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An Assignment based on Career Planning & Development

Course Code: EM-552- Career Planning & Development

Submitted to
Md. Ali Akkas
Department of Management
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka

Submitted By
Anik Alam
ID: 3-18-39-004

Date: 03-12-2020
Impact Of Networking On An Individual Career Development

What is networking?

Networking involves establishing and developing long-term relations of mutual

benefit with people you meet in different places. Whether you are part of a sports
league, attending a conference or in the queue to order a morning coffee, you can
make a lifetime connection.

There are always networking opportunities all around for those who are intentional
about creating networks. You do not need to register for every seminar or engage
in several professional associations to meet new people. In this smartphone era,
one needs to keep gadgets away to interact and connect with people intentionally.
Networking is not only about trading information, but also serves as an avenue to
create long-term relationships with mutual benefits. Continue reading to find out
why networking should be at the core of your career.

Why networking is important to your success?

Experts agree that the most connected people are often the most successful. When
you invest in your relationships — professional and personal — it can pay you
back in dividends throughout the course of your career. Networking will help you
develop and improve your skill set, stay on top of the latest trends in your industry,
keep a pulse on the job market, meet prospective mentors, partners, and clients,
and gain access to the necessary resources that will foster your career development.

The importance of the saying “no man is an Island” has been proved to be the
reason why many of us need to make a collective effort in the bid to achieve
professional success. For many individuals that have succeeded in their career, the
causes have largely been contributed to the strong networking channels they have
created over time.

But the question of who you network with and their relevance to your career
matters more. This way, you don’t have to network with everyone. Rather, first
study how you can contribute to their success, in addition to how you stand to
benefit from their knowledge.

Here are some reasons why networking should be an essential aspect if you truly
want to build your career.

An avenue to exchange ideas

You never can tell how much you know without listening to other people. Success
in a career is largely attributed to the pool of information or ideas you have
garnered over the past. When networks have been created, it fosters a trade of ideas
to sustain long-term relationships and mutual trust. When you are receiving ideas,
it helps both in your place of work and out, in addition to instilling best practices
that soothe your career.

It makes you noticeable

Individuals that seek publicity either for business, politics or even fame leverage
more on networking. People quickly notice others that have stronger capabilities to
make them relevant. When you stand out in both your expertise and the services
you offer, it creates room for partnership which in turn builds a career. Many
professionals have been able to understand how to nurture their networking
strength and create more visibility for different associates and clients in their career
Avenue for newer opportunities

When people start noticing you, it opens the door for newer opportunities.
Business and career-minded individuals who have networked over time have been
able to expand with minimal effort because of the avenue of newer opportunities
opened to them through networking. Opportunities like meeting the right clients or
even meeting people that are superior to your career path could be a stepping stone
that could change your life for the better.

Reassessing your qualification

Networking is one thing. But to be able to utilize it is another. You might think that
your current level in your discipline might be the greatest height you could ever
achieve. But have you ever taken an in-depth look at the different levels of your
chosen career and how other people with similar positions have attained their
present height? But let’s be very factual here; admiring certifications is allowed,
but the roadmap to that height can be reached if only you have a strong network
and a good relationship with others.

Improves your creative intellect

Aspirations and great innovations are most times form the external factors around
where we find ourselves. The intellectual ability in different careers is significantly
improved upon from contacts we have built with other persons over a period. Even
a simple interaction with one person can transform a year-long research work and
result in a breakthrough. Likeminded people that have been able to share ideas
have strongly developed their intellect to foster growth in their career path and
unleash the creative talent in them.
An extra resource library

Some websites are built specifically to address different questions under different
niches. These avenues can be used by an individual as an extra source of
information. The same thing applies to networking. A platform that is designed
specifically aligned to your career can be an extra resource library for you. This
provides you with updated information on the latest career trends relevant to you.
This network resource also grants you access to tap into them whenever the need

Support from high profiles individuals

Everybody has one way or the other passed through some hurdles in their career
development. This can be as a result of the lack of materials available, or even the
lack of financial aid. However, good networking with high profile individuals from
the same career path can serve as support whenever there is any eventuality at any
time. These high profile individuals can help you manage your challenges
effectively by either giving you advice or linking you to the right financial support.

Growth in status

Developing your career status is a long-term process depending on how you focus
on your networking path. Top career individuals that are where they are today is a
result of the status they have grown in networking. The contacts you keep are
largely attributed to your growth. They largely influence growth in your status and
pave the way for better opportunities in your career. Your connections are
Growth in self-confidence

Networking is the key tool to growth in a resourceful career. Training and

certification garnered from networking builds self-confidence and promotes self-
esteem. The self-confidence that has been built over time can help put you on a
positive spot whenever you interact with like minds in your career. This also gives
you an opportunity to excel well during interview sessions for a job opportunity.
So the more effectively you network, the more self-confidence you build over time

Develop long-lasting relationships

If networking is a mutual relationship, then having a right networking channel can

help build your career. Though networking might not be an easy and fast approach
to building a long-lasting relationship. But making it a two-way process of giving
and taking and can open the door for a firmer relationship. People that have made
networking their sole priority have been able to build careers relevant to their set
down goals.

How to Use Social Media in Your Job Search?

It's important to build a social network in advance of when you need it. You
should be prepared to be found on social media, whether it is a recruiter viewing
your profile or an employer who you reached out to first.
That being said, you'll need to do more than just have an online presence.

It's most important to make sure your LinkedIn is built out comprehensively with
your most recent employment information, and take responsibility to keep it up to
date. Being proactive when it comes to social media can position you, so you are
prepared to job search at any time - when you need to find a job or when you're are
looking for a change.

It's equally important to ensure your social profiles remain work-appropriate if they
are public. It's common for employers to Google candidates, so make sure your
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest don't contain anything that could
hinder you from getting a job.

Beyond keeping your profile fresh and professional, you should also make an
effort to stay active online. Talk to your connections on Twitter or the other
networking sites. Join Groups on LinkedIn and Facebook, post and join the
discussion. Be engaged and proactive in your communications.

How Employers Use Social Media to Recruit?

It's very important to consider your online presence, as more and more employers
have been expanding their hiring procedures to incorporate social networking sites.
Hiring managers and recruiters use social media to source candidates, to post jobs,
and to accept job applications.

Social media job searching sites can help hiring managers to get a more clear sense
of their potential employees and their backgrounds before they have even
interacted. Social media makes it easy for recruiters to understand you better; your
likes, dislikes, and how you might fit within the company.
How to network successfully?

Implementing your most comfortable approach will fast-track your networking

goals. When you have identified your best strategy and networking style, consider
places and events to network.

While traditional cocktail parties offer excellent networking avenues, there are
many other opportunities to connect. Family events, friends’ weddings, graduation
events, or even birthdays are some occasions one can use to network. Capitalize on
your circles, like family, colleagues, and friends from school and university as you
expand outwards. Attending any work events and seminars will help you mingle
with people that you are most comfortable within your circle. Sports clubs and
cultural groups are other options to explore.

Volunteering your skills is another brilliant way to grow your network as you learn
and also helps you give back to the community. You will not only learn about
available opportunities but also get exposed to diverse career paths.

Networking means to think outside the box

Networking is not just about receiving or asking; the best way to connect is by
giving. You may not have a solution if someone comes to you for help, but you can
link them to a person who can meet their needs.

It pays to think outside the box and beyond the corporate cocktails when thinking
about networking. Every gathering can offer networking opportunities if utilized
well, since getting to know new people is a natural event. Therefore, networking is
not limited to formal events or specific circumstances but rather can take place
anywhere and anytime.
Nurturing new relationships from networking is crucial. Just like an interview,
following up with any new connection is of utmost importance. Start by sending a
LinkedIn request with a personalized message and tagging those in your network
to articles that would interest them. Something like “It was great meeting you at
the X event” will remind your new contact who you are.

There are three main types of networking that you will be engaging in to build
your career:

● Operational networking involves building relationships with people you do

business with on a regular basis, from suppliers to colleagues.

● Personal networking helps you find support when you go through rough patches
in your career and personal life.

● Strategic networking happens when you target someone who would add a
specific benefit to your network.

How to become an effective networker?

The importance of networking cannot be overstated. But how can you improve
your networking skills to ensure you're networking efficiently and effectively?
These networking tips will help.

Figure out what networking style works best for you

There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to networking. Different people are
successful using different networking tactics. The key is to try out a number of
different networking strategies to discover what best suits you. For instance, if
you're an introvert, you may prefer to network one-on-one over coffee or to attend
more intimate events with fewer attendees. Once you've discovered your ideal
networking style, consider where you can go to meet the right people who can help
you achieve your current career-development goals.

Network outside the box

You don't have to attend the traditional cocktail party in order to be a successful
networker. Look for opportunities to network strategically in every facet of your
life. Deena Baikowitz, Chief Networking Officer and co-founder of Fireball
Network, suggests choosing events and organizations that matter to you.

“Start where you're motivated to meet new people with common professional or
personal interests,” Baikowitz advises. Think about what you're passionate about
and the types of people with whom you're most comfortable. This could be your
alma mater's local chapter, a community organization, or a swim team. Baikowitz
also suggests volunteering to find a new job or to advance your career:

“Volunteering is an excellent way to develop your network, show your value, learn
about different career paths and opportunities, and to give back and do good.” It's a

Make a game plan

While you don't need to know exactly what you expect to get out of each
networking opportunity, it's important to head into each activity with a goal. For
example, you may attend an event with the goal of connecting with three new
people in your industry or bringing back one new insight to share with your co-
Follow up

It's a simple task, yet many professionals neglect this critical step in the networking
process. The time you invested in speaking with someone new won't benefit your
career development if you fail to follow up afterward. While you don't need to send
a long, heartfelt message immediately after meeting someone new, you should
send a LinkedIn connection request with a personalized message sooner rather than
later. Save the thoughtful message when you have something valuable to share or a
specific reason to reach out.

Pay it forward

Look for opportunities to provide value to those in your network before you ask for
help. The more you invest in your relationships, the more you'll learn about your
new connections and the easier it will be to offer assistance — and get it in return!
The value you provide isn't limited to the workplace; this could be anything from a
hotel recommendation to an introduction to someone in your personal network.

Final thoughts on the importance of networking

It's never too early — or too late — to invest in your network. The best way to
improve your networking skills is to put yourself out there and give it a try.
According to Baikowitz, "the worst networking mistake you can make is not trying
at all."

One of the obvious benefits of networking is fast-tracking your career growth and
improving your communication skills. Having a good reputation with a wide range
of people will increase your chances of getting referrals and job opportunities, so
don’t restrict yourself to traditional networking circles. You never know who
someone may be able to connect you to or what you might learn.

Take the time to find the right type of networking strategy for you and focus on
making it a positive experience. In doing so, networking will become less of a
hassle and more of a fun opportunity to improve yourself. Trust us, you won’t
regret learning how to network well.

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