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Nama: Rangga Maher A

Kelas / No : XI MIPA 1 / 25

Lunar Eclipse

The lunar eclipse is an event of the sun, the earth and the moon lie on
one line so that the shadow of the earth covers a part or whole moon.
The lunar eclipses that occur on this earth distinguished to several types,
they are total lunar eclipse, partial lunar eclipse and lunar eclipse

The process of the lunar eclipse begins when the earth is between the sun
and the moon on the same line. The result is the sunlight can not reach
the moon because it is blocked by the earth.

A total lunar eclipse is when the moon is right in the umbra (the darkest
area). On a partial lunar eclipse, the earth is not entirely blocking the
moon from the sun. While the other half of the surface of the moon is in
the penumbra area. So there is still some sunlight that reaches the
surface of the moon. On the lunar eclipse panumbra, all parts of the
moon are in the penumbra. So the moon can still be seen with a gloomy

There is also a very rare lunar eclipse phenomenon called super total
lunar eclipse red blood. This kind of lunar eclipse occurs due at the time
of occurence of the total lunar eclipse. The moon position is in the
position of the closest approach to the earth, thus making the moon
seem larger and brighter than usual and at the same time only red color
of sunlight penetrated to reflected by the earth’s atmosphere.


Kalimat cause and effect biasa juga disebut dengan kalimat sebab-akibat atau kalimat
kausalitas adalah kalimat yang dibangun dengan melibatkan tindakan yang membuat sesuatu
terjadi dan hasil dari tindakan tersebut. Paling gampang ditandai dengan kata hubung yang
menandakan sebab akibat, misalnya: because, for, since, when, dan as.

Contoh 1

I was lost so I opened Google Maps (Saya tersesat sehingga saya membuka Google Maps)

Cause : I was lost

Effect : I opened Google Maps

Contoh 2

The journey was quite quick because the road was clear. (perjalanan cukup cepat karena
jalanan bersih dari hambatan )

Cause : the road was clear.

Effect : the journey was quite quick

Contoh 3

As it is raining again, I will have to stay at home. (karena hujan sedang turun lagi, saya akan
tinggal di rumah)

Cause : it is raining again.

Effect : I will have to stay at home.

Contoh 4

Since she had not paid the rent,she was told to vacate the flat. (Karena dia belum membayar
sewa, dia diberitahu untuk mengosongkan ruangan.)

Cause : she had not paid the rent.

Effect : she was told to vacate the flat.

Contoh 5

When the ocean is extremely polluted, coral reefs die..

Cause : the ocean is extremely polluted.

Effect : coral reefs die

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