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20 Sample Hypnotic Inductions Demonstrations With

Dan Jones
so what I'd like you to do is take a
moment to close your eyes
and with your eyes closed just allow
yourself to listen along to my voice as
you listen along to my voice you can
continue to relax and drift into a
trance what I'd like you to do is just
get a sense of what it'd be like to be
lying down on some grass
perhaps out in a meadow somewhere lying
down on some grass feeling the grass
under your head perhaps it tickles your
neck a little bit
feeling the grass under your arms your
hands maybe you can notice the
temperature of the grass at your hands
maybe it's warm or cool maybe you can
notice the movement and the texture of
the grass as you move your hands around
in the grass and as you lie there in
that meadow just have a sense of gazing
up at the night sky now the sense of
gazing up at the night sky seeing
twinkling stars seeing the Milky Way
stretched across the sky and
occasionally perhaps seeing a shooting
star go by and as you gaze up into the
sky you can begin to wonder what it
would be like if you're on another
planet so you can gaze up into the sky
and wonder whether there is another
earth out there somewhere another planet
that can sustain life on it like on
earth and as you gaze up just imagine
what it'd be like to send your
consciousness out into space to that
other planet so that you find yourself
lying on an alien planet looking up at
the night sky with a different view of
the sky wondering whether there's
someone out there somewhere lying down
looking up at the nights
and as you do this you can drift deeper
and deeper into hypnosis drifting deeper
into hypnosis just gazing off at that
alien night sky noticing what's
different about that night sky as you
look back and look at the Stars and work
out which star is the Sun that's got a
planet called Earth circling it and on
that planet is you lying down looking up
into space almost like this connection
between the two minds that's it then you
can just do that for a moment or two and
notice how in this alien planet you can
get some relaxation and then after a
moment or two you can have your
consciousness drift back from that alien
planet through space and time to the you
lying there on earth before gently
opening your eyes
so take a moment to get self comfortable
and close your eyes and with your eyes
closed just begin to imagine walking
along a country path and as you walk
along this country path you can notice
there are trees around you perhaps
there's some hills around you you can
notice wildlife around you and just
notice how you're walking along on a
spring day along this country path you
can see spring flowers you can hear the
sounds of spring you can feel the
warming temperature as the weather is
beginning to get warmer in the spring
you can notice how the trees are all
green there's new life baby animals and
as you continue to walk along through
the countryside
you can notice how you're also walking
along through time as you walk along
through time so the weather warms up and
as the weather warms up you notice how
the life grows up how the life becomes
more succulent more wholesome and dense
with plants and animals and the warmth
of the Sun can increase
that's it and as you continue to walk
through the country you can notice how
summer begins to turn to autumn how
trees gradually begin to change color
from greens to shades of Browns and
ochre and yellows how the trees begin to
thin on top how plants begin to recede
our wildlife begins to forage around
preparing for the winter how the
temperature and the warmth of the Sun
begins to reduce and as you continue
walking through the countryside
you can notice how winter begins to set
in how the weather begins to go colder
and as the weather begins to turn colder
so the trees begin to become quite bare
apart from evergreen trees and other
trees at last the winter and shrubs and
bushes and some plants last and other
plants wither away they won't arrive
again until the spring and you don't see
so many animals now
and you notice everything's karma and
maybe there's some snow as the winter
sets in maybe it's just cold maybe there
some ice
you can notice our days are shorter in
colder and the Sun doesn't seem to be so
strong and then as you exit this
hypnotic experience you can notice how
you're walking back into spring and as
you arrive at spring so you can arrive
out of the hypnosis and allow your eyes
to open and come back to the here and
now that's it all the way back to the
here and now
so take a moment to close your eyes and
begin to really relax with your eyes
closed as you really relax you can be
aware of the sound of my voice as you
follow the sound of my voice you can
just discover yourself stirred at the
top of a Grand Garden stood just at the
back of a building large mansion and
when you look down you can notice that
you're stirred on the solid ground
you're stood on paving slabs and in
front of you is some steps that lead
down to the first part of the garden and
as you slowly walk towards those steps
you can gaze out over the garden and
while you gaze out over the garden you
can notice sounds around you in the
garden sounds of birds in the distance
perhaps other sounds in the distance you
can notice the rustling of trees around
the outside of the garden as the wind
blows a breeze
and you can walk down those 10 steps
down into the first part of the garden
and with each step down our Countians
hens have one and you can step on a step
with each count and go one-tenth of the
way deeper into hypnosis with each step
that you take stepping on the top step
ten and the next step
nine eight seven and I wonder what each
step sounds like as you take each step
six five going further down into their
garden four and I don't know if there's
a hand route hold on to as you walk down
those steps whether you're walking down
the middle of the steps or one of the
sides for three I wonder what each
footstep feels like to one that's it
down in the garden now and you can
gently walk your way through the garden
following the path to the far side of
the garden and at the far side of this
garden is a tulle hedge and you can walk
to that tulle edge and around you you
can notice some small hair hedges and
flower beds and just look around and
notice the different colors of flowers
perhaps butterflies and other insects
flying around the flowers and if you
look up maybe you'll notice a blue sky I
don't know if there will be clouds in
the sky and you can listen be mindful in
this garden of the sounds around you and
the feeling of the Sun on your skin as
you walk to that hedge at the back of
the garden and when you reach that hedge
at the back of the garden you can gently
follow the hedge running your hair
a long ledge and as you run your hand
along that hedge you can notice there is
a small twig that's sticking out very
slightly and as your hand brushes
against that twig a secret passageway
through the hedge opens up and with some
curiosity you can step through that
passageway and notice how it closes
behind you and discover yourself in a
secret garden in a garden that only you
now know how to access the garden where
you can find a bench we can relax on
that bench in the most beautiful secret
garden the garden where your mind can
drift and dream and wander and as your
mind drifts and dreams and wanders so
you can find yourself and as you find
yourself so you can do any inner work
that's necessary and you can take a
moment to be aware of how you got here
before getting up off the bench walking
back to that hedge finding a similar
switch on this side of the hedge passing
through the edge walking back through
the garden back up those steps and when
you reach that porch at the beginning of
the garden you can let your eyes open
and it'll only take a moment or two you
can let your eyes open and come back to
the here and now
so allow yourself to get comfortable and
allow your eyes to close and with your
eyes closed just imagine yourself on a
canoe or another small boat heading down
a river in a jungle and you're on your
own on this river on this gin they're
going through the jungle and you've got
a sense of excitement because you're
searching for a lost city and you can
paddle down this river hearing the sound
as you place the ore on one side holding
it with two hands and scooping the water
backwards and then lifting it up over
the boat and over your body placing it
into the water on the other side and
scooping the water backwards and then
lifting it up over your body placing it
down the other side in the water and
scooping the water backwards feeling the
weight of the water each time you push
the water back with your perhaps hearing
the sound of the or against the boat
every now and then as you lower it into
the water hearing the sound of the water
being pushed back as you push that water
back having a sense of the way the boat
moves forwards with each paddle that you
make and as you look around you you can
notice the the weight of the water
created by the movement of the bones
when you look left and right you can see
how that weight reaches the shore
notice movement of reeds noticing the
other waves in the water noticing the
jungle around the outside of the river
the tall trees seeing the glistening
light shining through the leaves into
the water and in a moment you can see a
slight clearing a slight Bank that looks
like you could pull up the boat there
and as you reach that clearing you can
pull your boat out paddling it up onto
the shore and allowing it just to glide
up onto the shore as you paddle towards
the shore and having that feeling of it
hitting into the shore and the sound of
it running through the wet sandy mud as
it slides to a halt before you then step
out with your feet sinking slightly into
the mud as you then walk up the shore
and into the woods into the jungle as
you walk up the shore into the jungle
and then you can get out a machete and
you can be hacking your way through the
jungle packing a path through when no
one has gone for many years and when the
sound of leaves being chopped down thin
branches being chopped out the way as
you push on and push through with
increasing excitement then after a while
you can discover a clearing and what
looks like ruins and it's a bit like
Mayan temples and other ancient ruins
and you see a weird pyramid structure
that appears to be covered in gold and a
glistening door on the front and you
approach the door and with all of your
efforts against that weight of that
heavy door you push the door open
hearing the sound of the door as it
opens feeling the weight of the door as
you push with the muscles in your legs
your shoulders your back your arms then
you see the most incredible sight you
enter the building and see some steps
leading down and as you follow those
steps down you discover there's a whole
lost world a whole lost underground
civilization that looks like it's above
ground somehow there's a glow coming
from the ceiling lighting up this
underground world and it's so deep this
underground world
that the ceilings so far above that
there's an atmosphere within this area
there's cloud formation the glow seems
to have an infrared element it seems to
be able to feed plants
and it's almost like you're outside yet
you know you're deep down under the
ground and you can enjoy some time in
this lost world seeing tribes and as you
interact with the friendly tribes people
learning knowledge from them time can
seem to fly by before you then in the
next minute or so leave this lost world
known you can come back here whenever
you want and head back to your boat and
as you paddle away from the shore so
your eyes can open you can come back to
the room
so as you're walking through the
countryside you notice a rabbit hole and
there's something unusual about this
rabbit hole and as you walk closer to
the rabbit hole so you begin to get
smaller and the closer to the rabbit
hole you get the smaller you become and
as you become smaller so your curiosity
increases and while your curiosity is
increasing you can notice the height of
grass seems to be getting larger around
you trees and flowers seem to be getting
larger as you get smaller and smaller
until you reach about the size of a
rabbit and you walk into the rabbit hole
wondering why you've ended up reaching
this size what is it about this rabbit
hole that's so magical mysterious that
leads you to shrink as you approach it
and as you approach the rabbit hole you
begin to allow the excitement increase
and you notice how there's a loose mud
bank leading up to the hole and you
scramble up that Bank into the rabbit
hole and it's dark in the hole and you
walk through the dark hole and it's
almost like there's a certain atmosphere
within this rabbit hole almost like you
can feel the atmosphere and you can't
see anything if you look back you can
faintly see the light behind you of the
entrance but the further you go into the
rabbit hole the less light there is and
you carefully walk into the rabbit hole
and when you reach to the sides you can
feel the mud on the sides
in the same way that you can feel the
mud under your feet and after a while of
walking you find that the tunnel comes
to an end and the tunnel ends with a
wooden door and it's an arched wooden
door and yet you can't see that it's an
arched wooden door because it's dark but
you can see a very faint glow underneath
the door from whatever is behind the
door and so you can feel around on the
door feeling the wooden door searching
for a handle and your fingertips can
discover a steel handle that's cold to
the touch and you can open the door with
the handle and let the light flood out
as you then step through the door it can
take a while for your eyes to adjust to
the changing light and you can discover
yourself on a smooth stone floor it's
almost like pure white marble with
smooth stone walls and a smooth stone
ceiling that just seems to glow
and as you walk through this room you
can see a table in the middle of the
room and on the table is a bottle that
says drink me without really giving it
any thought you drink that bottle of
liquid and as you do so you begin to
shrink smaller and smaller and as you
shrink you notice that there's a door
really small door down on the wall and
you head to that door and you walk
through that door and you find yourself
in a weird land a weird land where it's
almost like you're a normal size in
comparison to everything else it's as if
you're not shrunk at all because
everything else is in proportion to you
and you can hear birds and you can hear
animals and you can hear running water
of a stream and you can notice a breeze
that blows through the leaves
and you can find the most beautiful
meadow here and there's a whole land you
can explore but for now you can find a
beautiful meadow and you can take a few
moments to relax in that meadow and
after relaxing in that meadow for a few
moments you can decide that it's time to
leave this land and head back to where
you came
because you'll know you can go back here
anytime you want and you can spend much
more time here on your visits exploring
this land
and so as you approach the door again
ready to leave back into that room you
can see a little tap on the side of the
door and so you fill up a little bottle
and take a drink and as you step through
the door so you begin to grow again to
the size of the table and then beyond
the size of the table back to the size
you were when you walked in this room
the first time and you see in this room
that there's another tap so you fill the
bottle that says drink me up with that
big tap and place that back on the table
so if you decide to come back here again
you've got a drink waiting for you you
then leave through the door back into
the rabbit hole and follow the rabbit
hole all the way back out towards that
distant light and as you exit the rabbit
hole so you begin to grow back to your
normal size again and when you reach
your normal size again you can open your
eyes and come all the way back so the
here and now
so you can allow your eyes to close
gently and imagine yourself sat on the
edge of a stream and I don't know if
you'll be sat under a tree by a stream
or if you'll be sat on the edge dangling
your feet in the water and you know you
can dangle your feet in the water
feeling the water tickling your toes and
your legs being aware of the warmth of
the water watching the water trickle by
being aware of the waves on the surface
and twigs and leaves that occasionally
flow past and the sound of bubbling
water and how relaxing that bubbling
sound can be and you can feel like just
closing your eyes as you rest by that
stream closing your eyes and just
listening to the bubbling water and
being aware that as you breathe in the
air the air seems fresher because the
water seems to purify it is almost like
you can smell the fact the water's there
and the air has a slight coolness to it
because of the water and yet the warmth
of the Sun can feel so comforting and as
you gaze around you can see some dancing
through the leaves
you can notice different trees different
plants you can hear and see different
birds and animals you can feel so
comfortable and relaxed and I don't know
whether you'll just remain sitting
whether you lie down on some grass next
to the stream there and perhaps resting
by the stream can take your mind off and
have your mind wander elsewhere to
pleasant thoughts pleasant memories
pleasant ideas of relaxing and enjoying
and you know at any point you could
stand in the stream there's only a
shallow stream and enjoy the feeling of
the running water well you could just
walk along the stream enjoying a nice
country walk listening to the water as
you relax on your walk
in a moment you can begin to get a sense
of coming back to the air and now then
after a minute or so you can come all
the way back opening your eyes and
feeling relaxed and refreshed
so take a moment to close your eyes and
with your eyes closed imagine walking
towards a building and as you walk
towards this building you see a door in
front of you and when you reach the door
you can reach out to open the door and
as you reach to open the door so you can
begin to relax a little and while you
relax a little and open the door
you can then step across the threshold
and into the first room the other side
of the door and in this room you begin
to let go of tension of stress just
letting go of some things and as you
walk across the room leaving all that
behind you can see there's another door
across the other side of the room and
when you reach that door you can open
that door and go even deeper and it
knows this as you step through that door
and the third door will be the room of
nothingness and so you can walk across
this room in deeper and deeper and
hypnosis deeper and deeper more relaxed
into hypnosis becoming more absorbed in
the experience almost like each step is
taken gently and slowly and with a level
of intent
then when you reach that final door you
can step through that door into a room
of nothingness and in this room there's
no sound there's nothing particularly to
see and there's nothing you need to feel
you can just be in this room in a
contented state in this room you can
just relax for a little bit and just
enjoy a sense of nothingness
that's it then after you've enjoyed
sense of nothingness and enjoyed some
time in hypnosis you can then head back
out of this room and across the next
room then out of that room and across
the other room and then back outside and
when you get back outside so your eyes
can open and you can come back to the
here and now feeling refreshed and
so take a moment to close your eyes
with your eyes closed
just imagine sitting in the world's most
comfortable chair imagine how your head
and neck are supported by that chair how
your shoulders seem to gently sink into
the chair how the chairs you must have
perfect support for your back your legs
your bottom your arms and as you sit
there on that chair you can breathe in
and out on with each in-breath you can
breathe air in the sense of relaxation
with each out breath you can breathe out
any tension as the chair helps you relax
deeply and comfortably and you almost
feel weightless in this chair it holds
you just so perfectly and you can almost
scan your body scanning from your head
down to your toes being aware of how
each different part of you is just so
perfectly supported by the chair how the
chair helps you feel so comfortable so
that feeling of comfort and relaxation
can increase with each breath that you
take as you explore what it feels like
to be sat in the world's most
comfortable chair a chair that's so
comfortable you mind just wants to
wander and drift and float elsewhere and
so you can let your mind drift and
wander and float elsewhere because of
how comfortable the chair is
and then after a while of your mind
drifting and dreaming you can begin to
drift back you can begin to get a sense
of moving on that chair slightly a sense
of shifting your position as you drift
all the way back to the here and now
opening your eyes feeling rough lat
relaxed and refreshed
so close your eyes and with your eyes
closed just imagine yourself relaxing on
a beach and I don't know what the beach
looks like to you I don't know if it's a
beach you've seen before ones new to you
and as you relax there on that beach
just have a sense of gazing out over the
water and look at that water and see how
that water flows air in and out of the
shore and I don't know whether it flows
in gently almost like a trickle or rolls
in comfortably or crashes in like large
waves then just pay attention to the
shoreline and to the sound of the water
as it slides onto the shore and as it
recedes back off the shore as it perhaps
picks up some sand or some stones was
material from the shoreline and drags it
back out to sea
and I don't know what the shore looks
like to you and you can have a look at
the shore and see is it golden sand is
it white sand is it a different colored
sand is it stony or rocky and what
colors can you see as you gaze around
you of that shoreline and are there
other people there for you on your own
and what about birds or other wildlife
you can look around and see what's there
and any vegetation plants trees grass
and I wonder what the weather's like
whether it's cloudy or clear or misty
whether it's daytime or nighttime can
you feel the warmth of the Sun on your
face on your body
you can gaze around at the sky and
notice what you can see and listen out
and notice what you can hear then you
can have a feel in this world as well
for what you can notice on the beach and
there can be something about the sea air
that helps your body your immune system
it's almost healing
and then after a few moments you can
begin to drift back to the here and now
pushing all the way back opening your
eyes and feeling relaxed and refreshed
so just get a sense of being out on a
car motion on a nice warm sunny day and
beneath you is crystal-clear blue water
and you're in a white boat and I don't
know whether you're on your own or with
a diving party but you're about to go
scuba diving and so you can have a sense
of putting on the scuba diving gear
putting the air tanks on your back
putting the mouthpiece in your mouth
putting your goggles down over your eyes
being on the edge of the boat with your
back to the water and then flopping
backwards over the edge of the boat into
the water knowing that you're safe and
secure the whole time during this dive
you can have that sense of hitting the
water what it feels like as your back
hits the water and as you start feeling
the water and noticing the temperature
of the water and the sensations of the
water spreading around the outside of
your body then once you're in the water
you can quickly begin to descend
underwater during the sound of the
bubble was ascending around you as you
breathe and as you lower yourself into
the water and once you've lowered
yourself just a short distance
underwater you can begin to see clearly
everything can begin to come calm and
relaxed almost like everything goes into
slow motion you can see fish swimming
around as you relax deeper and deeper
into this ocean and while you relax
deeper and deeper into the ocean you can
notice that there's a shipwreck on the
floor right down on the bottom of the
ocean you can see twinkles and sparkles
coming from that shipwreck
you know there's treasure down there and
so you can enjoy going deeper and deeper
into it notice as you go deeper and
deeper down into the ocean towards that
shipwreck and when you reach the
shipwreck you can touch the shipwreck
you can see their treasure
you can notice wildlife colorful fish
swimming around it can be so beautiful
and peaceful just with your rhythmic
sound of your breathing and the slow
movements as you relax under the water
on this dive and you know you can go on
many different dives and see many
different things and enjoy each and
every one
and after you've had a good look around
and you feel the time is right you can
begin to rise back up to the surface
nice and gently and slowly and as you do
you can begin to rise back up out of
hypnosis when you reach the surface you
can open your eyes and find yourself
waking up feeling refreshed and
so imagine yourself sitting down it
could be that you're sat on a sea front
it could be that you're sat in the
countryside but Madden yourself sat
somewhere where you're going to watch
and enjoy a sunset and as you gaze out
over the view you can see you can notice
how the circular Sun is nice and slowly
and gently moving towards the horizon
and it's moving so smoothly and calmly
and you can notice as it moves towards
the horizon the changing color of the
sky and as it moves towards the horizon
you can go deeper and deeper into
hypnosis you can notice the change in
color of the sky from blue through to
reds and oranges and yellows and you can
watch the changing color of the sky and
notice if you look around you how the
area opposite the Sun is going darker as
the area underneath the Sun remains
and after a while you can see that
moment and look really closely to watch
for that moment when the orb of the Sun
just clips the top of the horizon and
you can watch as that Sun lowers gently
and smoothly down over the horizon and I
don't know what point you'll begin to
notice a couple of stars in the sky or
perhaps noticing the moon in the sky as
that Sun continues to set and the sky
begins to darken and yet at the same
time become colourful taking on
different hues of reds oranges yellows
as you go deeper and deeper into
and so you can go deeper into hypnosis
as that son continues to set being fully
absorbed in hypnosis once the son has
totally gone over the horizon what you
can notice is how when the son totally
disappears the sun's rays still shine on
you can still see some lights in color
and so you can watch as the Sun fully
and you can remain watching until the
Sun light has totally disappeared
and once the sunlight has totally
disappeared and nighttime is fully upon
then you can begin to drift back out of
hypnosis drifting all the way back out
of hypnosis and opening your eyes and
coming back to the room and that can
take a minute or less the real world
time and as long as you need on inner
experience time
that's it go all the way back to the
hearing now and opening your eyes
feeling refreshed and revitalized moment
to close your eyes and imagine yourself
following a path through the woods and
it's a bright sunny day the sun's high
in the sky
well above the trees and as you walk
through the woods you can hear each
footstep you take and you can get that
walking into a comfortable rhythm you
can feel each footstep as it hits the
ground and you can notice the breeze on
your skin and hear the rustling leaves
as the wind blows through the trees and
as you go deeper and deeper into
hypnosis walking along this path you can
see dancing rays of sunlight flickering
and dancing all around you on that path
as the Sun shines down through the trees
dancing and flickering like shards of
and as you almost become mesmerised by
that dancing shards of light you can
drift d4 and deeper into hypnosis unless
you drift deeper and deeper into
hypnosis so you can walk further and
further down this path being aware of
what you can hear around you
perhaps animals and birds maybe a stream
in the distance the wear of what you can
see around you the different colors
different shades the dancing light and
aware of what you can feel the ground
beneath your feet the air on your skin
each movement that you take the feeling
of bark if you reach and touch a tree
and so you can enjoy walking through
this wood following this path as you go
deeper into hypnosis then after you've
enjoyed hypnosis for a little while you
can turn around and follow the path back
and as you follow the path back so you
can begin to exit hypnosis so that when
you get back to the beginning of the
path your eyes can open and you can feel
refreshed and revitalized you can do
that over the next minute or so
that's it all the way back to the here
and now and opening your eyes
let's close your eyes and just imagine
walking through and or inspiring
beautiful plays I don't know whether
it'll be a valley full of life and
nature plants and animals whether it'll
be a meadow or a beach just imagine
yourself in that beautiful place and
notice what you can see notice what you
can hear and notice what you can feel as
you relax in this beautiful place and
you can enjoy relaxing in this beautiful
place a place created by your mind
that's the most beautiful place you can
think of and you can look around and
wonder what makes this place so
beautiful and as you become more
absorbed in this beautiful place so you
can go deeper into hypnosis and you can
have a feeling of what it feels like to
be in the most beautiful place in the
world or the universe all the most
beautiful place you can imagine what it
feels like to reach out and touch things
in this place
and what you can hear in this place and
what you can feel in this place and what
you can see in this beautiful place and
so you can enjoy some time in this
beautiful place in deep hypnosis and
after a little while perhaps a minute or
so you can drift back out of this place
coming all the way back to the here and
now and opening your eyes feeling
relaxed and refreshed
that's it coming all the way back and
opening your eyes is feeling relaxed and
refreshed and revitalized
now I'd like to just close your eyes and
imagine yourself in a meadow and in this
meadow you can look around and notice a
log cabin and the log cabin is a little
way away you've got to walk to that log
cabin and as you've walked a log cabin
you can notice what each footstep feels
like what it feels like to be walking
how your arms move how your body moves
how your breathing as you walk to that
log cabin what the ground feels like
beneath your feet and noticing sounds
and sights around you what the sky looks
like and you can begin to look at the
log cabin and get a sense of what the
log cabin looks like the size of it the
shape of it what it's made out of what
the roof is like and the windows and the
door and when you reach the log cabin
you can take a moment to open the door
and hear the door opening as you step
and inside the log cabin you can sit
down and notice that you've sat by a
crackling relaxing fire and that it's
the evening and in the evening sat there
relaxing by a crackling fire you can see
the fire flickering around with the
light glistening and flickering on the
walls and the windows and you can notice
how outside the temperatures dropped
perhaps it's snowing or it's just cold
outside and you can notice how on the
inside of the windows there's some
condensation from the temperature
difference and you can touch the glass
and feel the coolness of the glass
whilst listening to the crackling fire
in the background
seeing dancing shadows around the room
you can go back to that chair relax in
the chair and as you relax in the chair
you can imagine what it's like to relax
with a good book in a chair in front of
a log fire feeling so comfortable so
warm just enjoying drifting and floating
deeper into the experience
and then after a minute or so of
enjoying this experience you can get up
out of the chair and leave the cabin as
if the morning has come round and the
sun's warmed everything up and as you
walk back from that cabin back across
that meadow so your eyes can begin to
open and you can come out of hypnosis
and come back to the room feeling
refreshed and revitalized
that's it all the way coming back out of
hypnosis feeling refreshed and
so as you listen to me just allow your
eyes to close a moment and with your
eyes closed what I'd like you to do is
to repeat everything that I say but turn
it into suggestions for yourself so if I
say just allow yourself to relax you'll
say to yourself just allow myself to
relax so what you're doing is
essentially following along to what I
say and then you're giving yourself the
hypnotic suggestions afterwards so take
a moment to close your eyes and with
your eyes closed
just listen to the sound of my voice and
as you listen to the sound of my voice
just begin to notice your breathing
notice how you breathe in and breathe
out and as you notice a breathe in and
breathe out you can go deep for a more
comfortably into hypnosis and while you
go deep for a more comfortably into
hypnosis you can continue to listen to
my voice and as you continue to listen
to my voice you can be aware of certain
thoughts and ideas that can come into
your mind and you can take a few moments
to just focus on some of those thoughts
and ideas and just allow yourself to
become absorbed in those thoughts and
ideas and you can go deep for a more
comfortably into this state as you
listen along to my voice and continue to
breathe in that way and in a moment I'm
going to count from one up to three and
on the count of three you can open your
eyes and come back to the room 1 2 3
open your eyes and coming back to the
so just take a moment to close your eyes
and with your eyes closed
you don't have to pay attention to the
sounds around you you don't have to pay
attention to how you're sitting to what
your backs resting against you don't
have to pay attention to the words that
I'm using or the sound of my voice you
don't have to be aware of different
thoughts and feelings that come through
your mind and you don't have to try to
do anything at all
and you don't have to worry about how
you're beginning to drift comfortably
into hypnosis you don't have to think
about how it is that that happens all by
you don't have to think about the way
that your mind relaxes or the way that
your body relaxes as you drift into
hypnosis you don't have to think about
the processes that happen as you
transition from wakeful awareness into a
comfortable hypnotic state you can just
let it all happen by itself you don't
have to be involved consciously at all
just letting it all happen by itself
perhaps with each in-breath or each out
breath or the words I say you don't have
to be paying any attention to those
words or paying any attention to your
in-breath or out-breath relaxation can
just happen as you drift into hypnosis
in your own comfortable way
and then after a few moments we're going
to count from one up to three and on the
count of three you can open your eyes
one two three and opening your eyes
so I'd like to have you just close your
eyes a minute
and with your eyes closed
just imagine you've got a healing light
starting to surround you and the healing
light that's surrounding you
begins to concentrate on the top of your
head and as you focus on the top of your
head and notice that healing light
shining on to that spot on the top of
your head so you can notice how that
healing light begins to pass down from
the top of your head and down around
your face and around the back of your
and you can notice what color that
healing light is whether there's any
sound to that healing light or any other
sensations that healing light as it
softens and relaxes through your head
and your face and down to your neck and
you can notice how that healing light
gently passes down to your shoulders
softening and relaxing the shoulders
passing some healing down through the
shoulders and as you continue to listen
to my voice that healing light can
continue to spread down into your arms
first the upper arms then down towards
the forearms and down into your hands
and with each out breath that you take
so that healing like and then begin to
spread down into your body almost like
every in-breath breathes in a bit more
healing light and each out breath just
helps that healing light move further
down through your body as you relax
deeper more comfortably
not healing light then passes down
through your body down your back and
down your chest and down your sides and
down towards your stomach and your lower
back and then once that healing lice has
reached your lower back can pass down
into your legs relaxing and healing and
softening the muscles and you can notice
the color of the healing lights and
whether it's glowing whether it's bright
or dimmer and notice how that healing
light changes as it passes round through
your body
passing down into your legs gently
healing all the way down through the
upper legs all the way down to the lower
part of your legs all the way down to
your feet helping you feel relaxed
comfortably as that healing light
reaches your feet then after that
healing light has reached your feet you
can take a couple of deep breaths just
to help you go a little deeper and then
in a moment I'm going to count from 1 up
to 3 and on the count of 3 you'll come
all the way back and open your eyes
1 2 3 coming all the way back and
opening your eyes
just take a moment to close your eyes as
you listen to me and in your mind's eye
just begin to imagine that you're
walking through a country meadow you're
walking through a country meadow and you
can see a tree right in the middle of a
country meadow
it's a large oak tree and you
comfortably walk through the grass
towards that oak tree noticing the grass
on your feet
noticing what it feels like to be
walking through that grass what the
ground feels like with each step
noticing the color of the sky and
noticing the feeling of the weather
around you of the temperature of the air
as you walk towards that oak tree and
then when you reach that oak tree you
can have a sense of running your fingers
around the outside of that oak tree as
you walk around the tree notice how the
shade falls on the ground underneath the
oak tree notice how there's an area of
mud underneath the oak tree where grass
can't grow because of the shade and as
you feel around the oak tree you can
discover a door into the oak tree
and you can carefully open that door and
as you carefully open that door you can
notice a spiral staircase leading deeply
down under the tree and in a moment you
can walk into the tree and start walking
down the staircase and as you start
walking down the staircase I'll count
down from ten to one and you can go one
tenth of the way deeper into hypnosis
with each count as you walk one tenth of
the way further down the stairs so that
on the count of one you'll find yourself
at the bottom of the stairs ten nine
that's it going deeper and deeper down
that staircase noticing whether there's
a banister or not noticing what each
step feels like under your feet seven
six going deeper and deeper more
comfortably into this state five four
that's it going all the way to and one
finding yourself at the bottom of the
staircase and as you find yourself at
the bottom of the staircase so you can
notice a door and you can just take a
moment to walk through that door into a
beautiful room and then you can take a
moment in that room just to look around
and relax for a minute and after you've
looked around and relaxed for a minute
so you can then head back out of that
room and up those stairs
and I'll count from one up to ten in a
moment and on the count of ten you can
open your eyes
leaving that tree and come back to the
here and now one two three four five
rousing up more and more six seven eight
nine and ten opening your eyes and come
back to the room
so just take a moment to close your eyes
and with your eyes closed I'd like you
just to begin to notice everything about
this moment in time so a part of you can
hear the sound of my voice and as a part
of you listens to the sound of my voice
you can notice sounds around you and as
you pay attention to sounds around you
you can begin to differentiate between
one sound and another and as well as
noticing between one sound and another
you can also notice how you're breathing
in and breathing out and what it feels
like to be breathing in and breathing
out what movement happens as you breathe
in and breathe out
you can notice the feeling of your eyes
notice any movement in the eyes and how
that movement is unconscious and can
help you go a little deeper into this
state you can notice feelings through
the body through your arms and your legs
perhaps noticing what your hands are
resting on noticing sensations in the
hands you can notice which hand is
warmest and which hand is the coolest
right now you can notice which hand is
heaviest on which hand is the lightest
you can notice what your shoulders feel
like what your back feels like and what
your legs feel like and you can notice
the thoughts that are going through your
mind right now as you become more
absorbed in hypnosis
and in a moment I'm going to count from
one up to three and on the count of
three you can open your eyes and come
back to the room one two three opening
your eyes and coming back to the room
so take a moment to close your eyes
and with Rhys clothes just rest your
hands gently on your legs and with your
hands rested gently on your legs you can
listen to my voice and as you listen to
my voice you can just drift deeper into
hypnosis and I know you've got a left
hand and a right hand and on the right
hand side is the hand that's left there
whilst on the left hand side is the hand
that's right there
in the same way that you've got a right
hand side of your body and the left hand
side of your body and sometimes the
right side to be thinking about is the
left and the wrong side to be thinking
about is right and other times the side
that's left to be thinking about is the
right side whilst other times the side
not to be thinking about is the left
side which can be right at other times
so sometimes what's right is wrong and
what's wrong is right and sometimes
what's left is what is right in the same
way that you can be traveling down a
street wondering what way to turn and
you can think I remember that it was
three left's and a right or was it two
rights in the left or was it two rights
are left and a right but was it two
left's and two rights and he can be
driving down a street and trying to
remember directions somewhere and you
can think I know that I had to take a
left or left or right and a left but I
can't remember which ones I've already
got left and which ones I've already
taken I don't know if I've gone the
right way right now or whether the route
I've got left is wrong
and so sometimes confusion can set in as
you try to work out whether the route
that's left is right or whether the
route that you've taken is right or if
the route you've taken is wrong and the
route that's left is wrong and as you
listen to me and drift deeper into
hypnosis I wonder whether your left hand
left right there is feeling heavier or
warmer than the right hand left right on
the other side because the hand that's
warmest is right whilst the hand that's
not warmest is the one that's left and
you can discover for yourself which way
round it is which one's the warm hand is
left right there and which one's the one
that's left right on the other side and
as you think about that you can just go
little deeper into hypnosis with each
breath that you take and then in a
moment I'm going to count from 1 up to 3
and on the count of 3 you can open your
eyes and come back out of this state 1 2
opening your eyes and coming back out of
this state
so thank you for taking the time to
watch this video and I hope that you
enjoyed it and found it helpful if you
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