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Title : ACTIVITY 4

Steps/ Procedures:

1. Do the following task for Information Sheet LO3-1. Use decision structure. (if,
if-else, switch, ?)

Task 1: Create a program that accept the cost of postage on a letter and compute
the tax according to the following scale: 50 pesos below a 5% tax added to the cost
of the mail, 51 pesos above a 7% is added to the cost of the mail and plus 10 pesos
service charge if the customer desires special delivery.

For example output:

Input the cost of the mail : 50.00

Special delivery [y/n] : N
Tax is : 2.50
Total cost of the mail is : 52.50

Task 2: Create a program that accept dates written in numerical form (month, day,
year) and output them as a complete form.

For example output:

Enter month : 11
Enter day : 1
Enter year : 2020
The date is : November 1, 2020

Task 3: Create a program that computes and assesses the tuition fee of the student
in one semester. Based on the given mode of payment:

Cash(1) 10% discount,

Two-Installment(2) 5% discount,
Three-Installment(3) 10% interest.

For example output:

Enter tuition fee : 10000

Press 1 for cash, 2 for Two-Installment, 3 for Three-Installment
Enter mode of payment : 3
Your total tuition fee is : 11000.00

Task 4: Create a program that accepts an input grade in percentile form and output
its grade equivalent based on the given range of percentile and grade equivalent

98-100 1.00,
95-97 1.25,
92-94 1.50,
89-91 1.75,
85-88 2.00,
82-84 2.25,
80-81 2.50,
77-79 2.75,
75-76 3.00,
other grades Out of Range

For example output:

Enter grade : 85
The equivalent grade is : 2.00

Task 5: Create a program that accepts a richter scale and output its description.
The National Earthquake Information Center has the following criteria to determine
the earthquake’s damage. Here are the given richter scale criteriaand their
corresponding characterization The richter scale serves as the input data and the
characterization as output information:

richter_scale < 5.0 litter or no damage,

richter_scale >= 5.0 and richter_scale < 5.5 some damage,
richter_scale >= 5.5 and richter_scale < 6.5 serious damage,
richter_scale >= 6.5 and richter_scale < 7.5 disaster,
richter_scale >= 7.5 catastrophe.

For example output:

Enter a richter scale : 7.0

The earthquake damage is : DISASTER

Task 6: Write a program that examines the value of a variable called temperature.
Then display the following messages depending on the value assigned to the

temperature < 0 ice,

temperature >= 0 and temperature <= 99 water,
temperature >= 100 steam.

For example output:

Enter a value of temperature : 89

The value assign is : WATER

2. Create a document of the about above task.

3. Save it as .doc or .docx or .pdf.

4. Filename format will Activity_number-Subject-Lastname_Firstname.doc or

Activity_number-Subject-Lastname_Firstname.docx or Activity_number-Subject-

5. Send you document for activity 4 to my messenger account. The document should
be in doc, docx or pdf format.

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