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Effect of Weak Magnetic Field on Bacterial Growth

Article  in  Biophysical Reviews and Letters · October 2017

DOI: 10.1142/S1793048017500102


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1 author:

Samina Masood
University of Houston - Clear Lake


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Biophysical Reviews and Letters
Vol. 12, No. 4 (2017) 1–10
.c World Scienti¯c Publishing Company
DOI: 10.1142/S1793048017500102

E®ect of Weak Magnetic Field on Bacterial Growth

Samina Masood
Department of Physical and Applied Sciences, CSE
University of Houston Clear Lake, Houston, TX 77058, USA
by CHONGQING NORMAL UNIVERSITY on 10/29/17. For personal use only.
Biophys. Rev. Lett. Downloaded from

Received 8 June 2017

Revised 28 September 2017
Accepted 28 September 2017
Published 23 October 2017

E®ects of weak magnetic ¯elds are observed on the growth of various bacterial strains. Di®erent
sources of a constant magnetic ¯eld are used to demonstrate that ion transport in the nutrient
broth and bacterial cellular dynamics is perturbed in the presence of weak magnetic ¯eld which
a®ects the mobility and absorption of nutrients in cells and hence their doubling rate. The
change is obvious after a few hours of exposure and keeps on increasing with time for all the
observed species. The growth rate depends on the ¯eld strength and the nature of the magnetic
¯eld. The ¯eld e®ect varies with the shape and the structure of the bacterial cell wall as well as
the concentration of nutrient broth. We closely study the growth of three species Escherichia
coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus epidermidis with the same initial con-
centrations at the same temperature in the same laboratory environment. Our results indicate
that the weak static ¯eld of a few gauss after a few hours gives a measurable change in the
growth rates of all bacterial species. This shows that the same magnetic ¯eld has di®erent e®ects
on di®erent species in the same environment.

Keywords: Bacterial growth; weak magnetic ¯eld; rod-shaped and coccus.

1. Introduction
The rapid growth of microbes is a severe issue in healthcare, food, and water
treatment industries. Anything which enters the human body with food, medications
or surgical devices can be a source of microorganisms for human body. Some of the
microbes including certain bacterial species are safe and useful for human body and
incubate human body to facilitate several body mechanisms while others are ex-
tremely harmful and cause infectious diseases. Based on the molecular behavior of
bacterial cells and nutrient composition, the growth rate of bacteria is a®ected.
As a ¯rst step, we study the e®ects of a weak magnetic ¯eld on the growth of
bacteria. Living cells can be treated as electromagnetic systems. Bacterial cells are
made up of strong cell walls around its cytoplasm which is a jelly-like °uid of water
and salt. Cytoplasm consists of organelles along with other parts of cellular structure.

2 S. Masood

Cytoplasm and cell membranes interact with charged ions and use electromagnetic
energy and chemical energy to transport ions inside the cell and its surroundings.
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is a high-energy molecule found in cells and works as
energy engines or battery of life that provides required energy to cytoplasm and
nucleoplasm of each cell. It is capable of producing negatively charged atoms at
higher levels of energy. Electromagnetic ¯elds have perturbative e®ect on ATP which
may have some measureable e®ects on the functional organization of cytoplasm,
nucleoplasm and the cellular dynamics. Mass and energy transport between a cell
and its surroundings is responsible for cellular growth, its structure and the rate of
reproduction. Electromagnetic ¯elds control ionic motion in °uids as well as the rate
by CHONGQING NORMAL UNIVERSITY on 10/29/17. For personal use only.

of ion transport through cell membranes. The ion transport and dynamics of cell
membranes control the growth of cells.
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Geological studies have shown that environmental parameters on earth are

changing since its existence.1 Microorganisms grow faster in space and show greater
resistance to antibiotics in space.2 They even exhibit altered gene expression. Much
of the noted changes in microorganisms in space are attributed to the reduced
gravity, corresponding drag force and the terminal velocity of microorganisms in
°uids. However, changes in earth's gravity due to its almost ¯xed mass were ignored.
It is not clear that these changes in microorganisms are due to microgravity or some
other hitherto unexplored phenomenon. Weak electromagnetic ¯elds provide a
similar force and absence of Earth's magnetic ¯eld in space could be a considerable
factor though. It is known that Earth's magnetic ¯eld distribution varies slowly with
time. However, it is not signi¯cantly changed during the last millennium. Thus the
study of small magnetic ¯eld e®ects will determine if the small changes in the
magnetic ¯eld should be incorporated or not to understand the exact behavior of a
biological system.
Bacteria are prokaryotic cells with well-de¯ned cell membranes. The cell mem-
brane plays a major role in understanding the cellular growth mechanism and its
ecological behavior because the absorption of nutrients occurs through the cell
membrane. However, the e®ect of earth's magnetic ¯eld on cellular dynamics is not
known very well. Magnetic ¯eld plays an important role in the ionic motion of °uids
and has a strong impact on terminal velocities of bacteria in the liquid medium
depending on the strength and the direction of the magnetic ¯eld. Weak ¯elds are
expected to have weak and negligible e®ects. This is true for a short exposure time as
weak ¯elds only produce a small perturbation which does not show any sizeable e®ect
unless it is repeated several time. Whereas the dynamics of cell membrane is per-
turbed with the variation in the magnetic ¯eld. It has been proposed that the small
magnetic ¯eld bene¯ts the bacteria to grow fast3 which is obviously true for some
bacterial species such as E.coli. The strength of the magnetic ¯eld in Ref. 3 is
considered still (more than 5 times) larger than what we call weak ¯eld of a few gauss
only. Moreover, we study the static ¯eld with nonhomogeneous distribution. How-
ever, this e®ect may vary with the nature and behavior of bacteria or the composition
and temperature of the growth medium and should not be misinterpreted as the
Weak Field E®ects on Bacteria 3

magnetic ¯eld e®ect. It was found that the modi¯cation in the cellular dynamics
and ion transport in electrolytes changes the growth rate of di®erent bacterial
species di®erently.4
Due to developments in technology, the human body along with the incubated
bacteria is excessively exposed to weak electromagnetic ¯eld. We study the e®ect of
weak magnetic ¯eld on bacterial physiology and growth mechanism as well as its
response to antibiotics and other medications when it is exposed to magnetic ¯eld for
a long time. Strong ¯eld e®ects4–9 are totally di®erent than the weak ¯eld pertur-
bative (and apparently ignorable) e®ects and are being studied in the literature for
di®erent frequencies. Large magnetic ¯elds of the order of a few Tesla bring in
by CHONGQING NORMAL UNIVERSITY on 10/29/17. For personal use only.

structural changes at the molecular level. Whereas weak ¯elds a®ect the growth
pattern and the cellular behavior due to its dynamics and local behavior of nutrients.
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It is also to be emphasized that the low magnetic ¯eld is used to identify the
perturbative e®ects of weak magnetic ¯eld which are almost unavoidable due to the
use of modern technology. It is known that the temporary perturbative e®ects
are small and ignorable and grow with time to a signi¯cant level and are not ig-
norable any more. Our goal is to study such e®ects of weak magnetic ¯eld on the
growth rate of bacteria with a simple equipment in a cost-e®ective way. The ex-
periment was repeated and results were reproduced ¯ve times under similar
Perturbative e®ects can easily be found ignorable as well as can be confused
with other similar small e®ects indebted to thermodynamics of the system and the
exposure to air. Our experimental setup, described in the next section, is based on a
simple cost-e®ective equipment and we have attempted to isolate magnetic ¯eld
e®ects on the growth of bacteria. In this paper, we consider some of the preliminary
results to discriminate between di®erent small e®ects and tried to isolate magnetic
¯eld e®ects from all other e®ects. Even the e®ect of ¯eld on the growth medium and
the e®ect of measuring wavelength (as a source of electromagnetic energy) were
checked to discriminate between the magnetic ¯eld e®ects and other sources of
errors. The last section is devoted to the discussions of preliminary results and the

2. Experimental Setup: Materials and Design

Designing an experiment with weak ¯elds is a little more challenging. There are
obviously too many variables and we have to distinguish between several small
e®ects to make sure that the magnetic ¯eld e®ect is not mixed with the change in
temperature or shaking speed or air exposure, etc. Also, it should be ensured
that the e®ect of magnetic ¯eld is mainly due to the bacterial behavior and not
due to the changes in the external conditions or measuring techniques. The
growth rate of the bacteria was determined by measuring the optical density
(OD) using Bausch and Lomb Spectrometer 20 Colorimeter given in Fig. 1. The
range of wavelength available in this spectrometer is within the range 340–950
4 S. Masood
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Fig. 1. Bausch and Lomb Spectrometer 20 Colorimeter.

nanometer which covers the sizes of all bacterial species and the slightly above
and below the visible range. Bacteria are exposed to the weak magnetic ¯eld and
their growth is compared to the bacteria which have not been exposed to the
magnetic ¯eld and labeled as B ¼ 0. This experiment was designed in a natural
and standard clean laboratory environment with minimum resources. Three in-
cubation conditions were provided: random (nonhomogeneous) magnetic ¯eld
(BR), homogeneous magnetic ¯eld (BH) and control (B0). Magnetic ¯elds were
very low (50G in magnitude) as determined by the IDR-309 Gauss meter
(Integrity Design & Research, Essex, VT, USA). Some of the bacteria were
collected from the rotten minced meat which was rotten in the same environ-
ment. The meat bacteria were cultured in nutrient broth and then diluted three
times and plated on nutrient broth agar. A colony was then isolated in a
standard concentration of Luria Bertani Broth (LB Broth). This isolated colony
culture was again diluted and a colony was isolated through plating again. This
¯nally isolated colony was cultured in LB Broth and a common culture of this
bacterial colony was then used to study the growth rate over the magnets and
compared with the growth rate without magnets in the described laboratory
setup. The isolated meat bacteria were then grown over an arrangement of the
weak bar magnets shown in Fig. 2(a). The ¯eld strength was variable over
the bar array, depending on the location. However, the maximum strength of the
magnetic ¯eld was less than 50 Gauss everywhere, regardless of the sign of
the ¯eld.
Another arrangement of random magnetic ¯eld is shown in Fig. 2(b). It was a reel
of magnetic strip with randomly distributed magnetic ¯eld with the magnitude of
weak magnetic ¯eld. The magnetic ¯eld is named as a random ¯eld because its value
changes within a millimeter distance as the thickness of the magnetic strip is less
than 2 mm. This magnetic ¯eld is randomly changing and is something like an array
Weak Field E®ects on Bacteria 5
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(a) (b)

Fig. 2. Di®erent type of magnetic ¯elds. (a): Magnetic ¯eld created by a combination of bar magnets
(BH): randomly varying magnetic ¯eld (BR) by winding the magnetic strip in a disk shape.

of very tiny bar magnets of a few mm deep and around a mm wide. It will be tested
later if this magnetic ¯eld has a similarity with the magnetic ¯eld around Mars or
other planets.
Designing an experiment with weak ¯elds is challenging because the weak ¯eld
can be interrupted by some weak ignorable magnetic ¯elds generated by the nearby
electronics or due to the presence of weak magnets in the surroundings. Another
challenge is to isolate weak ¯eld e®ects from environmental changes and ecological
conditions such as temperatures, air exposure time and other apparently irrelevant
changes including the measurement time and the accuracy of measuring devices to
reach the better accuracy level. After a preliminary test on the bacteria which were
directly collected from the rotten meat, this experiment was repeated with the in-
dividual professionally extracted bacterial species, afterwards. For the sake of
precision, we took the following precautions:

. Room temperature was regularly monitored with a thermometer.

. Spectrometer calibration was checked after every measurement. To make sure that
the comparison of absorbance is correctly done with the perfectly calibrated
. Shaking was totally avoided, especially while it was near the magnets to prevent
the samples from instantaneously generated current due to the relative accelerated
motion of charged nutrients in a magnetic ¯eld.
. Same size test tubes with same concentration of broth and the same inoculation of
bacteria were used.
. Each test tube was put on a designated location over a magnet. Tube rack was
used with the correct ¯xed location to maintain the minimum possibility of change
in the individual magnetic ¯eld, throughout the experiment. However perfectly
constant magnetic ¯eld was di±cult to manage.
6 S. Masood

. Magnetic ¯eld was measured regularly during the experiment. However, because
the magnetic ¯eld values were changing due to its strong dependence on the
location and variable ¯eld was available within the size of a regular test tube. It is
therefore safe to mention the limits of the magnetic ¯eld strength and not the
correctly measured value at each and every point.
. Standard value of 600 nm wavelength was used for 13 mm wide test tubes
throughout the experiment.

3. Preliminary Experimental Results

We used  ¼ 600 nm wavelength throughout the rest of the experiment because it
by CHONGQING NORMAL UNIVERSITY on 10/29/17. For personal use only.

was a commonly used wavelength in the literature and comparison of results was
possible. It also provided medium energy which was not a®ected by the magnetic
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¯eld. E®ect of electromagnetic ¯elds on the transportation of nutrients in a magnetic

¯eld (in the absence of bacteria) was tested to be zero. The growth rate of bacteria is
related to the motion of charged particles in liquid LB Broth and is navigated by the
magnetic ¯eld over the magnets. However, it was noticed that wherever the liquid is
put over the magnet for a certain amount of time, it will acquire a sort of equilibrium
position quickly and we do not see any measureable e®ect of weak ¯elds in terms of
change of spectrum of nutrient broth at any wavelength. Therefore, we do not have
to worry about the e®ect of magnets over LB broth itself, especially if we work with
the same concentration. Concentration of LB broth and lab temperature were kept
the same throughout any way.

4. Bacterial Growth Rate

The bacterial growth rate was studied for two cases. The ¯rst set of bacterial samples
was extracted from the rotten meat in the same lab environment. This beef collection
was based on naturally grown original bacteria (unisolated) from the lab environ-
ment and the temperature was kept the same for the original beef growth and the rest
of the experiment. Later on, the same experiment was repeated for the standard
professionally extracted bacteria of di®erent known bacterial species.

4.1. Case 1: Beef-extracted bacteria

A mother culture of beef bacteria was prepared using the standard method. Detailed
steps involved in isolation of colonies procedure were adopted. All the required
precautionary measures were taken as described in the last sections. We isolated a
colony and then a mother culture was prepared with beef extracted single colony.
The mother culture was then used to equally inocculate the required number of test
tubes which were grown over the magnet as well as without the magnet at the same
time. Initial readings of OD of all the tubes were found to be very close to one
another. The e®ect of weak ¯eld on two isolated colonies of beef extracted bacteria is
shown in Fig. 3. Both isolated colonies (all samples) are shown to have almost similar
Weak Field E®ects on Bacteria 7
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Fig. 3. (Color online) Meat Bacteria grown over di®erent values of magnetic ¯elds. Green solid line
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correspond to the growth curve of bacteria without magnetic ¯eld, blue dotted line is on so-called RM ¯eld
coil and red double line and black broken lines correspond to two di®erent ¯eld strengths on bar magnets
Red (c2) is greater than black (c1).

behavior for the ¯rst few hours. It is also obvious from Fig. 3 that the growth rate is
only a®ected when bacteria stays over the magnets at least for 5 h in sample 1 and
10 h for sample 2. This di®erence indicates the existence of di®erent dominent bac-
terial species in each sample. Green solid lines in the graphs correspond to the growth
tendency of bacteria at B ¼ 0 where all the other curves correspond to di®erent
magentic ¯eld and are identi¯ed clearly in the plot. It is known that meat can grow
mostly E.coli. However, other bacterial growth is also possible over the meat.

4.2. Case 2: Escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa

and staphylococcus epidermidis
The same experiment was repeated with the known bacteria from di®erent human
°ora: (Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 27853) and
Staphylococcus epidermidis (ATCC 12228)) and studied it using the same procedure.
This helped to check if it is only the mixed bacterial species collected from meat or
the properly isolated individual bacterial species are also a®ected by magnets the
same way. A nonzero e®ect was then observed on all of the used bacterial species.
Some of the typical results are reported and discussed here. Individual results were
repeated several times again and reported in di®erent science meetings.4–9
Figure 4 shows the growth rate of individual bacterial species. Green solid lines
correspond to the control which has never been exposed to the magnetic ¯eld ex-
plicitly. Dotted blue lines plot the OD of the corresponding bacteria which grew over
the random coiled magnet of Fig. 2(b). Dashed black lines and red double lines
correspond to the same bacterial species when they are grown over two di®erent
locations on the bar magnets array in Fig. 1(a). All of the measurements of OD were
started after 12 h of inoculation. E.coli apparently showed no e®ect of magnetic ¯eld
for the ¯rst few hours. The growth rate seemed to start changing after almost 20 h of
inoculation which was roughly 60 times larger than the doubling time of 20 min.
8 S. Masood

Fig. 4. (Color online) Three bacterial species are grown over magnets and each one of them giving a
di®erent pattern in the change in growth rate by plotting OD as a function of time in hours. The data
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collection was started after 12 h so the growth rate was changing right from the beginning. Green solid line
correspond to B ¼ 0, blue dotted line is B ¼ random ¯eld of coil and double pink line and dashed black
lines correspond to the two constant ¯eld points on the bar magnet, identi¯ed as C1 and C2.
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However, the di®erence of growth rates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylo-

coccus epidermidis was obvious. It is di±cult to determine that how the two mag-
netic ¯elds of slightly di®erent strengths (B¼C1 or B¼C2) will have di®erent e®ect
on the growth rate. Figure 5 illustrates the change in growth distribution of E.coli on
a solid medium over a bar magnet with the one without the magnetic ¯eld.
The behavior of E.coli is similar to at least one beef sample of Fig. 3(a). Whereas
the e®ect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus epidermidis is de¯nitely
di®erent from E.coli. This di®erence may be due to the gram staining properties or
the shape. Staphylococcus epidermidis is gram positive and coccus shaped, whereas
E.coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are both gram negative and rod shaped. How-
ever, the ¯eld response seems to di®er within the same gram staining properties
and shapes and even in di®erent species of the same shaped bacteria with same

(a) Outside the magnetic ¯eld B (b) Inside the magnetic ¯eld B

Fig. 5. Growth of E.coli inside and outside the weak magnetic ¯eld in nutrient broth at room
temperature. (a) is the growth without the magnetic ¯eld and (b) Over the weak magnets.
Weak Field E®ects on Bacteria 9

gram-staining categories. Therefore, a more detailed investigation is needed for

a longer exposure time.

5. Discussion of Results
The ¯rst preliminary experiment was performed on the bacterium which was
collected from the rotten minced ground beef and was grown over the magnet to see
the e®ect on the growth rate under natural conditions. Beef bacteria were then grown
over the magnets of di®erent types and the change in growth rate was noticed after a
few hours of exposure. The behavior of beef bacteria was similar to later noticed
E.coli behavior but it was still a little di®erent. However, it indicated that all dif-
by CHONGQING NORMAL UNIVERSITY on 10/29/17. For personal use only.

ferent bacterial strains are a®ected by the magnetic ¯eld but the e®ects may be
di®erent. In the current results, the e®ect is very small in the given exposure time and
Biophys. Rev. Lett. Downloaded from

the magnetic ¯eld strength. However, the consistency of the e®ect in di®erent species
indicates that if such a weak ¯eld has a nonzero e®ect, the larger magnetic ¯eld or
long-term exposure will have the more pronounced e®ect. A more detailed experi-
mental study is needed for the veri¯cation.
It is concluded after comparing several repeated experiments that bacterial
growth is a®ected in the presence of the magnetic ¯eld. The e®ect of di®erent
magnetic ¯eld strengths on di®erent types of bacteria was expected to be di®erent
based on their shape and gram staining properties as well as the strength of magnetic
¯eld. Bacterial nature and their ecological behavior cannot be ignored either. We
conclude that the growth of bacterial cells is a®ected when bacteria are grown over
magnets of di®erent types and strengths. This e®ect is more signi¯cant with longer
exposure. It may be due to the reason that bacteria take time to adopt the envi-
ronment or take time to sense the presence of the magnetic ¯eld. No changes are
expected during the incubation period. The ¯eld e®ect seems to increase with time
which may be an indication that the bacteria inherits ¯eld e®ect through duplication
so it keeps on showing more e®ect with time due to larger growth rate.
Magnetic ¯eld e®ect is expected more in the liquid medium because of the
di®usion of nutrients in a varying magnetic ¯eld and electrolytic behavior of
nutrient broth is modi¯ed in the presence of bacteria. The small negative charge
on bacteria plays an important role in the ion transport in °uids due to the
change in concentration of charged particles and their e®ect on the growth of
bacteria. E®ect of electromagnetic ¯elds on the transport properties of nutrients
in °uids will a®ect the nutrient consumption which will, in turn, modify the
growth pattern of bacterial cells. The directionality of magnetic ¯eld will a®ect
the distribution of ions in the broth which a®ects the di®erence in growth rate at
di®erent positions. This e®ect is more pronounced for a nonhomogeneous mag-
netic ¯eld. For a constant magnetic ¯eld, however, bacteria adopt with the
magnetic ¯eld and almost follow the regular growth pattern with some delay
because the incubation time increases with the presence of the magnetic ¯eld. It
may be due to the variable impact of the electromagnetic ¯eld on each cell in the
10 S. Masood

same culture. Later on, the e®ect of bacterial growth on the solid medium will also
be compared with the liquid medium growth to di®erentiate between the medium
e®ect and the e®ect on bacteria itself.
These results are based on the measurement of OD of growing samples in the
presence of di®erent types of magnetic ¯elds. The di®erence in growth rates of di®erent
bacterial strains in the di®erent type of magnetic ¯elds is compared in Fig. 4. So far, we
have used the magnetic ¯eld generated by permanent bar magnets, uniform electro-
magnetic ¯eld, and the randomly distributed magnetic ¯eld. We mainly focus on weak
¯eld e®ects due to their relevance to the daily life. However, the perturbation theory of
quantum mechanics justi¯es the study of weak e®ects with weak ¯elds. Strong electric
and magnetic ¯eld e®ects are more well known5–18 and well de¯ned but they are not the
by CHONGQING NORMAL UNIVERSITY on 10/29/17. For personal use only.

same as the weak magnetic ¯eld impact at the molecular level.

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The author would like to acknowledge Prof. Saroj Mishra, a quali¯ed microbiologist
for his continuous guidance and Biology and Biotechnology programs and biology
department support during this work. This work is mostly supported by the internal
grant of Faculty Development and Research Funds (FRSF) from the University of
Houston Clear Lake and Texas Space Grant Consortium Grant.

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