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until you can relax, and breathe (preferably nose-breathe!

) while experiencing incredible pleasure that would

have incapacitated you before!

The pleasure turns the exercise into play, makes it much more fun, and starts to integrate healthy breathing
naturally into your sexual behavior. Then, if you have a willing lover, tell them that breathing this way will
amplify your pleasure, and ask her / him to touch you for ten minutes while you breathe and relax... It'll be fun
for both of you to see how long you can enjoy without losing the smooth, long flow of your breathing... turn it
into a cooperative game with no losers, just orgasms... Sound like fun?

Even if s(he) wasn't open to tantra or yoga before, after watching you open up and enjoy those ten minutes, your
lover just might want to start freeing up his/ her breathing too... Which is a lot easier way to get you both having
more fun than by saying, "Babe, lets do these exercises to improve our lovelife" - which would kill just about
anybody's passion... by turning sex into work.

So -- keep it playful, and lead your partner by exhibiting your own enjoyment, not by nagging or turning sex
into a project!

For more tips on releasing sexual and emotional tension, and opening up both sexual bliss (orgasm) and spiritual
bliss (samadhi), go to the Tantra Tips archives located here:

Smile, breathe right, and keep your tongue up!

Your Friend,

Tao Semko


Dear Reader,

Think of the last time you let yourself get really steamed about something insignificant...

Maybe your spouse left the toilet seat up again. Maybe in her zeal to clean, your roommate threw out a
newspaper or magazine you wanted...

and that one little thing just stuck in your craw for the rest of the day.

And it didn't just sit, did it? It festered. And it grew. And soon your bad feelings brought up the bad feelings
from every previous time your loved one left the seat up, or threw something out. And your resentment, ill
feelings, and anger grew. And then you started remembering other things he/she did "wrong" in the past...

In other words, here was a simple, small event. You took the feelings you associate with that simple, small

And you repeated them (the memory of the experience and the feelings), over and over in your mind,

adding more emotional content as you went,

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