiating, attention condition, the therapist ignores the indi-
giving a compliment, passing the phone, respond- vidual while typically occupying themselves
ing to offers of help, requesting without grab- with another activity (e.g., reading a magazine,
bing, and responding to comments. All teaching cleaning, etc.). Once the individual exhibits aber-
sessions occurred in a small group instructional rant behavior, the therapist provides attention. In
format. The TIP was modified to include the use the escape condition, the environment is arranged
of demonstrations of the rationales, picture to assess if negative reinforcement is the main-
prompts for identifying situations in which to taining function. In this condition, a task demand
engage in the skills, picture prompts to identify is continually presented; if the individual engages
the steps of the skills, and only providing demon- in aberrant behavior, the task demand is delayed
36 J.B. Leaf et al.

for a certain period of time. The alone condition mined, an appropriate communicative response
in an analog functional analysis is used to deter- can be taught that serves the same function as the
mine if the aberrant behavior is maintained by aberrant behavior.
automatic reinforcement. In the alone condition, For example, in Carr and Durand’s (1985)
the therapist and any other materials are not pres- hallmark study, four children with developmental
ent in the room. Additionally, no programmed disabilities were taught desired requests for
consequences are provided contingent on aber- escape from task demands (negative reinforce-
rant behavior. The play condition serves as a con- ment) or teacher attention (positive reinforce-
trol condition. Within the play condition, ment). Carr and Durand developed several
attention is given noncontingently on a predeter- conditions to determine the social function of
mined schedule, no task demands are placed, and each participant’s aberrant behavior (i.e., atten-
free access to toys is available. Another condition tion or escape from a demand). Once the func-
commonly used in an analog functional analysis tions were determined, Carr and Durand identified
is the tangible condition. Similar to the attention a communicative response that would serve as a
condition, the tangible condition is used to deter- replacement behavior for each of the participant’s
mine if positive reinforcement is the controlling aberrant behavior. To assess the importance of
contingency. In the tangible condition, a pre- functionally equivalent replacement behavior, the
ferred item and/or activity is present in the room experimenters taught each participant an irrele-
with the therapist which, contingent on aberrant vant communicative response that did not result
behavior, is provided to the individual (Rooker, in similar consequences to the aberrant behavior.
Iwata, Harper, Fahmie, & Camp, 2011). Functionally equivalent communicative
Since the landmark Iwata et al. study (1982, responses were taught through verbal prompts
1994), research in the area of analog functional and differential reinforcement. The aberrant
analyses has become a staple within behavior behaviors for each participant decreased once the
analytic research. Many different topics of functional communicative response was taught
research have stemmed from the initial research and the irrelevant communicative responses were
on the functional treatment of aberrant behavior not effective in reducing aberrant behavior.
including descriptive assessments (Anderson & Since Carr and Durand (1985), FCT has been
Long, 2002; Lerman & Iwata, 1993; Touchette, used to reduce a wide variety of aberrant behav-
MacDonald, & Langer, 1985), anecdotal assess- iors including aggression, self-injurious behav-
ments (Smith, Smith, Dracolby, & Pace, 2012; ior, vocal disruptions, property destruction,
Iwata, DeLeon, & Roscoe, 2013), brief func- elopement, body rocking, pica, and inappropriate
tional assessments (Bloom, Lambert, Dayton, & sexual behavior (Durand & Carr, 1991; Fisher
Samaha, 2013), interview-informed synthesized et al., 1993; Fyffe, Kahng, Fittro, & Russell,
contingency analysis (IISCA; Hanley et al., 2004; Hagopian, Fisher, Sullivan, Acquisto, &
2014), and functional analyses via telehealth LeBlanc, 1998; Wacker et al., 1990). FCT has
(Wacker et al., 2013). also been shown to be effective across a wide
range of populations including adults (Wacker
et al., 1990) and children diagnosed with
Functional Communication Training developmental disabilities (Durand & Carr,
1991), children with cerebral palsy (Durand,
Functional communication training (FCT) is an 1999), children with traumatic brain injury
intervention in which appropriate communicative (Fyffeet al. 2004), typically developing children
behavior is taught as a replacement for aberrant (Hanley, Heal, Tiger, & Ingvarsson, 2007), and
behavior (Cooper et al., 2007). For an FCT inter- children diagnosed with autism (Sigafoos &
vention to be successful, a functional assessment Meikle, 1996), among others.
must first occur to determine the function of the When implementing FCT several variables
aberrant behavior. After the function is deter- should be considered. First, the function of the
An Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis 37

individual’s aberrant behavior should be identi- sequential order (Cooper et al., 2007). In order to
fied. This could be done through anecdotal ensure the task analysis is correct and complete,
assessments, descriptive assessments, or experi- the interventionist should validate the task analy-
mental functional analyses. After the function, or sis by observing the completion of the task by
hypothesized function, of the aberrant behavior is individuals who are fluent with the task, consult-
determined, a functionally equivalent communi- ing experts, or performing the skill using the task
cative response should be selected. analysis (Cooper et al., 2007; Sulzer-Azaroff &
Interventionists should consider response effort, Mayer, 1977).
the speed of response acquisition, and if the Teaching a behavioral chain is typically done
response taught will be recognized and rein- through forward chaining or backward chaining.
forced in other environments (Tiger et al., 2008). Forward chaining is when each response in the
When teaching the functional communicative behavioral chain is taught sequentially. For
response, the initial teaching location, the type of example, if hand washing was taught through
prompting system, how to fade prompts, and how forward chaining, then the first step taught would
to promote generalization should also be consid- be turning the faucet on, then putting hands
ered depending on the learner’s skill level (Tiger under the water stream, pumping the soap on to
et al., 2008). Finally, the interventionist should hands, rubbing hands together, etc. until hand
decide if the aberrant behavior in question will be washing was completed. Backward chaining is
put on extinction, if the aberrant behavior will be when the instructor completes the initial
reinforced during teaching, or if punishment will responses in the behavioral chain except for the
be utilized (Tiger et al., 2008). terminal response in the behavioral chain.
Reinforcement is then delivered contingent upon
the learner completing this final response. For
Chaining example, if backward chaining were used to
teach shoe tying, then the interventionist would
Chaining is a procedure used to teach new complete all the responses in the chain except for
responses by linking a sequence of discrete the last step (i.e., pulling the bow tight). If the
responses together to form a new behavior learner pulls the bow tight, then reinforcement
(Cooper et al., 2007). In a behavioral chain, each would be delivered. The interventionist would
discrete response produces a stimulus change then teach the learner the second to last step in
which then serves as a reinforcer for the response the behavioral chain (i.e., pulling loop through).
that produced it and serves as a discriminative The learner would then be responsible for com-
stimulus for the next response in the chain pleting the last two steps in the behavioral chain.
(Cooper et al., 2007). Chaining procedures have This process would be repeated until the learner
been used to teach shoe tying for individuals is completing all the responses in the behavioral
with ASD (Rayner, 2011), a sequence of dance chain independently.
moves (Slocum & Tiger, 2011), janitorial skills When using chaining procedures in a clinical
for individuals with intellectual disabilities setting, there are several variables to consider, for
(Cuvo, Leaf, & Barakove, 1978), adding with a instance, the length of the behavioral chain and
calculator and accessing a computer program length of the discrete responses. Depending on
(Werts, Caldwell, & Wolery, 1996), and swal- the learner’s skill level, longer chains with more
lowing liquids (Hagopian, Farrell, & Amari, complex individual responses may be too diffi-
1996), among many others. cult for the learner to master (Sulzer-Azaroff &
To teach a behavioral chain, a task analysis of Mayer, 1977). Utilizing responses already in a
the necessary steps in the chain must happen first. learner’s repertoire, or closer to the learner’s rep-
A task analysis involves breaking down a com- ertoire, may lead to faster acquisition of a behav-
plex skill (e.g., shoe tying) into smaller units in ioral chain.
38 J.B. Leaf et al.

Conclusion field. These and many other procedures based

upon the science of ABA continue to make
ABA has come a long way in the past 50 plus socially significant gains in the lives of individu-
years. Our forefathers (e.g., B.F. Skinner, Donald als around the world. There is no doubt that the
Baer, Montrose Wolf, Todd Risley, James field of ABA will continue to make meaningful
Sherman, Ivar Lovaas, Sid Bijou, Ted Ayllon, contributions to society with a strong adherence
and Nate Azrin) and foremothers (e.g., Judith to the core principles of the science and contin-
Leblanc, Barbara Etzel, Sandra Harris, Beth ued development of meaningful solutions to soci-
Sulzer-Azaroff, Rosalie Rayner, Mary Cover etal challenges.
Jones) laid a strong foundation of methodology
which can be used to develop desired behavior
and decrease undesired behavior. Today the num- References
ber of professionals going into the field of ABA
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continues to rise (Carr, Howard, & Martin, 2015), Wolf, M. M. (1964). Effects of social reinforcement
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are implemented in a wide variety of settings Development, 35, 511–518.
(e.g., home, school, clinic, university, residential, Anderson, C. M., & Long, E. S. (2002). Use of a struc-
tured descriptive assessment methodology to iden-
hospital, and community settings). Although tify variables affecting problem behavior. Journal of
many professionals in the field of ABA work Applied Behavior Analysis, 35(2), 137–154.
with individuals diagnosed with ASD, ABA-­ Austin, J. L., & Bevan, D. (2011). Using differential rein-
based procedures are effective for a wide variety forcement of low rates to reduce children’s requests
for teacher attention. Journal of Applied Behavior
of populations. When the principles of ABA were Analysis, 44(3), 451–461.
first explored, they were being implemented with Ayllon, T. (1963). Intensive treatment of psychotic behav-
juvenile delinquents (Phillips et al., 1971), typi- iour by stimulus satiation and food reinforcement.
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