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REPL stands for ____________________@Read Eval Print Loop

What is use of Underscore Variable in REPL session? @get last result

How Node based web servers are different from traditional web servers? @HTTP server

What is Node.JS? @Node.js is a JavaScript based framework/platform built on Google

Chrome's JavaScript V8 Engine.

Which of the following is true about Node.JS? @all

Print the directory name of your script using the pre defined global object - @_

Which of the following is true about __dirname global object? (I) The __dirname
represents the name of the directory that the currently executing script resides
in. (II) The __dirname represents the resolved absolute path of code file. @1

Which of the following command will show all the modules installed globally? @npm
ls -g

Print the relative path of your script using the pre defined global object -

Which method of fs module is used to close a file? @fs.close(fd,callback)

Which of the following statement is valid to use a Node module http in a Node based
application? @var http = require("http");

Which method of fs module is used to truncate a file? @fs.ftruncate(fd, len,


Which of the following is true about EventEmitter.emit property? @emit property is

used to fire an event.

Which of the following is true about EventEmitter.on property? @on property is used
to bind a function with the event.

Which of the following module is required for operating system specific operations?
@os module

@fs.writeFile(path, flags[, mode], callback)

Which of the following code can make a request to a web server?

@http.request(options, callback)
Can we create child processes in Node applications. True

Which of the following is true about console global object?@all

Which of the following provides in-built events? @events

Which of the following is true about Piping streams? @all

Which of the following code print the platform of operating system?

@console.log('platform : ' + os.platform());

Which of the following is true about writable stream? (I) writable stream is used
for write operation. (II) Output of readable stream can be input to a writable
stream . @1&2

A stream fires end event when there is no more data to read. Is this correct ?

Each type of Stream is an EventEmitter. @true

A stream fires data event when there is data available to read.@true

Which of the following is true about readable stream? (I) Readable stream is used
for read operation. (II) Output of readable stream can be input to a writable
stream. @1&2

Which of the following is true about File I/O in Node applications? (I) Node
implements File I/O using simple wrappers around standard POSIX functions. (II)
Node File System (fs) module should be imported for File I/O operations. @1&2

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