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1/30/24, 7:30 PM Chemical Reaction Unit Test | Quizizz

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Chemical Reaction Unit Test

Total questions: 22
Worksheet time: 46mins
Instructor name: Zarraz LEE

1. Identify all factors to help a chemist recognize that a chemical reaction had occurred. There may be more than 1
answer to this question.

a) Formation of bubbles b) Combustion occurred

c) Change in color d) Change in temperature

e) Solid dissolves in solution

2. Write the following reaction in a chemical equation:

A gas stove is lit due to a reaction between methane (CH4) and oxygen (O2). The reaction releases carbon dioxide
(CO2) and water (H2O).

3. The chemical reaction in an alkaline battery can be represented by the following chemical equation:
Zn + 2MnO2 + H2O ---> ZnO + 2MnOOH

What are the reactant(s) for this experiment?

a) Zn b) ZnO
c) 2MnO2 d) 2MnOOH

e) H2O

4. An element plus additional element reacts to form one product is an example of which type of chemical reaction?

a) decomposition b) combustion

c) single replacement d) synthesis

5. A compound is reacted and forms two new substances. What type of reaction is this?

a) synthesis b) decomposition
c) combustion d) single replacement 1/4
1/30/24, 7:30 PM Chemical Reaction Unit Test | Quizizz

6. Increasing the temperature of a chemical solution will.......

a) decrease the kinetic energy of the molecules in the b) increase the kinetic energy of the molecules in the
solution solution
c) not change the kinetic energy of the molecules in the

7. If the reactant particles collide with more than the activation energy, the particles will be react, and new chemical bonds
will be formed.

a) True b) False

8. The chemical reaction in an alkaline battery can be represented by the following chemical equation:
Zn + 2MnO2 + H2O ---> ZnO + 2MnOOH

What are the product(s) for this experiment?

a) 2MnOOH b) 2MnO2
c) Zn d) ZnO
e) H2O

9. The chemical reaction to synthesize ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen can be represented as below. However, the
equation is not balanced. Balance the equation by answering the questions below:

N2 + H2 ---> NH3

a. How many N2 molecules is required for this reaction?

b. How many H2 molecules is required for this reaction?
c. How many NH3 compounds will be produced?

Your answer should be clearly stated in three parts.

10. An acid has a pH

a) lower than 7 b) 7
c) greater than 14 d) higher than 7

11. if you add an acid to a base what will happen?

a) the acid and base will be diluted b) it wont mix

c) combustion will occur d) it will neutralize 2/4
1/30/24, 7:30 PM Chemical Reaction Unit Test | Quizizz

12. Human blood has a pH between 7.35 and 7.45. Which of the following best describes human blood?

a) strongly acidic b) slightly acidic

c) strongly basic d) slightly basic

13. Identify the salt in the following equation:

Zn(OH)2 + HNO3 ---> H2O + Zn(NO3)2

a) Zn(OH)2 b) Zn(NO3)2
c) HNO3 d) H2O

14. Scale that measures how acidic or basic something is.

a) pH b) bH
c) aH d) Hp


The table shows the pH of several solutions. Which solution has the greatest concentration (amount) of H+ ions?

a) water b) bleach
c) vinegar d) milk

16. What term is given to a reaction which transfers heat energy to the surroundings?

a) Endothermic b) Exothermic
c) Exotermic d) Reversible

17. if more heat energy is released in making bonds in the products than is taken in when breaking bonds in the reactants

a) Exotermic b) Endothermic

c) Exothermic d) Endotermic 3/4
1/30/24, 7:30 PM Chemical Reaction Unit Test | Quizizz


Is this diagram endothermic or exothermic

a) Endothermic b) Endote
c) Exotermic d) Exothermic

19. What type of chemical reaction absorbs energy and requires energy for the reaction to occur?

a) Endotermic b) Exotermic

c) Exothermic d) Endothermic

20. What is collision theory?

a) Molecules need enough energy to collide and react. b) Molecules must collide in the correct orientation with
enough energy to bond.

c) The minimum energy needed for atoms to react d) Atoms constantly collide and react.

21. Which has more surface area?

a) Small chunks of sugar b) Cube of sugar

c) Powdered sugar d) Large chunks of chalk

22. More collisions correspond to a:

a) Slower reaction rate b) Constant reaction rate

c) Faster reaction rate d) None of the above 4/4

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