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Level Three

LANGUAGE PRACTICE Lessons 1-10 Page 1 of 2

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Date: ______________________ Teacher: _______________________________________________________

TABLE OF VERBS: Complete the table.

He / She / It
Infinitive Past Past Participle Gerund
1. Ask for advice Asks for advice asked for advice asked for advice asking for advice
2. Be over she is over was/were over been over being over
3. Come over She comes over came over come over coming over
4. Count on she counts on counted on counted on counting on
5. Be fed up she is fed up was/were fed up - being fed up

6. Feel like he feels like felt like felt like feeling like

7. Get out He gets out got out gotten out getting out
8. Go out she goes out went out gone out going out

9. Look at She looks at looked at looked at looking at

10. Make up your mind She makes up your mind made up your mind made up your mind making up
11. Suffer from He suffers from suffered from suffered from suffering from

12. Take care of He takes care of took care of taken care of taking care of

13. Throw away She throws away threw away thrown away throwing away

WRITING: Write down sentences using the following phrasal verbs.

I throw away the things that I don't need
1. Throw away ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
My sister asked my mon for advice about how to control anxiety
2. Ask for (advice) ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
My friends go out every Saturday
3. Go out ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Level Three
LANGUAGE PRACTICE Lessons 1-10 Page 2 of 2

VOCABULARY: Choose the correct option.

1. Samuel feels like / looks at / counts on eating ice cream instead of broccoli. How about you?
2. She had to break up with her boyfriend. Their relationship had to take on / be over / make up.
3. You can be over / count on / go out me to get the job done!
4. Ok, please suffer from / make up / throw away your mind. We don’t have all day!
5. You seem to need help. Why don’t you take care of / come over / ask for advice?

QUESTIONS: Answer the questions with complete sentences.

1. Your friend has just told you that your boyfriend/girlfriend has been seen with another person hugging at a party. Is this
reason enough to break up with him / her? Why or why not?
It is a reason enough because: I don't want to have a liar in my life and if he did that, it means that he doesn't
love me
2. It is Friday night and it is raining and chilly outside. Your friends have just called you to let you know that they are going
to the cinema. You also received a call from your parents a few minutes after telling you that they want to go out and eat
something. Your teacher is expecting an essay Monday morning, late work not accepted. Have you made up your mind
about what to do? Explain your reasoning.
In this case: I decide to go out with my parents to eat something and spend the whole weekend working
on my project

MATCH: Match the phrasal verbs with their definition.

1. throw away 2 be finished
2. be over 3 be in charge of
3. take care of 5 be willing to
4. get out 6 come to someone’s house; visit casually
5. feel like 7 decide
6. come over 1 get rid of
7. make up (your mind) _____
12 feel impatient, disgusted or bored
8. count on 4 leave a place; depart
9. look at 9 direct your eyes toward something or someone
10. ask for (advice) 8 rely on, depend on
11. suffer from 11 endure or experience unpleasantness
12. be fed up 13 leave your house to have fun
13. go out 10 request information from

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