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20/12/2019 Robert Hunter

Solar change analysis - New chapter for a lyricist-poet success story! Celebration * @ The


Return Part One - Hunter's Sun

Just think for a minute about the number of people you know with enough cerebral stamina to contemplate the
number of angels dancing on the tip of a pin. You'll probably come up empty. They don't enter your life very often, at
least not in person. Robert Hunter is one of those very rare catalysts of the cosmic community capable of intelligent
conversation about any imaginable topic. From Carlos Castenada (The Teaching of Don Juan) through Gurdjieff
(Double Capricorn, Sun conjunct The Peacock; ASC Libra) and on to Scientology through Christian Yoga & Zen.
He's a man in motion. Hunter currently penned new songs for Phil & Friends (count 4 new gems performed July 1
at Berkeley's Greek Theatre in time with Phil Lesh's Odyssey 2001 Tour) ~ add to them those thoughtful ditties sent
to David Gans (see Interview this magazine) ~ Hunter's back on the scene!!

Hunter was one of many people from the Palo Alto community interested in the hot, new fad at the time (the
other one was LSD) ~ known as Scientology. (Well, not to mention music, naturally!) He has long since been
known as the renown, yet reclusive member of the Chateau cavalcade. My original encounter with Hunter was
related to our mutual friend's personal notes on the evening he left this dimension. In fact, Hunter was probably
the last person he spoke with at the Chateau before his fateful ride home. For decades, Jerry Garcia was held
responsible for the car accident since newspapers reported he drove the ‘death car’. My L.A. reintroduction to
Hunter as The Emperor (Trump IV - 'my home is my castle') approximated the neutral zone leading to Shrek's
swamp and his cozy hide-away. Really, he had a 'Go Away' sign taped to his front door window frame - home
often serves Moonchildren as a protective shell! Ultimately, the 'Board at the 'org' unveiled their true Lord
Farquaad character when they try to jag, extract information and push buttons of voyaging ginger-people. Be
prepared - some biographical material to follow * mostly p.c. ;-)

Right, Mimi Farina (Bread & Roses Festival with

genius inspiration of countless musicians) Elizabeth
Cotton, an early influence on Robert Hunter (Freight
Train) ~ Cotton also influenced Garcia (Oh Babe It
Ain't No Lie) and Grisman & Garcia (Freight Train).

Paul M. (liquid light show and all around fairytale

character) asked me to join him for a ride in his
spiffy green MG when he went to pick up his guitar
and shoes. It sounded like we were just going across
town, but when we reached Santa Cruz I knew it was
farther than Golden Gate Park. We buzzed into L.A.
the next day. Everyone was so glad we rambled on
down there!

Welcomed by Chris, (living quarters in the Child’s part of the house (Phoenix study shows b’gua energy
diagram) first she elucidated L.A. rites that guarantee minimal culture shock. She shared Hollywood scene 1/5
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shopping tips drawn from her spicy job at Bullocks. Chris helped Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, darlings
of society (Cleopatra) who strolled into the store one day as casual consumers. Broad daylight and no
bodyguards! - that got my attention. Liz hit the dressing room, tried on and modeled every bikini they picked up
on for Richard, and Chris helped them. This classic L.A. folk story got even better because they bought
everything Liz tried on. Chris pinched herself as they waltzed out with their chic, very ‘no-haute-couture’
plunder. Robert Hunter’s job description at the org implied trust, since each entry level test came under the
scrutiny of his all seeing eye (Agamoto) ~ he knew everything about everyone.

The Los Angeles hidden agenda was due, in part, to Scientology course requirements. It was necessary to polish
techniques, but not with classmates. Since everyone signed on for the same course, people required someone from
outside the course ready to volunteer. Of course, my timing couldn't have been better so, as the result of a win-
win situation, I’ve chalked up more free hours of auditing than anyone else on the planet, probably. [Update:
March 2006 @ Tom Cruise fanpage]

Robert Hunter was one of the Class IV auditors ~ really in a class all by himself. He ‘groked’ the system - made it
his own. And Hunter 'confronts' anything - as well as anybody. Additionally, he often channels Mars through
other methods that employ a process more subtle than the Scientology 'confront.' This may seem formidable to
most people, but for Hunter it’s standard procedure with anything he finds worth his time. Music is, naturally,
another of the numerous subjects he has mastered, as the ultimate wordsmith for a classic folk-rock music score.

Hamilton Street had become my haven of refuge from the storm of family dispute and violence, when I was
under attack, suffering constantly from nosebleeds and swollen eyes. The people at Hamilton House showed
kindness and compassion ‘the right way.’ They helped me nurse my nosebleeds and brought me ice to reduce
swelling in my eyes when my brother would lay into my face with his fists. Finally, after a while, I got to know the
people living there. They were in the middle of a transition from Mother McCree’s Uptown Jug Champions’ {see
GDCD #4064} to various folk groups they were forming. This was the beginning of The Wildwood Boys. So, I
met and got to know Bob Weir, David Nelson, Bob Hunter and Jerry Garcia a little by way of open-hearts. By
this time, Hunter had already written some Grateful Dead gems in his 'upstairs room' at The Chateau. The
alchemical stage at the time was productive of The Warlocks, and then the transmutation to The Dead was in
order. Analysis of their Star Chart during that summer is posted at Phil's page.

It was in Hamilton Street Scientology meetings when everyone became acquainted with Scientology as
interactive. However, later on, at the L.A. home I shared with these folk, I became more aware of the precepts
and through auditing, all those in L.A. intimately involved with the technique. Actually, Hunter originally
predicted I would travel extensively (to L.A.?) one day at Carl and Carol's home, when he gave me a Tarot
reading with The Chariot, indicating travel and encounters with different lifestyles.

Two of the early publishers of L. Ron Hubbard (sci-fi genre) were from Palo Alto and generally known among
the literary and musical folk of the community. They would pow wow now and then - to exchange notes about
who was writing what in the early 60s. It may have been that the interest came about in the writings of L. Ron
even though his early works were science fiction; in part, they were a contribution to early Dianetics. My family
(I'm from the clairvoyant-dowsing clans of Italy & Germany) knew people in with original Dianetics study and
the Breidy Murphy craze at the time - prior to "the official state inquiry" into the records of these researchers.
This is a long way around the block to say L. Ron was fairly well known as a big fish in a small pond. Still, it is
important to remember that, back in the 1950s, hypnosis was still considered to be black magic within the

When Ron switched to Scientology, a religious format for protection/confidentiality concerns (for both students
and practitioners) it caused a bit of a ripple. The Los Angeles org was the epicenter. Advanced courses were
moved to Ron's cruise ship in the Mediterranean, thought to be the ultimate destination. The home base in
England was also offering the standard post-Class IV level.

A few people at the L.A. org considered the trip - going the distance to personally study the latest, most
challenging levels with L. Ron incarnate. Then something awful happened in the political scene at the national
level, and particularly in Los Angeles. For a reason no one knew (or could hazard a guess on) pressure was put
on the back of the Scientology Board's neck. Everyone knew, though the information was not directly
communicated to anyone - always quite bizarre to me. An organization priding itself on straight arrow, 'clear'
communication was in a predicament they could have avoided by putting what they 'preached' into action.
(Celebrity Critics of Scientology) Shoemakers always have holes in their shoes. The atmosphere was heavy
because of post-raid fears (file cabinets confiscated) - to be fair - today there are midnight raids on Scientology
computers taken for investigation! Some things may not change but they could be improved.

No one felt concerned about dreaded double standards or Mississippi half steps initially because it was so
difficult to believe and was rough going to absorb it all. Certificates ~ won with blood, sweat and tears ~ to be 2/5
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unceremoniously 'yanked' regardless of individual qualifications, if people were from Palo Alto. Many people
were disillusioned, mystified and shell-shocked by the sneak attack. Everyone received written notification by
mail (the Board waited till everyone left L. A.) with explanations about Palo Alto residents being disqualified
regardless of status achieved.

In fact, it was so across the board that, when I visited the Los Angeles org in the mid-80s to purchase a tone scale
from the bookstore, I was called into the office as I was leaving the cashier counter by someone I didn't even
know. He took me into his office, closed the door and informed me that my Class IV certificate had been yanked
some time ago, but they didn't have an address to write to tell me... 20 years later!! The curious thing about that
little bombshell remains unexplained to this day - how could anybody yank a certificate I never applied for? I
didn't take any Scientology course!

Hunter received his notification (officially) after he had relocated in Northern California again. I was visiting
with him shortly after he received the little note in the mail - without any explanation enclosed. It simply stated
he was not regarded as a qualified auditor by the organization. We talked about the whole experience in an
atmosphere of astounded disbelief. Go figure.

I thought of Harold Goddard, "The destiny of the world is determined less by the battles that are lost and won
than by the stories it loves and believes in."


Time for change has come. When the text speaks not only of revolution but also of change and alteration, it
means that while revolution merely does away with the old, the idea of change points at the same time to
introduction of the new.

1970 began a new era for people living in the presence of such cosmic influences as the Haight-Ashbury vortex
complex, located at the heart of the seven ancient power sites in San Francisco; what surfaced in the 60s ~
metamorphoses of cultural linguistics & rituals and Bohemian lifestyles with their own elite system of social
mores ~ evolved.

When the Royal Star melded with Robert Hunter's personal power charts, the inspirational influence
quickly became evident. During this conjunction, Hunter wrote, recorded and released his first solo venture
"Tales of The Great Rum Runners." He thought about starting a solo career and touring Europe during this time.

The journey to Stonehenge marked the outset of the Regulus influence, a star destined to awaken
Hunter's Sol potential, his career as 'the independent artist.'
Hunter's natural tendency to magnetize the power of 'green' cultural richness preserved
faithfully in his home away from home, the UK* ~ was intensified further by Regulus animating
his 1970-1973 stars. This blend tends to highlight and facilitate the acquisition of one's goal in 'the right way,' as
represented by Pig Pen, sanskrit wisdom and Joseph Campbell, the 'Follow
Your Bliss' advocate. WIRED MAGAZINE asserts the origins of DeadNet
can be traced to the "Dead Freaks" mailing list, launched in 1971 during
this window in time. "Rum Runners" is one of my favorites, and
a virtual who's who of musical talent in a tight collaboration,
with a rare joint appearance by the Albin brothers (Peter and
Rodney.) The circle of eclectic musicans infused as much
improvisation as humanly possible into these collected songs ~ given
constraints of time and space formats for an LP. There are dazzling full
spectrum charters to universal reflection coalescing the timeless and
popular themes of the day. Clearly reminiscent of the 'Wildwood Boys' style
of excellence as Hunter, Garcia and Nelson had pushed the spotlight out on
center stage. Spiral image right: Drawing details the dissection of the great
serpent. The central area reveals the Sun, then Mercury, Venus, Terra, and so forth, out from the center. The
tradition states the sacred site of the Sun is the Shrader/Cole block of Haight Street in San Francisco's mystical
triangle, as referenced on Phil's Zone Inn & Annex page. This location of the Straight Theatre and the shop where I
worked, is the site of the 'rainbow' mural. Most of the bands performed at Haight Street fairs and festivals on this 3/5
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corner, evidenced by many famous pictures of The Grateful Dead and The Dinosaurs playing to thousands dancing
in the street.

Hunter's subtle style is often the cloaked akasha mode to imply 'enduring life that is veiled': spirit (breath, tau
cross +) and ankh (a tau cross with a loop at the top, symbol of the word 'to go' as a sandal strap) in the 'right

The spiral and the S-curve patterns are associated with akasha, the fifth element, not dissimilar in use to the
'supreme' element in the film,"The Fifth Element." The whole idea of dance based on the spiral & S-curve
speaks to our understanding of balance as Yin/Yang, the feminine/masculine, or Sandalphon/Metatron in the
West. This is true whether you support an asymetrical paradigm or not. The Tao is the most popular reference
point conveying the idea of balance between the initiative and negotiating powers of awareness, although we tend
to view the symbol as a creative expression for opening soul power rather than the movement of the dance.
History buffs cite pre-Roman Irish coronation circles, on the Hill of Tara, Meath a figure eight S-curve, as an
example of this ancient influence.

Deadhead phrases, "spinning, twisting & twirling," and our ever popular "whirled peas" step twine with the
Celtic Trinity. [ Ye Olde Alchemy Page with several labyrinth examples.] There is a rumor that, according to the
customs of Ireland, Irish nuns assisting the delivery of a child will experience strong RNA/DNA resurgence; they
are moved to dance and chant prayers in the native language for the happiness and health of the new family. No
doubt this was the origin of the saying: Beginning life on a "high note" ~ what it's all about!

Oft times the written review of a Hunter/Garcia song mentions 'rainbows of sound ribbons' and 'tapestries of
sound,' or 'interwoven waves' of multi-dimensional chords, especially if everyone dances. The literary illusion
may allude to rainbows of color waves flowing from color to sound and back again in time, weaving through a
still greater symphony. Visually, spiral tie-dye T-shirts emphasize the seven waves of power turning out from the
heart center.

Community empowerment blossomed with free concerts in Golden Gate Park and Haight Street Festivals, when
The Grateful Dead set up at Cole (ancient site dedicated to the Sun) in front of the Straight Theatre. This
terrified the politico groups because they had nothing to attack. Flicks designed for/by the alternative culture
graced the Haight-Ashbury - the Straight highlights include the premiere engagement of The Beatles' 'Magical
Mystery Tour.' Fabrications and glaring omissions emerged later on. In ancient times, Celt words were drawn
from energy within community daily life. Root words for 'dance,' 'labyrinth,' 'walls of the city,' sprang from the
same source well ~~ like 'troy.' The word 'troytown' meant labyrinth. The idea is linked, possibly, to original
May Pole rituals, and temple rites, or a trek up seven levels of the mountain at Glastonbury Tor. Hunter's lyrics
interface with these symbols, consistently suggesting the connection between movement and empowerment,
almost always embracing the akashic element. Paranormal events are often in evidence when there is a group
that favors stoking up an abundance of this energy. See the mystical SF triangle for more and visit the
paranormal page for on-topic articles. Although Rudolph Steiner advanced the same idea through his Eurythmy
School, he never managed to convert the concept into literal material for a universal audience.

.... from the Phil Zone Inn:

Buttermilk Float

Blenders love this tangy float – simple and quick to prepare for an unexpected guest.


3 cups buttermilk
1 pint lemon ice cream
Crushed ice
Cinnamon sugar or lemon drops


In pitcher of an electric blender, combine buttermilk, half the ice cream, and crushed ice. Cover pitcher and mix
until smooth. 4/5
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Pour into tall glasses; top each with a spoonful of remaining ice cream. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar or crushed
lemon drops.

Pop over at The Phil Zone Inn if you're 'Wokin' The Dog' * we serve you right. 'Kelp is on the way' * try
the 'Shittake Happens' taster treats!

Robert Hunter Archives ~ Music On Mars ~ Grateful Dead - Jerry Garcia ~ Paul McCartney ~ R & R Today

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