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ES6 is the implementation of? - ECMAScript
All major JavaScript Implementations are based on which standard? - ECMAScript
ES6 is officially called _ - ECMA Script 2015
ECMAScript is a _ - Language Standard
ES6 can be used for __ - both
How many parts are there in an ES6 module? - 2
"Rest" collects all variables into a single array, while "Spread" expands a single
variable into multiple. - true
Which of the following parameters can be used to expand a single array into
multiple arguments? - Spread
const { x, y } = { x: 11, y: 8 }; is the Same as const { x: x, y: y } = { x: 11, y:
8 }; - true
During destructuring, you can either declare variables or assign to them, or both.
- false
Which of the following parameters can be used to define indefinite number of
parameters in one single array? - Rest
What will be the output of following code snippet? - 6,5
function foo(a = 10, b = 5) {
console.log(a, b);
The following code implements the ______ feature of ES6 - spread
Destructuring helps us to extract multiple values from an object via - Object
Template literals can be defined as _ - multi-line string literals that support
What will be the output of the following code snippet? - 23
const func= (
) => {
return x + y;

Arrow Functions are less verbose than traditional functions - True

Template literals support - interpolation
Template literals can be reused _ true
Instead of using single quotes or double quotes, es6 uses BACKTICK or OPENQUOTE ( "
` " ) character to create destructuring pattern. - false
Variables declared in a scope are accessible in _ - All scopes nested inside it
In Arrow functions, if there is only one parameter and that parameter is an
identifier then the parentheses can be omitted. - true
Which is not a lexical inside arrow functions? - none

Template literals does not allow us to _ - not corect build complex html and xml
Select the wrong code Snippet - not correct const func5 = (x, y) => x + y;
Which keywords can be used to implement inheritance in ES6? - extends
_ feature helps us to simplify the inheritance concept. - classes
The bodies of class declarations and class expressions are executed in strict mode.
- true
Which is not true about constructor in ES6? - A class may have any number of
Which is not true about static methods? - Static methods can be directly called
with the help of a class object.
Sets can be used to store _ - Heterogeneous data
We can use this data-type to avoid repetitions. - sets

Map can use _______ value as Key. - any

Maps can be used to store _ - Key - value pairs
Symbols can be created using the factory function - Symbol()
What will be the output of this code? var sym = new Symbol(); - Syntax Error
What will be printed if the following code is executed? - 1

let x=150;
Objects declared as "const" are immutable. - false
What is the meaning of the following line of code? const pi=3.14; - Const turns
variables into constants, and they can’t be changed.
Declaring variables with which of the following keywords, will make the variable
immutable? - var
A Promise has _________ number of states. - 3
What is the scope of the variable "a" in function below? - block

function val(x){
let a = x;
Variables declared with which of the following constructs do not have block scope?
- const
Keyword "let" allows redeclaring variables. - FALSE
Which of the following statements is not true about level of scope? - I & III are
true and II and IV are false.
I. let keyword declares a block scoped variable.
II. var keyword declares a block scoped variable.
III. const keyword declares a block scoped variable.
IV. let and const are similiar to each other.
What is the significance of the following code snippet? The variable i is valid
only inside the for loop
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
x += 10;
Which of the following does not declare a block scoped variable? - var
Promise reactions are callbacks that you register with the Promise method then(),
to be notified of a fulfillment or a rejection. - true
What if promise2 get rejected in the following syntax? Promise.all(promise1,
promise2, .....) - It will reject the entire set
Which method can be used to retrieve symbols from the global symbols registry? -
Which of the following is not a state of Promise? - Approved
It is always a good practice to physically separate the code based on _ - mostly
Functionality **** not all
ES6 modules are stored in _ - files

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