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Pairs of Words

I accede to your proposal
1 Accede Argue/Succeed It is so kind of you to accede to my
Concede Admit I concede the truth of your statement.
Their success exceeded all expectations.
Exceed To be greater than Lahore exceeds Islamabad in size and
Due to previous engagement, I could not
2 Accept To consent
accept his invitation.
Except Exclude from Bow to none except God.
His doctor ordered him to abstain from
3 Abstain Do without(food and drink)
beer and wine.
To hold back to doing Let us hope they will refrain from
something(some action) hostile action.
They decided to visit music hall all
4 All together Together
The train went slower and slower until it
Altogether Without any doubt
stopped altogether.
The only access to achieve sublime
5 Access Way to place
achievements is to do hard work.
After his accession to the crown,he
Accession Coming in office
introduced many beneficial reforms.
To drink to excess is detrimental to
Excess More than expectation
This book is adapted to the need of
Make something suitable
Adapt/ beginners.
6 for new needs to become
To adjust Children can adapt very easily to new
Adept Expert He is an adept in painting.
I like your methods of teaching and shall
Adopt To accept to take and use
adopt them in my school.
An admission of guilt saved him from
7 Admission Being admitted, confession
Being admitted to a place, Some students gain admittance into the
that is not public hall by breaking window panes.
Hamlet affected madness at times.
8 Affect(V) Have an influence/Pretend He was badly affected by him.

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Everything he says or does is calculated
for effect.
Effect(N) Result/Outcome/impression
The experience had a profound effect on
9 Admit More general I admit the task to be difficult.
Acknowledge Stronger than admit I acknowledge the receipt of the letter.
The arrested man confessed his guilt
Confess To accept something wrong before judge.

A determined person can achieve

10 Adverse Unfavorable desired result in adverse circumstance as
Being a man of methodical habits, he is
averse to do things in haphazard
Averse Opposed/Disinclined
He seems averse to hard work.
Hardly any (Negative He has few friends in the city.
11 Few
sense) He is a man of few words.
He gave us a few suggestions on the art
A few A small number
of teaching.
I cannot offend the majority for the sake
The few A small number
of the few.
12 Affection(adj) Love I felt great affection for my parents.
It is always easy to distinguish between
Affectation Pretence
sincerity and affectation.
13 Already (adj) Before now He has already performed his job.
I am all ready to accept the challenge to
All ready Quite prepared
achieve sublime target.
14 Advice(N) An opinion My advice fell flat upon him
It is the duty of parents to advise their
Advise (V) A piece of one’s opinion
children against bad manners.
Raised place on which Many people sacrificed their lives at the
15 Altar
offerings are made to a god altar of freedom.
A visionary leader never alters his
Alter (V) To change vision to meet the adverse
16 By turns Most farmers alternate their crops.
Alternate Arrange or perform by Private cars are banned from the city on
(V) turns alternate days.
The brave Sultan saw no alternative
Alternative Chaise between two things
before him but death.
The calculations are based on the
17 Assumption Baseless probability
assumption that prices will continue to

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There is no scientific evidence to
Presumption Factual probability
support such presumption.
Does not imply personal
18 Avenge God avenges the oppressed.
Revenge (V) Personal vindication He revenged himself for the insult.
He took revenge on the neighbor who
Revenge (N) Personal vindication
had ridiculed him.
19 Accent Pronunciation His accent of English is good.
Ascent Upward movement The ascent to Murree hills is very steep.
The Governor gave his assent to the
Assent Concurrence
a spirit who is believed to
20 Angel Deborah's children are little angels.
be a servant of God
the space between two lines
Angle A triangle has three angles.
or surfaces that join
21 Ant Small insect There are many types of ants.
Aunt Wife of uncle My aunt lives in Canada.
22 Air Mixture of gases Air is combination of many gases.
Ere (conj) Before Do some good ere you die.
23 Heir Inheritance He is an heir to a large property.
Hair Part of body He has a very long hair.
His vocation is medicine but painting is
24 Avocation Hobby
his avocation.
Vocation Profession
Most of Pakistani artisans lead a very
25 Artisan Handicraft practitioner
hard life.
Artist Fine art practitioner John Keats was a great artist.
A very notable artiste has consented to
Artiste Professional singer
entertain the audience with vocal music.
The principal made very apposite
26 Apposite Proper/suitable remarks on the necessity of technical
Our house is situated opposite to ICB
Opposite At front of
His artful projects did not help him in
27 Artful Cunning
the long run.
He does not believe on artificial beauty,
Artificial Opposed to natural
but on natural beauty.
The hall had been decorated in very
Artistic Aesthetic
artistic manner.
The antic of the clown at circus greatly
28 Antic Queer behavior
amused the spectators.

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To protect antique art work is his
Antique Old fashioned
War was not as destructive in ancient
29 Ancient Which is not modern
time as it is in these days.
GTM is old method to teach English as
Old Which is not new
foreign language in our schools.
Go and make yourself amiable to the
30 Amiable Good tempered
When the countries cannot settle a
dispute in an amicable way, they should
Amicable Friendly
settle it by arbitration.
His manner was perfectly amicable.
31 All Complete God is All in All of this universe.
The carpenter was making holes in the
Awl A tool
log of wood with an awl.
His bare body was scorched by the
32 Bare (adj) Uncovered
midday sun.
Bear (V) To uncover
I cannot bear this ill-treatment at your
Bear (V) To carry
Encounter between The Normans defeated the Saxons in the
f33 Battle
opposing armies Battle of Hasting in 1066.
A policeman was killed and several
Between two opposing others were wounded in the fight
forces between a band of strikers and the
In the last world-war, millions of men
War Prolonged encounter
lost their lives.
He was standing on the beach and was
34 Beach Shore
watching the ripples.
There is a row of beech trees in front of
Beech The name of tree
the school.
We are very lucky in having such a
35 Beneficent Kind beneficent ruler.
God is very beneficent to His creation.
Fresh air and good food are beneficial
Beneficial Useful, advantageous
for health.
Four hundred bales of cotton were burnt
36 Bale Bundle
in the fire.
Bail Security The judge refused to release him on bail.
Each passenger slept on the berth
37 Berth Sleeping place
allotted to him
Birth Coming to life She gave birth to twins
38 Beside By side of/ outside of He is sitting beside her mother.

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I give him a watch besides his regular
Besides In addition
A treaty between two powers was
39 Between Within two objects
He distributed the money among four
Among Surrounded by
Hitler committed a blunder in invading
40 Blunder A serious mistake
Doing mistake without
Error This assignment is full of errors.
knowing actual one
He could not reach his destination in
To take some person/thing
Mistake time because he took a wrong road by
at a place of some other.
41 Broach To open/ start Who should broach the topic?
Brooch An ornament The brooch looks beautiful in her sari.
You must avoid indulging in bad
42 Bad Unpleasant
I bade him leave my room.
Bade (Bid) To farewell some one
I bade him at the airport.
He applied brakes and saved the child
43 Brake Apparatus /thicket from being killed.
A brake was full of flower.
The stick is so frail that it would break
Break To come to pieces
into two, if you stress on it.
44 Blew Blow Cold breeze was blowing.
Blue Color The color of sky is blue.
45 Bridal Relating with marriage The bridal cake was eaten by guest.
Bridle your tongue; otherwise you face
Bridle Rein of horse
its results.
46 Boy Male child He is a wise boy.
An anchored float used as a A bell was placed on a buoy near the
marker rock.
He shows boldness during the talks with
47 Boldness Low order attribution
The best hearts are ever the bravest.
Bravery Noble attribution
Army has shown bravery in the battle.
He is a man of courage.
Courage This is permanent quality We need courage and determination to
solve the issue of Kashmir.
Daring Low order He is a man of daring character.
A willingness to take bold His audacity was enough to flare him
risks up.
48 Born Give birth to Jinnah was born in 1876.
Borne Carried He has borne his misfortunate like a

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brave man.
The company expanded beyond the
Bourne Boundary
national bourne.
49 Berry Name of fruit Go and bring the berry from the market.
Bury Muslims bury their dead bodies.
What would be the complement of this
50 Complement Complete/Make full
Compliment Regard Pay my best compliment to all friends.
This scheme is quite comprehensive a s
51 Comprehensive Complete
it deals with every aspect of problem
He speaks so lucidly that every word of
Comprehensible Understandable
his speech is comprehensible.
The enemy fired a cannon before
52 Cannon Large gun
launching the attack.
The canons of morality are as binding as
Canon A rules church dignity
laws of the state.
Please consult the calendar and find out
53 Calendar Schedule
the day of the marriage.
To press cloth/Roller
Calender Please calender this shirt of mine.
54 Canvas Tough cloth This sack is made of durable canvas.
He is canvassing for the conservative
Canvass Asking for vote
55 Contentment State of being satisfied I have everything to my heart’s content.
To an extent/What is Sarah reached satiety and felt content
desired after tasting every item on the buffet.
The cast of this play includes many
56 Cast (v) To throw list
famous actors, such as Sir Laurence.
Caste (N) Human class He is Syed by caste.
Cost (N) Price What is the cost of this book?
57 Ceiling Top inside in the room Fan is hanged with the ceiling of room.
Top most cover of the Someone is running at the roof of the
building or car house.
Incense is burst in censer on sacred
58 Censer Vessel
An officer who examines This film has been banned by the censor
the films board.
He has laid himself open to public
Censure Criticism
censure by his irresponsible speech.
59 Ceremonial Relating to ceremony Eid is ceremonial occasion for Muslims.
You should not be ceremonious with
Ceremonious Formalities
your friends.
60 Child-like Used in good sense Every one admires the child-like

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frankness of this old man.
Childish Used in negative sense He behaved in childish manners.
Yielding up/transfer of The cession of East Punjab to India was
61 Cession
territory strongly criticized by many people.
The next session of the assembly is
Session Meeting
The Speaker cited few lines from
62 Cite Quote
Shakespeare’s play.
The university was built on the site of an
Site Area
old fort.
Sight View What a lovely sight this hill presents.
A string of musical The boy accidentally broke a chord of
63 Chord
instrument violin.
Cord A thin rope Please tie pocket with a piece of cord.
64 Cereal Grain used for food The French eat cereal for food.
Oliver Twist was first published as a
Serial Series
65 Cellar Underground Put the wine in a cellar.
He adopted the profession of sailor by
Sailor Member of the crew
choice, not by chance.
Seller Who sells things He is a fruit seller.
The impertinent remarks of the son
66 Choler Anger
excited the choler of the father.
Collar Garment that cover neck You should put on a clean collar.
The collations were made for him by his
67 Collation Lunch wife.

Fifty lives were lost in the collision

Collision Striking together between the Khyber mail and Karachi
The collusion between police and
Collusion Secret understanding robbers creates a panic situation in the
There has been a continual rain since 2
68 Continual Not interrupted O’ clock.
Continuous study is the only key to
Continuous Frequent
Contiguous Adjoin Assam is contiguous to Bengal.
Things belonging to A beautiful face may be compared to the
69 Compare to
different moon.
It is very wrong approach to compare
Compare with Of same class
Akbar with Aurengzeb.
70 Choir A company of Singers He is a member of the Cambridge choir.
Quire 24 pages I have used one quire of paper today.

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This book is decidedly superior to other,
71 Comparison Two alike things indeed there is no comparison between
the two.
There is an obvious contrast between the
Contrast Two different things
culture of east and west.
72 Coarse Rough I cannot wear this coarse clothe.
The course of human life from the
Course Line of action
cradle to the grave is full of lesson.
The rich are so complement that they
73 Complement Self-satisfied never care for the poor/She has a
complement look.
He possesses very complaisant manner
Complaisant Ready and willing
and is, therefore,very popular.
This woman has been lying in a state of
74 Coma Un-natural deep sleep
coma for the last two days.
Comma Punctuation mark One should use comma in essays.
He is not only my friend but also a
75 Confidant Close friend
Churchill was quite confident of victory
Confident Certain
in the Second World War.
Something given to make He received enough compensation for
76 Compensation
up for loss or injury the loss of his right hand.
Money paid for work or a He received sufficient remuneration for
service the work he did for his employer.
77 Credible Believable This story is highly credible.
She won a creditable sixteen percent of
Creditable Worthy of praise
Illiterate peasants are generally very
Credulous. Believe without proof
78 Conscious Aware He is conscious of his shortcomings.
Conscientious Obedient to conscience He is a conscientious worker.
79 Contagious Spreading by touch Plague is a contagious disease.
Spread by germ carried by
Infectious Cholera is an infectious disease.
water and etc
He has a considerable income.
80 Considerable Much
It was considerate of you not to play the
Considerate Thoughtful of others
piano, while I was having a sleep.
A cool breeze is delightful, but no a cold
81 Cool Pleasant
A cool breeze is delightful, but no a cold
Cold Unpleasant
He has been elected to the legislative
82 Council An assembly

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He is in the habit of keeping his own
Counsel Advice
We should facilitate corporal rather than
83 Corporal Non-commissioned
high rank officers.
Shelley’s sky is an idealized creature
Corporeal Having a bode which had hardly any corporeal
84 Cops Unit He is inducted in medical corps.
The corpse of martyred was brought to
Corpse Dead body
He admitted that he was present, when
85 Admit Concede as true
the accident took place.
Not only concede but He confessed that he had caused the
taking responsibility accident.
86 Crime Violation of state of law Murder is a big crime.
Lying is a big sin.
Sin An act against religious law
Denying God is a big sin.
An act against against To provide the drugs is a vice act
moral law against social norms.
This is my cue; I must now go on the
87 Cue Signal
A long queue was formed before the
Queue Line
booking office.
Irregular happening by
88 Casual He is a very casual person.
Relating to The causal connection between food and
cause/Containing health is obvious.
89 Currant A small dried sweet Please bring currant for me.
Of present time/Stream of The current issue of the reader’s digest
water is very interesting
The boy was producing a sharp sound
90 Cymbal Musical instrument
by striking the cymbal.
The figure of lion on the flag is a
Symbol Sign
symbol of courage.
91 Cattle Animals for dairy products The shepherd was driving the cattle
Kettle A container with a lid Place the kettle on the fire.
The ceiling of this room was painted
92 Ceiling Top inside in the room
Sealing Sticking material I have no sealing wax.
93 Cell A small room We shut the thief up in a cell.
To give something to
Sell somebody in exchange for The book is selling like hot cakes.
94 Dairy Place to sell egg, milk and We buy milk from dairy form.

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cheese etc
Diary Calendar book Please make the date in your diary.
95 Dear High in Price What a dear little child!
Deer Beautiful Animal The hunter chased the deer.
It is decided opinion that success is the
96 Decided Clear
name of hard work.
The Battle of Waterloo was a decisive
Decisive Conclusive
97 Deny Oppose a statement This man denies the existence of God.
Refuse Decline something offered He refused to lend me his cycle.
98 Decry To criticize as worth less Do not decry yours friend in public.
To see something a long
Descry I described him on a hill in the distance.
way off
What conclusion can be deduced from
99 Deduce To infer
this theory?
A large sum was deducted from his
Deduct To take some think away
I say with due deference that you are
100 Deference Respect
absolutely wrong.
There is a world of difference between
Difference Dissimilarity an experienced and inexperienced
He declaimed against civil liberties on
To speak rhetorically in the public platform last night.
101 Declaim
public He declaimed against the evil of
I disclaim all responsibility for the
Disclaim Say that one does not own
leakage of his secret.
102 Defend Make secure from danger Army is defender of our territory.
Protect Approaching danger Clothe protects us from sun light.
To resist openly/Refuse to If you defy the law, you may find
103 Defy
obey yourself in prison.
The deification of human beings is
Deify To consider as a God
strictly prohibited in Islam.
My servants and dependants receive
Somebody who depends on
104 Dependant money on Eid.
other for food
I have two dependants.
Promotion is dependent upon your
Dependent Depending upon
record of service.
He deprecates the current law and order
105 Deprecate Express disapproval of
The prices of sonny’s products are
Depreciate Make less in value
depreciating day by day.
106 Defective Faulty This water is defective, because it is

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Water supply is deficient in all over of
Deficient Less
O God, I pray for you deliverance from
107 Deliverance Rescue
the rule of injustice.
His sermon was good, but his delivery
Delivery Handing over
was poor.
108 Depositary Trustee He is a depositary of my children
This room is new used as a depository
Depository Store house
of odds and end.
There is a steep descent.
109 Descent Downward motion
We slide down the descent of the hill.
One judge recorded a note of dissent.
Dissent Disagreement All have the freedom to dissent from the
110 Advice (N) An opinion Go to your doctor and ask for advice.
They advised me against sending cash
Advise (V) To give an opinion
by post.
We must find some device to overcome
111 Device (N) A plan
on this situation.
The young engineer devised many
Devise (V) To plan
112 Desert Barren place We lost our way in desert.
Something to which a He deserves to be rewarded according to
person is entitled his deserts/ He got his deserts.
A service of fruit after
Dessert What’s for dessert?
113 Dew Moisture drops The glass was wet with dew.
The wages due to him will be paid
Dice To be paid
114 Die To cease to live They never die, who die in noble cause.
Dye To color He is dying my hairs.
Destiny plays a tragic role in the novels
115 Destiny Fate
of Thomas Hardy.
Hard work is the only key to achieve
Destination Goal
high destination.
116 Differ from Two objects This point differs from the other.
Differ with Two persons Woodsworth differs with Milton
The boat capsized and four men
117 Drown Animate object
drowned in the river.
Sink Inanimate object The ship sank due to storm.
118 Discover To come across Columbus discovered America.
Invent A creation When was stream engine invented?

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I have deferred the payment of his
119 Defer Postpone
I am sorry to differ from you on this
Differ Not to be of same opinion
The world’s resources are rapidly
120 Diminish Make less
He always tried to minimize his own
Minimize Reduce in amount
The bottle contains six doses of
121 Dose Amount of medicine
Doze Sleep lightly He dozed off during the sermon
122 Disclose Uncover make known I will never disclose this secret to you.
We have to expose ourselves to danger
Expose Leave uncover /un-mask
in upholding a nobel cause.
Lincoln’s integrity and disinterested
123 Disinterested Not influenced by feelings
spirit is above all suspicion.
Uninterested Boring I consider this book uninterested.
Only a fool will doubt the existence of
124 Doubt To hesitate to believe
Suspect To imagine The police suspect the servants as thief.
125 Dual Double He has a dual nationality.
Duel Fight I challenged him to dual with me.
126 Draft A rough copy I am making draft of the statement.
You will catch cold,if you will sit in
Draught Current of air
A drought is feared on the account of
Drought Want of rain
the failure of monsoons.
The government’s economic policy is
127 Economic Pertaining to trade
Students must be economical in their
Economical Careful in spending money
128 Eligible Fit He is eligible for this post
Your handwriting is so illegible that no
Illegible Difficult for reading
one can read it.
129 Effective Able He is an effective officer.
(Not used for person)Bring We should take effectual steps to
desired result eradicate child-lifting.
This medicine has proved very
(Not used for person)Bring
Efficacious efficacious in many cases of typhoid
desired result
We should adopt an efficient method of
Efficient Capable teaching English as a second language
in our college.
130 Emigrant A person who leaves their The emigrants to Canada lead a

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country to live in another prosperous life.
Million of Germans emigrated to
The Pakistani immigrants in Europe are
Immigrant Come as a settler doing their best to create a soft image of
Muslims over there.
131 Eminent Famous Phidias was an eminent Greek sculptor.
Imminent Likely to come to happen He was faced with imminent death.
132 Empty Nothing inside He is empty-headed.
He would like to apply for the vacant
Vacant Not occupied
Pertaining to the four Every sailor is familiar with the
133 Elemental
elements elemental fury of a storm.
His knowledge of chemistry is
Elementary Introductory
Keats Mysticism is so elusive that some
134 Elusive Difficult to find
time it baffles the reader.
All these expectations proved illusive in
Illusive Deceptive
the long run.
Using or containing
Allusive suggestion rather than His style is very allusive and verbose.
explicit mention
Hard work is the key to success, but
135 Exceptional Rare
there are some exceptional cases as well.
No one is allowed to say anything
Exceptionable Objectionable
exceptionable on the stage.
She is an enviable woman because her
136 Enviable Causing envy
husband is kind, handsome and rich.
We should not be envious of the success
Envious Full of envy
of others.
137 Eternal Without end She is an eternal optimist.
That which has beginning
Everlasting Good deeds are everlasting.
but no end
Senior citizen is a euphemism for old
138 Euphemism Less relevant word
It is either simplicity or euphuism of
Word that soften down
Euphuism those who praise the current
offensive expression
Excuse me, would you like to tell me the
139 Excuse me Apology for interruption
way to G-9?
Pardon me Apology for a serious fault Pardon me for contradicting you.
140 Expedient Useful Do what you think is expedient.
Expeditious Acting quickly He is our expeditious worker.
141 Extract Get with force, Crushing The doctor has been asked to extract the

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bullet from the wound.
I am doing my best to extricate him
Extricate Set free
from difficulty.
142 Accident Unexpected occurrence The tragic accident occurred here.
The murder of Julius Caesar was an
Happening/Of something
Event event that influenced the history of
Roman empire
This exercise is so exhausting that it is
143 Exhausting Making you feel very tired
likely to be harmful
The doctor has madean exhaustive
Exhaustive Through
investigation into this case.
144 Fain Willingly I would fain have stayed at home.
Hamlet feigned madness at many
Feign Pretend
145 Faint Weak, not clear She called for help in a faint voice.
Napoleon feigned once or twice to
Feint Mock attack
deceive his opponents.
146 Fetch Go and bring He is seriously ill;please a doctor.
Bring Come and take with Bring your breakfast, when you come.
Flagrant crimes should be punished with
147 Flagrant Crime/Mistake
deterrent penalties.
Fragrant memories are more lasting than
Fragrant Sweet smelling
fragrant flowers.
The robbers flee away from the custody
148 Flee Run away
of police.
Fly To move through the air Birds fly in the air.
149 Floor The surface of a room Do you mind sitting on the floor?
Blend the flour with a little milk to
Flour Powder of grain
make a smooth paste.
Flower Plucking flower is forbidden here.
150 Forceful Full of force The speaker has a forceful personality.
The police made a forcible into the
Forcible With force
In front(Come to fore is an Ali comes to the fore in very confident
151 Fore
idiom) manner.
Four Digit He has four children.
The exhibition was formally opened by
152 Formally Ceremonial
Formerly, there was no railway station
Formerly Of earlier period
153 Foul Dirty/Irregular Do not play a foul game.
Fowl A bird The sailors shot a few sea fowl.
154 Freedom It is personal and private- He gives his son freedom to do what he

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the condition of being thinks well.
without constraint
Liberty of press is essential for civilized
Liberty Public
democratic country.
155 Fatal Deadly This disease proved to be fatal.
The discovery of America was a fateful
Fateful Producing important results
156 Fatalist Strong believer of fate Thomas Hardy was a fatalist.
He has a great facility in learning
Facility Ease
The state of felicity, however, did not
Felicity Happiness
continue for long.
Farther More remote I shall not proceed farther in this matter
Further Additional Further details are not yet forthcoming.
William words worth is a famous
157 Famous Renowned for goodness
romantic poet
Notorious Infamous He is a notorious gambler
We charge fair prices and are content
158 Fair Honorable market
with fair profit.
To be
Fare successful/unsuccessful in He fared well against his main rival.
a particular situation
What is railway fare from Multan to
Fare(N) Pay for travel
This is a facetious remark; no one minds
159 Factious Humorous
Factious Selfish/Troublesome He has a factious spirit.
This is not a genuine keenness, but
Factitious Unnatural
factitious enthusiasm.
160 Farmer Peasant My father is a farmer.
Both your suggestions are nice, but
Former The first
former is more practical.
We were spell bound by the feat of the
161 Feat Magical
Feet End part of body You should wash your feet regularly.
Ali has got special fete on Ahmed’s
Fete Invitation
162 Floor the surface of a room He threw the book on the floor.
Flour Powder of wheat This flour is not of a very good quality.
163 Forth Forward Please forth this book.
Fourth Number four She is sitting in fourth line.
164 Gamble Game He is addicted to gambling.
Gambol Quick/Yum Lambs were gambling in the meadow.

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Shakespeare had a genius for acting as
165 Genius Of creativity
Talent Of skill He has not much talent for painting.
The thieves escaped from gaol
166 Gaol Jail
My goal is to make the history for my
Goal Destination
167 Gracious Kind God is gracious to His creation
Everyone was impressed by his graceful
Graceful Attractive
168 Gait Way of walking I recognized him from his gait
A huge gate was built to stop the entry
Gate Way to enter
of illegal in apex court.
His bad manners grated on every one.
169 Grate Metal frame, to irritate
Put coals in the grate.
Great Much more in degree He is a great historian.
170 Habit Personal It is my habit to help poor.
It is custom among Hindus to burn their
Custom Public/general
171 Healthy Having good health The children look very healthy.
Healthful That produce good health Exercise in open air is very healthful
He's getting old and he can't hear very
172 Hear Apprehend
Listen Conscious /Attentive He refused to listen to her explanation.
Fixed residence of family He'd always dreamed of owning his own
173 Home
or house hold. home.
Finally we tracked him down at his
House Building
house in Denver.
174 Hale Strong and healthy I found him quite hale and hearty.
Give a welcome/Frozen The expedition was widely hailed as a
rain success.
Large leaves hung down from the
175 Hang Attach to the top position.
branches of the trees.
He was hanged for committing a
Hanged Put to death
Hung 2nd form of hang She hung the washing out in the garden
The cave has been hewn out of the
176 Hew Cut by striking
In the Indus water there are fish of every
Hue A color
The party has won a historic victory at
177 Historic Famous in history
the polls.
Historical Connected with past You must place these events in their

Mureed Hussain Jasra 0333-5601593 Page 16

historical context.
178 Honorary Conferred with honor He is honorary sectary of this club.
Honorable Deserving honour He was given an honorable burial.
He secretly hoped that she wouldn't be
179 Hope Pleasurable wish
at home.
Expect Regard as likely I expect him to pass the test.
Firefighters formed a human chain to
180 Human Belonging to man
carry the children to safety.
The animals must be reared in humane
Humane Kind
The doctors did all that was humanly
Humanly By human mean
Her first defeat was an early lesson in
181 Humility Modesty
She suffered the humiliation of being
Humiliation Disgrace
criticized in public.
He controls a cash hoard of some $1
182 Hoard To store or accumulate
Distantly he heard the report of another
Heard Hear
A group of animals of the
Herd same type that live and The animals tend to graze in a herd.
feed together
The elves defeated a huge horde of
Horde A large crowd of people
The children were healed by a local
183 Heal To become healthy
He rocked back and forth on his heels as
Heel Back part of human foot
he laughed.
He ran both hands through his thinning
184 Hair Part of body
She'd sent him haring back to his
To run or go somewhere
Hare apartment, telling him an urgent letter
very fast
had arrived.
Heir Legatee He has no heir to leave his fortune to.
Mahmood has broken all the idols in
185 Idol Object who is loved much
Idle Lazy An idle brain is the devil’s home.
Idyll Peaceful place He has composed a beautiful idyll.
Without any particular
She sat in the sun, idly sipping a cool
Idly reason, purpose or effort;
doing nothing
186 Ill Suffering from an illness He was lying ill in bed.

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Sick Physically or mentally ill He fell sick with yellow fever.
She was made uncomfortable by his
187 Allusion Indirect reference
veiled allusion to the previous night.
He dismissed the so-called miracle as a
Delusion False impression/ Belief
collective delusion.
Exist but seem different I never had any grand illusions of
from reality winning.
I had an imaginary friend when I was a
188 Imaginary Of fancy
You'll need to be a little more
Imaginative Expressing new ideas imaginative if you want to hold their
There is no parallel to the imperial glory
189 Imperial Very high status
of the Mughals in the Indian history
Imperious Haughty/Domineering She waved an imperious hand.
We consider it absolutely imperative to
Imperative Authoritative
start work immediately.
He has agreed to waive his diplomatic
Immunity Safety from disease
immunity and face prosecution.
They continue to break the law with
Impunity Disapproving
190 Idle Unoccupied He did not let the factory become idle.
Most of us are intellectually lazy about
Lazy Averse to labor
large areas of the world around us.
The glass was filled with green liquid
191 Ice Artificial
and crushed ice.
Snow covered everything from horizon
Snow Natural
to horizon.
192 In Preposition I read about it in the paper.
Into Motion to a point within He threw the letter into the fire.
Most people find this claim utterly
193 Incredible Hard to be believed
Incredulous Showing disbelief She shot him an incredulous look.
Inculcate To teach fix ideas He inculcates false doctrine.
Has the puppy had all its inoculations
Inoculate Vaccinated
194 Ingenious Skillful /clever He has ingenious mind.
She's very ingenious when it comes to
Ingenious Innocent/Frank
finding excuses.
America is the world's leading industrial
195 Industrial Relating to industry
She was surrounded by energetic,
Industrious Diligent
industrious people.
196 Intolerable Unbearable The constant pain made her life

Mureed Hussain Jasra 0333-5601593 Page 18

He was deeply intolerant of all
Intolerant Narrow minded
This technology is invaluable for pupils
197 Invaluable Extremely useful
with poor eyesight.
Some of the royal forests had become
Valueless Worthless
valueless as hunting grounds.
The journalist refused to reveal the
198 Informant Who supplies
identity of his informant.
One of the gang members had turned
Informer Spy
The Supreme Court ordered a judicial
199 Judicial Of court
inquiry into the deaths.
Having good sense/wise The disease is curable with the judicious
prudent use of antibiotics.
200 Naughty Indecent He is a naughty politician.
The knotty roots of the old oak tree are
Knotty Full of knots
very famous for their knottiness.
A man lay dead in the middle of the
201 Lay To put/place road.
He laid the books down on the table.
Lie To rest Let us lie on the green grass here.
Regular exercise can help lessen the
202 Lessen To reduce
Lesson Work He got into trouble for skipping lessons.
They were obviously loath to let her
203 Loath(N) Unwilling
Many of the people fear and loathe the
Loathe(v) Feel disgust
new government.
A solitary candle lightened the darkness
204 Lightening Reduce the weight
of the cellar
Flash of the light make Hitler attacked on France with lightning
bright speed
He felt he had to cut loose from his
205 Loose (N) Free
Lose To be unable to find The company stands to lose
Her luxuriant hair fell around her
206 Luxuriant Abundant
Luxurious Happy She leads a luxurious life.
I will always remember her as a lovable
207 Lovable Amiable
She looked really lovely in the blue
Lovely Attractive
208 Lawyer Law person He was a trial lawyer for many years.

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Liar A person who tells lies He's the biggest liar I've ever known.
209 Later Late We're going to Rome later in the year.
The latter half of the twentieth century
Latter After something
saw huge growth in air travel.
Apart from the occasional letter, they
Letter A printed message
had not been in touch for years.
210 Lion Animal Lion is a very dangerous animal.
The part of the body on
both sides of the spine
between the lowest ribs and Gird up your loin, and do it as soon as
the hip bones.Grind up possible.
your loin means to prepare
oneself for future actions.
211 Metal Mineral The doors are made of metal.
She really showed her mettle under
Mettle Endurance
212 Miner Of mine Miner’s profession is full of danger.
This is a very minor operation and there
Minor Of age
is very little risk involved.
213 Main Chief Please use the main entrance.
The horse tossed its flowing mane
Mane Long hair
behind it
The memorial stands where the two
214 Memorial Monument
roads meet.
Memorable Deserving to remember It was a truly memorable experience.
215 Maze Network of ways I was lost in a maze of passages.
Maize Grain
We grow maize in our field
The accident was the result of a
216 Momentary Short lived
momentary lapse of concentration.
At the same time, momentous events
Momentous Important
were taking place in Russia.
The castle was ringed by a moat
217 Moat Stream of fresh water
spanned by a wooden drawbridge.
Mote Particle of dust Motes are dancing in a sunbeam
218 Meat Flesh of animal Do you eat meat?
A year or so later I happened to meet
Meet Gather
him again.
219 Mead Meadow Daffodils grow in the mead
The players received their meed of
Meed Praise
praise from all people.
Maid Young girl She works as a maid in our home.
220 Mean Looking unworthy What do you mean by this remark?

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Mien Personal bearing I was impressed by her calm mien.
A commemorative medal was struck in
221 Medal Piece of metal
honor of the event.
Meddle To interfere He's just a meddling old fool!
To become the husband or
222 Marry He asked me to marry him but I said no.
We had a few drinks and all got quite
Merry Happy
Politicians have been accused of
223 Mendacity Lying
hypocrisy and mendacity
Mendicity Begging Mendicity should be stopped by law.
In modern architecture the construction
224 Mantel Structure of wood
of mantel piece is old fashion
Humayun’s death conferred the royal
Mantle Loose cloak
mantle on the Akbar at very early age.
The official system used
I throw away junk mail without reading
225 Mail for sending and delivering
letters, packages, etc
Male Masculine human The workforce is predominantly male.
Measurement tool for Rupees are mounting up on the meter of
226 Meter
length the taxicab.
Metre Unit His height is two metres.
Concerned with principles
Politicians have a moral obligation to
227 Moral of right and wrong
address the needs of the poorest.
The bonus helped maintain morale
Morale Amount of confidence
among the staff.
Some of the poor in our country even
228 Necessaries Essential thing
cannot buy the necessaries of life.
Necessities Need for something Food is a necessity of life.
The hospital was negligent in the way it
229 Negligent Failing to give enough care
cared for this young man.
Tests found only a negligible amount of
Negligible Ignorable
the chemical in the product.
We took one oar each and rowed
230 Oar A pole
quickly to the shore.
A new method of extracting gold from
Ore Raw metal
the ore has been discovered.
My grandmother is very strict
231 Observance Observing of law/custom
observance of traditional practices
She was admitted to hospital for
Observation To watch
An official enquiry has been launched
232 Official Officer
into the cause of the accident.

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‘You can't park here,’ he said
Officious Too eager
An ordinance was issues to cover
233 Ordinance Order
judicial dead lock.
Ordnance Of artillery He is working in ordnance factory.
Doctors used to treat back pain with
234 Pain Bad feeling
The burglars got in by breaking a pane
Pane Single piece of something
of glass in a door.
235 Pair Two The students worked in pairs.
Pare To cut First, pare the rind from the lemon.
236 Patrol To go around Aircraft regularly patrol the frontier.
Petrol Petroleum The price of unleaded petrol has risen.
England finally made peace with
237 Peace Freedom from war
A few pieces of the puzzle were
Piece In parts
238 Plan Arrangements Even the best-laid plans can go wrong
Plane Device I've never flown in a plane.
The dress was absolutely plain, but quite
Plain Smooth
His lawyers are poring over the small
239 Pore Tiny opening
print in the contract.
Pour To put liquid to other thing I've poured a cup of tea for you.
240 Practice Regular exercise Practice makes a man perfect.
He haspractised as a lawyer for many
Practise Work to do
241 Pray To offer He prayed for good weather.
The young deer are ideal prey for the
Prey Victim
242 Principal Chief New roads will link the principal cities.
His novels reject chronology as an
Principle Rule
organizing principle.
243 Pale Dim He turned deathly pale.
Pail Basket She filled the pail with fresh water.
Bishop was welcomed to the church
244 Peal Loud ringing of bell
with a peal of bells.
Peel To take something off He peeled the wet clothes from his back.
He was one of those people who are
245 Popular Admired by
instantly popular.
Populous Thickly populated Karachi is a populous city.
I'll do something practical now and
246 Practical Of action
answer some mail.

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We will do this as soon as is reasonably
Practicable Fit for action
The curriculum is rigidly prescribed
247 Prescribe Advise
from an early age.
Membership of any proscribed
Proscribe To prohibited legally
organization is a serious matter.
248 Precede To come before She preceded me in the job.
I will instruct my lawyer to proceed with
Proceed To go for words
the preparation of draft contracts.
We have to stand up for persecuted
249 Persecute To punish
Prosecute Legal proceeding The police decided not to prosecute.
She has an excellent collection of
250 Pendant Ornament
Pendent Hanging The clothes are pendent for drying.
251 Person Individual human She's the right person for the job.
She was a dancer with a highly
Individual Single
individual personality.
Pretend by using the name To impersonate a candidate in the
252 Personate
of other examination is a serious crime.
To endow an object
These children personify all that is
Personify characteristic of human
wrong with the education system.
As your physique is quite good, due to
253 Physic Medicine
this you need little physic.
Physics Branch of science Einstein restructured modern physics.
She doesn't have the physique to be a
Physique Bodily health
The assassination of the president
254 Precipitate To put violently hurried
precipitated the country into war.
Precipitous Very steep This is a precipitous path.
255 Profit Gain Damaged goods mean lost profit.
The Prophet Muhammad founded the
Prophet Messenger of God
religion of Islam.
The more provident of them had taken
256 Provident Careful
out insurance against flooding.
A providential wind carried the raft to
Providential Divine
the shore.
Of old fashion but
257 Quaint The village looks rather quaint.
Queer Odd/Strange I was beginning to feel very queer.
Water that falls from the Overnight rain had freshened up the
258 Rain
sky in separate drops garden.
Reign Period By the end of his reign, the vast empire

Mureed Hussain Jasra 0333-5601593 Page 23

was in decline.
259 Right True James did what he thought was right.
Baptism is an initiation rite within
Rite Ceremony
I expect money is at the root of the
260 Root Of plant
The offensive into rebel-held territory
Rout Defeat of an army
had ended in a rout.
Our route lay straight ahead and
Route Way
Opposition of lawful The country has been plagued by wars,
261 Rebellion
authority civil wars, and internal rebellions.
Doctors have welcomed the fitness
Revolution Positive complete change
Everyone was respectful towards him,
262 Respectful Full of respect listening carefully to his long
Economic growth has averaged at a
Respectable Worthy of respect
respectable 2.5 per cent.
263 Reverend Respected and worthy He is very reverend old man of eighty.
Reverent Humble /Kind He is very reverent to me.
264 Rob Steal The tourists were robbed of their bags.
I'll report you to the police if I catch you
Steal Secretly
stealing again.
265 Raze To destroy completely The woodland was razed by fire.
Raise To left up Raise your status in life.
266 Recollect Almost forgotten I don't recollect what he said.
This is an experience that the kids will
Remember Which that not forgotten
enjoy and remember forever.
The Olympics may stretch the country's
267 Resource Supplies
resources to breaking point.
To turn to something for Citizens have learned that they do have
help recourse against governments.
Her heart would find no rest until she
268 Rest Breathing space
knew the truth.
Wrest To take by force He wrested the gun from my grasp.
269 Restless Never still He has spent restless night.
The news was relayed to the restive
Restive Refuse to more forward
An object in the shape of a
270 Ring He had dark rings around his eyes.
Wring To twist
271 Sanguine Optimistic He tends to take a sanguine view of the

Mureed Hussain Jasra 0333-5601593 Page 24

problems involved.
They are less sanguine about the
company's long-term prospects.
Sanguinary Fond of bloodshed Nero was a sanguinary ruler.
272 Sail Of sea The moon sailed across sky.
Exchange of goods for
Sale The sale of his old home made him sad.
Some of the larger birds can remain
273 Stationary Still
stationary in the air for several minutes.
He is the best dealer in stationery at
Stationery Of books
274 Storey Floor/Level I live on the top storey.
Story Of events I like to read story books.
We may have the opportunity to take
275 Sole Of foot/only
over sole ownership of the company.
Non material part of the We should commend our souls to God,
body before we go to sleep.
276 Soar Fly high He wishes to soar high in the sky.
Their feet were sore after hours of
Sore Grumpy/Painful
Sour Sharp taste This water has a sour taste.
The statue stands in one of the main
277 Statue Figure/modal
The Supreme Court interpreted the
Statute Written law
statute in light of its recent rulings.
He was a man of great stature who
Stature Importance/Size
carried himself well.
I'll report you to the police if I catch you
278 Steal To take
stealing again.
The bridge is reinforced with huge steel
Steel Of Metal
279 Straight Honest She looked me straight in the eye.
Many hundreds of vessels pass through
Strait Of geography (narrow)
the straits each year.
Line, where edge of cloth Too many seems on a cloth do not look
280 Seam
are turned well.
Seem Appear The view seems very attractive
This approach seems very sensible to
281 Sensible Suitable/ Reasonable
Her experiences had made her sensitive
Sensitive Easily offended
to other people's troubles.
Pleasure for senses not for
282 Sensual Food is a great sensual experience.
intellect and spirit
Sensuous Affecting and appealing to I'm drawn to the poetic, sensuous

Mureed Hussain Jasra 0333-5601593 Page 25

senses qualities of her paintings.
He was getting heartily sick of all the
283 Sick Ill, Unwell sad
false sympathy.
He is a sickly child.
Sickly Frequently ill
Living in group/of society Poor areas or areas with greater social
284 Social
friends problems received more help.
She's a sociable child who'll talk to
Sociable Friendly
The boat provides spacious
285 Spacious Roomy
accommodation for five people.
Lawyer has given a specious argument
Specious Seeing right
in the court.
Set to steps for climbing
286 Stile Cattle cannot cross a stile.
over wall or fence.
He adapted his acting style to suit the
Style Of manner
He was court sculptor to Alexander the
287 Sculptor Person
She creates sculptures out of scrap
Sculpture Thing/who made by person
Any official thing that to
288 Stimulant Coffee and tea are mild stimulants.
rouse body or mind
Congress passed the President's
Stimulus Anything motivate
economic stimulus package.
289 Stop To put an end to movement I want to go and you can't stop me.
To remain at pause for I had no more reason to stay in
some time California.
Group of people for one He is looking to sign for a Conference
290 Team
cause League team.
Teem Abundant It was teeming with rain.
Someone had obviously tampered with
291 Tamper (v) To meddle
the brakes of my car.
The allegation on Shoaib was to temper
Temper (v) To soften
the ball in the field.
He broke the chair in a fit of violent
Temper (N) Temperament
Winning the French Open was a fairy-
292 Tale Story
tale end to her career.
Dogs wag their tail, when they are
Tail The end part of an animal
I don't think it's vain to care about how
293 Vain Without use/ values
you look.
Vein Blood vessel There's a drop of Irish blood in her

Mureed Hussain Jasra 0333-5601593 Page 26

294 Vale A valley The vale of Kashmir is beautiful.
A covering of very thin
Veil The bridal veil was fringed with lace..
transparent material worn
The job applicant must have good verbal
295 Verbal Oral
Using or containing more The man was smartly dressed, verbose,
words than are needed and seriously agitated.
The technology has enabled
296 Virtual Factual/ practical
development of an online virtual library.
Virtuous From virtue She is a virtuous girl.
Some people questioned the veracity of
297 Veracity Truthfulness
her story.
Some animals feed voraciously in
Voracity Greed/eager/hunger
summer and hibernate in winter.
Area around the middle of
298 Waist He wrapped his arms around her waist.
human body
He didn't want to waste valuable time in
Waste To spoil
idle gossip.
He has agreed to waive his rights to the
299 Waive Forge the right
A wave of relief washed over him as he
Wave Move to and fro
saw that the children were safe.
300 Wet Moist We got wet in rain.
The book will whet your appetite for
Whet To sharpen
more of her work.
301 Womanly (adj) Of women She has a soft womanly figure.
Womanish(adj) Like women He has a womanish manner.
He swims in the sea every day, whatever
302 Weather The atmosphere of a place
the weather.
I asked him whether he had done it all
Whether Used to express a doubt
himself or someone had helped him.
The Hong Kong dollar was yoked to the
303 Yoke To bring under work
American dollar for many years.
Yolk Of egg Combine the egg yolks with the milk.
He is an active member of the Screen
304 Guild Organization
Actors' Guild.
He had no feelings of guilt over what he
Guilt Sin
had done.
305 Hay Dried grass for animal food The children were playing in the hay.
Hey Conjunction Hey, can I just ask you something?
306 Contemptible Not deserving any respect His conduct was contemptible.
Contemptuously Having no respect She gave him a contemptuous look.

Mureed Hussain Jasra 0333-5601593 Page 27

307 Accessary A helper He is the accessary to the murder.
This silk scarf is the perfect accessory
Accessory Additional
for stylish summer evenings.
308 Abject Terrible The scheme was an abject failure.
My sole object is to get to the bottom of
Object Aim
this mystery.
He demands absolute obedience from
Absolute Complete
his men.
Factories cannot compete if they are
309 Obsolete Of no used/Old
using obsolete technology.
310 Accuse For wrong done You can't accuse me of being selfish.
He is widely blamed for masterminding
Blame For bad
the attacks.
From one side to the other
311 Across The yard measures about 50 feet across.
From one end to or towards
Along They walked slowly along the road.
other end
312 Afflict To do harm He's badly afflicted with a skin disorder.
They inflicted a humiliating defeat on
Inflict To impose
their rivals.
One can assay the quality of metal by
313 Assay Attempt,evaluation
Essays handed in late will not be
Essay A short piece of writing
The Planning Committee has finally
314 Accede To agree to a request
acceded to growing pressure.
To admit that something is Women were only conceded full voting
true and logical rights in the 1920s.

There is a need to appraise existing

315 Appraise To consider or examine
Apprised To tell or inform We were fully apprised of the situation.
The police apprehended an armed
316 Apprehend To catch
suspect near the scene of the crime.
She failed to comprehend the
Comprehend To fully understand
seriousness of the situation.
317 Superficial Seeing what is obvious Superficial similarities can be deceptive.
more than you need or She gave him a look that made words
want superfluous.
He had a distinguished career as a
318 Career Work /employment
Carrier Vehicle to carry something The instruments can be sent by carrier.

Mureed Hussain Jasra 0333-5601593 Page 28

Banks are expected to follow the
319 Follow Grasp building societies in raising mortgage
A way of referring to a man She was elected a fellow of the
or boy Academy.
320 Jewry Village Jews formed a Jewry.
Group of members to listen He was on a jury judging a songwriting
to facts. competition.
The office is a functional working area,
321 Functional Practical and useful
designed with efficiency in mind.
Children from dysfunctional families are
Dysfunctional Not practical and useful
usually deprived from their rights.

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