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o D:q i' tI:

fTITI#.I ln my free time, I meet my
_ TIP _ friends or go on a picnic.

. flil'fg ne nrrite about somebody's daily routine, we start I

q u,ho the person is and what his/her job is.
i starts early. I get up
. h ilfiE s€cond paragraph, we write what he or she does at B:30 am
al runing.
. !fl tE ltd paragraph, we write what the person does
t F tm lqrft paragraph, we write what the person does
.I'tre hst paragraph, we write what he or she likes
ufl'g ln his or her free time.
Ute -se ilre present simple to write about someone's
;d1 u.tire.

I Reod the porogrophs below ond: o) number

I leave the
office at about
them in lhe correct order; b) put the verbs
in brockets into the present simple; c) soy
whcrt eoch porogroph is obout.
From 1 pm till 4:30,
trq in i*s free time, Tim (like) playing tennis { I have meetings with
0 lsnc br walks. various celebrities.
***'" " ""4
n, -m (have) a sandwich for lunch at about l

nW ot t*ttve, then *
....'..','."""""' (teach) tillthree' He; dinner with a celebrity
(stay) at t.n""f till half p'ast thiee' After thatl'
'Gdi home and (PrePare) his" at about 6:30 pm
ree time? ffions for the next daY.
s well os
I 1lm (get up) at seven o'clock every ;
mrfllng. He ...................... (have) a shower and then he, Use the informqtion from Ex. 9 qnd the plon
-rss Jrmkfast. Tim ...................... (catch) the bus to work at,
below to write o mogozine orticle obout
*t'!c\r1t sght. He usually (arrive) at school at a .
Potty's doily routine in the Photo File section
*serto nine and........,..;. hl,s tessons al nlne (l0O-12O words). Use Ex. 8 os o model.
Brmanent ; !sta't) i

n tn fre evening, Tim ................. (help) his children with ,

tlen rornework. He .................... (have) dinner with his wife, ..

,.iJa and the children at about half past six. After that, they: Plon ff'-'
mmr Wor play board games. The children ............... (go) .

E lec at eight o'clock, then Tim and Julia .............................; Porogroph l, who the person is
rren) to music until bedtime, at about half past ten. ,, t what her job is
&'* * ;.:-'.d#{'?--@'

TERS : iE Tim Franks is a teacher. He ...................... (work) in a i

Porogroph 2, what she does in the morning
gn =ry soor in Lojgg:;__-.*.,.,**..
vdo. I -**\w -*** _**: I
I Prrty Stevens works os o celebrity costing Porogroph what she does in the
qgenf <rt The Tqlent Corporotion in London.
Reod whot she soys ond qnswer the questions.
I afternoon

Porogroph 4, what she does in the evening

t frlt"m does Patty do in the morning? I
2 &hm does Patty do in the afternoon?
t flilrtr does Patty do in the evening? Porogroph 5, what she does in her free time
a otohm coes Patty do in her free time?


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