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Islamabad College of Arts and Sciences

Grade 5 English Literature Test Chapter 3-7

Name:_______________________ Section:_________ Marks____/100
Time: 2hrs
Q.1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (10)
a) The name of the author of the novel “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is
b) The name of the author of the novel “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is
c) Violet was chewing her record setting piece of gum for ____________________.
d) Grandpa Joe gave Charlie a __________________ out of his purse.
e) The family members were allowed a second helping of food on _______________.
f) Augustus Gloop’s hobby was to ________________________.
g) _________________________ found the first golden ticket.
h) _________________________ found the second golden ticket.
i) _________________________ found the third golden ticket.
j) _________________________ found the fourth golden ticket.
Q.2. Where did Violet put her gum when it was not being chewed? (3)
Q.3. Write any two inventions of Mr. Willy Wonka which were unusual. (1)
Q.4. Who were some of the spies that stole secret from Mr. Willy Wonka’s factory?
Why did they do that? (5)
Ans. a. ______________________________________________________________
Ans. b. ______________________________________________________________

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