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Not All Heroes Wear Capes, Some Wear Masks

If you ever heard the title, "The Mandalorian," then you are a Star Wars fan. The Mandalorian is
a mysterious, lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy. The story of The Mandalorian
took place after the events of the Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Episode VI). The story intrigued
me of what would happen, and the type of characters that would survive, and what it was like
before the New Republic took over. You have only the strong surviving, and you have chaos
taking over in the galaxy. For some reason, I chose this fictional character not because I binge-
watched the two-season show recently but, he resembled our Philippine hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal.
The environment of the two sides, the New Republic and the Spaniards, can be represented as
scum and villainy. Another character named Baby Yoda, which he later saved from being
smuggled and manipulated, can be symbolized as the Philippines. Just like Baby Yoda, the
Spaniards took our dignity and freedom for more than 300 years. Then just like Dr. Jose P.
Rizal, The Mandalorian took action. He was also operating in a much more unforgiving
landscape. A place where survival is difficult enough, let alone flourish in that atmosphere. And
the politics have dissolved, might is right to be exact. And how does somebody earn a living
when there is no structure to society anymore, and everything is collapsing in on itself? How do
you work your way through the world? Ultimately he wants to do the right thing, but his duties
could very much be in conflict with his destiny, and doing the right thing has many faces. It can
be a very windy road.

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