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Essays - make em better everytime

Small Assignments - Aim for 100 , get 100
Presentation - Be OBAMA
Group Project - DO NOT GET ANGRY

✨ Wash your face with cold water in the morning and warm water at night.
✨ Always wear powder. It avoid sweat
✨ Honey + Turmeric
✨ Change pillowcase 1 week
✨ RoseMary oil in Water
✨ Use cutecumber on face
✨ Don't bite fingers
✨ Fix your attitude and posture
✨ Wear Sunscreens
✨ Start putting myself first
✨ Apply oil in hair 1hr before shower
✨ More sleep and LESS screen time
✨ Cucumber Ice

1) Preparation: After cleansing, apply cream or oil 2) Pressure: Pressing the skin with your
fingers to the point where you can feel the muscles. (not too strong or too weak, feeling
irritating the pericardial layer between the skin and the muscles)
3) Number of operations: Basic 8 times, Deep 16 times. 4) Caution: avoid acne, bruise, skin
peeling, etc.
.1. Pushing the lower part of the temporal lobe upwards in a semicircle.(8 times)
.2.Feel the muscles with three fingers and lift them up.

16 times of jaw
.3.Lift From the corner of mouth to the front of earlobe 8.
.4.Sweeps from behind the ears down to the Terminus.
16 times
1. Move chin forward as if swallowing top lip and with pointer and middle finger massage up
10 times.
2. Use bottom lip to cover top lip and begin smile pulses 10 times.
3. Use tongue to cover upper teeth then retreat 10 times.
4. Roll your tongue backwards moving your chin out.
5. Use your tongue to touch roof of mouth repeatedly.

6. Use tongue to windshield wipe over upper gums left to right and then right to left 10 times
each sidePull the hairline and stimulate the center of the cheek.
This is an acupressure point (Oriental Medicine) Rub it with your thumb and press down on
the acupressure point This acupressure point makes your cheeks look lively. Next, I'll rub it
under my cheekbones. There is also an acupressure point in the center under the cheekbone.
Fast lifting of the front cheek (more than 20 seconds) Whether your fat is high or low, lifting
is better than not. Rubbing your eyebrows towards your temples (for lifting) Close your
palms to give vibration and lift. Do the other side, too, swipe with acupressure on the front.
It's better to lift your eyes at the same time. Next, rub your cheekbones up Fast lifting of the
front cheek (more than 20 seconds) Next, rub your eyebrows to the side Close your palms to
give vibration and lift Lift your eyebrows and forehead up Towards the side Drainage :
temples > front of ears > behind ears > above collarbone If heat and oil are not removed after
massage, it can cause acne. (No wash) Remove oil and heat completely with a towel soaked in
cold water and apply basic cosmetics.

release toxins from the neck lymph nodes, The effect of massage is better. Stimulates the jaw
muscles and rubs the skin down. If you deliberately droop your skin, and then lift it right
away like this, The lifting effect is better. Send toxins gathered for temples down to Terminus.
It's a massage that removes the Buccal fat pad. There are lymph nodes in whiskers. Finish at
the terminus (a dent on the collarbone). It is also effective for relieving eye fatigue and lifting
the eyes. Cross the middle of the forehead with an X. Stretch your eyebrows and lift your
forehead. Apply force to rub the hairline. It is helpful for face lifting. Please do it often. After
a mild massage, wipe with a cold wet towel. During the massage, wastes and sweat in the
pores are secreted, it can block the pores and cause skin trouble. After this, you can apply
face masks or basic cosmetics without washing your face.

1. Lift up , to front, to side-50 sec
2. Tricep Extend 50
3. Air circle( keep ur arms as weighing machine and do circle in air)
4. Mime Back swing
5. Back claps
6. Twist at backs
7. Hair up like boys(keep touching your elbows)
8. Ballet
9. Big Circle

1. Calf Stretch
2. Down dog
3. Deep Lunge

4. Deeper Lunge
5. Sitting string
7. Pigeon
8. One legged up

Small Waist

1.Roll Up 7.


3. 8.Leg circles

4.Leg crunch


random Tips
1. Touch your center cheekbone and pull ear
2. Pull eyes at end
3. Near nose and eyes
4. Bath only for 15 min
5. Vaseline+coconut+honey
6. Don't use at phone at night
7. Keep pen for 5 min and talk
8. Stop touching ur face
9. Remove eye makeup
10. Massage eyebrows
a. Massage as points at eyes
b. Place hands on forehead and look r,l,u,d
c. owl
11. Massage upper lips
12. Purse lips

1. Kaizen - Make small steps
2. Ikigai-Your reason for being
3. Wabi Sabi- Beauty in Imperfection
4. Shoshan - a beginner mindset
5. Ganbaru-Doing my best
6. Shirin Yoku- Be with forest
7. Hara Hachi Bu- satisfied,not full

Step 1
Massage the top of your lips and on your lips for 30 seconds.
This will reduce the accumulation of fat and fluid on the upper lip.
Use the knuckle to rub it down.
Step 2
Keep your top lip inward and hold it down. Do this for 30 seconds.
This will help keep the top lip inward and makes the upper lip look smaller.
Step 3
Open your mouth slightly, contract your lips smaller, hold for 30 seconds.
Step 4
Open your mouth a little, contract your lips smaller, and smile see your teeth for a moment.
Do this for 30 seconds.
Finished; do it 1-2 times a day and check the results after 2 months.

My Things
. Wear Comfortable
. Be Present
Say at that moment
. Small talk
. Always ask questions but not too much
. Make feel comfortable with people
. No one actually cares a lot
. Voice Care
- Speak Naturally
- Speak at normal tone and pitch
- Breath calm
- Breathe, the more relaxed your breathing is, the softer you will speak
- + Exercise, breaths with the diaphragm.
- + Breathing exercises (exhale, hold 15 seconds, inhale), do it 3 or 4 times.
- - To be sitting and standing straight.
- - Speak slowly, take pauses when you are speaking and be comfortable with silences.
- +Try to read slowly.
- - Enunciate the words, emphasize what you want to say
- + Practice with tongue twisters
- - Use grammar when speaking (do not use slang, profanity, do not cut words)
- - Expand your vocabulary (read books especially classic books or poetry)
- - If you speak in a very high tone, practice whispering, but that another person can hear you.
- -Drink water
- - Loosens the mouth and vocal cords
- + Massage the vocal cords
- - Record yourself speaking.
- - Practice
.1. Including others (like stepping back so everyone is levelled at a crosswalk)
2. Waiting on others to tie their shoes
3. Holding doors for others (at just the right time)
4. Caring about the things you say (like asking someone to text they got home and asking if they
forget to)
5. Listening to others (instead of turning the conversa on yourself)
6. Wishing happy birthday at midnight
7. Hyping up someone’s music taste
8. Noticing changes to someone’s appearance
9. Asking if somebody wants anything when you go to the store
10. Getting excited when others get excited
11. Introducing acquaintances when you bump into each other and they don’t know them (rather
than letting your company standing there)
12. Scooting over to make room on seats
13. Saying the nice things you think about people
14. Listening to others speaking
15. Letting others in line with only a few items to buy
16. Helping your community with things others don’t do (like picking up stuff)
17. Letting other in when there’s traffic
18. Greeting others
19. Asking to help others struggling
20. Offering snacks
21. Remembering details about what others say
22. Smiling at dogs
23. Asking others to join rather than just offering them
24. Getting back to others about stuff they recommended
25. Being patient with others
26. Hyping other’s progress
27. Smiling at others
101.Making spearmint tea is a simple process. Here's a basic recipe for brewing
spearmint tea:
- 1-2 teaspoons of dried spearmint leaves or a handful of fresh spearmint leaves
- 1 cup of hot water
- Optional: Honey or lemon for flavor
102.sugar, lemon, and water

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