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Things to Research (VOL.

Additional Research
- Population of disabled in poor/rich life quality
- Types of jobs available for disabled (full time, part time, freelance by projects)
- how to ease them on the documents needed for job applications
- what media used is better operating for them (website, website-app, app)
- accessibility
- how to ensure the safety of them (from being treated badly)
- Where can they report if they are being treated unfairly or met an unhappy situation
- how to reach the company if they were hired


Research Answer (VOL.2)

1. Population of disabled in poor/rich life quality

- There are some disabled people who are not concerned about their daily expenses because they
come from a family that has better economic condition. They usually have educations which
provide them with a way to improve themselves and gets a job opportunity

- However, In Malaysia, most of the disabled person are having poorer life quality and are more
likely to be unemployed due to institutional discrimination. They are usually without education
and only can find jobs after 18 years old or younger.

- Among these people, there are so many of them in a poorer family with low quality of living
which the numbers of Registered Poor Households are also getting higher. As a result, 95% of
Malaysian with disabilities are still unemployed in Malaysia​.
(M. Rezaul Islam, 2015)1​ ,​ (Ministry of Human Resources, 2010. )5​

2. Types of jobs available for disabled (full time, part time, freelance by projects)
There are different types of jobs for the disabled and are more flexible than we thought. It is because most
of the disabled will lead to thoughts of being useless and unable to do many types of jobs. It limits their
perception of the job possibilities. In fact, there are full time, part time and freelance jobs available too.

- Full time
Some companies provide full time jobs with salary Rm1500 - 2000/month etc. Job scope as
digital marketers, General workers & many more

- Part time
Some are more willing to provide part time jobs for the disabled person with salary Rm5 -
20/hour or Rm60-250/day. Job scope as Tutors, simple researchers, data entry assistant & many

- Freelance
Most of the companies provide freelance jobs with a salary RM20 & above per job. Job scope as
copywriters, research respondents and many more
However, all of these are specially mentioned and are available for the diabled person and most of
the jobs require a certain education so he/she has the knowledge and be able to do the job.
Therefore, there is a question to all of us, ​how about the poor ones where they do not have a
chance to have education? What are they doing when they need to gain their daily income?
3. how to ease them on the documents needed for job applications
Usually, there are difficulties with the documents when the disabled want to apply for a job. Therefore,
some companies provide templates for them, some of them may be asked for help in writing or filling up
the documents for job applications. However, this still needs to prove through questionnaires surveys
whether they faced this issue. ​(SkillsYouNeed, 2021)2​

4. accessibility of app
Accessibility means ​websites, tools, and technologies are designed and developed so that people with
disabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with them but also contribute to them

- Colour contrast
- Sound commands (for blinded)
- app is better than websites (for blinded)
- app plays well with others (works with other function apps & ​support a variety of assistive
- icons/labels (for Physical Impairments)
- navigations mechanism must easy to access (for Physical Impairments)
- captions ​(for ​hearing impairments​)

Accessibility test available at​ “​Accessibility Scanner​”

(Rifki, 2019)3​

5. how to ensure the safety of them (from being treated badly)

Discrimination in the work environment happens by and large, yet it isn't generally unmistakable.
Employees see signs of discrimination in everyday activities, such as performance reviews, the hiring and
firing process, and dynamics between co-workers, which deprive them of career opportunities and
adversely affect employee status.

To ensure the safety & equality of employees

- act of law
- employees and employers know the law
- employees with the necessary information
- Listen to concerns (Talk to employees and get feedback about the day-to-day operations in the
- any other ways?

(AHMAD, 2016)​4

Q: Have you (disabled people) ever met discriminations or uncomfortable situations when you're in the
workplace? Usually how often?
6. Where can they report if they are being treated unfairly or met an unhappy situation
Article 8 is the cornerstone of constitutional protection of the rights to equality and non-discrimination in
Malaysia. Article 8(1) states that: “All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal
protection of the law.”

Article 8(2) states that: “There shall be no discrimination against citizens on the ground only of religion,
race, descent, place of birth or gender in any law or in the appointment to any office or employment under
a public authority or in the administration of any law relating to the acquisition, holding or disposition of
property or the establishing or carrying on of any trade, business, profession, vocation or employment.”

- report to government
- but need to think a more effective way


Q: What usually you will do when you get treated unfairly and discriminated against?

7. what media used is better operating for them (apps or website)

App is more useful for the disabilities as it is to ease their lives and can access it anytime, anywhere.
Therefore, it is better if there are website apps or only native apps for their usage. In fact, websites could
gain more inconvenience for the disabled if they need to access something.

(People, 2020)​7
1. M. Rezaul Islam, 2015. Rights Of The People With Disabilities And Social Exclusion In Malaysia.
[online] Available at: <​​> [Accessed 25
January 2021].

2. SkillsYouNeed, 2021. Job Applications And Disabilities | Skillsyouneed. [online] Available at:
<h​ ttps://>
​ [Accessed 25
January 2021].

3. Rifki, N., 2019. Types of Disabilities and User Experience. [online] Telerik Blogs. Available at:
<h​ ttps://​> [Accessed 25 January

4. AHMAD, A., 2016. Employers and employees must know their rights | New Straits Times.
[online] NST Online. Available at:
<h​ ttps://
s​> [Accessed 25 January 2021].

5. Ministry of Human Resources. Labour and Human Resources Statistics, 2010.


AKTA ORANG KURANG UPAYA 2008. Available at:
Akta%20Orang%20Kurang%20Upaya%202008.pdf​> [Accessed 25 January 2021].

7. People, P., 2020. ​Smartphone Apps to Make Disabled People’s Lives Easier.​ [online] Passionate
People by Invacare. Available at:
asier/​> [Accessed 25 January 2021].

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