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Higher engagement than FB

Inst most effective platform for engagement

Mini website, shop, blog sale funnel

A powerful mk tool

Right images and quotes- feed you have sth of interest for them

Truly and authentically connect with your tribe, make authentical true connections

Brand soul essence

What your customers think about your business and oline presence. It shows your heart.
Fonts, colours, images, words, and what you stand what believe

It’s the pure truth of who you are

You have a big vision for your company

They know nothing about you, you have 3 seconds to engage, so visual.

The most visual platform

Wrong followers don’t count, it’s the quality, fans. Don’t’ waste your time making grown your

What’s your brand soul essence?

2 questions:

How do you want to be seen? Leader, teacher, influencer, hub of information…

Creative, happy,

Tip 5 emotions you want people to feel when they come to your insta account

. They form the acc2222


Attract buyers. Specific emotions connected whith the images to connect with the audience.

You can get people to feel sth, they want to buy

Ti has to be the right emotions.

3 Captions that connect

Connect with followers in a meaningful way

Grat images and great captions

Captions need to be special

Relatability, consider your followers, relate with them

Fab opening, 140 characters, intriguing and interesting

Subject, not all about you, about them.


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