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We aim to discover and to develop the potential of high ability children

to a holistic persona, through an education of excellence, which

promotes differentiation in heterogeneity, by offering an enriched
personalised international education to help flourish the natural
abilities and potential of children. We recognize the special education
and counselling needs of gifted children. We support the development of
all three areas which make the gifted behaviour, being focused on
Renzulli's 3-Ring Conception of Giftedness.

Renzulli rings

Gifted and talented students may feel it is difficult to live up the

expectations of parents and teachers, and the expectations that they
have for themselves and so may avoid working to their full potential
rather than trying their best and risking failure. Underachievement
often reflects loss of motivation due to lack of challenge and
stimulation. Underachievement can also be due to learning difficulties
that have not been picked up, perhaps because the student can compensate
for them in other ways. Underachievers may show excellent reasoning
skills but perhaps have a working memory ability that is lower than
would be expected, or poorer reading skills than other children of
similar intellectual ability.

Gifted students need to feel that there is a place for them where they
can be encouraged to reach their potential.
„Are gifted kids really that different? Yes. They really are. They’re
often so much more of everything than other kids their age—more
intense, curious, challenging, frustrating, sensitive, assionate. They
know so much more. They learn so much faster. They feel so deeply.”
Author: Judy Galbraith, M.A. Author Of The Gifted Kids’ Survival

„Help children find their area of passion. This is key for a gifted
child. Finding childrens area of passion makes them avid learners, which
will then direct them to other and other areas of passion, which could
even stem one from another. It is in their area of passion where they
construct in fact their abilities, their moral and ethics, their
thinking and feeling skills. This transforms the young child into a
passionate, with a solid set of values, task-committed, dedicated,
vertical adult. „ Dr. Florian Colceag, international Expert in Gifted

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