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Extreme Poverty

How can I help to lessen the people who

are suffering and living under extreme
poverty as a student?

As a student, what can I do is to finish my studies

and have proper and well-paid work, and don’t suffer
from poverty. Many people will think my idea is
selfish, but come and think of it? We should change
our life first before changing others. How can we
lessen extreme poverty when we also suffering from
extreme poverty because of a lack of education and
financial stability?
So first, we need to properly educate ourselves just
like finishing our studies and get well-paid work.
Second, is to educate others that education is one
of the keys to lessen extreme poverty because if we
don’t finish our studies and be undergraduate
individuals we will not get well-paid work so, in
the end, we will suffer from poverty. Third, is to
do some voluntary works, just like teaching street
children. Others may say it won’t do anything to
lessen poverty but trust me it will have a huge
impact on the mindset of the street children. They
will think about having a dream of being
professionals someday and that dream will lead them
the way to success. Fourth, is donate things and
food, not money, many beggars ask for money just for
them to gamble it for cockfight and much other
gambling stuff in the street. So better yet give
them things and food because gambling will make them
suffer MORE in extreme poverty. Fifth, teach them to
have faith because God has control of everything
they may suffer from extreme poverty today but who
knows if someday they’ll become billionaires. Just
them that “Trust the process and have faith”.

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