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Arranged by:

Name : Dita Wulan Cahyani Susanto

NIM : 19101105025

Department : Pharmacy
Group : VII (Seven)


A. Aim
In this experiment, you will determine the critical angle at which total internal
reflection occurs in the acrylic trapezoid and confirm your result using Snell’s Law.

B. Equipment Required
- Light source 5
- Trapezoid from Ray Optics Kit
- Protractor
- White Paper

C. Introduction 9
For light crossing the boundary between two ttransparent material’s, Snell’s Law
states n1 sin θ1 = n2 sin θ2 where θ1 is the angel of incidence, θ2 is the angel of refraction,
and n1 and n2 are the respective indices of refraction of the materials.
In this experiment, you will study a ray as it passes out of the trapezoid, from
acrylic (n = 1.5) to air (nair = 1).
If the incident angle (θ1) is greater than the critical angle (θc), there is no refracted
ray and total internal reflection occurs. If θ1 = θc, the angle of the refracted ray (θ2) is 90°.

In this case, Snell’s Law states:

n sin θc = 1 sin 90°

Solving for the sine of critical angle gives:

Sin θc = 1/n . (Modul Praktikum Fisika Dasar, 2019)


When a ray of light strikes a smooth surface such as a mirror, the reflected ray leaves for
mirror in a definite direction which determined by two rules: (1) the incident ray reflected ray,
and the normal to the surface all lie in the same plane; (2) the angle incidence equals the angle of
reflected. These angles are measured from the normal and are denoted by i and r. To prove that i
= r, we use Huygens principle.

If a surface is not perfectly smooth, diffuse reflection takes place, with many reflected
bundles of rays coming from small flat spots. Much of what we see is made visible by such a
process; the specular reflection from a smooth surface such as we have just described is often a
nuisance. If the surface is so rough that there are no flat spots which are much larger than a
wavelength, the light is scattered diffusely. We can think of scattering as the absorption and re-
emission of light by particles of a medium. The light of the sky reaches us after being scattered
by air molecules, water droplets, or dust particles. (Harcourt,1957)

Total reflection

When light passes from a medium of larger refractive index into one of smaller refractive
index-for example, from water to air- the refracted ray bends away from the normal. As the angle
of incidence increases, the angle of refraction also increases. When the angle of incidence reaches
a certain value, called the critical angle θc, the angle of refraction is 90°. Then the refracted ray
points along the surface. (John Cutnell, Kenneth Johnson, 2013)

It is always possible for an oblique ray to bend toward the normal as it enters a denser
medium. If the ray travels exactly along the normal, it continues to do so in the second medium.
However, a ray in a dense medium does not always emerge into a less dense medium. Suppose
that n1 = 2 and n2 = 1. Then according to Snell’s Law 2 sin θ1 = sin θ2. This is fine for values of
sin sin θ1 up to and including 0.5. But no angle exists for which sin θ is greater than 1; the sine of
90° is 1, and sin 91° is the same as sin 89°, which is less than 1. We than ask what happens when
θ1, n1, and n2. Have values which would make sin θ 2 as calculated from Snell’s Law greater than
one, we find experimentally that no refraction takes place; the ray is completely reflected back
into the first medium. This is called total reflection, and it occurs if angle θ1 in the denser medium
is greater than a certain antical angle. We also find that total reflection takes place at any angle;
as the angle in the denser medium is gradually increased, the reflected ray becomes stronger and
the refracted ray becomes weaker. In the limit, at the critical angle, the refracted ray just grazes
the surface, last its intensity s acro. Beyond the critical angle, the is no refracted ray and the
reflected ray’s intensity exactly equals that of the incident ray. This is one,of the few examples in
physics of a process that is truly 100 % effeciens at the; absolutely no energy is absorted at the
surface. The critical angle can be easily compound using Snell’s Law for glam surrounded in air,
the angle works out to be almost 42°, in calculated in the following example. . (Harcourt,1957)

An expression for the critical angle θc, can be obtained from Snell’s Law by setting θ 1 =
θ2 and θ2 = 90°

n 2sin 90 °
Sin θc =
Sin θc = (n1 > n2)

Total reflection is used in many optical instruments, including binoculars. In order to erect
the image, as well as to obtain a longer path length between the objective lens and the eye lens,
two 45° prisma are used. Silvered mirrors might be used, but the prisma serve the same purpose,
and give 100% reflection, whereas a conventional mirror might become tarnished. Note that the
angle in the glass 45°, which is a few degrees than the critical angle for a glass-air interface. Total
reflection takes place, and it is not necessary to silver the reflecting surface at all. . (Harcourt,

If light passes from one material to another where the refractive index is smaller (say, from water
to air), the light is deflected away from normal. At a certain incident angle, the bias angle will be
90°, and in this case the beam bias will coincide with the surface.

The angle at which this occurs is called the critical angle, θc. From snell's law, θc is stated with:

n2 n2
sin θc = = sin 90° =
n1 n1

For all incident angles smaller than θc there will be refractive rays, although some light
will also be reflected at the border. However, for the angle of incidence greater than θc, Snell's
law will tell us that sin θ2 is greater than 1.00. But the sine of an angle can never be more than
1.00. In this case there is no refractive ray at all, and all the light is reflected. This effect is called
perfect internal reflection. But note that perfect reflection only occurs if light strikes the boundary
where the medium outside the border has a smaller refractive index.
Many optical devices, such as binoculars, use perfect internal reflection in a prism to reflect light.
The advantage is that almost 100% of the light is reflected, while even the best mirror reflects
less than 100%. Thus, the shadow is brighter. for glass with n = 1.50, θc = 41.8°. That is, a 45°
prism will reflect all the light internally, if set as described for binoculars. (Douglas Giancoli,

Now that we have sufficient mathematical methods and tools to solve the problems of
reflecting and transmitting waves with any angle coming, we can move on to special cases of
perfect reflection and perfect transmission. Here we will study specific combinations of medium
types, angle of incidence and polarization, which can produce both phenomena. To begin, we
must first know the conditions for perfect reflection. We want perfect power reflection, so ITI² =
ITI* = 1, where T can be Tp or Ts. The fact that this condition opens up opportunities for
complex values for T will give us some flexibility. For the medium to come. that is, the medium
from which the waves come, we can note that n1p and n1s must always be of real and positive
value. But on the other hand, for the second medium which is across the border plane, n2p and
n2s will involve factors cos Ɵ, and 1 / cos Ɵ2, where

cos Ɵ 2=¿ [ 1−si n2 Ɵ 2 ] =¿ ¿} sin²Ɵ1]1/2

Snellius's law is used to derive this equation. We can observe that cos e2, and hence also
n, and n2 will be of imaginary value if sin 0,> nln, Let us take the example of parallel
polarization, or p-polarization. Under the condition n which is imaginary value, equation

j|n2 p|−n 1 p ¿ Z
Tp= =n 1 p− j∨n 2 p∨ ¿=
j|n 2 p|+ n1 p n1 p+ j∨n 2 p∨¿ ¿ Z∗¿ ¿

where Z = n1p – j|n2p| . So, we can see that Tp Tp* = 1. which means that reflection of perfect
power occurs if n2p, is an imaginary value. The same result, that is perfect reflection, will also
be obtained if n2p is zero, which is obtained when sinƟ1 = n2/n1. Thus, we have obtained the
requirements for perfect reflection, which is

sin Ɵ 1> (William Hayt, John Buck,

The physics of fiber optics. An important application of total internal reflection occurs in
fiber optics, where hair-thin threads of glass or plastic., called optical fiber, “pipe” light from one
place to another. The core is made from transparent glass or plastic that has a relatively high
index or refraction. The cladding is also made of glass, but of a type that has a relatively low
index of refraction. Light enters one end of the core strikes the core/cladding interface at an angle
of incidence greater than the critical angle, and therefore is reflected back into the core. Light
thus travels inside the optical fiber along a zigzag path. In a well designed fiber, little lights is lost
as a result of absorption by the core, so light can travel many kilometers before its intensity
diminishes appreciably. Optical fiber are often hundled together to produce cables. Because the
fibers themselves are so thin, the cables are relatively small and flexible and can fit into places
inaccessible to larger metal wires.
The physics of endoscopy. In the field of medicine, optical fiber cables have had
extraordinary impact. In the practice of endoscopy, for instance a device called an endoscope is
used to peer inside the body. One provides light to illuminate interior body parts, while the other
sends back an image for viewing a bronchoscope greatly simplifies the diagnosis pf pulmonary
disease. Tissue samples can even be collected with some bronchoscope. A colonoscope is another
kind of endoscope, and its design is similar to that of the bronchoscope. It is inserted through the
rectum and used to examine the interior of the colon. The colonoscope currently used the best
hope for diagnosing colon cancer in its early stages, when it can be treated.

The physics of arthroscopic surgery. The use of optical fibers has also revolutionized
surgical techniques. In arthroscopic surgery, a small surgical instrument, several millimeters in
diameter, is mounted at the end of an optical fiber cable. The surgeon can insert the instrument
and cable into a joint, such as the knee, with only tiny incision and minimal damage to the
surrounding tissue. Consequently, recovery from the procedure is relatively rapid compared to
recovery from traditional surgical techniques.
D. Procedure 10
1. Place the light source in ray-box mode on a sheet of white paper. Turn the wheel to
select a single ray.
2. Position the trapezoid with the ray entering the trapezoid at least 2 cm from the tip.
3. Rotate the trapezoid until the emerging ray just barely disappears. Just as it
disappears, the ray separates into colors. The trapezoid is correctly positioned if the
red has just disappeared.
4. Mark the surfaces of the trapezoid. Mark exactly the point on the surface where the
ray is internally reflected. Also mark the entrance point of the incident ray and the exit
point if the reflected ray.
5. Remove the trapezoid and draw the rays that are incident upon and reflected from the
inside surface of the trapezoid. Measure the angle between these rays using a
protactor. (Extend these rays to make the protactor easier to use). Note that this angle
is twice the critical angle because the angle of incidence equals the angel of reflection.
Record the critical angle here:
θc = 42° (experiment)
6. Calculate the critical angle using Snell’s Law and the given index of refraction for
(n = 1.5). Record the theoretical value here:
θc = 41.81° (theoretical)
7. Calculate the percent difference between the measured and theoretical values:
% = 0.45 %
E. Result
F. Analysis
Pada praktikum kali ini mempelajari tentang refleksi internal total atau
pemantulan sempurna. Cahaya merupakan sesuatu yang dapat mengaktifkan mata.
Cahaya termasuk gelombang elektromagnetik. Sifat-sifat cahaya, yaitu dapat dipantulkan
dan dapat dibiaskan. Mata manusia dapat melihat 380-720 selain dari itu manusia tidak
dapat melihat. Jika sinar datang dari medium lebih rapat menuju medium kurang rapat,
maka sinar akan dibiaskan menjauhi garis normal. Jika sudut sinar datang diperbesar,
maka sudut bias akan makin besar pula. Jika sudut sinar datang diperbesar lagi, maka
sinar datang tidak lagi dibiaskan, akan tetapi dipantulkan. Peristiwa ini yang disebut
dengan pemantulan total atau pemantulan sempurna.

Percobaan ini dilakukan untuk menentukan sudut kritis. Kertas putih yang
digunakan dalam percobaan berfungsi untuk melihat cahaya atau sinar yang dipantulkan
oleh trapesium atau lensa. Nantinya cahaya yang dipantulkan ini diukur sudutnya
menggunakan busur. Percobaan dilakukan lima kali sehingga memperoleh lima data. Dari
kelima data tersebut dilihat bagaimana perbedaan setiap sudut kritis yang didapat.
Sebelum melakukan percobaan gambar koordinat kartesius terlebih dahulu. Koordinat
kartesius ini berfungsi untuk memudahkan pada saat pengukuran sudut sehingga
memperkecil kesalahan.

Sudut kritis adalah sudut dimana cahaya yang dibiaskan hilang. Sudut datang
disebut juga sudut kritis. Sudut yang dikeluarkan atau yang dibiaskan, yaitu 90°. Untuk
mengukur sudut cahaya harus tepat di titik tengah atau titik nol pada koordinat kartesius.
Cahaya yang dipantulkan dari lensa yang diukur sudutnya. Untuk mengukur tandai pada
cahaya yang dipantulkan. Jika sumber cahaya digeser sampai sudut yang diperoleh 90°
maka cahaya akan menghilang. Inilah terjadi pemantulan sempurna, yaitu ketika sudut
bias 90° dan cahaya menghilang. Pada percobaan kelima cahaya akan menghilang.

Indeks bias adalah kecepatan cahaya di ruang hampa (udara) atau tidak ada
medium. Pada percobaan ini diketahui bahwa medium yang dilalui cahaya berupa lensa
yaitu satu trapesium. Media yang di luar lensa adalah cahaya.
G. Conclusion
Pada praktikum kali ini dapat disimpulkan:
1. Praktikan dapat mengetahui cara menentukan sudut kritis dengan menggunakan
hukum Snell.
2. Total internal reflection adalah suatu fenomena dimana tidak ada cahaya yang
dibiaskan ketika cahya melewati suatu medium yang berbeda, semua cahaya tersebut
dipantulkan kembali.
3. Sudut datang sama dengan sudut kritis karena θ=90°.
4. Cahaya pada peristiwa pembiasan saat cahaya dari ruang rapat menuju ruang yang
lebih rapat maka sudut biasnya lebih kecil dari sudut datangnya, sedangkan apabila
cahaya berasal dari ruang yang lebih rapat maka sudut biasnya akan lebih besar dari
sudut datangnya.
Giancoli, Douglas. 2014. Fisika: Prinsip dan Aplikasi. Jakarta: Erlangga

Hayt, William dan John Buck. 2006. Elektromagnetika, Edisi Tujuh. Jakarta: Erlangga

Cutnell, John dan Kenneth Johnson. 2013. Introduction to Physics. America: John Wiley &
Sons, Inc

Harcourt. 1957. Preliminary Edition. America: Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc.

Modul Praktikum Fisika Dasar, 2019

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