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Question 1:

Modify the upc.c program given in section 4.1 of your textbook so that it
checks whether a UPC is valid. After the user enters a UPC, the program will display
either VALID or NOT VALID.

//computes the check digit of a UPC code and checks whether a UPC code is VALID or

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
int d, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, first_sum, second_sum, total,
computed_check_digit, userEntered_check_digit;

printf("Enter the first (single) digit: ");

scanf_s("%1d", &d); //asks the user to enter first digit which is stored in

printf("Enter first group of five digits: ");

scanf_s("%1d%1d%1d%1d%1d", &i1, &i2, &i3, &i4, &i5); //asks the user to enter
first group of 5 digits in a UPC code

printf("Enter second group of five digits: ");

scanf_s("%1d%1d%1d%1d%1d", &j1, &j2, &j3, &j4, &j5); //asks the user to enter
second group of 5 digits in a UPC code

printf("Enter your check digit: ");

scanf_s("%d", &userEntered_check_digit); //asks the user to enter check digit

first_sum = d + i2 + i4 + j1 + j3 + j5; //first group is the sum of

d, i2, i4, j1, j3 and j5

second_sum = i1 + i3 + i5 + j2 + j4; //second group is the sum of

i1, i3, i5, j2 and j4

total = 3 * first_sum + second_sum; //total is equal to 3 times the

sum of first sum and second sum

computed_check_digit = 9 - ((total - 1) % 10);

printf("Check digit is %d\n", computed_check_digit); //prints the computed check


if (computed_check_digit == userEntered_check_digit)
/*a UPC is valid if the computed check digit
is equal to the one entered by the user*/

return 0;

Case 1:
When check digit entered by the user is not equal to the computed check
digit, the UPC code is not valid.

Case 2:
When check digit entered by the user is equal to the computed check
digit, the UPC code is valid.
Question 2:
Using Nested If statements, write a program that finds the largest and
smallest of four integers entered by the user.

//prints the largest and smallest of 4 distinct numbers


int main()
int a, b, c, d; //initializing variables
int max=0;
int min=0;
printf("Enter the value of a: ");

scanf_s("%d", &a); //asks the user to enter the value of a

printf("Enter the value of b: ");

scanf_s("%d", &b); //asks the user to enter the value of b

printf("Enter the value of c: ");

scanf_s("%d", &c); //asks the user to enter the value of c

printf("Enter the value of d: ");

scanf_s("%d", &d); //asks the user to enter the value of d

//nested if to check the largest of 4 numbers

if (a == b && a == c && a == d) {
printf("Please enter valid numbers.");
else {
if (a > b) {

if (a > c) {

if (a > d)

max = a; //stores 'a' in 'max'

(variable for largest number)

else max = d; //if 'a' is not greater than 'd',

it means 'd' is the largest number

//in case 'd' is greater than 'a', check whether d is greater than
the rest of integers or not

else {

if (c > d) //compares 'c' and 'd'

max = c;

else max = d;

if (b > c) { //compares 'b' , 'c' and 'd'
if (b > d)
max = b;
else max = d;

//nested if for checking the smallest of four numbers

if (a < b) {

if (a < c) {

if (a < d)

min = a; //stores 'a' in 'min'(variable for

smallest number)

else min = d; //if 'a' is not smaller than 'd', it means 'd'
is the smallest number
//in case 'd' is smaller than 'a', check whether d is smaller than
the rest of integers or not

else {

if (c < d) //compares 'c' and 'd'

min = c;

else min = d;
else {

if (b < c) { //compares 'b' , 'c' and 'd'

if (b < d)

min = b;

else min = d;
else {

if (c < d)

min = c;

else min = d;

printf("The largest number is: %d\n", max); //prints the largest number

printf("The smallest number is: %d", min); //prints the smallest number
return 0;

Case 1:
When user enters different numbers.
Case 2:
When all numbers entered by number are same.

Question 3:
The simple interest on a loan is calculated by the following formula:
In year 2020, interest rate in Pakistan varied and is given in the table below. Write a program
that takes principal (amount borrowed), month of the year (numeric value) and days for several
loans as inputs, calculate and displays the simple interest for each loan.
Month Rate
June 7%
May 8%
April 9%
March 11%
Any other month 12.5%
//prints and calculates the interest

int main()

int principal, month, days; /*initializing

float rate = 0;
float interest;

printf("Enter principal (amount borrowed): "); //prompt

scanf_s("%d", &principal); //asks the user to enter principal (amount borrowed)

printf("Enter days: ");

scanf_s("%d", &days); //asks the user to enter the number of days

printf("Enter month of the year: ");

scanf_s("%d", &month); //asks the user to enter the month number, NOT THE

switch (month) { //switch statement whose controlling expression is the month


case 6: //for JUNE

rate = 0.07; //Rate is 7% for June. 7% is 7 divided by 100 which is

equal to 0.07

interest = (principal * rate * days) / 365; //calculates interest

printf("Interest is %f", interest); //prints interest

case 5: //for MAY

rate = 0.08; //Rate is 8% for May. 8% is 8 divided by 100 which is equal

to 0.08

interest = (principal * rate * days) / 365; //calculates interest

printf("Interest is %f", interest); //prints interest


case 4: //for APRIL

rate = 0.09; //Rate is 9% for April. 9% is 9 divided by 100 which is

equal to 0.09

interest = (principal * rate * days) / 365; //calculates interest

printf("Interest is %f", interest); //prints interest


case 3: //for MARCH

rate = 0.11; //Rate is 11% for March. 11% is 11 divided by 100 which
is equal to 0.11

interest = (principal * rate * days) / 365; //calculates interest

printf("Interest is %f", interest); //prints interest


default: //for any other month of year other than the above mentioned months

rate = 0.125; //Rate is 12.5% for all other months except the above
mentioned. 12.5% is equal to 12.5 divided by 100 which is equal to 0.125

interest = (principal * rate * days) / 365; //calculates interest

printf("Interest is %f", interest); //prints interest

return 0;

For June:
For May:

For April:
For March:

For other months: (In this case, September)

Question 4:
Modify the following code to produce the output shown. Use proper indentation techniques. You
may not make any changes other than inserting braces.
if ( y == 8 )
if ( x == 5 )
printf( "@@@@@" );
printf( "#####" );
printf( "$$$$$" );
printf( "&&&&&" );

a) Assuming x = 5 and y = 8, the following output is produced.

if (y == 8)

if (x == 5)

else printf("#####\n");



b) Assuming x = 5 and y = 8, the following output is produced

if (y == 8)

if (x == 5)


else {



c) Assuming x = 5 and y = 8, the following output is produced

if (y == 8)

if (x == 5)


else {


Question 5:
The following table shows the postcode of different cities of Pakistan. Write a switch statement
whose controlling expression is the postcode. If the value of postcode is in the table, the switch
statement will print the corresponding city name. Otherwise, the switch statement will display
the message “Postcode is not valid”

Postcode City
74800 Karachi
54000 Lahore
44000 Islamabad
25000 Peshawar
87300 Quetta

//prints the name of a city corresponding to its postcode


int main()

int postcode;

printf("Enter postcode (74800,54000,44000,25000,87300): ");

scanf_s("%d", &postcode); //asks the user to enter postcode

switch (postcode) //switch statement whose controlling expression is
"postcode" begins here

case 74800:

printf("Karachi"); //prints Karachi if postcode is 74800

case 54000:

printf("Lahore"); //prints Lahore if postcode is 44000


case 44000:

printf("Islamabad"); //prints Islamabad if postcode is 54000


case 25000:

printf("Peshawar"); //prints Peshawar if postcode is 25000


case 87300:

printf("Quetta"); //prints Quetta if postcode is 87300



printf("Postcode is invalid"); //if postcode is other than the above

mentioned postcodes, it will print "Postcode is not valid"

} //end of switch statement

return 0;

For Karachi:
For Lahore:

For Islamabad:
For Peshawar:

For Quetta:
For any other city:

//These codes have been written in Visual Studio 2019. In VS2019, scanf_s works instead of

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