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Introduction Sheet (please check that this form saves as filled-in before submitting it)

Geog. 1 Physical Geography Fall 2020 Instructor: Steve Palladino

David Hernandez
Name:_____________________________ Time (Section #): W 11:30 (33301), W 10 (33300), Th 10 (33304)
(click one)
Email:__________________________________ 5593621978
Phone:________________ Text Call Either (Click One)

High school attended: Pacifica

___________________________________ Year finished high school (ex. 2012): 2013

Where was this (city, state, country)? Oxnard ,Ca, USA


Previous college attendance (Name, # of years): __________________________________________________

Where was this? Ventura College


Where were you born? ________________________ Which city do you live in now? ____________________
Name all states and countries you have lived in? __________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ Name all countries have you have visited?

How many semesters have you been at Ventura College? _______


Ventura College major (or possible major): Welding

What is your educational goal (AA, 4-year college, graduate school, just taking classes, other (explain)?

What about after VC? (What university major or type of job?): _______________________________________
Job : Bluescope Technologies

Are you in any special programs at VC? (Like EOPS, Clubs, MESA, a sport (which one?), or ???)

Do you work? Yes

___ For what employer? ______________________________
Daniel C. Salas Harvesting # of Hours/week? ___

What other geography courses have you taken in college? __________________________________________


Do you remember having geography in high school, jr. high, or elementary school? What was it like?
I remember a tad bit about geography in both middle school and highs school and the only thing I really recall is having to
name or match certain geographical terms like plateau or peninsula.

Please tell me a bit about yourself (i.e., What are you like? What do you like to do? What’s unique?
What struggles do you have in learning? Thoughts on online teaching, etc.) Need more space, use next side.
Im a father of a three year old son and I currently work at a Wonderful pistachio and Almond plant as a battery technician
for the forklifts. This semester I haven’t really been motivated to get into my classes but I’ll be juggling long hours at work
and school. I do eventually hope to get back into the rhythm of things in order to succeed this semester. I like spending time
at the beach when I visit Ventura County.

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