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Hello and welcome to Sleepness nites.

My name is (insert name) I will be guiding

you into relaxation, meditation frequencies, and mental techniques to help you
sleep. Now the best way to relax is to lie down on a bed or a sofa or if you
have a futon, or a cardboard box. Please lie down on 1 of these if you can. Now
let's start off slowly relaxing our bodies. Breath in little breath, Breath in
again big breath again, exhale small breath, exhale small breath, exhale small
breath, exhale small breath. Now this time on the exhale I want you to feel as if
you can use the energy of breath to reach part of your body. So big inhale and when
you exhale you want to push the relaxation unto your feet, Now
this is a very powerful technique Now exhale and relax your feet, Inhale again then
relax feet, Your feet now are feeling relaxed, Now let's go a little futher and big
inhale, exhale, and feel your calfs relax, now tighten your calves
and let them loose, Your thighs, think of your thighs, Now relax your stomach
breath in little breath, breath in again big breath, exhale little breath, exhale
little breath, exhale little breath, Now take your right hand and put it
on your chest, and take your left hand and put it on your chest, now squeeze them
together and then let go, very good, Now let your eyes, your lips, your ears, your
nose, your throat, and brain relax and let's take a journey in our minds
we're going to go on a trip, a trip by plane.

Time to board the flight of the magical and mysterious place of wonder, water, and
surfaces. We put our luggage in the cabin, sit down and take off for flight. The
hostess comes around and asks you if you would like anything and your get
youself an adult beverage, because after all you want to be relaxed when we reach
the wonder world. They are showing an in flight movie and you can't believe it,
it's your favorite one. It was in a foriegn language so you decided not
to watch the movie. Luckily you brought your nice, extravagant beautiful colored
pillow with you. You rest it under your head and get comfortable. You close your
eyes but then the guy beside you decides to open the window and that wakes
you up for a second and it makes you mad that you didn't get the window seat. You
start to drift back off to sleep when then the flight attendent comes out and gives
you a late briefing on how to use your seatbelt and now your worried
that the flight...all the sudden turbulance, it's shaking the plane but for some
odd reason you find it relaxing. The sound of the luggage rattling, the noise of
the engine, and the silence of the people that are hoping they don't die
in this instance. Now you have entered your mind. A place of slow motion, calm
beautiful calamity. This peace does not come often and now you have obtained it.
The turblance comes to an end and you are dissappointed as the plane starts
to decend and your about to land in wonder world. Your no longer in the place you
once were. The planes wheels start to screech and you start to feel that feeling
again of calm beautiful calamity. A wheel departs from the plane and it's
a rough landing but you feel the peace inside yourself. Finally it's time to
unboard the plane. You grab your luggage and look forward to the future, where
there's a new beginning, a time of the end but a time of the new, for then is
then, and now is now. You step off the plane and you find yourself in a land of
beatiful horizons, sunsets of amber, a place where time does not exist, waterfalls,
rivers, and new beginning. You find yourself walking along a beach
looking at the beautiful sunset and a cloud you think looks like Will Ferrel. You
start to reminisce of movies of Will Ferrel and you remember you loved Wedding
Crashers but you have to stop thinking about Wedding Crashers or it will
keep you awake. So you think about Every Thing Must Go and you've found your
chakra. The soltice, the heart, and the 3rd eye. You can hear the wind in the
breeze and feel the sand between your toes, and the calm waves of destruction
dawn turns to dusk, The stars come out, your heart pounds, and as life is life, and
choices are choices. You chose this beach. You chose to be here. This is the
destination you wanted. You achieved what you set out to accomplish.
Now the world is your oyster. Through disaster you found a piece that was missing.
The puzzle isn't solved, but you have found a home in the puzzle. Now the pieces
are slowly coming together. You feel the cool breeze and the hot sand
on your feet. Ah so relaxing. The waves are rushing in like the ending of Point
Break. It's raining hard, the tide is at full and you know he's not coming back.
You stand on the peir in the rain, close your eyes and start meditating.
Deep breath in, Deep breath out, Deep breath in, Deep breath out, Deep breath in,
Deep breath out, good. Back into your mind, a dream within a dream. There is no
rain, there is no beach, there is no peir, it's just you sitting on a cloud
floating weightless above the earth wanting to find peace but it is not there. You
see a vision of your deity and they ask you why should I let you through these
gates and you can't answer them because you can't come up with one reason
why and you get casted down to a place where the sun does not shine. There's ghouls
and goblins and demons of sorts. You can't find the peace you need in this place
either. You see your sibling in this place and become happily upset.
Then you remember your were only in your mind in the rain on the peir. The rain
stops, the sun shines, you walk and 1 tear falls from your eye. The rays of
sunshine have risen again as you wake up in a pit that is black but you see
stairs. So you stair climbing up the stairs. 1 stair, 2 stairs, 3 stairs, 4 stairs,
and start seeing rays of beautiful sunlight hitting the shadows of the darkness.
Now you have reached the top and see a garden unlike any garden you
have seen before, with translucent butterflies, winged dragons, and giraffes. You
walk around the garden looking at the ripe tomatoes, the red sweating strawberries,
the oranges, and the apples of which you cannot eat. Your hunger
grows stronger and thirst for the fruits which you which you cannot eat of. Always
wanting and never weighing. Remembering this is where you wanted to be and you
achieved it but think to yourself is this what I really wanted.
As wave by waverolls in, punch by punch, hit by hit, but it ain't about how hard
you get hit it's about hard you can get hit and can keep moving forward.
All the sudden you find yourself in the beach and a enormmous wave is coming down
on you and splashes on you just like a clap of the hands.......
and you find yourself waking up on a soft comfortable bed and realize it was all a

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