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Keep in touch...

For every student, there is a teacher.

Smile, breathe right, and keep your tongue up!

Your Friend,
Tao Semko from


You can learn more about authentic tantra, yoga, and qi gong in Umaa Tantra's College of
Tantric Yogas. You can read more about the Tantric Inner Circle here:


Dear Reader,

What is "Tantra?"

Try to blithely define Tantra and you'll quickly make yourself a liar.

A "tantra" may be a spiritual practice for achieving "expansion to liberation." (it may be a
ritual or meditation)...

A "tantra" may be any practice of material transformation or spiritual alchemy...

A "tantra" may be a mundane practice of magic, a talisman, or a totem, used for wealth,
power, domination, or protection, or soothsaying...

It may be a scripture or treatise enumerating any of the above types of tantric practice. Most
such writings date from 500 AD on to the present.

A "tantra" may be a strictly oral teaching of either mundane or spiritual practice. Many of
these oral teachings date back several thousand years, and are reflected by sculpture, pottery,
friezes, paintings, and ritual implements from as far back as 7000BC...

Tantric practice may be highly ornate, with much external ritual paraphernalia, or it may be
completely inside the mind, completely internalized as a visualization or awareness beginning
with a specific focus.

Some tantra does involve the use of "forbidden" substances - alcohol, flesh, intoxicants - but
these are used within the context of specific rigorous practices, and should not be taken as
excuses for debauchery.

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