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Sample from Upper School Teacher Reflections on Lesson Plans:

Week 14 - The contour line mini-week project was successful! Saw students working on the zoom more
than before and participating. Students were able to loosen up and have fun with their art in a non-
critical way. Helped with hand-eye coordination.

Week 15 - Grading facial features this week!

Week 17 - Color Quiz went well, grades had a large range, mostly between low C to As. Students under
70% got to retake quiz during zoom. IEP and 504 students got to take quiz with IA and questions read to
them for assistance. Went over correct quiz answers on Friday after all retakes.

Week 19 - The January Calendar will continue to be updated and revised with upcoming Maps testing.
Pushing deadline for project out to February instead now. Students are very interested in this project
and have brainstormed some great ideas as a class and independently

Week 20 - The January Calendar has changed multiple times and updated for student use. Have adjusted
for MAPs testing and no school days. Have reached out to Mr. Gower to pair up with Global Studies
standards! Project is now more concrete with Arts Integration! Created and posted a tentative February
Calendar with half of the month blocked out so students can see ahead and stay on track!

Art II is doing great with keeping up. Whereas I am accounting for about 10 students in Art I that are
neglecting to turn in work. I am working with this through private chat discussions and individual
breakout rooms to aid students. For students that notify me of their personal struggles and holdbacks to
getting all parts completed, I am making accommodations for what needs to be completed so they are
successful and still reaching those standards. I.E. instead of 3 sketches, ensuring they have 2 solid
sketches as an accommodation.

I have been feeling a disconnect seeing students’ progress and helping through their artworks. SOOO I
made a new optional assignment where students can submit a photo of their progress and I can give
specific feedback, more than just during zoom times.

Week 22 - Students are finishing up their 2050 Predictions Project and will have a critique this week. I
am very excited to see these results, this took a little over a month to complete due to testing. Our next
project will be 3 weeks for February. I have developed the next project and a tentative calendar for the
month of February. For the next project, I have reached out to Candace O’Connor for science standards
to align with our next project: Anatomical Hearts.

Week 23 - Starting new project this week! I anticipate that students will struggle with drawing an
anatomical heart due to the technical complex structure of a human heart. Some students will want to
draw the heart icon and I will need to reinforce the expectations.

Week 25 - Breakout rooms went really well last week! Students were grouped by project ideas and
personal preferences. Students enjoyed groups so much, that they wanted to go back into the breakout
rooms. I am anticipating that student results from this project are stronger than the last project. I am
basing this off of student engagement and the higher rate of students requesting feedback.
I created a Google Forms for students to identify what types of projects they would like to see happen
within the remainder of the school year. This is an optional assignment to help me cater my curriculum
to their interests.

Sample of Elementary Teacher Reflections on Lesson Plans:

Week 21 and 22 - Ming Vases Project went well, and students were engaged. I did not get a chance to
show them all the videos and content I had originally intended. I will be putting these resources into the
Google Classroom for students to access for additional information. Keep it simple during zoom times
and keep students creating! This next project goes well with Valentine’s Day coming up. This will also be
a little bit of arts integration with Math, especially for 4th graders.

Week 23 - This week we will start the arts integrated project for 4th graders. The other grade levels will
do a 1 week valentines lesson.

One thing I have noticed since winter break is that student participation and zoom counts have been
lower each week. An average of 30 out of 100 students will turn in a photo of their artwork. I am
focusing on the few students that do car, follow directions, and submit photos of their work. It is difficult
to help elementary students that do not come to zoom or actively look at the Google Classroom for
materials and resources.

Week 24 - I have noticed students just want free time and to draw/color whatever they want to. With
this is mind, I have made lessons more open ended and feel for expression to encourage students to
express themselves and try to follow directions too.

Week 25 - 1st-3rd grade students saw the Alphabet letter art and assumed it would be “hard” and that
they would not be successful creating from letters. Once we got started, students realized it was more
fun than anticipated. Overall, it was 50/50 with student interest. Some student did not want to try
because they thought it was too hard and some students were excited for the challenge. Based on
student engagement, this has become a 1 week project and we are starting something new this week

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