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Make sure you have finished reading the Bhagavad Gita before you answer the questions below.

activity is only available until 11:30 p.m. today, March 12. 2020. Post your answers as a new thread in
this discussion forum. Limit your answers per item within 3-5 sentences.

If you answer by 11:30 a.m. today, you will get a bonus point in the next quiz.

1.What did Arjuna/Arguna refuse to fight? Explain your answer.

Arjuna was reluctant to fight because he knew he had to go up against his kinsmen and he was
unwilling to take their lives. He was also afraid that by killing his kinsmen, he would be bringing evil into
his family structure and that he would incite the mixing of castes within his family. This mixing of castes
is said to be something disastrous that could potentially bring down Arjuna’s great family. He also did
not think that any good would come from him killing his own family; he cited that he sees evil omens
from killing his own kin.

2.What is the attitude of the Bhagavad Gita towards the concept of war? Explain your answer.

In my opinion, the Bhagavad Gita’s concept of war is about maintaining peace and balance; it is
not something that should be used on purpose to inflict harm on others. In this case, wars are only
justified if it is used to fight against evil and injustice. War is also deemed as the duty of those belonging
to the warrior caste, so it is acceptable for them to wage war as it is part of their lives. However, if they
avoid their duty, then they will incur a sin; therefore, Krishna pushed Arjuna into fighting the war and to
shed his cowardice.

3.How can a person avoid accumulating negative karma? Explain your answer.

One of the ways a person can avoid accumulating negative or bad karma is by doing his duty
with respect towards his own caste. As in the example of Arjuna, he belongs to the warrior caste or the
“Kshatryia”, so he was suited for the path of action ever since he was born. As explained by Krishna, one
should practice karma yoga, which is the act of performing an action but having no attachment for the
outcome of that action. It simply means that an individual’s motivation should come from doing his duty
and from doing what is right, and not because he/she would gain something out of doing an act. By
practicing karma yoga, also known as selfless action, a person can free themselves from negative karma
or consequences and move closer to attaining a liberated mind.

4.How did Krishna explain the concept of reincarnation to Arjuna/Arguna?

Krishna explained that life and death are simply transitory concepts and that the most important
thing is the Self, which is eternal. The Self is formless and unchanging and it merely changes bodies just
like how humans change garments daily. Krishna then told Arjuna that there is no need to worry
because all things that are born, will just die eventually; even if he kills or gets killed, only the body will
be destroyed, and not the Self. The dead and the living will just continue to exist forever by constantly
getting reincarnated into different bodies.

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