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Acellus Assessment Step 128 Course 6th Grade Social Studies

Learning Objective Athens

1. What ancient civilization was Athens located in?

A.  Egyptian

B.  African

C.  Greek

D.  Roman
2. What city has been considered the "birthplace of democracy"?

A.  Athens

B.  Alexandria

C.  Cairo

D.  Rome

3. What contribution to society has Athens been known for?

A.  The origins of writing come from Athens.

B.  Athens had the first government of any society.

C.  It was where the number system came from.

D.  It is the birthplace of democracy.

4. Which of the following statements is true about ancient Athens?

A.  Athens replaced Rome after the Persian Wars.

B.  Athens was the first to have a naval force.

C.  Most of Western society gets its culture from Athens.

D.  Athens was the first civilization to use bronze and steel.

5. Which of the following is a characteristic of democracy?

A.  Citizens get to directly vote.

B.  Every democracy has a king.

C.  A democracy prohibits citizens’ rights.

D.  Trials and courts do not exist in a democracy.

6. Which of the following was a strength of ancient Athens?

A.  Their shipbuilding and sailing vessels.

B.  A Spartan army of over 1,000,000 men.

C.  The ability to use gunpowder for cannons.

D.  They were isolated from other civilizations.

7. Which of the following statements was true about the Athenian economy?

A.  Athens had very few resources, so the civilization collapsed quickly.

B.  It was stagnant because Athens avoided other civilizations.

C.  The economy was strong due to the shipping routes and trading.

D.  It struggled because of the lack of ships they had.

8. Which of the following was true about daily life in ancient Athens?

A.  Citizens could own slaves due to their prosperity in society.

B.  Citizens were not allowed to vote.

C.  Athenian life was harsh due to a struggling economy.

D.  Most Athenians left the city and moved to Sparta.

9. What was the primary building material of most temples in ancient Athens?

A.  Concrete

B.  Marble

C.  Steel

D.  Wood

10. About what age did ancient Athenian girls become eligible for marriage?

A.  12-13 years old

B.  16-18 years old

C.  20-21 years old

D.  24-25 years old

11. What rights did ancient Athenian women have?

A.  They could only vote.

B.  The could only own property.

C.  They could divorce.

D.  They had very little to none.

12. At about what age did ancient Athenian boys begin school?

A.  7 years old

B.  10 years old

C.  13 years old

D.  16 years old

13. What was expected of ancient Athenian men between the ages of 18-20?

A.  They would have to begin school by this age.

B.  They would have to be married between these ages.

C.  They would have to serve in their government.

D.  They would have to serve in the military.

14. What generally happened after an ancient Athenian male had served his two years of military

A.  He would then do two years of governmental service.

B.  He would immediately marry an Athenian woman.

C.  He came back home to do a career that his father had chosen for him.

D.  He would have to go off and fight in a war.

15. At about what age did ancient Athenian men marry?

A.  13

B.  20

C.  25

D.  30

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