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Learning Portfolio B2 Questions

1.How might you effectively use the Internet to a network?
Thanks to the invention of the Internet that I have a chance to connect with other people more
effectively and even easily. I often use apps on the Internet to communicate and keep in touch
with people. Moreover, thanks to internet apps like Facebook or Instagram to add friends and
learn experiences from successful experts and l businessmen or businesswomen. Also, I
followed some pages that share pieces of information about the business and updated
information about life.
2.Why is personal branding important for students?
- Personal branding help student to stand out from other participants when they join in the job
market. With good personal branding, a student can gain the attraction of employers, make
them be impressed and want to see more from you than any others, and give you a chance to
access bigger opportunities. Personal branding can be considered as a free marketing method
- Personal branding also helps you to build a good network. It helps you to connect with
people who have many things in common and are willing to make friends, sit with you and
share a lot of things. In business, the network is of paramount importance. “A personal brand
is like a garden. Once you lay the groundwork and plant the seeds, you’ll be in a great
position to eventually reap the benefits.” – Jayson DeMers, Founder and CEO, Audience
3.How would you quantify an important transferable skill you have developed? Choose one
transferable skill you know would benefit any employer and describe it in measurable terms.
For me, an important transferable skill that I have developed is a skill that will serve my work
in my career path in the future, help me to develop and promote my abilities. One of the
transferable skills would benefit any employers is communication skill. Communication skill
is a key to be successful. An employee needs to communicate effectively to everyone than
written or oral. I believe that learning how to communicate well, especially in a press
workplace will support my work in the future 
4.What is the STAR interview technique? Research to discover how to use the STAR
technique to answer interview questions.
The STAR interview technique is an interview method that we can use to prepare for
interview questions. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. 
Because we cannot expect what the interviewers will ask in reality as it depends on the
situation. So all the things we can do is making a list of skills and experience that suitable for
the job. Moreover, we should think about a specific situation that we play the role related to
the job and how effective it is. However, the most important thing is that we have to make
sure that all the skills, experiences, and examples must be related to the position we apply for.
Learning Portfolio Reflection 
Thanks to the lessons as well as the learning portfolio questions that I can have a strong
definition of the STAR interview technique. As having understood it, I can apply it to reality
when I join the job market. Moreover, I also know the importance of personal branding as
well as how to build good personal branding, which helps me to stand out from other
participants in the job market. In my future, I think that using the Internet to network is
important and I have learned it from these lessons. Thanks to it, I also recognize other
effective networking besides Facebook and Instagram, which is Linkedln and I believe that it
will help me a lot in my future career path. 

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