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your spine. Try to synchronize your breathing with the muscle movements.

Keep your chest, neck, and facial

muscles relaxed throughout - don't strain!

Now #2, pelvic massage: sit upright on the floor, bring the soles of your feet together with your knees bent and
pointed out like in a butterfly stretch, but place your heels about a foot in front of your groin.

While doing the triple diaphragmatic breathing described above, hold your shins and lean forward, projecting
the jaw forward, then rock around to the right, leaning onto your right thigh, then back, bringing the chin into
the chest, then around to your left leaning over your left thigh, then back forwards again, stretching the jaw
forwards again. Inhale going left and forwards, exhale as you lean right and then back.

Repeat 9 to 18 times, then reverse direction of rotation. Feel your internal organs, breath, and rotation massaging
the pelvic floor. When you finish, lie down on your back and continue deep triple diaphragmatic breathing.

Do this for two weeks, everyday for 10 minutes. Smile and relax as you do the routine - even do it while
watching stand-up comedy, and be aware of all of the sensations in your pelvis - the results will astound you...

Smile, breathe right, and keep your tongue up!

Your Friend,

Tao Semko
P.S. You'll notice quite a few changes on the site if you hit refresh on your web browser each time you visit a
new page... Take a look...
For every student there is a teacher.
Smile, breathe right, and keep your tongue up!
Your Friend,
Tao Semko of

P.S. To send me a Practical Success Story, Question, or Comment for this e-letter, be good:
1) Keep it short and to the point.
2) Tell me what's working for you before you ask your question. I need to hear all your specifics... it gives me a
better sense of where you are, and helps others to see what works...
3) If you have a Success Story, write "Success Story" in the subject line of the email. I read these first.
4) At the end of the email, give me your initials and tell me where you're from.
5) Send it to me at:


Dear Reader,

Ever feel "all bottled-up?" Today's tip is common sense that's not so common. The idea is this: If you want to be
able to build and enjoy boundless sexual energy, it's gotta have someplace to go. Or, whether you're male or
female, you never get to enjoy it. But don't worry... there are simple solutions...

In the last Tantra Tip you saw:

"Is sexual arousal building into an uncomfortable feeling of congestion around your genitals, begging for a

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