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Thought stopping therapy


Thoughts stopping tecnique used to treat recurring

negative thoughts in people with anxiety disorder and
other mental conditions .The clinician teaches the
tecnique to the client who can use it to stop racing
thoughts and obsessive worrying.
Thought stopping is a cognitive intervention tecnique
pescribed by psychotheripest with the goal of interruption,
removing and replacing problamatic recurring thoughts.
Thought-stopping techniques are often used in CBT
(cognitive behavioral therapy) to help people deal with
negative thought cycles and constant worrying. The
basis of thought-stopping therapy is that once a negative
thought arises, you should consciously issue a command
for the thought to stop. The idea is that you then replace
the thought with a more balanced or positive
it acts as a distraction from the negative thought,
interrupting obsessive negative thoughts that tend to
ruminate in the mind. Some people wear an elastic band
they can ping against their skin to remind them to
stop negative thought patterns, which can be helpful in
the short-term.


It can also give you a sense of control over your thoughts.
Here are some common thought-stopping CBT techniques:
Capture your thought: If you’re out of the house or at
work, visualize yourself capturing the thought so you can
work on it later. It’s helpful to write it down so you can
remember it later.
Interrogate your thought: Stop your thought and take it
to court. What business has it being in your head? Is
there evidence to support what it is telling you? Is there
another view that needs addressing?
Analyze your thought: Can you spot any unhealthy
thought patterns, such as catastrophizing, personalizing
or all or nothing thinking?
Talk to the thought: Imagine you are talking to a friend
who has come to you with this problem. What would
you say?

1. Notice the thought.
You aren’t a freak for having awful thoughts or having
them recycle in your mind over and over. It is so
common that Albert Ellis created the term “awfulize” to
describe them.Now that you are aware of their
destructiveness, you can get better and better at
catching them earlier and earlier when they present
I’ll give you a practice exercise after I’ve described all
the steps so you can increase your chances of catching
yourself with fewer and fewer awfulized thought cycles.
2. Stop.
 Say something to yourself like “Stop,” and/or
 Envision/imagine something that would help you
stop, such as a stop sign, a raised hand, or a bell

3. Challenge the thoughts

 absolutes (always, never, all, none),
 awfulizing,
 exaggerations,
 overgeneralizations, or
 negative messages from the past that are replaying.
 You might want to write down the thought to help you clarify it in order
to challenge it.

4. Reroute your mind to an inspiring or distracting thought


 a saying that gives you encouragement (for some ideas, check out my
 a memory that is empowering or relaxing
 focusing on a healthy activity
 listening to music or guided meditation


Does it work?

The principles of why thought stopping work

are pretty straightforward, interrupting
bothersome and unnecessary thoughts with a
“stop” command serve as a reminder and a
distraction. Phobic and obsessive thoughts
tend to ruminate or repeat in your mind. Left
unchecked, they become automatic and occur

THANK U !!!!!

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