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E Laws, Ethics, Codes and Standards

Interviewing a Mechanical Engineering individually and ask them questions on the following:
1. Licensure Exam Preparations (Review)

2. Actual Licensure Exam (Board Exam)

3. On the day before, during and after the Licensure Exam (Feel, emotion)

4. a.) When he/she passed the licensure exam, what comes on his/her mind?
b.) When he/she failed the licensure exam, what is his/her expectations at that time and
how do they cope up (If applicable)?

5. Advice to the incoming Mechanical Engineers. Mistakes needs to be avoided.

6. After passing the licensure exam, what comes next?

7. How they apply for work.

Additional Data to be gathered:

**Proof of Data Gathering (Chat, Photo)
*** Photo of the Interviewed Mechanical Engineers

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