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Country March 30 March 31 April 1 April 2 April 3

Confirmed cases: Confirmed cases: Confirmed cases: Confirmed cases:

82.198 82.278. Confirmed cases: 82.361 82.432 82.509
CHINA Total deaths:3.308 Total deaths: 3.309 Total deaths:3.316 Total deaths: 3.322 Total deaths: 3.36
Total recovered: Total recovered: Total recovered: 76.405 Total recovered: Total recovered:
75.923 76.206 76.565 76.760

Confirmed Confirmed cases: Confirmed cases: Confirmed cases:

Confirmed cases:
cases:97.689 105.792 115.242 115.242
ITALY Total deaths:10.779 Total deaths:12.428 Total deaths: 13.915 Total deaths:13.915
Total deaths: 13.155
Total recovered: Total recovered: Total recovered: Total recovered:
Total recovered: 16.847
13.030 15.729 18.278 18.278

Confirmed cases: Confirmed cases: Confirmed cases: Confirmed cases:

Confirmed cases:
85.195 846.156 112.065 117.710
SPAIN Total deaths:7.340 Total deaths: 41.494 Total deaths: 10.348 Total deaths: 54.369
Total deaths: 9.387
Total recovered: Total recovered: Total recovered: Total recovered:
Total recovered: 22.647
16.780 19.259 26.743 218.864

Confirmed Confirmed cases: Confirmed cases:

Confirmed cases:
cases:40.751 Confirmed cases: 57.756 59.929 59.929
52.827 Total
FRANCE Total deaths:2.612 Total deaths:4.043 Total deaths: 5.398 Total deaths: 5.387
deaths: 3.532 Total
Total recovered: Total recovered: 11.053 Total recovered: Total recovered:
recovered: 9.513
7.238 12.548 12.548

Confirmed Confirmed cases: Confirmed cases:

Confirmed cases: Confirmed cases:
cases:143.527 846.156 242.182
213.372 245.601
US Total deaths:2.572 Total deaths:41.494 Total deaths: 5.350
Total deaths: 4.757 Total deaths:6.058
Total recovered: Total recovered: Total recovered:
Total recovered: 8.474 Total recovered: 9.228
4.865 176.171 5.991
Confirmed cases: Confirmed cases: Confirmed cases: Confirmed cases:
19.821 Confirmed cases: 29.865
25.474 34.167 34.192
UK Total deaths:1.231 Total deaths:2.357
Total deaths: 1.793 Total deaths: 2.926 Total deaths:2.926
Total recovered: Total recovered:179
Total recovered: 179 Total recovered: 192 Total recovered:192

Confirmed cases: Confirmed cases: Confirmed cases:

Confirmed cases: 902 Confirmed cases:1.065
702 1.161 1.161
COLOMBIA Total deaths:16 Total deaths: 17
Total deaths: 10 Total deaths: 19 Total deaths: 17
Total recovered: 31 Total recovered: 39
Total recovered: 10 Total recovered: 35 Total recovered: 55



1. From day one up to April 3, what is the trend of confirmed cases like in each country?
R=// In China, we can evidence a slit decrease between march 30 to April 3 in the
confirmed cases the average of confirmed cases is 77.75 personas per day. In Italy there
was also a small decrease between march 30 to April 3 in the confirmed cases in
comparison with their confirmed cases with have been many during these last months the
average of confirmed cases is 5851 personas per day. In Spain we can´t see a clear trend
because throughout the week there was a phenomenon because between march 31 and
April 1 many people recovered from the disease but from April 1 to April 2 there was a
huge increase, but the average of confirmed cases from march 30 to April 3 is 8128 .75
personas per day. In France there was a slit increase between march 30 to April 3 in the
confirmed cases the average of confirmed cases is 6392,7 personas per day. In the United
Stated of America there was a scary increase during this week between march 30 to April
3 in the confirmed cases the average of confirmed cases is 25518,5 personas per day. In
the UK, there was a slit increase in the week, but the average was the same during these 5
days, between march 30 to April 3 in the confirmed cases the average of confirmed cases
is 3592,75 personas per day. In Colombia we can evidence a slit increase between march
30 to April 3 in the confirmed cases the average of confirmed cases is 153 personas per

2. Why is the death toll in China lower than the one in European countries as of April 3?
R=// There are many theories, during this week the disease became worst the Europe and
in South America. The first theory is that China hasn’t been totally honest about how many
confirmed cases and how many deaths were taken place in their country because the
statistics shows a completely different scenario. The second theory but least likely is that
they have been very cautious with the quarantine and their cleaning control.

3. Why did the death toll rocket in Italy?

R=// Well, in my opinion it’s because a great part of Italy the population has an age
average of more than 80 years old, it can also be because Italy has many tourists, and
finally because Italy didn’t react fast to prevent that the virus from spreading.

4. Comparing Italy ́s case vs. The US, how likely is it for the US to become the peak of
pandemic spread in the Americas?
R=// The situation in the US can be even worse than in Italy because the US hasn’t taken
the disease seriously, just this week there just starting to lockdown but the cases just
increase minute by minute.

5. Comparing China ́s case vs. Colombia? how effective will the lockdown / quarantine
measures be in our country to control / decrease COVID-19 spread? Support your opinion
with examples from your statistics.
R=// In my opinion our president Ivan Duque has been very cautions and he took the
decision to lockdown the country very fast we have a slit increase but in comparison with
other countries we don’t have as many confirmed cases in average we have about 153
cases confirmed per day , that means the lockdown and the measures has been effective
for now.

6. From the perspective of SocioPolitics, what is your opinion about individual rights vs.
overall population ́s welfare? Support your opinion with examples from your statistics.
R=// Both of them are very important most of all because they are part of politics that
most countries have today “Estado Social de Derecho” but in some cases por instant
Covid-19 is considered an emergency and when there is an emergency the population
welfare becomes more important than the individual rights.

7. From the perspective of Economics, how has this crisis affected economy in our country?
R=// Enormously, the economy has been affected from every point of view. The economy
in Colombia is frozen nobody is traveling, not many people are working, most of the
company’s contracts have been suspended, the stocks are decreasing exponentially.

8. From the perspective of Entrepreneurship (understood as people owning or running their

own business), how has this crisis affected economy in Medellin Greater Area?
R=// This crisis has affected everyone from the people that sell food on the street to the
big company that has not been gaining income. Many people with their small business
have found a way to keep selling for example by delivery their product to those who buy,
and with that money they can pay their obligations.

9. Taking into account movies such as “Contagion”, “Virus”, and “Outbreak”, and
contrasting them vs. the current situation in our country, what would be your five
suggestions for the Colombian government to control COVID-19 pandemics?
R=// - 1. The Colombian government must keep the lockdown until there is a control, and
the confirmed cases are 0. – 2. The Colombian government has to have all the necessary
instruments the medics need in the hospitals – 3. The Colombian government needs to
keep recommending and obligating the citizens to keep taking the measures to reduce the
cases. – 4. The Colombian government needs to help not only the people that are in need
but also those small and big companies that have many obligations to keep paying even
though their income is not increasing. – 5. The Colombian government has to find a way
to reduce the Covid-19 cases so that the economy doesn’t collapse, I suggest that they can
follow the measures of South Korea.

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