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CIA Agent Timothy Leary and CIA Propagandist

Robert Anton Wilson (the Illuminati) – Remember My

ONI and OSS Series?

Greetings readers!

A little birdie told me today about a recent article by the BBC from August 9 of this year
(2017). It’s a real propaganda dog’s breakfast of…as Jacques Ellul puts it…slipping from the

The mechanism used here is to slip from the facts, which would demand factual
judgment, to moral terrain and to ethical judgment

– Propaganda: the Formation of Men’s Attitudes by Jacques Ellul; French 1962, English 1965. You can read it

The article cites a man named David Bramwell who apparently is trying to have it be
believed that the Illuminati conspiracy theory, and I quote: that we’ve come to hear about
today – supposedly began in the 1960s. Plus even the title of the article tries to portray that
as an “accidental invention”.

Not to put to fine a point on it, but –

Today’s “version” is perfectly recognizable as the original was when it first began to be used.
Used how? As a misdirection off the correct target of all the troublesome “grand
planners” around here.

None of which were “Illuminati”.

Of course, you would have to be familiar with the times of Thomas Jefferson and the French
Revolution to know that which clearly the author of the BBC article (Sophia Smith Galer)
was not. She seems much more interested in, again, as Ellul puts it, talking about the
“moral” and “ethical” interpretations rather than any pesky facts that might jam up ye ole
propaganda works. But, it did remind me of something.

Long-time readers of our blog will remember the days of my ONI and OSS – An Important
Piece Of The Puzzle series. I needed to get around to bringing these back into “edit” form
too (like I did with my Astor/Hubbard series recently here at the blog), because I plan to
re-arrange this series also into some nice, easy to read Reading Library articles eventually.
Plus, there was something I needed anyway out of this particular post – so I figured Hey.
Why not do it now?

Yep. No time like the present.

To get things rolling, I’m starting with the “uncut” version of the first post of the series, and
please forgive any initial research faux pas back then that may (or may not) be present. I
haven’t re-evaluated this information in almost 4 years, and also please note that I left all the
hyperlinks intact but a number of them don’t work. That will all get sorted out when I get to
the library article phase. For now, please note that in this post I was operating under a
later-found-to-be false or misinformation points, and as of November 5, 2017 I already
started straightening out some of the timeline points concerning Hubbard, David K.E. Bruce,

Ok. So….

Going back to November 7, 2013…let’s load up the time machine.


I give you –

The Merging of ONI and OSS

Resources – An Important Piece of
The Puzzle
November 7, 2013 by mcclaughry 0 Comments

Ron Hubbard’s mentor Commander Joseph Cheesman “Snake” Thompson, a naval

intelligence agent, once discussed with a fellow agent how important a person with an
Intelligence “sense” is. Apparently a more specific term came to be used to describe this
type of person that they called a “natural”, Seoane called it an Intelligence Impulse.* This
basically is a different wording for the same concept as this “sense” that Thompson was
teaching Seoane originally back in the early 1900′s. One could probably rightfully conclude
that Thompson was acting as a mentor to Seoane at that time.

*Beyond the Ranges, by Colonel Seoane as told to Robert l Neimann.

This “sense”, as Seoane described it, was:

An Intelligence Impulse, the faculty for instantly recognizing what was

valuable information, and what was not. And, most importantly of all, how to
interpret and evaluate it.

This particular way of referring to this quality as an Intelligence Impulse appears to have first
been used by another ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) man – Sidney F. Mashbir* about 7
years prior to Seoane’s book.

*I Was an American Spy, Mashbir, Vantage Press,New York, 1953, p. 34,5

Sidney went into quite a bit of detail concerning just what this quality was, as he saw it.

He believed that intelligence officers were born, not made.

“You can send a candidate for Intelligence work to every school of every service, in every
army and country in the world, but if that “inner spark” that baffles definition is lacking he will
always be a dud. …You could study Intelligence, Cryptanalysis, Photo-Interpretation, Battle
Order, Terrain, and Prisoner Interrogation all your life, but you’d never be worth a damn as a
real Intelligence officer if you didn’t have that Intelligence impulse.”

That inner spark…


Without it, their agents will always be


You got that right.

“To be a intelligence officer, a vivid but logical imagination is a highly
important attribute. You must be able mentally to put yourself in the enemy’s
brain.” – Sydney Mashbir

Imagination – is another word for outside or beyond, or larger than the body’s incoming

Definitely “in the
head” of someone – this kid is.

“Knowing his mission, the factors involved, and all the courses of action open to him, your
knowledge of his character and psychology must be so profound as to permit you to deduce
his probable intentions. From the possible courses of action open to him, you must select the
thing he is most likely to do and anticipate him!”

“You must be able to see the invisible, hear
the inaudible, feel the intangible, taste what is
tasteless, and smell what is odorless.”

That is very true, although I’d make sure it was understood that to perceive in such a way is
not less than if the body sees, hears, feels, tastes or smells.

Between “body senses” and “yours” –

Can you guess which one is actually more important AND more accurate?

It’s interesting that intelligence professionals know this for a fact, while general humanity is
pretty continuously subjected to multiple types of derogatory catcalls and accusations of
“crazy” and “tin-foil” along these very points!

It seems it is not desired that anyone demonstrate this Intelligence Impulse unless it’s
behind closed doors where no one else can see it!


In 1936, an excellent definition of intelligence was given in a Naval Intelligence Manual, note
the emphasis on Evaluation.

Naval intelligence comprises an evaluated knowledge of nations, primarily

their war-making capacity, and especially of naval and maritime factors. It is
the most complete.and authentic information on a probable or actual enemy
or theatre of operations, critically analyzed, and incorporating the strategical
and tactical conclusions to be drawn therefrom. Evaluation is the most
critical and systematic analysis of information to determine its probable
credibility and accuracy, its significance, its relevance and importance, and its
conclusions. Information subjected to this process becomes “intelligence.”

Reference: ONI-19 (1933), Naval Intelligence Manual, 1936 revision, Articles 103 and 106.

It’s interesting that only after the information is correctly evaluated –

Then it becomes called


This can be likened to finding the correct puzzle piece, and I think that very ability is one of
the things that drives Slavemasters nuts about people like myself and some others. They
think that they have something as “shredded” or impossible to fit together, but yet, when I
look at information results on the internet or read a book, I always know exactly what the key
“pieces” are that will help reconstruct both puzzle pieces and the interlocking picture that
they still form. This is not done by letting the “data” tell you where to go –

It’s the other way around.

This is described well (or rather hinted at) in a 1951 quote by General Walter Bedell Smith –
he calls people that can do this the “inspired class“.

“You can never really become an Intelligence Officer of the inspired class unless you happen
to be born with that delicate touch which produces a reasonable and measurable evaluation
without full knowledge of all the facts…”

What he means there, when he says “without full knowledge of all the facts” is that most of
the usual forms of information have not yet passed in range of the bodies senses, but yet the
person he describes already knows exactly what the picture is without having to “wait” for
the body to sense it first.

This is exactly true. I know from experience that Slavemasters love to confuse, hide (and
downright remove entirely) information called “facts” – “facts” being unfortunately and
incorrectly defined as whether the bodies senses have sensed it – thinking that in so
doing? No one could reconstruct the picture, using facts, that the Slavemasters do not want
known in its true form.

They are forever thinking this is a infallible “solution”.

I like to remind them that it’s not.

I ask you, what defense would they have against such a person, who really looks, sees, and
then knows what the picture is, and then goes about reconstructing through apparently
impossibly small and “useless” pieces, the very picture they thought they had destroyed from
“factual” view?

There is none.

And that’s another thing I like to remind them of.

This situation right here, this “shortage” of people who live like this, is a perfect example of
setting a trap and then falling into it yourself as it’s first victim. Slavemasters set-up the idea
of “civilization”; they set up tight controls over what is to be accepted as “fact”; they set-up
the punishment system for those who do not bow down to them, and now? Now they have a
whole lot of people playing along THEIR game (a trap) by THEIR rules, and the
Slavemasters are stuck with the result of their efforts.

This would all be fine and good if there didn’t still exist people that can do this, and who
are not under their control.

See the problem they have created for themselves while

attempting to solve the problem of their ‘inferiority’ and fear?

Now, they have realized that just ONE person like this, can cause them tremendously
vast-in-scope trouble. What’s a slavemaster to do? Why, of course you don’t change your
crappy way of living – that would END the problem and we wouldn’t want that.

God forbid.

But this is why you get the apparent paradox of that the Slavemasters desperately want
people with such an “inspired” class of operational level, (and also want this ability for
themselves) while at the same time – they are horrified at the idea of anyone having such
ability that the Slavemasters are not in control of!

That’s life as a Slavemaster in a nutshell – and it is also why they are obsessed with ideas
like “duality”.

General Smith continues and talks about the ways that they have tried to figure out that this
can be taught or “substituted” for.
“…but there are characteristics which you can develop even if they do not
come as part of your standard equipment at birth. The first is an attitude of
constant suspicion-an unwillingness to take anything for granted; the second
is a form of scientific mindedness-the ability to approach all things with a
sense of analytical inquiry; and finally, perhaps more important than anything
else, a restraint which enables one to remain silent.”

General Walter Bedell Smith, quoted by Rear Admiral Felix L. Johnson, Director of Naval
Intelligence, in an address at the Army War College, 19 Feb 1952.

How about that first one – constant suspicion.

See how they don’t think of that as a bad

thing? They are recommending it.

But…it is defined as:

an unwillingness to take anything for granted.

Not a bad description of what its like to live as yourself, all things considered. Except for that
word “unwillingness” – which is a Slavemaster taint. They are forever thinking that IT IS A
CHOICE to “see” or not.

It isn’t.

I think what they are complaining about, actually, is that not many people will choose to do it
for them!

So, rather than get (as in correctly see and recognize) that the reason for this is pure spite
on the part of most people, they wander off into completely wrong explanations for this lack,
such as lack of “critical thinking” skills, bad genetics, and so on.
I have been accused many times (in a bad way) of being too suspicious. This always makes
me laugh, because how in the hell can you BE “too suspicious“? That’s like an oxymoron.
And of course, in typical Slavemaster paranoia, they even have this classified amongst the
symptoms of more than one “mental illness.”


My friend “E”, a former Slavemaster, especially in the early days of working with him would
get angry at me for questioning him on what appeared to be small points of BS that he would
try and run. One day, I said to him “E”, let me get this straight. You want me to lie to you, and
pretend I don’t see that YOU are lieing, just so you can keep your little delusion of “no one
knows” and that you are so able to manipulate people. Is that about the right of it?”

He said yes.

My response?

His expression was priceless, which made me laugh even more.

I loved it actually – because THAT was the real guy. You gotta know it when you see it – and
it ain’t always some “ball of fluff” neither. His expression was correct, it is that much of a
“wry” situation. I told him I’m going to ask a rhetorical question, which was “Why do you like
us so much?” and then I answered it and said:

“Because we like YOU, not your “good” or your “bad masks.”

The difference being, all these people that supposedly play along with his bullshit and
“accept him” – as he says he wants – are not directing any of it really at him!

HE is never being liked – only his masks are.


And once you experience the real thing? There is no going back.

He said: “You’re right. That is why.”

Then he sighed, and put on a long face over all the ‘work’ he had to do (while surreptitiously
looking at me out of the corner of his eye). I smacked him Three Stooges style,
whack-whack-whack, and said “Why I oughta…“- Moe’s line for when Curly is doing his
coo-coo thing.

and then ‘E’ he smiled, and for the first time? He fully showed up. It was quite a moment –
you and another person, for real. There just is nothing like it.

We have the same stripes – we always did.


Like I said – I don’t exactly ‘teach’ the way the General Smith’s of the world think it should be
done. I offer you the above anecdote to illustrate not a hard and fast rule, but more of a
real-life experience.

You know, it might interest you to see that L. Ron Hubbard tried to go the same route as
General Smith.

Ron Hubbard, after much experience with British Intelligence, brought in a further description
of this “ability” they so desire in the slavemaster spy-camps.

Hubbard referred to it as “flair“.

We have the Intelligence “hat pack” of the former Guardian’s Office and current Office of
Special Affairs – which basically contains the materials for training Hubbard’s in-house
intelligence personnel.

One of the issues (which you can just see where the file is open above) is called Intelligence,
Its Role, dated June 8, 1973.

PDF of issue – Intelligence Its Role 8 June 1973

On the first page of the issue –

– is where it starts talking about this quality called “flair”.

The most precious and infinitely valued characteristic in an Intelligence post is

“FLAIR”, “a keen natural discernment; an aptitude, a knack”. This is so rare
that in governments and armies there may be only one such person in a
whole generation or even in two or three generations, so do not
underestimate the skill or value of the characteristic. “

This part, that refers to how rare this is –

“There may be only one such person in a

whole generation or even in two or three

Is disturbingly similar to a foreword written by CIA agent Timothy Leary to a Robert Anton
Wilson book in 1986, but the idea itself shows up in an earlier publication of 1979, called The
Intelligence Agents, which I found in the Internet Archive. Although that one is more oddly
coded satire than anything, it does exist to show that they were recruiting – looking for
people “out on the fringe” who might have this quality that they so desired, and trying to
attract them into the CIA loveboat of drugs, sex and mind-control experimentation.


The Foreword by Leary to Cosmic Trigger by Robert Anton Wilson – presents the same idea
that this Guardian Office issue does – the “only one” per generation or so.

It says:

In each of the 100 generations since Buddha, a few Intelligence Agents are

My point is that its a fact that in Scientology, someone was always in lockstep with whatever
the CIA was hot on doing or “trying out” on people at the time. Leary’s writings went on and
on about genetics and intelligence agents, and that this could be “changed” by an “advanced
agent” or some such.

For more about Leary and his ties to the Brotherhood of Eternal Love (a
drug-smuggling group which had ties with Scientology as well) please see
The Man Who Murdered My Mother – Duke University: The Anti-Life Zone.

And that’s actually what this Intelligence, Its Role issue says next about this intelligence
“flair” business:

IT CAN BE DEVELOPED and assumed if one realizes it is possible to


Of course, Hubbard went on to say that G.O. Intelligence personnel, if they followed his
directions on how to accomplish this “flair” they would become Super-Human! – And that
their bad things they did running operations against people weren’t really as bad when they
did it, because they had a “better purpose”.

Oh, really.

Methinks Hubbard doth protest too much.


On the point of going down the same road as General Smith and others – trying to “develop”
this highly sought after evaluation ability – Hubbard also said (referring to this “tech” of
intelligence and evaluation skills) in this Intelligence: Its Role issue:

“Possessing…the technology of EVALUATION….”

“This upper step is called EVALUATION. It is a solid brand new technology. It

is contained in the DATA SERIES. It is a high skill. An EVALUATOR takes
very hard training and lots of practice and a purity of view that has not
previously existed.

See, now it’s a technology.


“Intelligence might better be considered “eyesight and foresight”. A much
better symbol for Intelligence would be AN EYE IN A CRYSTAL BALL.” –
Hubbard in Intelligence Its Role

Hubbard’s idea of an “Intelligence” symbol –

Well, that’s as far as I am going to go into this issue right now, but there is plenty more truly
choice stuff in there so do peruse the PDF if you’d like to see more.

So, we have Commander Thompson, Colonel Seoane, and ONI agent Mashbir, forming our
clear basis for what is desired to be in the spymaster departments of the Slavemasters, and
then we have the later “LSD” era more colorful versions by agents Hubbard and Leary who
are both trying to “raise the sparks” of humanity to try and have more people with this
super-special quality available to the Slavemasters – that quality they can’t seem to either
find nor maintain (even if they did find it) in their own people.

Thompson, Seoane, and Mashbir – Desperately seeking that “inner spark“.


Hubbard and Leary – Desperately trying to scientifically engineer that “inner spark“.

Mashbir, comes into play with the ONI a second time, when Ellis M. Zacharias became the
D/Director of Naval Intelligence (D/DNI). Mashbir, (along with Thompson, Seoane and
Zacharias) had previously spent quite some time in the Far East, including both Japan and
China. In fact, I think they were all there during the same initial time period – which is also
when Hubbard was taken on an Intelligence Tour of China by Ian Macbean.

*See William Vincent Astor and L. Ron Hubbard – British Spies and American
Traitors – 6 for more about Hubbard’s time in China.

In 1946, Zacharias wrote a book Secret Missions: The Story of an Intelligence Offficer. I
obtained this book a month or so ago.


There is quite a bit of interesting information in this rather obscure book, (which I found on a
role-playing game “history page” – of all places). We’ll start with where he crosses paths
again with Sidney Mashbir.

1. 288

In the spring of 1942 the two posts of Chief of Naval Operations and
Commander in Chief, United States Fleet, were combined by President
Roosevelt for the duration; and Admiral King was named to the united

My relations with Admiral King had always been gratifying, since he seemed
to have a constructive understanding of intelligence and valued the work I had
been privileged to do in former years. He was once quoted as saying: “If I
ever become Chief of Naval Operations, Zacharias is going to be my director
of Naval Intelligence.”

Not long after Admiral King’s assumption of his new post I was ordered to
proceed to Washington upon arrival of my relief, and to report to the Chief of
Naval Operations. Admiral King was instrumental in bringing me back to
Washington at this time. But these indications were to be only partly fulfilled;
and for the first time I was to experience what is called “department politics.”

It was several months before my relief was able to catch up with my ship but
finally, in June 1942, after the Coral Sea battle, I found myself hurrying to
Washington, my twelve days’ delay for leave at home being canceled
because of “services urgently required.”

p. 282

I arrived in late June for duty in OP-16. This code stood for the Office of
Naval Intelligence, and I was to assume the position of deputy director of
Naval Intelligence, with all the responsibilities which the job entailed in

I arrived on the eve of still another turnover within ONI: Admiral Wilkinson, a
seafaring man at heart, was preparing to return to the fleet, and Captain
Kingman, the assistant director, was also about to be transferred to sea duty.
Awaiting these changes and what seemed to be the probable and logical
advancement to the top, I was given temporary charge of the Foreign
Branch, relinquished by Captain Heard, who, too, went to sea.

This is Ellis Zacharias –

Did you notice that code he used? – “OP-16. This code stood for the Office of Naval

I suppose that now is as good a time as any to clarify what that all means and I’m going to
use a real document – one from L. Ron Hubbard’s World War II history.

This document is a sort of diary, or log, of the USS New Orleans from March of 1942,
obtained from FOLD3 courtesy of the research of Margaret Lake.


If you look closer at the upper right corner of the document –

You see a faint handwritten routing of 16-F-3.

On p. 149 of A Century of U.S. Naval Intelligence, it says that OP–16-F-3 is ONI’s Foreign
Intelligence, Western European Section. The “F” being the designation for Foreign
Intelligence, and the “3″ being the code for the Western European section.

I wrote a series of articles concerning the earliest beginnings of the OSS, a secret society
called the ROOM. To give you a highly condensed version, basically William Vincent Astor, a
man with strong ties and support of the British Slavemasters, formed this secret society in
1927. It was an outcropping of the previously formed Naval Reserve – also an intelligence
organization – that had been formed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt during WWI and was
composed of an extremely limited group of “approved of” right people. That last stringent
requirement was still true when L. Ron Hubbard applied for (and was approved) Naval
Reserve status – a little known fact. One which puts an entirely different light on his being
approved specifically for intelligence work at the time.

Along about 1940, (specific dates are in the condensed timeline of my series) the then
Director of Naval Intelligence “officially” hired Astor and his ROOM to develop a covert
intelligence collection organization. Astor established an office in New York as a
“representative of the DNI in matters relating to [ONI’s] Foreign Intelligence Service.” Astor
specifically selected and hired undercover agents for foreign placement.

Get that? Foreign Intelligence.

Exactly what Hubbard was doing.


Immediately after Astor took over, in January 1941, the Foreign Intelligence Branch
(OP-16-F) was expanded by the addition of three new sections:

● F-9, Special Intelligence; (was already in action as of June 1940)

● F-10, Statistical; and
● F-11, Strategic Information.
(F-8 was renamed Foreign Trade.)

So, Astor was basically heading OP-16-F-9, in other words.

But, you see, Astor had actually been unofficially in charge of that already, since June 26,
1940 – when President Roosevelt made sure that the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral
Harold R. Stark was told that Astor was now unofficially in charge of all intelligence work in
the New York area, including the Office of Naval Intelligence in New York City.

Astor was also in charge of recommending candidates.

Accordingly, in July 1940 – now that Astor is in charge, L. Ron Hubbard got assigned an
Alaska mission. He got to fly the Explorer’s Club flag #105 to help with his cover, and
proceeded to carry out his intelligence assignment.

See, the ONI had only officially (they had been doing it for a number of years unofficially)
entered Foreign Espionage in 1939, when the head of Domestic Intelligence (of the ONI)
was placed in charge of espionage functions.

There is a key difference between intelligence and espionage – Ellis M. Zacharias describes
intelligence as (on p. 5 of his book):

Positive intelligence may be defined as the collection of information

regarding an enemy or a prospective enemy as to his intentions, strength,
organizational structure, and deficiencies, to enable us to base our plans on
the knowledge of these data. Intelligence material, then, is this information
in its evaluated form.

Whereas he describes espionage as:

The collection of information by surreptitious means is no longer

intelligence. It is espionage. Both are closely related, but there are some
crucial distinctions…

But, exactly when Astor took over the Third Naval District (abbreviation – 3ND) Office of
Naval Intelligence in New York, June 1940, was when the Foreign Espionage function was
transferred to the Foreign Intelligence Branch (OP-16-F-9) which later also had a newly
established Special Intelligence Section (OP-16-Z) the purpose of which was to recruit,
train, and administer secret agents.

Got that?

Recruit, train, and administer secret

Commander John L. Riheldaffer, was a retired naval officer called to active duty to head
this SIS in January 1941 – the same month Astor was now officially in charge of Foreign
Intelligence. He had been employed by General Motors Overseas Corporation for the last 13
years and had traveled extensively. He immediately made arrangements with the State
Department to get naval officers assigned as vice consuls to posts throughout North
Africa and developed an intelligence network along the Pacific Coast of Mexico.

● Reference: Administrative History of the Office of Naval Intelligence in World War

II, Part VII: Special Activities (Z Branch), Operational Archives, Naval Historical
Center, 849-52

Another term for this position, probably better known, was Naval Attache’.

This is John L. Riheldaffer – passport photo from 1921.

Now here’s the interesting thing that I’m pretty sure no one “researching” Hubbard’s history
ever managed to evaluate.

Their favorite word – remember?

When the British choice to slide on in there in America to head ALL foreign intelligence,
William Donovan, was made the head of the Office of the Coordinator of Information (OCI,
subsequently OSS, Office of Strategic Services) on June 18, 1941.

a formal memorandum from Donovan to the president regarding the formation of the
“Coordinator of Information” office, was sent to the White House.

Ref: OSS files “Tab 3”, Entry 110, Box 48, Folder 11

July 11, 1941 – Roosevelt picked up the final draft of the order to establish the COI (that he
had tried to ignore for a week in his in box) and signed it.He then announced that Donovan
would be christened the Coordinator of Information (COl), a title also used to designate
Donovan’s organization, the precursor to the Office of Strategic Services-the first national
intelligence apparatus in U.S. history with an overarching mandate to coordinate all
branches of intelligence gathering overseas.

Donovan promised Franklin Roosevelt an international secret service staffed by young

officers who were “calculatingly reckless” with “disciplined daring” and “trained for
aggressive action.”

● Ref: OSS, an e-book by Richard Harris Smith

But, exactly when Astor took over the Third Naval District (abbreviation – 3ND) Office of
Naval Intelligence in New York, June 1940, was when the Foreign Espionage function was
transferred to the Foreign Intelligence Branch (OP-16-F-9) which then also had a newly
established Special Intelligence Section (OP-16-Z) the purpose of which was to recruit,
train, and administer secret agents.
Astor’s ONI covert organization (Foreign Espionage and Special Intelligence Section) was
shifted to Donovan’s OCI on 15 October 1941. At the time of the transfer, thirteen agents
had been recruited.

It just so happens, that only 6 days after this transfer, is when L. Ron Hubbard (now officially
enlisted to the Naval Reserve as an Intelligence Volunteer Specialist) received his “training
orders” to report to New York. Where, as is covered in the Astor/Hubbard series, Hubbard
had already been under Astor’s jurisdiction, but as a civilian agent of the ONI/ROOM.

Since that Foreign Espionage/Intelligence division has now been transferred to COI (soon to
become the OSS), this is part of why Hubbard is being sent to New York, where British MI6
man (in charge of American intelligence work) William Stephenson is, as well as where his
agent William Donovan has his headquarters of the COI – in fact, I believe they were even
in the same office locations.

Hubbard nominated for Intelligence Course.

I am indebted to the research of Margaret Lake – she is who first presented (and I believe
found) this heretofore unknown about document.

Margaret’s description of this document –

“…a declassified record from the offices of the Secretary of the Navy
(SECNAV) and the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) was recently
discovered which shows that Hubbard had been nominated for an
“Intelligence Course” from 21-Oct to 11-Nov-1941, i.e. overlapping
with the above “inactive duty” dates. Oddly, all other training
periods are considered “active duty” in Hubbard’s service file.
Further, no mention of this particular course shows up in Hubbard’s
service record. Here is the record from the SECNAV/CNO office

Margaret’s reference #71 says about the provenance of this document:

● ”Name and Subject Index to the General Correspondence to the Secretary of the
Navy, 1930-1942″ (also includes Office of Chief of Naval Operations)”, Microfilm
Publication M1067, National Archives I, Washington, DC.

However, Margaret clearly doesn’t recognize the full significance of this document, although
at least there is some idea that it is significant in some way.

She writes:

We don’t know the nature of the intelligence material taught in this

particular course, but the fact that it was not mentioned in his
service record (and somewhat hidden behind an “inactive duty”
period, and required nomination to attend), suggests that there
may have been a higher level of confidentiality surrounding it.

See? Margaret doesn’t quite get it.

That’s because she’s coming from a biased position – a limited Scientology-based one.

Be all that as it may –

I think now is a good time for me to reveal just
how significant this document is.

Let’s look at something a little closer.

This part –

And a little closer still –

So, Hubbard was specifically nominated to take this Intelligence Course in New York,
from October 21 to November 11, 1941. The start of this course, being only 6 days after
Astor’s covert ONI Foreign espionage organization (including the thirteen espionage agents
that we know of) was officially transferred under Donovan/Stephenson and the COI.

The nomination date itself-


Is also right in line for this changeover. Hubbard was one of the first chosen (nominated) to
be an espionage agent for the new Special Intelligence/Foreign Espionage changeover to
the Donovan/Stephenson COI organization.

That means Hubbard was not even just an Intelligence Officer –

He was one of the first foreign

espionage agents of the COI/OSS!

And his Naval Records have been altered to try and hide this fact!

For example – as Margaret Lake documented:

Further, no mention of this particular course shows up in Hubbard’s

service record.

Margaret provides this document – which as you can see, has its first records starting after
Hubbard had already finished his secret intelligence course on November 11, 1941.

Whereas this document, obfuscates the matter by saying that he was simply on “inactive
duty” between 7 October to 23 November, during the period he was being trained in

The same document above, also lists him as “under instruction” from 24 November to 14
December 1941, whereas Hubbard’s official service record says that he was detached and
sent on mission on December 8, 1941.

Neither of them reveal Hubbard’s training under Donovan/Stephenson, through the transfer
of Astor’s ONI covert intel organization over to the OCI – which Donovan headed.

Coming back to a study of the OP-16 designation – here is a real life example showing that
Hubbard was being recruited into the Naval Reserve (which itself was intelligence right from
the get go) – Op-16-c.

From Margaret’s L. Ron Hubbard service documents records –


This is dated April 21, 1941 – but it is signed by L. Ron Hubbard attesting it is a True Copy,
on September 26, 1941. “H.R. Thurber” was Commander H.R. Thurber who was the Public
Relations Officer ONI, Washington, D.C. at that time.
● Important notes -The Public Relations Branch was removed from ONI and was set
up directly under the Secretary of the Navy [Frank Knox] as the Office of Public
Relations by a SECNAV directive dated 28 April 1941.Reference: Ethics of
Spying: A Reader for the Intelligence Professional, Volume 2, edited by Jan
● Frank Knox had personal correspondence with Hubbard (see below), and is also
who especially sent Donovan to England in July 1940 to be schmoozed and
recruited into alignment with British Intelligence – call it a bit of grooming for the
position they were going to assign him – creating THEIR intelligence apparatus in
the United States, officially and openly. In London, the British Slavemasters
instructed all manner of individuals to “welcome” Donovan, including the King and
Queen, Winston Churchill, and all the high-ranked officials the British could
produce. Donovan even merited being kept in daily contact with the head of Ml-6
chief, Stewart Menzies, and the director of British naval intelligence, John
Godfrey, who gave Donovan a list of things the British wanted him to lobby
for in Washington. His first assignment, which he promptly carried out upon his
● March 15, 1941 – Letter recommending Hubbard is sent to Secretary of Navy
Frank Knox, letter is from Jimmy Britton of KGBU, Ketchikan Alaska. There are
records showing Hubbard to have already been in communication directly with
Knox, some time in 1940, probably related to the Alaska Expedition and his
findings – which was an intelligence mission sanctioned under William Vincent

● Just a week before that –March 8, 1941 – Berle attended a conference with FDR,
Astor and the new Director of Naval Intelligence, Captain Alan G. Kirk, at which
the president more officially appoints Astor as the Area Controller for the New
York Area.
● March 8, 1941 – Donovan arrives back from his intelligence “tour” with Sir William
Stephenson – they prepare to make their proposal for the COI.
● And then…March 28, 1941 – Captain Kirk sends a secret memorandum to the
commandant of the Third Naval District outlining the presidential directive
regarding Astor’s new title as intelligence controller for New York. Astor
would remain on inactive duty but receive a desk and clerical assistance in the
District Intelligence Office at 50 Church Street, New York City. Noone was
supposed to know, other than the commandant, his chief of staff and the
district intelligence officer. Though operating from a naval office and receiving
instructions from the Office of Naval Intelligence, Astor held powers to control
all local intelligence functions undertaken by the Military Intelligence Division of
the U.S. Army, the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Justice and State Departments
and liaison with other information-gathering agencies.There were limits, however.
“The coordination exercised by the Area Controller will not be concerned with
investigations of civil or criminal cases or of disciplinary action in the cases of
military or naval personnel, unless such cases involve subversive (sabotage or
espionage) activities in which there is a conflict of interest as between any of the
four interested Departments.”18
18. “Clarification Agreement between the State, War, Navy and Justice Departments
and Commander Vincent Astor, U.S. Naval Reserve, Concerning the Presidential
Directive Regarding the Area Controller for the New York Area,” in Kirk to
Commandant, Third Naval District, March 28, 1941, PPF 40, Roosevelt Library.

Understand this – Astor had just been given:

Control over all local intelligence functions for both the Army and the Navy!

This was THE set-up move (and precedent) to the OCI and the
later OSS.

It is a BRITISH move.

So now, just to verify for you that OP-16-C was indeed Public Relations (but was now
directly under the Secretary of the Navy) let’s have a look at A Century of U.S. Naval
Intelligence. On p. 348 under the heading of “Operational Intelligence – it says this “C”
division (at the time of Hubbard’s application) was indeed the Office of Naval Intelligence
Public Relations division, which is consistent with what the document itself is talking about.

In addition, you need to clearly understand that the fact that Hubbard was being
recommended to, and was accepted to the Naval Reserve is not as innocuous looking as
today’s readers might think. Back then, this was a “right people” kind of organization and
was heavily dominated by British influences.

Here’s a condensed rundown of the history of the Naval Reserve and what it really
was at that time.

From Scientology Roots Chapter 21-5, The First Scientologists and Their Masters
1913 – William Vincent Astor is related to the Astor family in Britain. Waldorf
Astor was an important member of the Round Table – the primary front group
working to bring about the British New World Order.

Vincent Astor was good friends with Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was
Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Navy starting in 1913. Roosevelt and Astor
met during World War I to discuss organization of a Naval Reserve Force
composed of yachts and powerboats.

Roosevelt as Asst. Secretary of the Navy (right)

When Franklin Delano Roosevelt was made assistant Secretary of the Navy,
he had his own private little “old guard” intelligence network going called “The
Naval Reserves“.
The one thing Roosevelt always wanted and needed, and one of his favorite
methods for gathering data was employment of confidential agents who
reported to him personally and privately. The world of secret agents,
intelligence and espionage had long thrilled FDR. As Assistant Secretary of
the Navy during World War I, he had dabbled in naval espionage, personally
recommending and selecting his friends for duty as reserve intelligence
officers in the Office of Naval Intelligence -such asVincent Astor who
was made a Commander in the Naval Reserve.

Roger Welles was the Chief of the Office of Naval Intelligence who
commissioned Roosevelt’s “naval reserve” socialite pals into naval
intelligence, young men who shared the “right” schools, clubs, and
connections. And who just happened to all be pro-British. 12

Spencer Eddy, a wealthy New York socialite, was close friends with

Spencer Fayette Eddy

In early 1916 Commander Edward McCauley, Jr., Assistant Director of Naval

Intelligence, asked Spencer Eddy if he would perform work as an undercover
agent to gather domestic intelligence in New York City, where he quickly set
up his own spy network. Eddy recruited agents from the Naval Reserve
Force created by Roosevelt and himself, a naval militia of New England “old
money” aristocracy, sons of the East Coast’s oldest and most influential
On 6 January 1917, Commander McCauley recruited all these voluntary
agents into the United States Naval Reserve Force and gave them the rank of
lieutenant jg (junior grade).

Through the Naval Reserve Force, these men were made officers with
temporary commissions and served as “volunteer agents” for ONI, setting up
networks in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, Pittsburgh,
and San Francisco. 13, 14

References numbered 12, 13 and 14 are:

12. Joseph Persico’s book, Roosevelt’s Secret War, p. 713. Zacharias, Captain Ellis M.
Secret Missions: The Story of an Intelligence Officer. New York: G.P. Putnam’s, 1946.14. A
Century of Naval Intelligence, 1996, section Origins of U.S. Navy Counterintelligence in
World War I

Everybody get that?

When you see the term Naval Reserve – it

meant Reserve Intelligence Officers back

That is what Hubbard is applying to.

Now let’s look at another OP-16 designation – the Z designation.

Exactly when Astor took over the Third Naval District (abbreviation – 3ND) Office of Naval
Intelligence in New York, June 1940, was when the Foreign Espionage function was
transferred to the Foreign Intelligence Branch (OP-16-F-9) which then also had a newly
established Special Intelligence Section (OP-16-Z) the purpose of which was to recruit,
train, and administer secret agents.

Recruit, train, and administer secret

Another document from Hubbard’s Navy records – mentions that Hubbard is being assigned
Special Service duties.


A little closer –

That sounds awfully close to the ONI’s newly formed Special Intelligence Section.

You might recall that the SIS had been formed under Astor’s Foreign intelligence section, in
January 1941 – Riheldaffer was in charge. When all of that (Foreign espionage) transferred
under the COI, Riheldaffer was then made the liaison between the ONI foreign
intelligence/SIS and Donovan’s COI.

It’s very possible that the following description of the SIS at the outbreak of War (December
1941 – Pearl harbor) one of the agents mentioned is L. Ron Hubbard.

A Century of Naval Intelligence, 1996

“At the outbreak of World War II, the Special Intelligence Section (OP-16-F-9)
comprised one retired officer, two Naval Reserve officers, two enlisted
sailors, and one Naval Reserve officer undergoing training in London. “

Riheldaffer also employed a number of agents under special contract around the world.
These people traveled under the cover of their respective areas of interest (like writer or
explorer for example) and collected and reported information that might be of value to the

When the COI (Office of the Coordinator of Information) was created in July 1941, most of
the activities initiated by ONI’s Special Intelligence Section were transferred to the new
COI, with only the exception being Riheldaffer’s agent network in Mexico which stayed under
Navy direction.

● References:
○ Administrative History of the Office of Naval Intelligence in World War II,
Part VII: Special Activities (Z Branch), Operational Archives, Naval
Historical Center, 849-52
○ Ethics of Spying: A Reader for the Intelligence Professional, Volume 2,
edited by Jan Goldman


The COI and ONI – a tight TEAM

To illustrate just how tight the ONI Foreign intelligence (espionage) divisions and the new
COI were – look at the heading of this document from the Ethics of Spying book mentioned

OK, now point 6 of this document starting on page 15 of the book –


To any of our regular readers here – doesn’t that look familiar to you? It should. It is
word-for-word from a memo written by Wallace B. Phillips at the request of ROOM member
David K.E. Bruce – and was later classified as an OSS/CIA document (now declassified) and
we discussed it here on our blog.

This original memorandum that Wallace later starts out quoting to David K.E. Bruce (then
head of Special intelligence in ONI/COI in March of 1942 before the OSS had even been
formed) was written by John L. Riheldaffer.

What that means, is that David K.E. Bruce, already an Astor secret society ROOM member,
had then rolled on over into the Foreign intelligence branch of the ONI , and the new Special
Intelligence section of the ONI in 1941 – once Astor was unofficially put in charge of all that.
So, when Donovan headed up the COI in July of 1941 – David K.E. Bruce then rolled on
over into the transferred ONI secret espionage branch, in the COI.

This is who is being referred to in A Century of Naval Intelligence, 1996 –

“At the outbreak of World War II, the Special Intelligence Section (OP-16-F-9)
comprised one retired officer, two Naval Reserve officers, two enlisted sailors,
and one Naval Reserve officer undergoing training in London. “

That is Bruce!

I know that for a fact, because in August 1941 – approx – Donovan had sent David K.E.
Bruce to head his London operation, but first he was getting training by the British Special
Operations Executive (MI6 etc.)
Bruce was a Naval Reserve officer too, just like Hubbard – and this document by Phillips
gives us even further parallels of Hubbard’s obvious foreign espionage agent status in the
ONI/COI (then OSS).

Hubbard’s censored Naval records.


Why are they censored? The answer is the same as in the Wallace B. Phillips document I

Phillips, quoting Riheldaffer’s point 1 – my note in blue.

The Special Intelligence Section of O.N.I. (F-9) [this would be written as

OP-16-F-9 before it became called OP-16-z a little later on] was conceived
and set up with the mission of organizing and operating an overseas
espionage system.

Phillips, quoting Riheldaffer’s point 4 –

The most basic principle on which such an organization must operate is

SECRECY and this fact must be recognized if results are to be expected.

Phillips, quoting Riheldaffer’s point 5 –

The F-9 Desk in O.N.I. must become….a complete organization entirely

divorced from all visible contact with the government. Furthermore, the
government, and especially the Navy Department, should be able to deny all
affiliation with the outside organization or such part of it as may not be open
and above board.

Phillips then begins reading from a memorandum that he wrote:

It is axiomatic that espionage must have no visible and detectable connection

with the government it serves. Espionage agents are habitually repudiated
by their own governments in order that presumably friendly relations may
be preserved.

One example is the National Security Agency blocking the Church of Scientology from
accessing its records concerning L. Ron Hubbard, which is used as a cite in multiple court
cases to block access to CIA documents. (Founding Church of Scientology v National
Security Agency, 610 F.2d 824,836 (D.C. Cir 1979) ] I have always suspected that particular
case was a show case utilizing CIA pet dog Hubbard and Scientology in order to block
access to CIA documents under the FOIA. Since the CIA inherited the more sensitive
OSS/COI/ Astor secret espionage organization documents, you can bet there is certainly
something in their files that would document what Hubbard really was – an espionage
agent working for British interests around the world using Americans to do it for them.

Hubbard is also zealously repudiated by many dupe, and outright agents themselves,
authors for the last 60 plus years – all of them share one thing in common.

They are hiding the fact that he never stopped

doing British intelligence operations in
concert with their organizations planted in

In describing the qualities that an espionage agent must have, Phillips writes –

…the willingness to submerge self advancement and sacrifice acclaim.

Stealthiness and deception are requisites; poise and naturalness are
essential. An agent must ‘fit into the picture.’ He should have ability as a
‘mixer,’ when necessary, without being obtrusive.”

Now I ask you, must it have not been easy for Hubbard to keep his mouth shut when people
would accuse him of all kinds of bad attributes, when in fact, he was supposed to be looking
like he was the very things he was accused of? Could you have done it, when people left,
right, and center were accusing you of being “just a science fiction writer” and “just a
con-man” and so on? Interesting point, isn’t it.

But yet, he did keep his mouth shut. And although I do not, in any way, admire his choice of
whom to be loyal to (the psychotic Brits) I do indeed admire his absolute loyalty, because
I understand that kind of steadfastness only comes from the real person underneath it all. He
kept his word – he never broke cover and revealed the truth of what he was really doing with
Scientology, and who for.

That’s ok, we’ll do it for him.


Because he should have broken


One should never give loyalty to power-mad psychos – that’s just stupid (and meaningless).
But still, even with Hubbard and all the evil he helped to forward upon humanity, I still find it
to be a very sad thing to watch such a great ability to be loyal, be so mis-utilized, don’t you? I
almost feel sorry for the guy.

You might also ponder upon another extremely obvious fact – all that money. Billions of
dollars went through the Church of Scientology – and Hubbard, proportionately? Hardly
touched any of it. Drop in the bucket compared to billions. Really get that – BILLIONS of
dollars and what does he really buy for himself? Some expensive toys, sure, but not really
what you’d expect a billionaire to do.

Again, his comparatively thrifty spending habits showed he knew his role and his place, and
he kept to it.

See, the money was not really his, it
belonged to who he was working for.

It still does.

I believe this well covers why Hubbard’s records have so many odd holes in them. Nobody
has ever looked where they should have, as I have, at the OSS and its beginnings. A whole
lot of work by many different agents over the years, has gone into trying to do everything
possible to try and prevent that very thing from happening.

All the better to remind them just what that “inner spark” really can do –

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