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Senior High School


NAME: Aseron, Kent Fhilip R. DATE: 12/9/20

GRADE AND SECTION: 12HA17 TEACHER: Ma’am Claire Montero

General Instructions:
1. Do not modify any part of this template.
2. Use Arial Narrow size 11 in answering the questions.
3. Express your answers in exactly ten (10) sentences.
4. Underline all essential points in your answer.
5. Each item is worth 25 points. Refer to the rubric for grading.
6. Plagiarism will automatically mean a failing mark.

Content  The question is directly One of the Two Three
indicators is indicators indicators
(x4) answered.
not present. are not are not
 Subject knowledge is present. present.
distinctly evident.
 Answers are adherent to
the teachings of the Catholic Church
 Answers are cited
 All information is clear,
appropriate, and correct

Compositio  Flow of sentences is One of the Two Three

indicators is indicators indicators
n logical and thoughts are well-
not present. are not are not
(x1) present. present.
 There are no grammatical
1. Situation: You are a volunteer
 assigned to deliver
Important points are donations and relief goods to those affected by the recent typhoons.
Upon arrival, a child (aged 7-10) approached and asked you, “Why did God allow this to happen to us?” What would be
your response? Your answer should be number
Required based onof our discussion on the Kingdom of God.
sentences is followed.
 that the
It is important to understand The test is submitted on
child may be feeling a range of emotions such as uncertainty, worry and grief. I will help
the child understand the situation by assuring him/her first that even if God grows our faith through pain, He did not allow
tragedy and suffering for the purpose of hurting us. I’ll start explaining that when God created human beings, he wanted us to
love; for this reason, God knew He had to give us free will to decide whether to love or not to love. Why? Because love always
involves a choice. Unfortunately, creation of evil rooted from humans who abuse this free will by rejecting God and walking
away from Him and thus pain is introduced. In addition, sharing my experiences such as, “Whenever I’m worried about what’s
happening around me, I always remember that God says he brings good things out of everything.” For mankind, pain is an
unique opportunity to choose if they will love God for who He is, rather than for the blessings He offers to His people.
Reminding children that in every individual life and circumstance, God works in literally thousands of ways, most of which we
cannot see, and the reason why we must believe in Him by faith. Lastly is to help the child to think theologically and that the
typhoon is a significant opportunity to see God, to connect with him, by praying and to be purposeful in service to others. 

Rainey, B. (2020, August 19). 3 Big Truths for Little People About Natural Disasters. Retrieved from
Strobel, L. (2012, July 24). Why Does God Allow Tragedy and Suffering? Retrieved December 10, 2020, from

Fundamentals of Faith 2 (1st term S.Y. 2020-2021) 1

Content  The question is directly One of the Two Three
indicators is indicators indicators
(x4) answered.
not present. are not are not
 Subject knowledge is present. present.
distinctly evident.
 Answers are adherent to
the teachings of the Catholic Church
 Answers are cited
 All information is clear,
appropriate, and correct

Compositio  Flow of sentences is One of the Two Three

indicators is indicators indicators
n logical and thoughts are well-
not present. are not are not
(x1) present. present.
 There are no grammatical
 Important points are
2. The Paschal Mysteryis the high point innumber
Required humanofhistory because the promise of salvation is fulfilled. Give three (3)
sentences is followed.
prefigurations of Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection, e.g. The Baptism of Jesus.
 The test is submitted on
Explain each prefiguration
time. in 3-4 sentences only.

A. The Last Supper Meal

- The Last Supper was more than just Jesus’ last meal before His betrayal—it was a Passover meal as well. Jesus used the bread
and wine symbolising that he would become the Passover Lamb of God and that He would shed His blood on the cross thereby
paying the debt of our sins. The Last Supper was a turning point in God’s plan for the world; this is where Jesus predicted the
betrayal of Judas Iscariot and Peter’s threefold denial.
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (n.d.). Last Supper | Definition, Description, Significance, & Art. Retrieved from

B. Agony in the Garden

- Jesus is shown in the Garden of Gethsemane, praying to His father to remove from Him the “cup” or the suffering and terrifying
death He was about to face. It can be seen that Jesus, though Divine in nature, also feels fear especially when He foreseen how
He would suffer. Although He was in deep pain over the hardships He would need to endure, He still accepted the “cup” and made
himself obedient unto death. 
My Catholic Life! (2020, February 22). Day Nineteen – The Agony in the Garden - 40 Days at the Foot of the Cross. Retrieved from

C. Baptism of Christ
- The three Old Testament events that prefigured Baptism are Noah and the flood, the crossing of the Red Sea, and the crossing of
the River Jordan into the promised land. Firstly, as Baptism washes away Original Sin and personal sin, God used the flood to
purge the earth of moral sin. Secondly, by passing through the waters of the red sea, Israel escaped slavery and was saved, while
the forces of Pharaoh were destroyed by it and in Baptism, we are freed from the slavery of sin and our past lives and habits are
washed away. Lastly, the Hebrews, who spent forty years wandering in the desert, crossed the Jordan River and reached the
Promise Land and in the waters of Baptism, the individual passes into the promised land of the Kingdom of God.
Catechism of the Catholic Church. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Fundamentals of Faith 2 (1st term S.Y. 2020-2021) 2

Fundamentals of Faith 2 (1st term S.Y. 2020-2021) 3

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